Outer Hull V Crusher

fix pls
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Outer Hull V Crusher

Post by Jalleo » 16 Jun 2017, 14:34

Bug Description:
Crusher runs fast enough in maint
The crusher breaks the outer hull breaching the Almayer

Steps to reproduce:
1.Crusher charges in maint
2.Crusher rams a outer hull fast enough
3.The wall is completly destroyed

What should happen:
The wall should not be destroyed as it basically breaches the ship (even by accident) and can easily kill a lot of marines if no one is on to seal it. It is also breaking one of the rules.

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Re: Outer Hull V Crusher

Post by Sarah_U. » 16 Jun 2017, 14:39

Thing is, I'd rather it's kept due to how the dropship can crash outside the ship AND a quick fix could be done:

Spawn a blast door if an outer-hull wall is destroyed. Keep it open for 20 seconds then close it.

Something like that, alien can still be boinked if he constantly do it imo.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4JSohL ... e=youtu.be
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Re: Outer Hull V Crusher

Post by Jalleo » 16 Jun 2017, 14:45

The thing is due to how crushers work they could easily do it by accident from just having enough speed. Anyhow a dropship crashing replaces the turf that is there. So this being changed wont effect that I believe.
