Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

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Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Xurphorus » 26 Apr 2017, 11:59

Your Byond Key: Xurphorus

Your Character Name: Xur ''Ghost'' Dergens(Marine), Cetanu Bhu'ja(Predator)

Accused Byond Key(if known): Halinder

Character Name: The Xenomorph Queen

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 4/26/2017, around 10:30-11:30 am

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 1(Maybe) , and Rule 8

Description of the incident: I join as a predator not too late into the round, way before the hour mark, I get geared, I go down to the ground, and I scout around. I find the other predator(Sarah_U) and exchange a few words, we go on different paths afterwards. I encounter a hunter, the hunter stalks me and then says ''Head Hunter, my queen is looking for you'' I ignore the hunter and continue on. Moments later I encounter the Queen, I quickly ignore that path and then notice the queen chasing me down with a bunch of other xenos. I kept making my way until I crossed paths with the other predator. Due to having the entire hive at my back they see the other predator, rush them, and proceed to attack them. The queen(Halinder) comes in stun locks the predator with the other xenos, and proceeds to use the gib ability, killing the predator. I escaped after witnessing this action. It all seemed rushed, along with the blatant show of Meta-targeting, and powergamey with the use of the gib ability to kill a stun locked predator. Moments later I encounter Delta squad, I tried to speak with them but the Queen and the hive again hunted me down, encountered delta and killed them all. I manage to escape once more. Marines now think I killed Delta or had something to do with it so they are tasked with hunting me down. Still this is all before the hour mark. I finally encounter the queen, or perhaps they encountered me as I was trying to RP with the marines, the marines shot at both me and the xenos but the queen came after me directly, runners helping her tackle locked me as the queen used the gibbing ability on me next.

This seemed pretty dickish to me, and it ruins the round for anyone on the whitelist attempting to have a sliver of fun. The targeting was apparent, the use of the gibbing to kill full health predators was unfair especially with the constant stun locking. This prevents the use of the Predator bomb, and when confronted about the issue in ooc after the round they responded with ''Disliking the predators'' using that as a reason for hunting them down unprovoked early in the round and killing them.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
How you would punish the accused: This is completely up to the staff, personally I'd want them to have a temporary Job-ban from being an Alien but that's just the salt talking.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Karmac » 26 Apr 2017, 12:03

Alright so this was resolved after I took it up with head staff, the resolution was that this is completely acceptable behaviour, some people questioned the Queen gibbing you as you activated your pred bomb, but all in all this was handled and labelled as "Nothing wrong here". Feel free to argue it if you like, but that's the answer I got from Feweh himself after I investigated it.
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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Feweh » 26 Apr 2017, 12:08

This is great, no rule breaks.

Xenos work upon infection and killing, they see a species and they're instantly considered prey.
As well, Xenos and Predators do actually have pre-meta knowledge of eachother in the universe.

0 rule breaks and you got owned.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Xurphorus » 26 Apr 2017, 12:09

I really don't know how to respond to that, I guess I'm not surprised that this is going to be swept under the rug.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Feweh » 26 Apr 2017, 12:11

Xurphorus wrote:I really don't know how to respond to that, I guess I'm not surprised that this is going to be swept under the rug.

Your complaint is that the xenos tricked a yautja into talking to them and you were hunted by the other xenos.

Your entire complaint is that you were out-smarted and outplayed.

Theres 0 basis of any issues or rule breaks here.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Xurphorus » 26 Apr 2017, 12:13

Feweh wrote:This is great, no rule breaks.

Xenos work upon infection and killing, they see a species and they're instantly considered prey.
As well, Xenos and Predators do actually have pre-meta knowledge of eachother in the universe.

0 rule breaks and you got owned.
Its not about getting owned, its the fact that they openly sought out the predators and attacked them, the entire hive, queen included. My main issue was the stun locking, and Queen gibbing. It gives no chance to retaliate, none. If this happened to You, Apop, or Rah this would have been a big issue.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Xurphorus » 26 Apr 2017, 12:15

Feweh wrote:Your complaint is that the xenos tricked a yautja into talking to them and you were hunted by the other xenos.

Your entire complaint is that you were out-smarted and outplayed.

Theres 0 basis of any issues or rule breaks here.
I said I had ignored the Xenos, it was too early in the round to just openly hunt them, and personally I don't hunt them until after a certain time in the round. I didn't get out-smarted, we were targeted.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Feweh » 26 Apr 2017, 12:16

Xurphorus wrote:Its not about getting owned, its the fact that they openly sought out the predators and attacked them, the entire hive, queen included. My main issue was the stun locking, and Queen gibbing. It gives no chance to retaliate, none. If this happened to You, Apop, or Rah this would have been a big issue.

Ok, but why are you there as a Predator?
You're technically there lore wise to hunt Xenos, so why is it unacceptable for xenos to work together and hunt Predators?

Thats the issue here, is that the xenos worked together for once and over-came Predators by out-smarting and out-playing them.

This is a salty report Xur.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Xurphorus » 26 Apr 2017, 12:24

Feweh wrote:Ok, but why are you there as a Predator?
You're technically there lore wise to hunt Xenos, so why is it unacceptable for xenos to work together and hunt Predators?

Thats the issue here, is that the xenos worked together for once and over-came Predators by out-smarting and out-playing them.

