XO report

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XO report

Post by OatzAndHoes » 08 May 2017, 05:48

Your Byond Key: Oatzandhoes

Your Character Name: Terry Franks

Accused Byond Key(if known): David Attenbruv

Character Name: Johnny O'Connor

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 4:00 AM US Central Time

What rule(s) were broken: Either the Commander or Executive Officer must be on the ship AT ALL TIMES. If one goes to the surface, the other must remain on the ship.

Description of the incident:
Initially ordered marines to set up a FOB at lz2 and ordered marines to stay away from lz1 no matter what, even though tcomms was down. The XO instead tried to get everyone to rush research. Eventually some of us went to rescue a survivor who had set up comms and was calling for help at lz1. By this time command was not active on any of the squadron channels, and we had no idea what was going on. Comms then went down again, and we were overrun by xenos, forcing a retreat back to the almayer around the 13:00ish mark. When we arrived shipside we saw that power was failing, and that there were no command staff anywhere to be found. We then were told by a PFC that the XO had gone down on the shuttle without telling his POs and was immediately dragged off by xenos.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Jobban from XO

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Re: XO report

Post by David Attenbruv » 08 May 2017, 06:13

OatzAndHoes wrote:What rule(s) were broken: Either the Commander or Executive Officer must be on the ship AT ALL TIMES. If one goes to the surface, the other must remain on the ship.
I'm going to break that down pretty easily for the moment.
  • I was the only Executive Officer in the ship which is a given of course though I meant that as more of SO's/XO's/CO's as a collective. Command Staff ultimately.
  • I was one of two ship staff that was currently available.
  • There were no SO's what so ever.
  • I believe one to none RO's.
  • One MT/CE that went SSD Early-Round.
With that out of the way I was the only Executive Officer online and there were no CO neither was there any SO or any other Staff that I could possibly do the task that was partially completed I'll explain the situation in the lower part of this reply.
OatzAndHoes wrote:Description of the incident:
Initially ordered marines to set up a FOB at lz2 and ordered marines to stay away from lz1 no matter what.
Please show me a screenshot where I said that other than I said "No one should be going to LZ-One." At the round start because the tasks where assigned opposite of LZ-One.
OatzAndHoes wrote:The XO instead tried to get everyone to rush research.
Tasks actually where, was that Alpha that had the only active Engineer currently online in the game even in the later part of the game. They were assigned to fixing up Engineering then establishing a FOB at Research Labs in the South of the Map underneath/directly-underneath Atmos'. Then Delta was assigned to protect Alpha's Engineer/defense of the FOB. Bravo was assigned the LZ-Two protection/FOB and Charlie was assigned protection/keeping the generator active inside of Engineering once Alpha had initially fixed it up in the beginning.
OatzAndHoes wrote:Eventually some of us went to rescue a survivor who had set up comms and was calling for help at lz1. By this time command was not active on any of the squadron channels, and we had no idea what was going on.
There was two survivors, Alpha reported it in as Cannibals. There was a custom event being hosted today or at the same time as this report was posted that survivors that died during the round were being revived and brought back to life as infected from a accident at the Research Facillity. There's more depth to it than that but unfortunately the round didn't go as planned and the idea wasn't fully brought around in full swing. Biolock/Kailey/Freemysoul can explain the situation in more detail.

