Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

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Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 23 May 2017, 20:53

Byond ID: Starscream123

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here):
Kardar Hussein

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Vir-aak Hu'ai-n

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?
Absolutely so.

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background):

From the very beginning of his conflicted existence, Hu'ai-n has created has been stricken with skepticism over all things in his reality truly upholding himself as a true deep thinker but seen as a pessimistic nihilist to others who don’t know the true depths of his mind. His mind sunken into a inescapable sea of logic and reasoning over all else, always trying to rationalize the meaning of anything he can if there is even a meaning to anything. Hu'ai-n would constantly attend to the matters of the mind over everything else, being birthed into a relatively unknown clan with respected members who very being willed them to the glory of the hunt. Still Hu'ai-n began and kept up with his training for the supposed glory of the hunt, performing the bare minimum of his training just to keep at what he considered the average mark for a young blood, keeping his ideologies more so to himself, as his clan saw nothing more of him and most other young bloods as just the next to honor their clan and fulfill what they believed their life's purpose was the hunt.

As a duration of different events passed by Hu'ai-n, his mind only strengthen with his thoughts and studies, with Hu'ai-n profoundly believing that there is truly no meaning to anything with every event being meaningless as the next, but seeing himself more so ascend into a relatively unknown position where the mind is supreme such as the rare philosopher. However, already near the point of the upcoming hunt Hu'ai-n already had participate caring not for whatever outcome comes out for whatever path he chooses, but in some manner had much more connection to philosophy becoming blooded. Nonetheless Hu'ai-n arrived to begin the traditional hunt and become blooded. Hu'ai-n was shortly joined by two other young bloods whose very being shook with honor of have a chance to become blooded. Each of the young bloods and Hu'ai-n knew at the very least each other’s names with Hu'ai-n believing on the overall combat ability of the group is measured somewhere around average. The group boarded the ship which would carry them to the hunting planet pyramid to achieve the rank of blooded, geared with the allowed hunt technology they were dropped on the hunting planet to fend on their own as the ship took off.

Hu'ai-n took to his own way and area and the other young bloods followed the same route, keeping a small yet noticeable distance between each other. Hu'ai-n had become well versed on what would be expected on this hunt, clearing his path through dense vegetation into temple opening he had spotted a lone serpent hiding in a bush. However, at the very moment Hu'ai-n spotted the serpent which appeared to be a caste combat oriented had sensed his presence as well. The serpent seeing a lone target began to rush in towards Hu'ai-n using the terrain as his aide swiftly leaping from tree to tree towards Hu'ai-n. Hu'ai-n mental state had come to expect this type of behavior and allowed himself to back up to draw the creature in, the Serpent finally got close enough and lunged towards him, Hu'ai-n leaped back and then swung forward grappling upon the serpent and utilizing his momentum to threw the creature downwards towards the ground below the trees. Hu'ai-n lazily leap down to force a downward strike upon the falling serpent to connect his strike with the very moment they hit ground digging right into the serpents back for a efficient kill. However, the serpent was able to readjust during fall during Hu'ai-n lazy movement to finish it, swinging it's body around to trade blows with Hu'ai-n upon the strike shooting its tail and claws forward. Hu'ai-n wrist blades extended as the two now locked in combat closed their distance to each other, Hu'ai-n not even attempting to readjust to the creature believing whatever happens next happens. Hu'ai-n and the serpent finally clash as they near the ground below, their blows connect into each other with both of Hu'ai-n's wrist blade puncturing into the serpent torso, and the serpents tail piercing into Hu'ai-n's right shoulder and it's claws scratching his chest. Both meeting at the ground in a large slam, both injured from each other’s blow connecting and the fall, Hu'ai-n and the serpent engage in intense combat upon their abrupt landing fighting it out blow for blow. Hu'ai-n prepared to lose his life as it doesn’t even matter floods his head with Hu'ai-n wondering what the serpent might truly feel at this moment. The serpent's next blow comes for Hu'ai-n's ribs as its tail lunges forward but due to their change in location strikes into a tree halting the attack, deciding he can end it now Hu'ai-n suddenly releases a upward blow on the serpent stunning it back and strikes both of his arms forward grappling onto the serpent's neck. With precision Hu'ai-n hands lock onto the serpents neck as he performs quick sudden snapping motions upon the creatures neck, and one powerful upwards pull dislocating the serpents head from its body. Rolling back as the rest of the serpent’s body fell with its blood sizzling onto the immediate area surrounding them. Hu'ai-n heavily injured rose up holding the serpent’s skull in his left hand, his mind did not falter win or lose what difference it makes, as he slowly carried his injured body back to the meeting site for completing the hunt.

