Your Byond ID:rev_benji
Character Name:Benjamin Forrester
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Jobban
Admin who banned you (if known):Unknown, CJ applied the initial day ban but the job ban was applied within the last few hours, I don't think I was jobbaned at the beginning of last round. Maybe I was.
Total Ban Duration:job ban
Remaining Duration:job ban
What other servers do you play on? /tg/ sometimes, not in a while.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?Yes in the past, not currently.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):the original dayban reason was "Suicided as medic after being denied tricord"
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
So the incident was pretty much as described. CMO wouldn't authorize tricord pills. The pills were made and bottled but before I got them an MP came up to stop me.
I repeatedly asked the CMO to authorize tricord, he wouldn't, and eventually got the MPs to remove me from medical, at which point I fed myself a lead salad.
This was in protest of what I saw as absurd and pointless obstructionism on the part of the CMO. That being said, if I ever find myself in a situation like that again, I'll just ghost instead. I almost did this time, but decided to suicide for whatever reason. Stupid? Yes, very, I know the rules and wasn't in the least bit surprised when I got banned.
However, I feel that a medic job ban in this case isn't appropriate, because my breaking the rules wasn't really related to the role I had. It was a moment of childish "screw you guys, I'm going home" acting out. I'll do my best to avoid anything like this in the future, and as I said above, I'll ghost instead of suiciding if I'm going to quit immediately. (obviously if I'm in a more vital role I'll ahelp first)
rev_benji squad medic jobban appeal
- rev_benji
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- ZDashe
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Re: rev_benji squad medic jobban appeal
Player's notes:
With the last warning occuring on the previous round.
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- rev_benji
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Re: rev_benji squad medic jobban appeal
I guess I'll go through these individually, I swear I'm not as bad as I look on paper.
Warned to shooting up req because he did get any mods on Thu, July 14th of 2016
I was relatively new at this point, and I shot out windows cuz muh attachments
Use of sexual slurs against a player, Told about NOT being a dick on Tue, July 26th of 2016
Called someone a faggot, ironic that there's another sexual slur in the note itself.
Warned not to leave the Sulaco as a bridge officer on Sat, August 6th of 2016
Can't remember this, I'm sure I did though.
Warned not to use harm baton or spam tazer a prisoner. This guy is a really shitty MP on Sat, August 6th of 2016
In addition to above, he harm batoned a prisoner which caused him to have a broken chest then he refused to let that prisoner go to medbay which resulted in that prisoner dying from oxyloss damage. An ultra shitty MP on Sat, August 6th of 2016
Didn't know harm baton was as powerful on this server, was used to playing other servers where minor roughing up of prisoners wasn't a big deal.
Built a sentry before landing on the planet, warned on Thu, September 22nd of 2016
didn't know this was against the rules at the time.
Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - You're a pretty terrible Command player seeing as you do MP work while playing Command and you're a pretty terrible MP. Breaking an excessive amount of rules. You can appeal this in a week or so on Thu, September 29th of 2016
Banned from Military Police - You're a pretty terrible Command player seeing as you do MP work while playing Command and you're a pretty terrible MP. Breaking an excessive amount of rules. You can appeal this in a week or so on Thu, September 29th of 2016
Improper escalation as a BO, shot a survive 6 times in the head with AP. Improper following of marine law. Multiple complaints regarding him while he was playing a BO, acting as an MP, while there were no MPs. He was a pretty terrible BO as MP on Thu, September 29th of 2016
I'm getting sick and tired of the BS Accusation between Tidal7 and Rev_benji. So I've told both of them to cut out the shit and STAY well away from eachother on Fri, November 4th of 2016
^this was related to a huge shitfest involving Tidal7, a player who is now perma'd. Theres a massive drama filled thread or 2 if you care to delve into it.
Usage of extreme lethal force upon two MPs who had arrested Xur for "tabling" someone. For the next week I suggest watching Benji like a hawk on Mon, October 10th of 2016
Xur tabled an MP. 2 MPs tried to arrest him, but were disarmed. Instead of going back to sec to get more stun weapons, they grabbed some rifles and were about to engage in a firefight with Xur and another marine or two. I talked them down from it using IC and looc and convinced them what a terrible idea that was, not least of all because it was explicitly against the rules. some more shit went down that I cant exactly remember, they arrested xur and brigged him for an obscenely long time (he was SL) things escalated and I ended up killing them, they were shooting lethals as well. They both logged after dying instead of talking to the admin. That and the fact that I had talked them down earlier was why I wasn't banned for this.