They called for help but then were killed by a infected survivor that ate him/her and that were reported by the Alpha SL on the Comm channel which you'll be able to find in the logs. However I remember it as "Cannabalist Survivor attacked me." "Tried to eat me." Of which a announcement was made that Marines were free to engaged crazed survivors that come off hostile to the task at hand and rescue the others. The reason why the comm channels were down was because of two reasons:
  • A. The ship had ran out of power. As I said before the MT/CE was SSD early round and I was made unaware of the situation as of current. Whilst Oatz was finding out about Survivors asking for help I was looting the Engineering Department for tools to repair the Fusion Reactors and get the SMES working with charging.
    B. Because of that reason the terminals along with all lights were turned off/down because of the lack of power going through the ship, there was currently only three Ship Staff available at the given time which was the Doctor. Samantha 'Patches' Clark along with one MP who spawned in late-game and myself.
OatzAndHoes wrote: were told by a PFC that the XO had gone down on the shuttle without telling his POs and was immediately dragged off by xenos.
The horrible thing with that is, is that the PFC that told you that was the same PFC that accompanied me down to the planet with myself. There was three Marines that accompanied me down to the planet. I didn't solo it and if a Moderators checks the logs then you can re-confirm that by the fact that I told them specifically what I was doing before giving them the task of specifically defending the Drop Ship along with my self which they did to the letter. However, unfortunately when I had got to the APC the Xenos did flock to the Drop Ship. When we got inside I closed the emergency shutters cutting them off from the body of the Drop Ship then I sacrificed my self in the cockpit to get those three/two Marines back to the Almayer without me. Hence why I got dragged off and that PFC managed to tell you what he told you.

P'sure that taking the word of mouth that's from a completely IC perspective from someone that clearly didn't give the full story is pretty shoddy evidence to say the least but, I didn't make the report and the worse thing with that is, if I'm completely wrong about the PFC that told you that information and it wasn't the one I saved from being overwhelmed then I wouldn't know how he'd of known anything about the ordeal and given that fact, if it was the Marine I saved, he didn't give you the full story neither the explanation which was given to him or you got your information from someone that didn't know the situation or if not that, you didn't know about it at all and wasn't told about it IC at all and took the information from Dead chat and formulated your own opinion from there.

Either way it were a half story to a full story. I'd request or suggest a screenshot of this conversation because even if it were dead chat that you got this infromation from then that only adds to the latter part of my reply about this being purely dchat salt which a fair few agree with and if it was IC and there were logs of it again, you were given half information of a full story which to me makes this entire report shakey as you don't really know what you're talking about at all with little to 0 evidence.
OatzAndHoes wrote: Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc)
I'd like to note the reason why OatzandHoez has literally no logs neither screenshots of this situation is because he only complained about this after the fact that he died. Biolock along with other Moderators online at the time along with freemysoul can account for that.
OatzAndHoes wrote:Jobban from XO
It's a utter meme arrow that you'd even hint toward that. I'd also like to make moderators know of a couple things whilst you read this report.
Executive Officer

The XO must follow Execution Procedure.
See "ID Rules" above for info on job reassignments.
Do not allow Staff Officers to leave the Sulaco unless absolutely necessary for a specific, explainable reason. Their presence on the Bridge using the Overwatch consoles is far more advantageous to the entire team.
This was in the server rules about Executive Officer, the latter part of this is the more specific part I'm highlighting. Although yes I read the rules on either the Executive Officer or the Commanding Officer should remain on the ship. Which I totally agree to, I was without any SO's neither any ship staff to be able to re-assign to the task of getting Telecommunications back up and working, neither could I communicate with the squads because:
  • Terminals were down at the CiC
  • Comms were also down both planet and ship side.
I also went out of my way to collect all the late spawns I could which were three to protect me along with taking their equipment to fix up the APC down planet side there were two reasons for that again:
  • 1. That'd be able to make me able to talk to the Marines planet side if I had of remained there if I could've which I couldn't of at the time
    2. If I had fixed that one along with the remnants of the squads remaining I'd of been able to go back to the ship and repair the ship so that the comms would re-establish themselves.
I'd also like to note that I was currently in a Discord channel with Moderators:
  • Kailey
  • Biolock
  • Freemysoul
And I had stated what I was doing before hand of doing it and they made no comment as towards me not doing it.
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Re: XO report

