Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

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Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

Post by TehSpoderman » 25 Apr 2017, 17:56

thoughts on the AyyLmao AKA Almayer?
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Re: Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

Post by Swagile » 25 Apr 2017, 17:58

Shit survivor spawns in which you spawn almost right next to larvae spawns, or spawn in a room that takes forever to escape from with your lonely crowbar and makes lots of noises aka attracts xenos to you early game.

Will input more if I find anything more to say.

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Re: Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

Post by Casany » 25 Apr 2017, 18:02

Swagile wrote:Shit survivor spawns in which you spawn almost right next to larvae spawns, or spawn in a room that takes forever to escape from with your lonely crowbar and makes lots of noises aka attracts xenos to you early game.

Will input more if I find anything more to say.
He's talking about the SHIP, not the planet
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Re: Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

Post by Swagile » 25 Apr 2017, 18:25

Oh, ship?

Lower deck is gunna be ladder camp hell, the ladders have one-ish tile entrance / exits that can be sealed off then grenaded / screeched depending on what side camps it from what I saw of the ship.

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Re: Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

Post by Sarah_U. » 25 Apr 2017, 18:27

I actually love the idea that there's foamed metal or at the very least, a cushion between dangerous sections of the ship. It adds to the realism of the whole thing since to the very least the ship wouldn't have empty air or hallways next to explosives; Furthermore it even add occasions where these areas will be used for combat or to dig through.

I like the potential behind it and I'm pretty hyped on trying it out myself, it's enough for me to actually consider picking up some of the passive roles of the marine side AT LONG LAST once more.

Hm, what else? I kinda get annoyed at the low-budget animations and some very sharp or too cartoony details, but overall still like the art. I'm also VERY APPRECIATIVE of the variations in the hull which gives it OH SO MORE DETAILS AND CHARM!...

Overall, I'll miss the sullaco and feel bad it was taken out, but even if the Almayer is enormous it'll still be a fun experience for now. I like the grillaged floor as well~
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Re: Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

Post by David Attenbruv » 25 Apr 2017, 19:14

I like the ship completely.

It's a bit irritating at first to get your head around, I was lost for ages and when I'm lost I lose interest in the round pretty quickly because running around like a headless chicken is only fun for so long. Though given the Admin Team here were ontop of that pretty quickly with the place holder image they uploaded to the Wiki there's no longer a problem of being lost anymore so. That's my only quarrel really. I like that there's multiple ships, which is realistic because in the Movie(s) they only deployed one to drop off the squad of Marines with Ripley because that was a small dettachment of them, I can't remember the exact number but it was a small chunk in comparison to what that ship probably had onboard.

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Re: Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

Post by Renomaki » 25 Apr 2017, 19:43

I have my ups and downs about the ship.

On the one side, I like how the ship has been designed to be more effective in how marines prepare, with all the normal stops a marine takes all on a leftward path instead of all over the place, ensuring marines get to briefing more easily and then hit the hanger right afterwards just like that. Real nifty design that.

There is also the fact that MTs been buffed to be insanely more important, considering the new engine is a lot more work intensive and requires a fair bit of micro management to run, unlike the SM which didn't require much afterwards and was boring to work on.

However, on the other side of things, it is harder to find areas of importance on the ship, since they are more tucked away and all the doors cannot be seen through, which is annoying as fuck when clearly there are windows in them...

Also, I believe CTs been nerfed, since with all the marine armory venders located in each squad's prep room, how are they supposed to get things like ammo and helmets? Do they need to annoy an MP in order to get into the marine prep rooms now? I'm not quite sure, since I haven't played CT on the Alma yet, but I do hope it isn't too brutal on them... Helmets are still a very common item that is ordered, and making it harder to gather sucks for the marines planetside.
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Re: Initial thoughts on the AyyLmao

Post by driecg36 » 25 Apr 2017, 20:00

I played a few RO rounds recently reno, and with the high pop we have it's not that hard to find a marine or an MP that will open the doors for you.

However, the ridiculous size of the ship does making dragging things a massive pain. Taking crates all the way to the shuttles takes a while (which is especially a problem now since squad beacons dont work).

I do think the ct's and the ro should have access to the prep rooms however. It would be a pretty big help, and would save us a lot of time.
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