Character Name:N/A
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): All of command job ban.
Admin who banned you (if known)

Total Ban Duration:
Remaining Duration:
Started in april something
What other servers do you play on?
Don't see why this matters
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
Not currently banned, rarely banned
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Ban was for suicide that occurred with no alert or request from admin.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Before this issue occurred. I was using the station's security camera's when I noticed you could use the camera's on the planet. Which, I believe is rare since it requires the survivors to turn on the power and stuff. I reported my sightings of survivors and such. Information was spread around players for awhile, but stirred up a debate in Looc if it can be used or not. Apparently, and totally unknown to me. One of the persons within the LOOC was an admin. Though, it did not state that in the chat, so I did not know what appeared to be their option as the official word of the server. Which was that the camera's linking to the planet was a bug.
So, thinking we were all just players giving option. I debated why I thought it could be an interesting feature.
The LOOC admin boinks me, unaware that they had "Officially" warned me about using the camera's in Looc. They were rather aggressive which I found off-putting. I agreed to stop using the camera's but by then it'd had been a major part of my current gameplay and interaction with other players. Slightly, upset about this undercover admining, and feeling put in a strange RP place, as most of our interactions was being written over due to this bug. I ICly played it as being nuts, talking about seeing things on the computer that wasn't there and finding it mindblowing how we are in the space era, but find it nearly impossible to link our computer's camera systems to their own. Specially, since we are working for them, and have our own portal helmet cameras that can do it.
So, I made a little scene in the bridge. My banning admin banned me in my first sentence. Which wasn't really serious in nature but just a very quick response I meant as a filler so they knew I was willing to talk them, as I typed my actual response and reasoning. Although the results may not have differed, I felt it was a pretty quick reaction. Since, I don't have much history of causing trouble on this server. That'd they at least try and talk and council with me a bit. Then going for the hammer as their go to.
Though, I know that suciding from command roles is taken pretty seriously since it removes a slot.
Anyway, if you grant my appeal. I will be more reasonable with important roles, and not waste the slot and if something like bugs, or confusing admin tactics make me lose enjoyment and thus motivation for a role. I'll simply go to cyro if I can, and if feeling that suicide would add to the round's story or somehow gyro is not possible, then ahelp it and explain my reasoning.