On his return to the completion site of the hunt, Hu'ai-n was met by seeing another newly blooded young blood trailing not that far behind him with a serpent skull in hand his body slightly battered seemingly just finishing his hunt. They finally reached the ship site with the final young blood now turned bloodied with a combistick resting on his shoulder and a serpent head attached on the tip, his body showing signs of a heavy fight. As they all gathered at the top of the site Hu'ai-n was as the other two roaring out as the burned a symbol upon their forehead with their defeated opponents blood, as customs by their clans. The ship finally reached the landing site illuminating the now night sky, Hu'ai-n and the others boarded the ship and were met by the overseeing elites of the hunt who recognized their completion to blooded status, granting Hu'ai-n and the two others rest, and bringing their new gear and plasma casters for their successful blooded hunt. One of the elites towards the back comments on how this group were lucky as most clans have un-blooded kill of entire groups of the serpents until the mother ship arrives. Once they arrived back to their respectable clan homes after the ship lands, Hu'ai-n takes no notice to the commotion of the new blooded keeping to the average attitude telling some of the hunt and off to his own. Hu'ai-n takes a walk off in the distance by himself as his mind keeps in deep thought on the matter that he will have to continue the hunt, but what is the meaning for any of this if at the end of everything it changes nothing, it means nothing, it is nothing.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)?

I plan on completely dedicating to this character's very being and personality wise, and how that will form how he interacts with his world. He will be a patience watcher, observer, and learn how each thing thinks and how they operates and their purpose. (Heavily role play)Him studying and adapting over all else watching the reactions and how they handle certain situation from whatever side that is not predator, such as setting up situations(disarming a marine and letting them choose to either run away, get their weapon back and try to shoot him down, or try to fight with him in combat, aliens and humans near death, downed teammates and if they try and attack him or retrieve their teammate/sister, seeing one die or injured, being chased by a pack, etc. to find their true nature.

As said before he doesn't care when it comes down to it and whatever happens doesn't matter if he dies it makes no difference, if it comes down to him being put into a situation of him dying he fully accepts it and does not try and run or hide away. If he dies or lives it make no difference, making him more so restless if it comes to full combat. He will almost exclusively stay away from large group of usually ten and more if not always, deploying most of his tactics on small groups, instead of direct attack and killing he will be out to place traps and indirectly interact with opposing forces. While he will utilize his stealth he is more out in the open until attacked, allowing himself to be seen without fear of death of failure, making him more geared towards luring traps and not full force constant fighting to just outright kill.

Why should we whitelist you?

I am well versed in the alien/predator universe and lore even with CM lore and the code of honor here. I've been with this server since the start more so disappearing this last month due to work, but I know the community and highly experienced with this server and SS13 in general. Plus I hold my role-play in high regard with experience and skill from having co-owning my own role playing forum in the past, and playing and loving other games revolving around role-play. I would love and be thankful to be given a chance to show that I'm capable of this and helping other players have more fun and role play all around.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes in its entirety.
Last edited by Screamingstar on 23 May 2017, 23:40, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Karmac » 23 May 2017, 20:55

So your playstyle is 'I abide by the honor code and I'm not a pussy because I'm okay with death'?
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Sarah_U. » 23 May 2017, 20:59

Please do re-format the entire thing to have a differentiation that's more pronounced between the various sections of the application.

Furthermore, from the date and status you have within the community, I'd expect more implication, but your post number is reasonable anyway.

I'll TRY to remember to check it out later-on, but do please try to improve the formatting and do 1-2 convenient things to ease the read. I'm really busy and it's rather long.

EDIT: Formatting works I guess xD It's a bit random and over the top and all, but alright, helps.
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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 23 May 2017, 21:31

Not sure where came up with that response to what is your play style, I never mentioned anything about the code of honor that's basic logic to follow for any app, as said he's a more so trap guyand scare tactics, meaning he he like to test the situation of how the opposing forces react to plans and situation he puts out like getting caught in a bear trap to push role play, and than the I'm not a pussy because I'm scared of death is not right either he's a nihilist he doesn't care if he dies or lives not because he is super brave but because that's his way of thinking operates like a nihilist living or dying is the same as him doesn't matter, not like I put "Vir-aak is a generic predator who follows the rules of honor to the teeth and is a super brave predator who does not fear death".