Post by OatzAndHoes » 08 May 2017, 06:42

David Attenbruv wrote:I'm going to break that down pretty easily for the moment.
  • I was the only Executive Officer in the ship which is a given of course though I meant that as more of SO's/XO's/CO's as a collective. Command Staff ultimately.
  • I was one of two ship staff that was currently available.
  • There were no SO's what so ever.
  • I believe one to none RO's.
  • One MT/CE that went SSD Early-Round.
With that out of the way I was the only Executive Officer online and there were no CO neither was there any SO or any other Staff that I could possibly do the task that was partially completed I'll explain the situation in the lower part of this reply.
All the more reason for you to do your job and stay on the ship. You should not be abandoning the ship as the only officer onboard, nevermind as the only XO/CO.
David Attenbruv wrote:Please show me a screenshot where I said that other than I said "No one should be going to LZ-One." At the round start because the tasks where assigned opposite of LZ-One.
By the time I had learned you had abandoned the ship it was too late for screenshots, but logs will show that you said something to that effect right after briefing.
David Attenbruv wrote:They called for help but then were killed by a infected survivor that ate him/her and that were reported by the Alpha SL on the Comm channel which you'll be able to find in the logs. However I remember it as "Cannabalist Survivor attacked me." "Tried to eat me." Of which a announcement was made that Marines were free to engaged crazed survivors that come off hostile to the task at hand and rescue the others. The reason why the comm channels were down was because of two reasons:
  • A. The ship had ran out of power. As I said before the MT/CE was SSD early round and I was made unaware of the situation as of current. Whilst Oatz was finding out about Survivors asking for help I was looting the Engineering Department for tools to repair the Fusion Reactors and get the SMES working with charging.
    B. Because of that reason the terminals along with all lights were turned off/down because of the lack of power going through the ship, there was currently only three Ship Staff available at the given time which was the Doctor. Samantha 'Patches' Clark along with one MP who spawned in late-game and myself.
Shipside comms and power was still down by the time we had retreated back to the almayer. As XO you should have worked on fixing the ships power before even considering dropping down(which is still against the rules).
David Attenbruv wrote:The horrible thing with that is, is that the PFC that told you that was the same PFC that accompanied me down to the planet with myself. There was three Marines that accompanied me down to the planet. I didn't solo it and if a Moderators checks the logs then you can re-confirm that by the fact that I told them specifically what I was doing before giving them the task of specifically defending the Drop Ship along with my self which they did to the letter. However, unfortunately when I had got to the APC the Xenos did flock to the Drop Ship. When we got inside I closed the emergency shutters cutting them off from the body of the Drop Ship then I sacrificed my self in
the cockpit to get those three/two Marines back to the Almayer without me. Hence why I got dragged off and that PFC managed to tell you what he told you.

Make an announcement before you go down as a CO/XO. Also what you did was still against the rules.
David Attenbruv wrote:P'sure that taking the word of mouth that's from a completely IC perspective from someone that clearly didn't give the full story is pretty shoddy evidence to say the least but, I didn't make the report.
You admitted to going down in dchat logs.
David Attenbruv wrote:I'd like to note the reason why OatzandHoez has literally no logs neither screenshots of this situation is because he only complained about this after the fact that he died. Biolock along with other Moderators online at the time along with freemysoul can account for that.
I don't have logs or screenshots because I was playing the round until I escaped on the pod, by which time the round was almost over. You keep trying to bring up how I don't have logs but openly admit that you broke the rules. When I brought up the complaint doesn't matter, you broke the rules and were considered incompetent by nearly every single marine on the ground.
David Attenbruv wrote:Comms were also down both planet and ship side.
Then work on fixing them shipside as is your job. Let the marines handle ground comms and power.

Now with that out of the way here are some direct quotes from the server rules:
apophis775 wrote:Job-Specific Rules (Note: These rules override anything above and apply to anyone performing the tasks associated with the jobs as well).
apophis775 wrote:Either the Commander or Executive Officer must be on the ship AT ALL TIMES. If one goes to the surface, the other must remain on the ship.
It's spelt out pretty clear here that this rule is not to be broken. You left the Almayer, there was not a CO present on the almayer while you were on the ground. The rule broken is a rule that overrides all rules preceding it(which is the entirety of marine specific rules and general rules). It's pretty cut and dry in my opinion.

