Weapon 'disappearing' with mag harness on disconnect

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Weapon 'disappearing' with mag harness on disconnect

Post by SecretAgentCow » 19 May 2017, 08:00

Bug Description: If you have a gun in your hands and you lose connection to the server, when you rejoin the gun will not appear on the player's UI in their belt slot. Other players, however, can see it. A current work around is for another player to rip off the gun from the player's exosuit slot and give it back.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Have a gun with a mag harness or the smartgun with a magnetic harness.
2. Disconnect from the game or disconnect your internet briefly.
3. Reconnect to the game.
4. Be amazed as you have no gun in your exosuit slot, yet everyone else tells you that you do!

Edit: added the ever so important step 3.
Edit2: Casany is correct, edited #4 to fix my wording.
Last edited by SecretAgentCow on 19 May 2017, 15:43, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Weapon 'disappearing' with mag harness on disconnect

Post by Casany » 19 May 2017, 08:42

The gun goes into the exosuit slot, not the belt slot. The ammo belt goes on the belt slot
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Re: Weapon 'disappearing' with mag harness on disconnect

Post by MrJJJ » 20 May 2017, 02:38

I did notice this happen, you can't even click on it to remove it, the only way is to remove your armor so it will drop on the ground and re-appear

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Re: Weapon 'disappearing' with mag harness on disconnect

Post by phil235 » 21 May 2017, 19:47

This is just a graphical bug, your inventory HUD isn't updating as it should.

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Re: Weapon 'disappearing' with mag harness on disconnect

Post by phil235 » 26 May 2017, 21:47

Should be fixed after the next update.