Yeah I was away for quite some time before this due to work matters, however before that you can see I was quite active and I've been active on the game for this month.

Also sorry about the formatting my laptop froze and I had to restart so I redid a good bit longer due to that, and put it on Microsoft word and forgot to format.

edit: Sorry for that I had to put it on my phone quickly to do couldn't see how bad it looks.

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Sarah_U. » 23 May 2017, 21:38

Overall I actually appreciated the read, you're getting my +1. The entire thing can be well-rested on itself and it made sence in the regard that the character actually keeps following the ethics and conduct of his race while having a feasible reasoning to doubt the reasons why he does so.

I'd go over a long list of why and how I like it, but I'm dead tired and I took the time to review it and take note of the text as to find flaws. You seem to understand what's needed and have 1-2 good references that I took into account.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ...
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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 23 May 2017, 22:23

Thank you much Sarah have a good rest.

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 29 May 2017, 14:38

Any other reviews would help haha.

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Jroinc1 » 29 May 2017, 15:49

Wall of text hard to read. Gimme a little while.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0

Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1

Total kills with SM- 6

Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 29 May 2017, 21:10

Alright all reviews are good, more so looking for staff to respond :thumbup:

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by jusa297 » 29 May 2017, 21:15

Ayy the history and gameplay are pretty good! I give this app a 7.8/10 due to the excess of water found in the story.

On a more serious note, i do enjoy how this gameplay looks like. I have no idea who you are, but if you missplay your rp is the admins job to ban you, not mine to prejudge if you can or can't uphold the level of rp. You definitevley have my +1 and i hope that you study me Sempai

Best of lucks!
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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 29 May 2017, 22:15

Thanks man, I'm not surprised you haven't seen me the last few months I was severely inactive due to work and finally getting into a certain position that I now have yay, so I was popping in and out on different characters.

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 31 May 2017, 16:58

Jeez my app is dead, staff revive it.

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by shyshadow » 31 May 2017, 17:03

Screamingstar wrote:Jeez my app is dead, staff revive it.
I've been waiting about a week for a reply on my app. Wait patiently, this doesn't make you look good. I get your feeling but slowly but surely you'll get feedback, this takes time, it's been two days without a reply so please.
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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 01 Jun 2017, 03:04

shyshadow wrote:I've been waiting about a week for a reply on my app. Wait patiently, this doesn't make you look good. I get your feeling but slowly but surely you'll get feedback, this takes time, it's been two days without a reply so please.
I wasn't being serious....

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by shyshadow » 01 Jun 2017, 03:30

Screamingstar wrote:I wasn't being serious....
Regardless, you obviously felt the need to post on it. Ironic or Unironic, it's still evident that you were trying to get people to look at it. It's still posted, as in you still posted it, a Predator application is a "Serious" as it gets. If what you post isn't "necessary" or thoughtful, then don't post it. If it's just out of the blue and has very little to be on-topic then I still would consider it bait. When I say bait, I mean you post on it so it gets on the front of the sub-forum when you go over it.
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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Boltersam » 03 Jun 2017, 06:29

The story was terrible for what it's supposed to be. What you wrote is one long ode to the basic concept of "My Predator is special and he killed a thing." That's it. What's unique about your character? Why should we care? What makes him different, other than suicidal tendencies because he's depressed and believes his life doesn't matter? The story was shit. Not spelling and grammar mistakes everywhere shit, though there were some here and there, it was shit because it accomplished nothing of what it was supposed to, which is establish your character, make it believable, and display some of your skill at storytelling.

Your playstyle is different from the way the story is bad. Your playstyle boils down to "Does not directly attack but will be sneaky and use traps, also is not scared of dying." What, in any way, is unique about this? Or rather, unique is a bad word. What makes it interesting? It's you being sneaky and using traps. Spoiler alert: Predators do that all the time IN ADDITION to their playstyles, and far more in addition to that.


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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Nubs » 03 Jun 2017, 07:48

A nihilistic predator? hm, interesting. An interesting character to be sure, but the playstyle is no longer unique. neutral for now.

also, patience while your application is processing is very important.
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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Screamingstar » 06 Jun 2017, 15:26

Boltersam wrote:The story was terrible for what it's supposed to be. What you wrote is one long ode to the basic concept of "My Predator is special and he killed a thing." That's it. What's unique about your character? Why should we care? What makes him different, other than suicidal tendencies because he's depressed and believes his life doesn't matter? The story was shit. Not spelling and grammar mistakes everywhere shit, though there were some here and there, it was shit because it accomplished nothing of what it was supposed to, which is establish your character, make it believable, and display some of your skill at storytelling.

