[Forums] Balance

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Byond: Swagile

[Forums] Balance

Post by Swagile » 17 Jun 2017, 16:24

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): A balance discussion area that is a sub section of Suggestions. This area will only be for recent updates and the discussion of them; it will unclutter general discussions, and produce less salt as we have a place to discuss with developers about recent changes. Suggestions doesn't count as its literally just suggestions; not about how the game is progressing developmentally wise. Not everything that is said in this section has to be heeded, but its better than just throwing it all out there and hoping Developers get to it when most of the time their focused on Suggestions and other things.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Gives more feedback from veteran players to Developers, and allows Developers to know whats really going on from people who play the game regularly and how their updates affect them. Less of a disconnect from the developers and community.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Read above.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Someone with forum permissions.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: [Forums] Balance

Post by apophis775 » 17 Jun 2017, 16:52

This is the point of general discussions.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Re: [Forums] Balance

Post by misto » 17 Jun 2017, 19:54

it would be good to have the winrates and various other statistics(kill rates/damage done divided between xeno castes and marine weapons for example, and even that is further complicated by the fact xenos capture many victims rather than killing) publicly tracked (preferably divided between months or significant code updates rather than all-time) to have meaningful balance discussion, otherwise we are just giving vague general impressions based on the rounds we play, and not even the most addicted player is there for every round and sees every possibility

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Byond: Tidomann

Re: [Forums] Balance

Post by Tidomann » 17 Jun 2017, 20:08

Ah yes the good ol Echo Chamber of armchair game designers.

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Re: [Forums] Balance

Post by Snypehunter007 » 20 Jul 2017, 20:03


As said by Apop, this is the point of General Discussion.
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