Broke into the bridge from space as a crusher. reminded why this wasn't a good idea on Tue, October 11th of 2016
I ahelped myself right after doing it, I was stuck outside and just broke a window without thinking
As a hunter,used a corpse to get rid of mines,when talked to he said "an admin told him it was ok" warned not to repeat further mine sweeping on Thu, October 13th of 2016
When I did this the first time I ahelped saying that it felt wrong, and someone said that it was allowed. I forgot who, and neither me or the admin who warned me about it could figure out who it was. I swear someone told me it was ok though.
Banned|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: ERG on Sat, November 5th of 2016
Can't remember exactly what happened here, I think that I shot someone who was ERGing not realizing that defending yourself from ERG is ERG.
Went down to the planet as an MP, wanted to make an arrest. Was PMed to go back up on Sat, November 5th of 2016
I think I had authorization from a BO as they were called at the time, can't remember the specifics.
Told me it was "funny" to grief people by flooding the chat log by throwing long named objects at them. Told him to cut it out. didn't seem to care about his on Mon, November 7th of 2016
Banned|Duration: 60 minutes|Reason: Bug exploit grief that crashes people. Warned and continued it on Mon, November 7th of 2016
This was both from the first time autoinjectors were updated to say expended in the item name after you use them. There was a bug that if you tried to use an already used one it would say "tricordrazine auto injector - expended - expended" and it would keep adding on every time you tried. Eventually I got one with a name so long that your client would freeze if you right clicked with it anywhere on the screen. I did crash a few fellow marines who were on the ship for like a minute each, I didn't do it maliciously, I just thought it was a funny novelty. I still don't think this is a big deal, but I can see why I got banned. (ban ended up being 10 days not 60 minutes)
Warned for useless ahelp on Fri, May 19th of 2017
an admin said something like "I'm surprised I didn't get ahelpted about something or other" and I ahelped something retarded.
Warned for slashing a nested and infected host that posed no threat as the queen "because we might lose this position and I dont want them to escape". Told that it's powergaming, and unless the nested and infected hosts were deemed as a threat, they shouldn't be slash into paincrit just so they can't run away on Mon, May 22nd of 2017
I thought since the queen was the only one physically captable of slashing nested infected that I could do things like this. 6 months or so ago, slashing nested infected was allowed if they didn't die, even as non queen, although it was frowned upon.
Was warned about using netspeak "rekt" on Thu, May 25th of 2017
I don't remember actually being PM'd about this, maybe I was. I'm sure I said it, anyway.
Banned|Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason: Suiciding as a squad medic for being refused tricord on Fri, May 26th of 2017
Banned from Squad Medic - Suiciding as a squad medic for being refused tricord on Fri, May 26th of 2017
you are here
Warned about RP guidelines. Was caught shooting Alpha SL's corpse until his head fell off (, "because I've been waiting for surgery for like 30 minutes and I'm bored" on Sat, May 27th of 2017
yeah. Didn't know this created combat logs. my bad
Warned to shooting up req because he did get any mods on Thu, July 14th of 2016
I was relatively new at this point, and I shot out windows cuz muh attachments
Use of sexual slurs against a player, Told about NOT being a dick on Tue, July 26th of 2016
Called someone a faggot, ironic that there's another sexual slur in the note itself.
Warned not to leave the Sulaco as a bridge officer on Sat, August 6th of 2016
Can't remember this, I'm sure I did though.
Warned not to use harm baton or spam tazer a prisoner. This guy is a really shitty MP on Sat, August 6th of 2016
In addition to above, he harm batoned a prisoner which caused him to have a broken chest then he refused to let that prisoner go to medbay which resulted in that prisoner dying from oxyloss damage. An ultra shitty MP on Sat, August 6th of 2016
Didn't know harm baton was as powerful on this server, was used to playing other servers where minor roughing up of prisoners wasn't a big deal.
Built a sentry before landing on the planet, warned on Thu, September 22nd of 2016
didn't know this was against the rules at the time.
Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - You're a pretty terrible Command player seeing as you do MP work while playing Command and you're a pretty terrible MP. Breaking an excessive amount of rules. You can appeal this in a week or so on Thu, September 29th of 2016
Banned from Military Police - You're a pretty terrible Command player seeing as you do MP work while playing Command and you're a pretty terrible MP. Breaking an excessive amount of rules. You can appeal this in a week or so on Thu, September 29th of 2016
Improper escalation as a BO, shot a survive 6 times in the head with AP. Improper following of marine law. Multiple complaints regarding him while he was playing a BO, acting as an MP, while there were no MPs. He was a pretty terrible BO as MP on Thu, September 29th of 2016
I'm getting sick and tired of the BS Accusation between Tidal7 and Rev_benji. So I've told both of them to cut out the shit and STAY well away from eachother on Fri, November 4th of 2016
^this was related to a huge shitfest involving Tidal7, a player who is now perma'd. Theres a massive drama filled thread or 2 if you care to delve into it.