Your playstyle is different from the way the story is bad. Your playstyle boils down to "Does not directly attack but will be sneaky and use traps, also is not scared of dying." What, in any way, is unique about this? Or rather, unique is a bad word. What makes it interesting? It's you being sneaky and using traps. Spoiler alert: Predators do that all the time IN ADDITION to their playstyles, and far more in addition to that.

You sound like you didn't have too hot of a day there bud, there is a certain way to respond and handle apps which you did not do especially as a staff member.

What I'm hearing from your response is "Man this is shit, man fucking raw shit, a shit story about your I'm trying to be special predator who is another shit average predator who does shit every predator does shit".

Now I will even admit that I don't like this story or think it's really that well done and could be much better, but due to it's jumbled up feeling with over extending parts of it , with it not have a fluid flow(that's constructive criticism instead of unprofessional shit talking), it was rushed after deleting it by accident and with me not being able to decide to go for longer or shorter to properly tell a story since I have seen shorter is more favored.

The story was meant to be keeping to the predator lore, with doing a hunt to become blooded. He killed a single xenomorph in a hunt and barely survived with him only living due to luck. Outwardly he would be considered a below average predator unlike the little generic snowflake title you like to place upon him, he a nihilist with a thing for philosophy, not some super special predator who's some above average predator hunter and fighter who everyone says "wow he's something special". Nowhere did I put he's some depressed guy sulking around wanting to kill himself like you label, that's the point of nihilism at least his ideologies of it. This story established the character to be a sub par hunter at best, his personality and views on life and the hunt, and what he does with his time besides training and being part of a hunt. I would think someone who doesn't train as frequently as others and doesn't have his head in the moment would believably have trouble in the hunt, and in the lore of predators more so the comics there were those who rejected the ideologies of the clan did and questioned their beliefs without being bad bloods, instead of every single predator holding the same beliefs in that regard.

The play style still holds up to the character he is suppose to be, in the story that was his first hunt and as soon as he started he directly got into combat with a single alien foe before he was even blooded. It's almost as if you read and saw what you wanted to " I will cloak all the time and throw around hunter traps than hack them up and run from groups", yet again no as stated he setups traps as in situations to force a certain reaction, also I meant reckless instead of restless, no not throw down a trap someone gets caught and I hack them up and rinse and repeat while cloaked. I even said he would be more so out in open running around until he gets attacked, no not running around cloaked very second throwing down traps.

Most predators do not fear death due to the honor or the thrill of battle, or failure to complete a hunt and accepting that the failed at one of their ultimate life purposes and wanting to die because of that. Hu'ai-n does not fear death due to the fact it doesn't matter, it makes no difference to him if he lives or dies to continue the hunt, on his basis of nihilism, because until he is proven otherwise there is no meaning to any event or concept to him. Unless you can show me right now a nihilist predator I think you are wrong on that matter. The only thing you saw in my play style write up is two words, stealth and trap than you must have registered basic predator playing style and that is literally all he will do the entire game is run in cloak and throw traps that's it no more exactly two things.

All in all you're staff act like it.

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by jusa297 » 06 Jun 2017, 16:10

Screamingstar wrote:You sound like you didn't have too hot of a day there bud, there is a certain way to respond and handle apps which you did not do especially as a staff member.

What I'm hearing from your response is "Man this is shit, man fucking raw shit, a shit story about your I'm trying to be special predator who is another shit average predator who does shit every predator does shit".

Now I will even admit that I don't like this story or think it's really that well done and could be much better, but due to it's jumbled up feeling with over extending parts of it , with it not have a fluid flow(that's constructive criticism instead of unprofessional shit talking), it was rushed after deleting it by accident and with me not being able to decide to go for longer or shorter to properly tell a story since I have seen shorter is more favored.