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Re: XO report

Post by David Attenbruv » 08 May 2017, 07:18

OatzAndHoes wrote:All the more reason for you to do your job and stay on the ship. You should not be abandoning the ship as the only officer onboard, nevermind as the only XO/CO.
Yes, I see your logic. I should remain on the ship, with one doctor, one Corporate Liason, One MP. With no way for either the planet to communicate to the Almayer and the Almayer to communicate with the planet. I see your sound logic. I should've remained in the CiC and did absolutely nothing. Because even if I had fixed the Fusion Reactors that would still not solve the planetside Communications issue. So I couldn't of re-adjusted the forces on the ground even if I had wanted to. So I figured the math out right? Follow along with me:
Planet + Ship = Global communication
Ship - Planet = Ship staff would've been able to communicate, no one else.
Planet = out of the question as no one made any effort to touch it and followed orders which is extremely good I fault no one for that.
OatzAndHoes wrote:By the time I had learned you had abandoned the ship it was too late for screenshots, but logs will show that you said something to that effect right after briefing.
I actually stated the log right after briefing but, alright we'll wait for that log. :)
OatzAndHoes wrote:Shipside comms and power was still down by the time we had retreated back to the almayer. As XO you should have worked on fixing the ships power before even considering dropping down(which is still against the rules)
So actually my reasoning as to saying in my reply that the power when the marines returned to the ship was operation due to my efforts for the Fusion Reactors only reinforces my point that I was going to fix the planet comms then return with the dettachment of Marines to then fix the ship comms like I originally stated before. It was fixed and there is logs to that also if the Moderators can look at the logs of me replacing the Fusion Cells to the Fusion Reactors along with fixing up a few others.
OatzAndHoes wrote:(which is still against the rules)
We know what you're reporting about. Though I rather clearly broke down my reasonings and also the entire scenario, you simply said "He left the ship." Which is neither enlightening to any Moderators/Admins that will read this report as oppose to what I'm saying which is the full story which can be backed up with logs and evidence along with witnesses from Discord to what I did, why I did it and the situation in which it occured in.
OatzAndHoes wrote:Make an announcement before you go down as a CO/XO. Also what you did was still against the rules.
I couldn't because the terminals weren't operational. You state that it's against the rules but again I'll re-adjust you another time to the reasonings and the facts rather than repeated "Rules." As I've quite clearly acknowledged the rules and admitted to going down planetside though not in the manner that you're clearly distorting in your first post and partially in this reply. I also like that you replied in the same format as me which leads me to believe you can't actually construct your own type of retort with any factual neither statemental facts or situations and have to rely on my method of retort to even make yours viable.
OatzAndHoes wrote:You admitted to going down in dchat logs.
That makes it all the more funnier to me personally because you don't actually have any proof of anything other than what I said when you baited me out in dchat by threatening reports on me for little to no information on anything and also insulting me which again Moderators can pick out through the logs and of which before Oatz quotes me in retort or to take it away initially I did say "Let autists be autists." Only due to the fact that he and one other actually said that I evac'd the ship when I was already dead and the Corporate Liason who was also dead at the time, actually did it and admitted to it and even after that fact they continued to blame me even when the CL of that round admitted to it so. Go figure your only basis for your report was based on a off-handed comment due to your insults toward me in dchat.
OatzAndHoes wrote:I don't have logs or screenshots
OatzAndHoes wrote:I don't have logs or screenshots

