Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

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Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Butlerblock » 02 Jul 2017, 21:56

Your Byond Key: Butlerblock

Your Character Name: Elite Ravager (680)

Accused Byond Key(if known): Unknown

Character Name: Dto Hult'ah

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 8:30-8:40 CT

What rule(s) were broken: Something in the honor code that I'm not going to look for, friends that I talked to about the situtation advised me to report it

Description of the incident: I was an elite ravager flanking a group of marines, and I only had one way out, so I was forced to do a hit and run. The marines saw me, so I assumed they were going to chase me after I pounced, and I saw the predator, so I decided to try and run away, but it turns out, the ONE place I can get out of the flank the predator Dto Hult'ah placed a hunting trap on, but I didn't see him anywhere after I got trapped, but the marines saw the situation, and started walking towards me, so I was forced to pounce away in a direction away from marines, but as soon as I pounced, the Predator came out of invis and slashed me to death, and I never even saw the marines again until after I died.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Not much I can do, but this is an amount of useful evidence: https://gyazo.com/f155ba357954532ba305edad497781c8

How you would punish the accused: No clue, I don't make predator rules and punishments, they're strict, not my cup of tea.

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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Karmac » 02 Jul 2017, 21:59

It helps if you actually know what they did wrong, and helps the people reviewing the report as well, just saying.
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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Renomaki » 02 Jul 2017, 22:58

Hmm.. Odd.. I think you got the wrong guy. I'll explain my side of the story.

See, earlier in that round, I had tried to hunt down a mature Crusher, who I had found in Fitness. as I tried to beat down upon it, it ran into the lab, and then... There you were. A ravager, ELITE in nature. I knew it would be suicide to chase after a crusher in the Research dome with a ravager hiding behind the corner, so I backed off, upset that my prize was taken from me. I had plans to try again with the crusher, but knowing you would NEVER be far from him, I realize that I had to do something about you.

I had talked to another predator about the events, and what I should do about it. He suggested that I should instead hunt YOU, since you were a greater target than a mere mature crusher. Crushers are deadly, let alone hunters... But these days, Ravagers are the ULTIMATE GAME, let alone ELITE ones... So, while I wasn't excited about the idea (knowing metawise that ravagers are predator killers), I accepted his idea, and then made it my mission to defeat the "Great Red" as I called ravagers.

So, I begun my hunt, seeking you out, planning my attack carefully, waiting for a moment where you would not be surrounded by serpents and humans. I found you earlier and watched you heal in fitness, noticing your wounds (via SHIFT CLICK).. I watched, waited for you to heal.. Then you buggered off, and I scouted around some more.

Then, at some point, while I was near Nexus, I noticed you just a bit north of the road, slaughtering some marines. I don't think you took any damage, and upon inspecting you, you were in good health. At this point, if I was correct, there were no marines nearby, or at least no unwounded marines that would get in the way of the fight.

Knowing that if I didn't slow you down, I wouldn't stand a chance, I placed a trap nearby to both even the odds and prevent your easy escape, Once you were trapped, I uncloaked and prepared my blade, you ran off a bit to the east (a bit near the ruined cargo dome) and then I had begun melee combat. Let me tell you, it was the scariest fight I ever had...

I fought ravagers before, and they tore me apart. Fighting an ELITE? Another story entirely. I had no faith I'd get out of this alive, let alone with both my arms on at the least. I would dash by you, trying to connect my sword to you has you slashed my skull, charged me down, and generally put up a hell of a fight. During it all, I believe no one else was involved in the fight. It was just me and you, and you were hurting me bad, popping my skull like a walnut.

But, in the end... I managed to whittle you down, defeat you, and... Accidentally popped you, which sucked... But I did get to keep the memory of beating a ravager in one on one combat, an elite one at that.

Honestly, if you tackled me down more (or got lucky with RNG and knocked my mask off) this fight would have turned out quite differently. You still put up a good fight though, know that.

But yeah, I didn't think you'd take it so hard. Never had a predator report done on me yet, and it is kinda disheartening.. Then again, that recent pred round was a bit iffy, and I did some things I wasn't proud of... But in the end, that one round turned out to be a hella fight, 3 hours of carnage and death, with lots of back and forth and chaos all around, and even a few duels here and there.