The story was meant to be keeping to the predator lore, with doing a hunt to become blooded. He killed a single xenomorph in a hunt and barely survived with him only living due to luck. Outwardly he would be considered a below average predator unlike the little generic snowflake title you like to place upon him, he a nihilist with a thing for philosophy, not some super special predator who's some above average predator hunter and fighter who everyone says "wow he's something special". Nowhere did I put he's some depressed guy sulking around wanting to kill himself like you label, that's the point of nihilism at least his ideologies of it. This story established the character to be a sub par hunter at best, his personality and views on life and the hunt, and what he does with his time besides training and being part of a hunt. I would think someone who doesn't train as frequently as others and doesn't have his head in the moment would believably have trouble in the hunt, and in the lore of predators more so the comics there were those who rejected the ideologies of the clan did and questioned their beliefs without being bad bloods, instead of every single predator holding the same beliefs in that regard.

The play style still holds up to the character he is suppose to be, in the story that was his first hunt and as soon as he started he directly got into combat with a single alien foe before he was even blooded. It's almost as if you read and saw what you wanted to " I will cloak all the time and throw around hunter traps than hack them up and run from groups", yet again no as stated he setups traps as in situations to force a certain reaction, also I meant reckless instead of restless, no not throw down a trap someone gets caught and I hack them up and rinse and repeat while cloaked. I even said he would be more so out in open running around until he gets attacked, no not running around cloaked very second throwing down traps.

Most predators do not fear death due to the honor or the thrill of battle, or failure to complete a hunt and accepting that the failed at one of their ultimate life purposes and wanting to die because of that. Hu'ai-n does not fear death due to the fact it doesn't matter, it makes no difference to him if he lives or dies to continue the hunt, on his basis of nihilism, because until he is proven otherwise there is no meaning to any event or concept to him. Unless you can show me right now a nihilist predator I think you are wrong on that matter. The only thing you saw in my play style write up is two words, stealth and trap than you must have registered basic predator playing style and that is literally all he will do the entire game is run in cloak and throw traps that's it no more exactly two things.

All in all you're staff act like it.
Don't mess with Gordon "Boltersam" Ramsey.
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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Boltersam » 06 Jun 2017, 16:55

Screamingstar wrote:You sound like you didn't have too hot of a day there bud, there is a certain way to respond and handle apps which you did not do especially as a staff member.

What I'm hearing from your response is "Man this is shit, man fucking raw shit, a shit story about your I'm trying to be special predator who is another shit average predator who does shit every predator does shit".

Now I will even admit that I don't like this story or think it's really that well done and could be much better, but due to it's jumbled up feeling with over extending parts of it , with it not have a fluid flow(that's constructive criticism instead of unprofessional shit talking), it was rushed after deleting it by accident and with me not being able to decide to go for longer or shorter to properly tell a story since I have seen shorter is more favored.

The story was meant to be keeping to the predator lore, with doing a hunt to become blooded. He killed a single xenomorph in a hunt and barely survived with him only living due to luck. Outwardly he would be considered a below average predator unlike the little generic snowflake title you like to place upon him, he a nihilist with a thing for philosophy, not some super special predator who's some above average predator hunter and fighter who everyone says "wow he's something special". Nowhere did I put he's some depressed guy sulking around wanting to kill himself like you label, that's the point of nihilism at least his ideologies of it. This story established the character to be a sub par hunter at best, his personality and views on life and the hunt, and what he does with his time besides training and being part of a hunt. I would think someone who doesn't train as frequently as others and doesn't have his head in the moment would believably have trouble in the hunt, and in the lore of predators more so the comics there were those who rejected the ideologies of the clan did and questioned their beliefs without being bad bloods, instead of every single predator holding the same beliefs in that regard.

The play style still holds up to the character he is suppose to be, in the story that was his first hunt and as soon as he started he directly got into combat with a single alien foe before he was even blooded. It's almost as if you read and saw what you wanted to " I will cloak all the time and throw around hunter traps than hack them up and run from groups", yet again no as stated he setups traps as in situations to force a certain reaction, also I meant reckless instead of restless, no not throw down a trap someone gets caught and I hack them up and rinse and repeat while cloaked. I even said he would be more so out in open running around until he gets attacked, no not running around cloaked very second throwing down traps.

Most predators do not fear death due to the honor or the thrill of battle, or failure to complete a hunt and accepting that the failed at one of their ultimate life purposes and wanting to die because of that. Hu'ai-n does not fear death due to the fact it doesn't matter, it makes no difference to him if he lives or dies to continue the hunt, on his basis of nihilism, because until he is proven otherwise there is no meaning to any event or concept to him. Unless you can show me right now a nihilist predator I think you are wrong on that matter. The only thing you saw in my play style write up is two words, stealth and trap than you must have registered basic predator playing style and that is literally all he will do the entire game is run in cloak and throw traps that's it no more exactly two things.