OatzAndHoes wrote:I don't have logs or screenshots

I'm sorry are we basing this off of factual evidence and logs or we just simply going with the policy of he said, she said.
OatzAndHoes wrote:were considered incompetent by nearly every single marine on the ground.
Policy of he said, she said. Got'cha. Side-note incompetence isn't a bannable offence and it's opinionated.
OatzAndHoes wrote:Then work on fixing them shipside as is your job. Let the marines handle ground comms and power.
Now with that out of the way here are some direct quotes from the server rules:
Bruh, repeating server rules time and time again. I'm fairly sure that when a Admin/Moderate gets around to replying to this they'll see all you're doing is sacrificing all reason and logic which was perfectly applicable to the situation for what I've detailed explicity as to why I did what I did with the acknowledgement of both Freemysoul, Biolock and Kailey in the channel with me when I told them what I were doing for purposes to avoid this specific problem.
OatzAndHoes wrote:It's spelt out pretty clear here that this rule is not to be broken. You left the Almayer, there was not a CO present on the almayer while you were on the ground. The rule broken is a rule that overrides all rules preceding it(which is the entirety of marine specific rules and general rules). It's pretty cut and dry in my opinion.
So many Bruh's within that, that I actually had a stroke at my computer saying Bruh. All you've done is rince and repeat.

"You left the ship."
"Yeah but it were for sound reasoning, I did X, Y and Z and had moderators/admin acknowledge what I were doing with the situation at hand also."
"You left the ship."

That reply was a complete Unga Dunga and for future tips, when replying to someone else breaking down your reasoning, to use the same format that the person's doing toward you, then do it to the person doing it just makes you look petty especially when you've done nothing but again rince and repeat the same sentence time and time again.
Last edited by David Attenbruv on 08 May 2017, 07:37, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: XO report

Post by David Attenbruv » 08 May 2017, 07:23

Also to prove a point about Oatz and Hoes salt about this debarcle I've kept this rather civil and toward the point in the report section however. Oatz and Hoes has posted on my application shortly after this stating this:
OatzAndHoes wrote:I've only seen you play as XO for one round and you did a lot of things that seemed pretty questionable: You made an LZ2 FOB without securing the LZ1 launch console or tcomms, you ordered marines to stay away from lz1, you went to the ground without making an announcement as an XO with no CO or other command staff present and then got dragged off the shuttle and died, you let power and comms fail on the Almayer, and then you claimed that you needed no advice when other marines tried to give you some tips in deadchat. Most of the marines on the ground thought you were a baldie until you said who you were in deadchat.

Also you haven't been playing for THAT long, there is a previous thread where you stated you started playing a month prior to your forum join date:
http://cm-ss13.com/viewtopic.p ... 67#p133467

I might reconsider in a couple of months once you've got a bit more experience in command roles under your belt, but for now its a -1.
If this isn't a clear indication as to Oatz and Hoez really having nothing involved in this other than trying to slight me and be salty because the round didn't go exactly how he wanted I don't know what else would prove it. I'm sure the logs in dead chat along with this recent post in my Commander Application along with the fact he voted a No. In that application right after he made the report in the first place with literally no outcome so far pretty much screams that he literally has no point to this report other than trying to shaft me for naff all really.
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Re: XO report

Post by Snypehunter007 » 08 May 2017, 08:40

David Attenbruv wrote: ~snip~
Regardless of the situation you should have still stated on the ship and try to work the problem instead of ignoring it by going down to the planet.
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Re: XO report

Post by David Attenbruv » 08 May 2017, 08:42

Snypehunter007 wrote:Regardless of the situation you should have still stated on the ship and try to work the problem instead of ignoring it by going down to the planet.
I couldn't state it at the time like I said I didn't ignore it at all it was because I acknowledged the fact that I couldn't that I made the choice in the first place.
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Re: XO report

Post by Snypehunter007 » 08 May 2017, 08:47

David Attenbruv wrote:I couldn't state it at the time like I said I didn't ignore it at all it was because I acknowledged the fact that I couldn't that I made the choice in the first place.
So instead of maintaining the fusion reactors to keep power going and then getting back to commanding, you decided to violate the rules on CDR/Acting CDR requiring you to remain on the ship until a CDR arrived to relieve you?
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Re: XO report

Post by David Attenbruv » 08 May 2017, 08:51

Snypehunter007 wrote:So instead of maintaining the fusion reactors to keep power
I did I said this earlier in my reply along with there are logs that I'm willing to bet this entire report on that I fixed a the manageable fusion reactors that I could that I know OOC'ly would keep the ship running at bare functionallity.
Snypehunter007 wrote:you decided to violate the rules on CDR/Acting CDR requiring you to remain on the ship until a CDR arrived to relieve you?
I was the acting commander? I was the XO and there was not a CO and there were no Commander to relieve me in the entire round
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Re: XO report

