Split Alamayer and Colony Cameras into Seperate Networks

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Split Alamayer and Colony Cameras into Seperate Networks

Post by Boredone » 05 May 2017, 14:15

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary)

Put Colony cameras on a seperate camera network from the Alamayer ones.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole)

Bit of immersion, and prevents meta usage of cameras on maps like Big Red. I've seen atleast one guy get yelled at for lookin' through them and getting knowledge about the aliens before they even had briefing on the basis it was Meta.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc)

Basically the idea is that the Alamayer and Colony cameras should have a seperate 'Camera Network' thing, so that you can't look at Colony Cameras using Camera consoles on the Alamayer, and vice versa maybe. Shouldn't have too many downsides, one possible problem is it means command staff can't access the Colony camera network at all without heading down, even with some work, unless you give the colony camera consoles a different circuit board.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it)

Should be easy enough. Assumin' the way cameras work hasn't been too changed compared to TG's, the network cameras (And Security Camera Consoles) should have a variable for what network they use, so changing this should be simple, just tedious for mappers. As mentioned in details, might require some extra work in making a new circuit board for colony Camera Consoles if you like the idea of folks scavenging consoles on the planet to bring up for command staff to use.

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Byond: phil235

Re: Split Alamayer and Colony Cameras into Seperate Networks

Post by phil235 » 05 May 2017, 15:01

This is more a bug report than a suggestion.

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Re: Split Alamayer and Colony Cameras into Seperate Networks

Post by Snypehunter007 » 11 May 2017, 10:34

Bug. Moving to the bug section.
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Re: Split Alamayer and Colony Cameras into Seperate Networks

Post by phil235 » 05 Jun 2017, 20:24

Seems fixed.