All in all you're staff act like it.
You sound like you haven't seen how I review apps and the particularly critical eye I take to them. This is a role that has the potential to cause a lot of damage if used improperly and I like to review based on that fact. I thought your app was not up to standard and I made that clear. "IT'S FUCKING RAW" is just something I add onto the end of reviews on apps that I particularly didn't like. Thicken your skin. I'm not going to apologise for doing what I'm meant to do as a member of a whitelist, myself being staff has nothing to do with it. You made an app, you got reviewed. That's how it goes, that's what you accept will happen when you make your app.

All in all, you made an app, you got a bad review, try not to act like you have skin that's barely a millimetre thick and lash out at the reviewer. I had one of the best days I've had in a while when I made the review, and I will apologise if it seemed like I was intentionally antagonising you or being angry, but I won't apologise for the review itself.

Now, let me fix that first bit.
"Man, this is fucking shit. This is raw, fermented shit, shit story, shit "Speshul" predator, shit person, shit fucking existence. Man, this raw, fermented shit heap piled on my lap as if it was a cat that went out, gutted a mouse, and brought it back to me, shoving it into my face, as if to say "This, is my gift to you. No need to thank me, I can feel your admiration just RADIATING out." as this tiny piece of shit thinks he can get away with this, OHHHH BOY, this shit shittedy shit shitter's gonna get what's coming to him. He thinks he's special, because it's HIS work, and that obviously HIS pile of shit should be considered better than all the other piles of shit? Well I deal with these piles of shit every fucking WEEK, in a neverending cycle of shit. I'll just shit on his shit app like I do with all the shit apps."

Much better, in my opinion, but you can't take my word for it.

Don't try to tell me that I should be nice and sparkly and poot pretty rainbows out of my ass as I post beneath an app "Great job! +100000!" while reading the one-sentence long background in contentment. I'm a critical person, and I'm quite blunt about it.

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Rain7x » 06 Jun 2017, 19:24

Screamingstar wrote:You sound like you didn't have too hot of a day there bud, there is a certain way to respond and handle apps which you did not do especially as a staff member.

What I'm hearing from your response is "Man this is shit, man fucking raw shit, a shit story about your I'm trying to be special predator who is another shit average predator who does shit every predator does shit".

Now I will even admit that I don't like this story or think it's really that well done and could be much better, but due to it's jumbled up feeling with over extending parts of it , with it not have a fluid flow(that's constructive criticism instead of unprofessional shit talking), it was rushed after deleting it by accident and with me not being able to decide to go for longer or shorter to properly tell a story since I have seen shorter is more favored.

The story was meant to be keeping to the predator lore, with doing a hunt to become blooded. He killed a single xenomorph in a hunt and barely survived with him only living due to luck. Outwardly he would be considered a below average predator unlike the little generic snowflake title you like to place upon him, he a nihilist with a thing for philosophy, not some super special predator who's some above average predator hunter and fighter who everyone says "wow he's something special". Nowhere did I put he's some depressed guy sulking around wanting to kill himself like you label, that's the point of nihilism at least his ideologies of it. This story established the character to be a sub par hunter at best, his personality and views on life and the hunt, and what he does with his time besides training and being part of a hunt. I would think someone who doesn't train as frequently as others and doesn't have his head in the moment would believably have trouble in the hunt, and in the lore of predators more so the comics there were those who rejected the ideologies of the clan did and questioned their beliefs without being bad bloods, instead of every single predator holding the same beliefs in that regard.

The play style still holds up to the character he is suppose to be, in the story that was his first hunt and as soon as he started he directly got into combat with a single alien foe before he was even blooded. It's almost as if you read and saw what you wanted to " I will cloak all the time and throw around hunter traps than hack them up and run from groups", yet again no as stated he setups traps as in situations to force a certain reaction, also I meant reckless instead of restless, no not throw down a trap someone gets caught and I hack them up and rinse and repeat while cloaked. I even said he would be more so out in open running around until he gets attacked, no not running around cloaked very second throwing down traps.

