STAFF report PreacherCini

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STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by mrdust » 30 May 2017, 18:32

Your Byond Key:


Your Character Name:

Young Hunter (746)

Their Byond key:

No idea.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):

Central Daylight Time (CDT)
4:00:00 PM

Which Staff Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:

Enforcement of the rules
- Whenever a player receives a punishment they should know why and what they are being punished for.
- Ensure that all incidents are adequately investigated before giving a ruling.

3. Determine the seriousness of the issue
a.This is very important because the seriousness should match the punishment. For example: using light netspeak (emoji’s and such) is not a bannable offense for first time offenders; however, killing a marine for an insufficient reasons is.

5. Determine the punishment.
a. Determine the bare minimum punishment. There's no reason to jump straight to a ban, especially if the incident didn't cause a major disruption to the game.

Description of the incident:

After placing dead body's on the landing pad (On the ice colony map) I've got PM'd by PreacherCini. He or she asked me: ''Why did you put the bodies on the LZ?'' By which I responded: ''humans got to die man''. After I responded, PreacherCini asked me if I knew that this was against the server rules, by which I replied ''No, I didnt''. After my reply I asked why this was against the rules, because I honestly didnt know why. PreacherCini replied by telling me that I've been warned before, which I did not know. And so I told PreacherCini that I've not been warned before (atleast not to my knowledge). ''Are ya gonna try to lie to me? I have your notes right on my screen.'' was the accusation from PreacherCini directly following my reply. I swiftly replied; ''I have not been warned, I've done the same thing yesterday but noone warned me.'' By which PreacherCini PM'd to me; ''Ah. It seems the person who warned you was naive.''. To this day I don't know what he/she meant by this.

Then PreacherCini replied again by saying: ''They warned you after you logged off.''


So..... I didnt receive the warning? Or did I receive it when I logged on again and I missed reading it? So many questions, so few answers.

And so I asked PreacherCini; ''How can they warn me after I logged off?'' PreacherCini replied by saying: ''They made notes of your actions. Since this is your second offense, I'm gonna give ya a 3 hour ban to think about your actions. Don't do this again.''

But if they made notes of my actions does that automatically mean that I received a warning?

So I told Preachercini again that ''I didnt know about the warning and asked again ''why is it not allowed?''

But my efforts to try to get information from this guy/girl were again completely ignored and I received a ban for 3 hours.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):



How you would punish the accused:

There shouldn't be a punishment for PreacherCini. If you got a lot of retards (including me) that are breaking the rules, you will get very swift with carrying out your job. But this can also create communication issue's like this. I think PreacherCini should at least try to respond to the questions of the perpetrator in future affairs.

I want to clarify that I accept the 3 hour ban for doing this but I can't help thinking it's a little unfair that I did not get a warning the first time (without me knowing).


Thank you guys for reading this and hopefully this will be improved in the future.

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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by PreacherCini » 30 May 2017, 18:47

I'm super sorry about this, I was entirely in the wrong for this one. While you deserved the ban, I should've explained it in a more adequate way. About the warning, I went off your notes and saw you had been cited for doing this before. When things like this happen, I have a bad habit of getting a kind of tunnel vision. The rule you broke would be considered griefing, in my opinion, since you just totally ended the round for the marines who were under the LZ. In the future, I will make sure I focus on giving everyone reasons for their punishments. Thank you for keeping me in check!
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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by Feweh » 30 May 2017, 18:52

Layed 8 bodies under DS1 landing and died as well due to being crushed. Logged off right afterwards but due to still being new and marines unable to retrieve the bodies anyways, marked down as just a warning. by Emerald Blood (TrialModerator) on Mon, May 29th of 2017 Remove

Banned by preachercini|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Dragged bodies under the DS again. If they do this again, I'd request harsher punishments. by PreacherCini (Moderator) on Tue, May 30th of 2017 Remove

so have we learned out lesson now?

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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by Karmac » 30 May 2017, 18:59

The only issue here is they thought you knew what you'd done wrong, either way you deserved the punishment. I would've suggested a xeno jobban.
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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by mrdust » 30 May 2017, 19:27

Karmac wrote:The only issue here is they thought you knew what you'd done wrong, either way you deserved the punishment. I would've suggested a xeno jobban.

Let me get this straight.

So if this exact situation would appear again and this time you (Karmac) would be the moderator that is acting as judge. You would actually give the perpetrator a jobban even though it is not clear if he/she has been warned?