Usage of extreme lethal force upon two MPs who had arrested Xur for "tabling" someone. For the next week I suggest watching Benji like a hawk on Mon, October 10th of 2016
Xur tabled an MP. 2 MPs tried to arrest him, but were disarmed. Instead of going back to sec to get more stun weapons, they grabbed some rifles and were about to engage in a firefight with Xur and another marine or two. I talked them down from it using IC and looc and convinced them what a terrible idea that was, not least of all because it was explicitly against the rules. some more shit went down that I cant exactly remember, they arrested xur and brigged him for an obscenely long time (he was SL) things escalated and I ended up killing them, they were shooting lethals as well. They both logged after dying instead of talking to the admin. That and the fact that I had talked them down earlier was why I wasn't banned for this.
Broke into the bridge from space as a crusher. reminded why this wasn't a good idea on Tue, October 11th of 2016
I ahelped myself right after doing it, I was stuck outside and just broke a window without thinking
As a hunter,used a corpse to get rid of mines,when talked to he said "an admin told him it was ok" warned not to repeat further mine sweeping on Thu, October 13th of 2016
When I did this the first time I ahelped saying that it felt wrong, and someone said that it was allowed. I forgot who, and neither me or the admin who warned me about it could figure out who it was. I swear someone told me it was ok though.
Banned|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: ERG on Sat, November 5th of 2016
Can't remember exactly what happened here, I think that I shot someone who was ERGing not realizing that defending yourself from ERG is ERG.
Went down to the planet as an MP, wanted to make an arrest. Was PMed to go back up on Sat, November 5th of 2016
I think I had authorization from a BO as they were called at the time, can't remember the specifics.
Told me it was "funny" to grief people by flooding the chat log by throwing long named objects at them. Told him to cut it out. didn't seem to care about his on Mon, November 7th of 2016
Banned|Duration: 60 minutes|Reason: Bug exploit grief that crashes people. Warned and continued it on Mon, November 7th of 2016
This was both from the first time autoinjectors were updated to say expended in the item name after you use them. There was a bug that if you tried to use an already used one it would say "tricordrazine auto injector - expended - expended" and it would keep adding on every time you tried. Eventually I got one with a name so long that your client would freeze if you right clicked with it anywhere on the screen. I did crash a few fellow marines who were on the ship for like a minute each, I didn't do it maliciously, I just thought it was a funny novelty. I still don't think this is a big deal, but I can see why I got banned. (ban ended up being 10 days not 60 minutes)
Warned for useless ahelp on Fri, May 19th of 2017
an admin said something like "I'm surprised I didn't get ahelpted about something or other" and I ahelped something retarded.
Warned for slashing a nested and infected host that posed no threat as the queen "because we might lose this position and I dont want them to escape". Told that it's powergaming, and unless the nested and infected hosts were deemed as a threat, they shouldn't be slash into paincrit just so they can't run away on Mon, May 22nd of 2017
I thought since the queen was the only one physically captable of slashing nested infected that I could do things like this. 6 months or so ago, slashing nested infected was allowed if they didn't die, even as non queen, although it was frowned upon.
Was warned about using netspeak "rekt" on Thu, May 25th of 2017
I don't remember actually being PM'd about this, maybe I was. I'm sure I said it, anyway.
Banned|Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason: Suiciding as a squad medic for being refused tricord on Fri, May 26th of 2017
Banned from Squad Medic - Suiciding as a squad medic for being refused tricord on Fri, May 26th of 2017
you are here
Warned about RP guidelines. Was caught shooting Alpha SL's corpse until his head fell off (, "because I've been waiting for surgery for like 30 minutes and I'm bored" on Sat, May 27th of 2017
yeah. Didn't know this created combat logs. my bad
- apophis775
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Re: rev_benji squad medic jobban appeal
Especially since you admitted you'd ghost in the future, which, guess what: Would also be a ban.
You wouldn't shoot yourself in the head IRL because of something so stupid, so you shouldn't be "protesting" it here.
Appeal again once you've played for awhile having a tantum and shooting yourself.
Also, notes are for you to "debate". They are for deciding staff to be able to reference without having to do an indepth lookup themselves.
Especially since you admitted you'd ghost in the future, which, guess what: Would also be a ban.
You wouldn't shoot yourself in the head IRL because of something so stupid, so you shouldn't be "protesting" it here.
Appeal again once you've played for awhile having a tantum and shooting yourself.
Also, notes are for you to "debate". They are for deciding staff to be able to reference without having to do an indepth lookup themselves.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine