Specialist Job Ban Appeal

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Byond: Tsaricide

Specialist Job Ban Appeal

Post by Tsaricide » 13 Jul 2017, 17:31

Your Byond ID: Tsaricide

Character Name: Shawn Lowstetter

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Specialist Job Ban

Admin who banned you (if known): No Idea

Total Ban Duration: Perma Job Ban

Remaining Duration:

What other servers do you play on? tgstation

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I have been banned but it was years ago

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Commited suicide because he wasted his spec token on the useless Mark I pulse rifle and felt he was being bullied (IC) for it to merit suicide before first drop. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Tue, June 20th of 2017

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I know now that while suicide is the easy way out it's not the right thing to do. I just got so upset with everyone in my squad bullying me for wasting my token and the admins refusing to show me mercy this once I decided it was best to blow my brains out. I've learned my lesson though and have not and will not kill myself ever again for such trivial reasons.

I would very much like to try playing specialist since that was my first and only time I had spawned as that job.

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Byond: Rain7x

Re: Specialist Job Ban Appeal

Post by Rain7x » 13 Jul 2017, 17:35

When he ahelped, I gave him the reason. Despite his notes here:

Code: Select all

Went down to the planet in full marine gear as a researcher, when questioned if he had read the rules told me he "usually wings it". After I told him to return to the ship he told me he was doing ground research. Finally got ganked by a hunter and got the hint and returned to the ship. by x on Wed, June 7th of 2017 Remove

Banned from Squad Specialist - Commited suicide because he wasted his spec token on the useless Mark I pulse rifle and felt he was being bullied (IC) for it to merit suicide before first drop. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Tue, June 20th of 2017 Remove

Warned for sending useless ahelps complaining. by x on Mon, June 26th of 2017 

Banned by x |Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason: Sending useless ahelps, poor attitude. don't return with this behavior in the future. by x on Mon, June 26th of 2017 
He was mature and polite about it, and didn't seem to show any of the previous poor attitude he did earlier.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Specialist Job Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 16 Jul 2017, 04:21

The thing is, there are 4 specialist slots, and you wasted one that could have been taken by another player.

Do any other staff have input?
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Byond: Tsaricide

Re: Specialist Job Ban Appeal

Post by Tsaricide » 16 Jul 2017, 04:30

I wasted it by accident, I had no idea that spending the token in the regular marine machines would produce a gun I wasn't able to get ammo for. I asked cargo, command and my SL and they all pretty much told me I was a waste and an over glorified marine at that point.

I've learned my lesson though and keeping me banned from it for any longer doesn't really do anything, I'm not going to kill myself again or use the token anywhere else but the proper machine now.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Specialist Job Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 16 Jul 2017, 04:50

Well, keeping you banned would allow people who would properly play the role to do so.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Byond: Tsaricide

Re: Specialist Job Ban Appeal

Post by Tsaricide » 16 Jul 2017, 15:06

I think you have an irrational fear that I'm going to kill myself again as specialist or waste the job, I waited 3 weeks to make this appeal for a reason rather than appealing it the day it happened.

3 weeks and I haven't had any negative interaction with any admins since then.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Specialist Job Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 16 Jul 2017, 15:45

It's not really a fear. I have literally 0 idea who you are.

But I approach all bans the same way. What do I think is the probability of you reoffending or breaking another rule based on our interactions here.

And I'm detecting a bit of an attitude that "you know better than us" when you say things like:
keeping me banned from it for any longer doesn't really do anything
I think you have an irrational fear that I'm going to kill myself again as specialist or waste the job
It's very condescending, and pretty much the reason why I haven't lifted this yet. Attitude comes into play a LOT with players and can give a pretty good insight. If you're reply message to the post I made clarifying my reason and asking for other input had been something along the lines of "it won't happen again" without the condescending tone, or even just waiting for other staff to reply (which is what I wanted) this would probably be resolved by now.

But the tone here, combined with your note history of having a ban for complaining and useless ahelps gives me pause.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Specialist Job Ban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 17 Jul 2017, 11:22

Denied for the reasons apop states.