Most predators do not fear death due to the honor or the thrill of battle, or failure to complete a hunt and accepting that the failed at one of their ultimate life purposes and wanting to die because of that. Hu'ai-n does not fear death due to the fact it doesn't matter, it makes no difference to him if he lives or dies to continue the hunt, on his basis of nihilism, because until he is proven otherwise there is no meaning to any event or concept to him. Unless you can show me right now a nihilist predator I think you are wrong on that matter. The only thing you saw in my play style write up is two words, stealth and trap than you must have registered basic predator playing style and that is literally all he will do the entire game is run in cloak and throw traps that's it no more exactly two things.

All in all you're staff act like it.

This response killed it for me


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Byond: jusa297

Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by jusa297 » 07 Jun 2017, 08:18

Boltersam wrote:You sound like you haven't seen how I review apps and the particularly critical eye I take to them. This is a role that has the potential to cause a lot of damage if used improperly and I like to review based on that fact. I thought your app was not up to standard and I made that clear. "IT'S FUCKING RAW" is just something I add onto the end of reviews on apps that I particularly didn't like. Thicken your skin. I'm not going to apologise for doing what I'm meant to do as a member of a whitelist, myself being staff has nothing to do with it. You made an app, you got reviewed. That's how it goes, that's what you accept will happen when you make your app.

All in all, you made an app, you got a bad review, try not to act like you have skin that's barely a millimetre thick and lash out at the reviewer. I had one of the best days I've had in a while when I made the review, and I will apologise if it seemed like I was intentionally antagonising you or being angry, but I won't apologise for the review itself.

Now, let me fix that first bit.
"Man, this is fucking shit. This is raw, fermented shit, shit story, shit "Speshul" predator, shit person, shit fucking existence. Man, this raw, fermented shit heap piled on my lap as if it was a cat that went out, gutted a mouse, and brought it back to me, shoving it into my face, as if to say "This, is my gift to you. No need to thank me, I can feel your admiration just RADIATING out." as this tiny piece of shit thinks he can get away with this, OHHHH BOY, this shit shittedy shit shitter's gonna get what's coming to him. He thinks he's special, because it's HIS work, and that obviously HIS pile of shit should be considered better than all the other piles of shit? Well I deal with these piles of shit every fucking WEEK, in a neverending cycle of shit. I'll just shit on his shit app like I do with all the shit apps."

Much better, in my opinion, but you can't take my word for it.

Don't try to tell me that I should be nice and sparkly and poot pretty rainbows out of my ass as I post beneath an app "Great job! +100000!" while reading the one-sentence long background in contentment. I'm a critical person, and I'm quite blunt about it.
There's a difrence between being critical, being harsh and being an asshole. Here's the rundown:

Being critical: Uhm, from a critical standpoint, this wasn't the best i've seen. You went for the obvious "my predator is special because X or Y" but you only told us he's special, and didn't showed us. I give this a -1 because it isn't up to my standards and i think it can be improved here and there.

Being harsh: Being honest, i think this was lame. "Muh pred is speshial" isn't a good argument if you don't show us why he's special. Look at any accepted app and look back at yours, you'll see the standards that we have for preds aren't the ones you give us. -1


Earlier i called you Gordon "Boltersam" Ramsay, and it was for a reason. I think you can be harsh but respectful, and you aren't. You're just acting like an asshole for no reason. You can still be Gordon Ramsay, except no one likes Gordon Ramsay and everyone tells him that he's an asshole, because he IS.
Best interaction with i've had:

I love you papa feweh, god bless.

LostPlayed a round as an Ancient Runner and Ancient Hunter. I still suck at alien though : ^)

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Karmac » 07 Jun 2017, 08:31

If I'm gonna be honest, Bolter's reacting pretty fairly to a directed insult against him.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Byond: jusa297

Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by jusa297 » 07 Jun 2017, 08:33

Karmac wrote:If I'm gonna be honest, Bolter's reacting pretty fairly to a directed insult against him.

Telling someone not to insult someone is an insult?
Best interaction with i've had:

I love you papa feweh, god bless.

LostPlayed a round as an Ancient Runner and Ancient Hunter. I still suck at alien though : ^)

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Re: Screaming's Vir-aak Hu'ai-n Pred App

Post by Karmac » 07 Jun 2017, 08:37

Alright, let's look at Bolter's review of this app, sure he's got a bit of salt or personal anger or something visible in there, but at the end of the day it's criticism, and it's not like he's targeted this app with his 'it's raw' meme, it's more of his general way of being dissapointed in the lacking quality most predator apps contain these days. If the applicant took this as a personal insult or something of the like than it show's he's got some maturing to do.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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