I only hope you can forgive me for hunting you, though... I know being hunted is a scary as fuck experience, and have been slaughtered by predators a fair few times meself. Not a pretty experience.. And now I'm gonna shut up before this becomes a huge wall of text.
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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by solidfury7 » 02 Jul 2017, 23:14

This is not worthy of a report, I can appreciate that your friend recommended to post here and you're new to the forums however.

While the Predator round wasn't perfect (These things happen, when you have 3 seperate sides in all our conflict with each other) from the situation it was obviously just bad luck on your part.

Hell, a while your fight with Reno, he ended up fighting myself and three marines with nothing but a blade while heavily wounded, he's that much of a good sport.
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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Aracino » 03 Jul 2017, 00:02

Honestly, if a Rav is fighting marines, you should wait until it's isolated. Less rewarding to fight a ravager moving at stalking speed. Not exactly worthy game if you cripple something that has extraordinarily low health after the nerfs along with the fact said ravager was already being "hunted" by the marines. I'm personally with Butler on this situation, as I'm in the belief hunting traps should be used defensively, like at a lodge, over offensively. Elite ravger is NOT easy to attain, and predators are more than equipped to deal with one alone. Reno shouldn't have been going after someone who was engaging in the front lines like that, seeking to massively cripple his prey before actually fighting them. Say I'm wrong or not, I personally as a Xeno main hate it when preds interfere to the point where they kill off an elite t3 using dirty tricks. Elite T3s are really fucking important, and a single death can turn the tide of a game massively.

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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Renomaki » 03 Jul 2017, 00:23

Aracino wrote:Honestly, if a Rav is fighting marines, you should wait until it's isolated. Less rewarding to fight a ravager moving at stalking speed. Not exactly worthy game if you cripple something that has extraordinarily low health after the nerfs along with the fact said ravager was already being "hunted" by the marines. I'm personally with Butler on this situation, as I'm in the belief hunting traps should be used defensively, like at a lodge, over offensively. Elite ravger is NOT easy to attain, and predators are more than equipped to deal with one alone. Reno shouldn't have been going after someone who was engaging in the front lines like that, seeking to massively cripple his prey before actually fighting them. Say I'm wrong or not, I personally as a Xeno main hate it when preds interfere to the point where they kill off an elite t3 using dirty tricks. Elite T3s are really fucking important, and a single death can turn the tide of a game massively.
To be honest, there are a lot of things that are debatable here.

For one, the ravager had pretty much scared off/mangled the marines a moment before it came upon the trap, and afterwards it had been isolated, just me and him. I wouldn't attacking them in the middle of a fight, because then it would be weak and not worthy to hunt. But he was in good health at the time and there were no known marines giving chase (not that I could see, though.. Then again, if they were, they gave up real quickly).

Another thing is about traps.. See, from my experience, traps are often kinda crap for defense. If you leave them at the lodge and forget em, 9 times out of 10 it just results in a trap being wasted, either being stolen by marines (to be used by them later against xenos) or random runners snag into them and end up dragging your trap away to some random location.. Where marines might stumble across it. Another fact is that when hunting xenos, they either run away from you should you dare attempt to slay them, or they just pounce-spam you to death, their speed allowing them to get out of range before pouncing again and again. In a 1 on 1 fight, if a xeno is trapped and a predator comes to pummel them, a smart xeno would use every ability it has to fight it off. Robust xenos could probably beat a predator even when slowed down, while a coward just tries to run away or panics.

It should also be noted that ravagers are THE predator killer these days. Glass cannons that can RIP YOUR ARMS OFF if they play it smart, and if you face more than 2? You are dead meat. Awhile ago I fought a young ravager in the same way: I found them, prepped a trap, they got snared and slowed down (forcing them to face me) and we fought, me losing an arm in the process. I beat it, sure... But I lost my arm, and thus was crippled. I committed suppuku afterwards, since a crippled predator is a dead predator walking (and if I am correct, crippled preds get put into slavery, so fuck that fate).

Was it a dirty trick to snare it before engaging it? If it was, I accept responsibility for it, but on the OTHER HAND, even while snared, that ravager could have just as easily killed me in the process. It just so happened that fate wasn't on his side.