This is a salty report Xur.
Feweh, you're not hearing me. Me and the other pred were looking for materials for a lodge, the round was early, openly hunting xenos would drastically affect the round, and its like stepping on egg shells, one wrong move and its gonna look dishonorable or something like that. This has nothing to do with out-smarting or out-playing, the round was still early for us, I can't speak for the other Predator who was in that round, and if they had a bad encounter with the Xenos before I arrived but to be sought out by xenos to be meta-gibbed really ruins the round, especially if you're unaware as to why Xenos are attacking you withe a whole force.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by forwardslashN » 26 Apr 2017, 12:28

I don't see a problem here. You were outnumbered, overtaken, and butchered by an enemy that lives only to infect or kill. Queen gibbing is an ability only one xeno has in the entire hive, and it ripped you apart before you could detonate. I think it's pretty thematic and awesome. There is no time limit where marines or xenos can attack predators; if they want to attack you, they can. Just because you failed to fight off your attacker does not make this a valid player report.
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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Sarah_U. » 26 Apr 2017, 12:32

It wasn't even 15 minutes in that the queen decided to hunt us out on first contact and attempt to gib us. Decisions like that are essentially not based on the actions taken during the round and the threat we represent, but the out of character knowledge and/or out-world knowledge xenos possess.

It's not that I despise the queen or anything, but I still feel like predators as being unbalanced as a whole against xenos (I won't get into details on that) are getting focused by all sides and stand no chance to even step feet onto the map without having the entire hive chasing them due to how they affect the round and not for the actions they've commited or the threat they've made themselves represent.

The gibbing as a whole is already enough to prove that the xenos knew of the bomb and decided to prevent that risk by gibbing the pred rather than try to do like they would with any other humanoid they usually fight. I didn't see the queen rushing around trying to gib marines, I just saw her playing extremely agressively (To her honor) and trying to chase us for external reasons (Player stated he despised preds and decided to get rid of us as soon as we were spotted, ordering the hive to march).

It's pretty third-wall imo, but I'm just adding informations; Personally I had a semi-answer on that matter and apparently xenos can rush you on landing and kill every single players they want without a care for gameplay or fun so. (No complaint, even thou it sounds like one, just trying to voice informations again).

SO YEA, summary: We got rushed, we got gibbed to prevent bombing, I still feel it was meta and if the xenos aren't allowed to use off-world knowledge then I wish for this to continue, otherwise I'm still making suggestions.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Xurphorus » 26 Apr 2017, 12:38

forwardslashN wrote:I don't see a problem here. You were outnumbered, overtaken, and butchered by an enemy that lives only to infect or kill. Queen gibbing is an ability only one xeno has in the entire hive, and it ripped you apart before you could detonate. I think it's pretty thematic and awesome. There is no time limit where marines or xenos can attack predators; if they want to attack you, they can. Just because you failed to fight off your attacker does not make this a valid player report.
We were stunned locked, I don't know if the other pred triggered their detonation, I myself didn't. They were getting tackle-spammed by multiple xenos, along with the queen using both tackle, and the gib ability, so there is no escape for them. The same got done to me not even 10 minutes later when I was trying to get away. I was still green in my heath, so going for my detonation is not the first thing on my mind. Just being stunlocked like that, not being able to do anything about it, even while cloaked when it happened, and then gibbed. Thats the real issue behind my player report, the player admitted to their dislike for predators and used that as the reason to attack them so early on in the round.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Feweh » 26 Apr 2017, 12:41

Xurphorus wrote:We were stunned locked, I don't know if the other pred triggered their detonation, I myself didn't. They were getting tackle-spammed by multiple xenos, along with the queen using both tackle, and the gib ability, so there is no escape for them. The same got done to me not even 10 minutes later when I was trying to get away. I was still green in my heath, so going for my detonation is not the first thing on my mind. Just being stunlocked like that, not being able to do anything about it, even while cloaked when it happened, and then gibbed. Thats the real issue behind my player report, the player admitted to their dislike for predators and used that as the reason to attack them so early on in the round.

So kind of like how something like that would actually play out. 5-6 xenos attaching a predator all at once? Im pretty sure theyd be tackled and subdued to the ground unable to activate bracers.

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by forwardslashN » 26 Apr 2017, 12:55

Feweh is right. Predators are strong, but in the lore they always get overwhelmed by larger xenomorph numbers. With the queen there, it's very unlikely you would be able to fight them off. SS13 mechanics allow for some silly hijinks, but you were surrounded and being held down. It's not like the xenos would just let you walk away.
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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Halinder » 26 Apr 2017, 12:59

Yeah, as soon as the first runner mentioned headhunters I abandoned Lambda, gathered the hive, and sent a pair of hunters scouting for you guys. The main complaint at this point seems to be the gibbing, but well:

A. Alt-click wasn't working for me so I was only able to pull you guys while you were uncloaked, meaning that when you cloaked to avoid being gutted, I had already toggled pulling.
B. Killing preds is stupidly difficult because of their armor. Gibbing wasn't a method of evading the bombs, it was just easier to do than trying to slash your helmets off and decapitate you.
https://i.gyazo.com/75f378476ef8f516e2f ... 2fa13b.png

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Re: Queen Meta( Nomadic Hive)

Post by Feweh » 01 May 2017, 16:54

Resolved, no action taken.