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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by Karmac » 30 May 2017, 19:41

Whether you know that you did a bad or not, at the end of the day you still did the wrong thing, so you'd obviously be punished for it accordingly.
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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by apophis775 » 30 May 2017, 19:48

I'd have probably given him a lengthy ban.
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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by mrdust » 30 May 2017, 20:05

Karmac wrote:Whether you know that you did a bad or not, at the end of the day you still did the wrong thing, so you'd obviously be punished for it accordingly.
Look, I don't want to disrespect anyone and this is pure constructive criticism. That said, what the actual fuck is going on. You are saying that someone should be permanently banned to get into a faction of the game (which is a big part of the experience) because they did something wrong which is clearly not very apparent in the rules, without any warning given.

That's the equivalent of a real life judge banning a US citizen from driving a car because the citizen did not see the speed limit sign in time and got caught exceeding the speed limit.

In my opinion the punishment should always be proportionate to the situation and violation committed.

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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by Karmac » 30 May 2017, 20:33

Except you WILL lose your lisence or at the very least pay a hefty fine for going over the speed limit.
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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by mrdust » 30 May 2017, 20:53

Okay the speed limit example isn't very applicable, but you have to understand that the punishment you are going to give is WAAAAYYYY out of proportion to the violation committed based on the following;

- The violation is not very apparent and is not clearly defined in the rules.
- There is no way we can know that the person committing the violation has been warned.

So it's a gray area and the person hasn't been warned (atleast not confirmed). Based on this information you want to permanently ban this person from a major faction in the game.

It even goes against the code of conduct:

5. Determine the punishment.
a. Determine the bare minimum punishment. There's no reason to jump straight to a ban, especially if the incident didn't cause a major disruption to the game.

I would say a warning would be sufficient. If the player in question appears to be mentally challenged and does it again I think a tempban would be fitting. But than again, I'm not an admin.

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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by Karmac » 30 May 2017, 21:10

I'm enjoying the fact that you presume you completely understand our procedures without being a staff member, and then go "but then again, that's just a theory", in a vague attempt to have your ban time reduced. Also nice I don't even have to make the 'you appear to be mentally challenged' joke you did it for me.
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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by apophis775 » 31 May 2017, 02:11

Pick the rule you violated:

Metagaming (knowing the shuttles come down there, so placing the bodies so they get squished)
Powergaming (Squishing the bodies to remove them as resources/equipment for marines)
Being a dick (Squishing bodies in general)

You were breaking at least 2 rules (metagaming and powergaming) by smashing bodies. It's not listed in the rules, because it doesn't happen enough for us to list it in there, but it's repeated behavior from you.

I 100% promise, you won't do that again accidently.

Remember one of our mottos: "Ignorance is not an excuse".
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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by mrdust » 31 May 2017, 11:12

Karmac wrote:I'm enjoying the fact that you presume you completely understand our procedures without being a staff member
No I didn't presume that, that's why I said ''but than again, I'm not an admin''. Please don't call something a ''fact'' when clearly it's your assumption.
Karmac wrote:and then go "but then again, that's just a theory", in a vague attempt to have your ban time reduced.

If you would have checked the time of post you would see that the tempban was already over. So again you are assuming things.
Karmac wrote:Also nice I don't even have to make the 'you appear to be mentally challenged' joke you did it for me.
Look I'm just trying to keep this constructive and none personal but you don't have to get all Ad hominem on my ass.

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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by mrdust » 31 May 2017, 11:44

apophis775 wrote:Pick the rule you violated:

Metagaming (knowing the shuttles come down there, so placing the bodies so they get squished)
As an alien I saw the shuttles land and take off. So naturally as a new alien I would know the dropship could come back in that general area.
apophis775 wrote:Powergaming (Squishing the bodies to remove them as resources/equipment for marines)
I agree to this one, I can't swindle my way out of this.
apophis775 wrote:Being a dick (Squishing bodies in general)
apophis775 wrote:You were breaking at least 2 rules (metagaming and powergaming) by smashing bodies. It's not listed in the rules, because it doesn't happen enough for us to list it in there, but it's repeated behavior from you.
It's repeated behavior because I did not know it was a violation and I did not receive a warning from anyone. So I don't see why this is an argument.
apophis775 wrote:I 100% promise, you won't do that again accidently.
Agreed, but I promise you 100% that a warning would have been more than sufficient. But then we wouldn't have this lovely thread.
apophis775 wrote:Remember one of our mottos: "Ignorance is not an excuse".
It's a good motto but I feel it should not be applicable when the violation committed is not very apparent and no warnings have been given.

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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by Feweh » 31 May 2017, 12:23


Very minor issues on both ends.

Two warnings results in a ban, logging off but committing a rule break still nets you a written warning.
Its just a 3 hour ban and a body gib, no big deal.

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Re: STAFF report PreacherCini

Post by mrdust » 31 May 2017, 13:06

@ Feweh

