Temporary Ban Appeal/Query - Erroneous Ban and Clarification Requested

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Byond: Eacis

Temporary Ban Appeal/Query - Erroneous Ban and Clarification Requested

Post by Eacis » 22 May 2017, 00:06

Your Byond ID: Eacis

Character Name: Troy Macris

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed Ban

Admin who banned you (if known): driecg36

Total Ban Duration: 3 hours

Remaining Duration: 2.8 hours

What other servers do you play on? Paradise

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): EORG

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

I am aware that a three-hour temporary ban appeal will likely not be answered by the time it has expired. The ban has given me a few hours to spare, however, so here I am. I was banned at the end of the round for EORG, though I believe this is not correct and should not have been done.

Griefing is "the perceived intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or to the server without any roleplay reason."

EORG is defined as "fighting after the round ends and generating combat logs." Exceptions are for active engagements between whatever forces are around. One can assume marines would be enthusiastically bludgeoning dead xenos or whatever at this time, as well.

The round I was in had Synths or Agents or something like that aboard the ship. Foreign weapons were brought in and held by these Agents and the CO requested we be on the lookout for these. I was inspecting the ship and found a long-dead (and i think SSD?) marine in pajamas in a blown-out maintenance room with a pile of foreign weapons. I reported it to the CO and stood there until the end of the round.

As I waited, I had the desire to try this weapon for myself and decided that the EOR would be reasonable. When the credits started rolling, I picked up the weapon and let loose this semiautomatic beast all over the room. It sounded pretty nifty, but i wanted to know what kind of damage it could do. I started shooting the dead marine and saw a leg pop off in a few shots. A few seconds later the ban happened.

My question is whether this is considered griefing because it was causing the perceived intent to cause harm to an already deceased player at the end of the round, or EORG because it was generating combat logs outside of active combat when I was engaging with a player that was unable to respond anyway. If the ban was enacted under EORG because "generating combat logs" includes attacking dead things then that should be specified in the rules.

I understand why attacking active, living marines can fall under Griefing and EORG as it harms other players and constitutes fighting for no discernible reason, but this was not the case.

If this is all because I don't understand the intimate details of what falls under EORG then I apologize in advance.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Temporary Ban Appeal/Query - Erroneous Ban and Clarification Requested

Post by Feweh » 22 May 2017, 00:15

Denied, dont shoot anyone at the end of the round.