And, er.. Another thing. Predators normally seek out the best and strongest warriors there are. Slaying an elite Ravager is fucking brave, but killing a runner? A shameful display. I don't go for T1s mate, just sayin.
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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Aracino » 03 Jul 2017, 00:34

Yes but you need to take into account the round. I've just been told that at that point, the queen was DEAD, bucket = kicked. By another predator aparently. I don't think it'd be in the best interest of the round if you started killing T3s for any reason. T2s are still around, one T2s death won't completely smash the round. But a t3, elite at that being killed? Like I said, can make or break around. Please don't go around this point. It's the main point of my argument. "Fucking brave" is not "making them move as fast as a turtle" then stabbing them while prone. ESPECIALLY when the queens dead and the xenos are probably not in a good spot after the fact. And now they're down an elite ravager, which is the equivalent of killing off a squads smart gunner and specialist in terms of cost to the xeno side.

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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Renomaki » 03 Jul 2017, 01:07

Aracino wrote:Yes but you need to take into account the round. I've just been told that at that point, the queen was DEAD, bucket = kicked. By another predator aparently. I don't think it'd be in the best interest of the round if you started killing T3s for any reason. T2s are still around, one T2s death won't completely smash the round. But a t3, elite at that being killed? Like I said, can make or break around. Please don't go around this point. It's the main point of my argument. "Fucking brave" is not "making them move as fast as a turtle" then stabbing them while prone. ESPECIALLY when the queens dead and the xenos are probably not in a good spot after the fact. And now they're down an elite ravager, which is the equivalent of killing off a squads smart gunner and specialist in terms of cost to the xeno side.
Really? I had no idea the queen was slain by a predator. I only killed a spitter, hunter, crusher and ravager.. Only 4 xenos, if I am correct. I was uncertain of the others and their kills, but I was told that the predators overhunted the xenos that round, which was regretful, and I'm sorry that happened. Had we communicated more, we could have avoided it. Keep in mind that I had tried to hunt marines as well when given the chance, though, so it wasn't totally xeno-focused [for me].

Also, you were trying for predator, weren't you? Trust me man, a snare isn't going to hinder a xeno's killing ability. They were far from prone, and were still able to do their quite-lethal charge attack, which would allow them several free hits on my predator. Had they been aiming for my arm, I woulda been in trouble... Much more had my mask fallen off.

You sound like you really underestimate the power of xenos. Sure, it is easy to assume that predators are gods of war and all that, but the reality is quite disappointing, where a RUNNER of all things can kill you if they are robust enough, and hunters that know how to pounce-spam you can be the bane of your existence (and trust me, I witnessed this a lot before whitelist too... Was kinda depressing).

I really didn't want to reply to this so late in the night, but I did want to clear up a few things here. If you were in my shoes, you would have known how I felt about fighting a ravager... It wasn't giddy, mate.

... P.S, killing a single T3 in melee is like blowing up a squad of marines with a pred bomb, which I HAD done at least once. In that same round, in fact, I went after Jester and a few of his men after my fight with the ravager, was quickly riddled with bullets, and then had to blow them up to avoid being KOed and looted. That was a grunt, an SL, and a medic.. All dead. Two of those were vital marine roles. Just wanted to put that out there, what with your comment on the killing of a ravager comparing to a spec... Which then again, I had hunted and fought before in the past. Just sayin..
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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Karmac » 03 Jul 2017, 02:07

A non-predator player can't really tell an actual predator player what he is and isn't capable of doing, that's just not how it works.

Besides the fact, predators are encouraged not to pick fights with the losing side but at the end of the day we can hunt whoever we want within reason really, the aftereffects of the target being dead aren't a concern to us.
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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Aracino » 03 Jul 2017, 02:18

Okay so your saying only the 30 people out of a server who has about 200+ members can criticize preds? Reno even said it himself that they over hunted xenos. Predators are suppose to add to the round, it seems pretty contradictory to only "encourage" them not to pick on the losing side in a fight. What does that add, besides a cheap victory?

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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Karmac » 03 Jul 2017, 02:23

I'm referring to your prior comment where you basically told Reno how he should be hunting and that he was entirely capable of taking on an elite ravager in the circumstance you provided, that's not criticism that's just being a bit of a dick.
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Re: Whitelist Predator Report: Dto Hult'ah

Post by Feweh » 03 Jul 2017, 02:51

100% legit kill and proper tactics.
Even gave him time to get up after that trap.

Reminder not to post in reports giving your opinion (aracino)