Post by Snypehunter007 » 08 May 2017, 08:54

David Attenbruv wrote: I was the acting commander? I was the XO and there was not a CO
Do you know what XO means? Have you looked at the ranks on the Marine Ranks page?
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Re: XO report

Post by David Attenbruv » 08 May 2017, 08:58

Snypehunter007 wrote:Do you know what XO means? Have you looked at the ranks on the Marine Ranks page?
Executive Officer
2nd in Command of the Almayer. Execute the orders the Commander gives you.
Fill in for the CO if needed. Manage the Bridge Officers at your disposal.

I was the Acting Commander due to no Commander.
I was filling in for the CO and there were no Bridge Officers.
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Re: XO report

Post by Snypehunter007 » 08 May 2017, 09:07

"Either the Commander or Executive Officer must be on the ship AT ALL TIMES. If one goes to the surface, the other must remain on the ship."

Under Commander rules.
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Re: XO report

Post by David Attenbruv » 08 May 2017, 09:22

Snypehunter007 wrote:"Either the Commander or Executive Officer must be on the ship AT ALL TIMES. If one goes to the surface, the other must remain on the ship."
I've already replied to that in the earlier segment of this report though I'll say it again due to having it cropped up, the third/fourth time now.

I realise that, I didn't know that at the time because I remember the rules when they weren't changed was that the XO could go to the planet with a expressed viable reason which it was before it got changed to that which multiple admins accounted for I am not saying that I haven't done wrong. I have. I'll say again because this isn't seeming to resonate or my replies simply aren't being read at any degree. I understand what I did and I understand that rule I don't disagree with that rule neither am I saying that I ignored it and broke it on purpose. I did it with detailed reasons, explained reasons, I also explained the situation at hand, along with the players available to me which were none, I've also explained that I know what the XO rank means given your question.

I didn't go down there solo, I went down there with a dettachment of Marines that protected me along the journey which they did and I self-sacrificed to save them knowing the CL had the power and did exactly use the Evac Pods to save the marines, the round wasn't thrown by myself by my actions at any degree. I did it for the benefit of the round infact and I did it in pretty much the most sensible and methodical way that I possibly could it wasn't some sort of random decision of being a Hero it was a logically made decision to try and fix a situation given the time and again I stated I did this with multiple Moderators and a Admin in the Discord and they didn't say I couldn't neither shouldn't do it so that's why I proceeded if I had been told because even they were unaware that the rules were changed then I'd of not done it.

You as well as most of Moderators that speak to me on a daily know I don't actively go out of the way to break rules to any degree. I understand that I have tripped up on that one to some degree though it wasn't a flamboyant decision completely made non-sensicle it had reason and explanation which I've outlined multiple times within this thread on multiple occasions both on Discord with Admins that have asked me about it and on this thread specifically.

-last minute edit-
This thread in its entirety when it entails my responses is purely and souly for evidence and factual based reasons indicating that it were a mistake that even Admins/Moderators that will confirm what I'm saying didn't know about with the rule change and that I am defending it not being a jobban and more of a warning due to a complete slip up, the reinforcing of that is what I'm trying to do by breaking the situation down to what it was that round - why I did it - how I did it and along with other factors as well to show that it were completely a mistake though it's not as horrendous as this report initially makes it out to be at all. Infact it was only him and one other that threw salt and nobody else he claims the entire server went nuts which just isn't true. It effected no one other than myself and that was it.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: XO report

Post by Feweh » 08 May 2017, 11:58

You obviously fucked up and made a bad decision since you acknowledged there was no CO or even a SO when you were around.
So why you went planetside knowing you were the only command staff present is pretty stupid no?

Anyways, you're a pretty decent player and made a bad decision.
I won't job-ban you but I'm denying your CO application this time around.
