[Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

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[Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Crab_Spider » 18 Jul 2017, 12:34

Space Station 13, and other BYOND games (or gaming in general) is an addicting pass time, while it's healthy to do it in short bursts, it isn't healthy to do it 15 hours straight. This is debatable, and I'm not going to argue about it since that's not what I'm here to discuss. I'm here to talk about something we've all been told at some point in our lives — get a job. Some people have trouble socializing for a number of reasons, and I am one of those people. I would have asked in mChat how to do such, but I'd rather leave this open for a discussion in case there are other players in the community that want to cut their addiction and do something else with their time.
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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Sleepy Retard » 18 Jul 2017, 12:40

Hand in a decent résumé.
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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Feweh » 18 Jul 2017, 12:43

Any minimum wage job will pretty much hire you with or without a good resume, most minimum-wage jobs like McDonalds prefer you fill out a application anyways.
You can even apply online these days, bypassing the awkwardness of walking up to a counter and asking for application.

Minimum wage jobs are the best, at least for me I made a BUNCH of new friends, got a few girlfriends through them and learned to hate people even more.
A lot of times when I was young I'd only stay at the job because I enjoyed working with the staff who were all my age.

Seriously, people who make excuses for not being able to get a minimum-wage job are plain lazy.

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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by slc97 » 18 Jul 2017, 12:50

Apply to your local movie theaters. They are literally always hiring. Just go fill out a fuckload of applications online for anywhere. You're too young to be too good to work at certain places, so make sure you don't have that mentality. I did when I first looked for jobs and pretty quickly lost a lot of opportunities.

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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Symbiosis » 18 Jul 2017, 13:02

What Feweh said. Otherwise, networking is important. Most companies hire people they know, friends, family. Especially in smaller towns/cities.

Figure out what industry is big where you live. That's where money is to be made. Now you'll have to find a way to ingrain yourself into the social circles of those with money, be it hobbies, churches, etc.

Or you can be mobile and go where the money is.
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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Biolock » 18 Jul 2017, 13:02

If you want the job, want the job. Nothing made me flip to the next person faster than seeing all their weekday hours open but not wanting to work on weekends. Those kinds of people are the type to put in their two weeks after a few months. That brings me to my next point, getting a job is much easier than keeping it. When you get the job, do the job like it's your first day working there every day.
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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Feweh » 18 Jul 2017, 13:30

Really come to think of it, the only good thing about minimum wage jobs for me was meeting people and having some money.

Generally you're going to hate the actual job, but its usually the people that you work with that are the best.. or at times the worst.

I had my worst experiences working at Grocery Stores and my best experiences working at McDonalds, Subways and small businesses.

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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Nicboone » 18 Jul 2017, 14:03

Depends on what you want-

if its just a minimum wage job, get a job at a place where you know someone. Make a resume, apply online, and fill out their question test with the results that show them you are the perfect canidate.

if its a longer term career job, get some experience by just doing it, finding places to hone your craft, and get certified. I actually strongly discourage attending higher education unless you can do so without a loan, or if the career requires it [ See also; lawyers, doctors, etc]
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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Swagile » 18 Jul 2017, 14:19

Feweh's statement rings true with me at least.

Every minimum wage job with people ive worked so far have had AWESOME employee's. People I could quite honestly write books about if I ever wanted to; they were really interesting and had some great perspectives. Sure some of them were dumb, but they all had something they were "smart" at that would really blow your mind.

One guy I worked with knew the song lyrics of hundreds of songs off the top of his head and would always sing and/or hum at work. Another had the statistics of every major baseball player memorized and could tell you which team he thinks will win with relative accuracy.

But the job or the management themselves were TERRIBLE. Without the fun people I worked with, id have left faster than Usain Bolt.

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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Jaketeaking » 18 Jul 2017, 15:29

hand out CV's like theres no tommorow, fill in application forms. personally, what really worked for me was agency work. around christmas in particular i was puling in £500 per week after tax at 17, working in a warehouse on nights, that i got through an agency, didnt need to interview, i rang them up and they said can you start tonight. now im with a different agency, working in admin, so theres all different sorts.

forewarning about what SLC said though, at least in the UK places like cinema's and bar's require you to be 18, due to understandable legal restrictions.
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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Swagile » 18 Jul 2017, 15:42

Agencies here in Canada are shady as fuck, though.

Ive tried to get work through them for all sorts of jobs and what they offer is companies I would suspect do money laundrying or drug trafficing on the side in order to make money because there is no way their business practices keep them afloat unless they have rich daddies to bail them out.

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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by TexasTwoStep » 18 Jul 2017, 15:55


I'm an Assistant Manager for Dominos Pizza:

Now, not all Dominos, nor all minimum-wage jobs are like this, but here's the primary things:
Fill out Applications online, do not call the place if you don't get a reply, either they haven't reviewed it yet or you're not being selected, it's all over preference.

Have a Resume ready, they probably won't read it, but have it look pretty and make sure it's a page full of text.

After you start applying to places, keep your phone on you and answer appropriately, get in the habit of picking up your phone to a number you don't recognize and saying "This is <Name>." At the very least. Nobodies going to leave a voice-mail or a text if they have fifteen other people to call that day for an interview.

Most places do interview hires in succession, but if not and you happen to drop by for a place - look decent, don't overdress but don't show up in basketball shorts and a hoodie.

What else...OH YES: Be flexible with your time, ANY place will hire you if you can work for them for atleast a year-two and don't mind working a lot during summer then three-four days during the school year if you're young, besides that, look for the place you can go up in, sure Mcdonalds might be offering a little bit more than minimum-wage in some areas of the US, same with taco-bell, but it's usually not fun work, at my store we're always listening to music, catching up on each other's lives, and making pizzas while doing it...it's basically a book club but EDM dance party style if we're really busy.

Look at who's doing the interview, if they're miserable, tired, and are just trying to get through things, chances are that's how they'll act during your shift, but not always - just choose wisely, because a lot of places don't hire job-hoppers (people who have worked atleast 2-3 jobs in the past three months.)

Any questions, feel free to PM me.

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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Monoo » 23 Jul 2017, 07:21

Well shit.

I came in here thinking y'all would shit all over Crab for asking such a simple question. This community's so wholesome sometimes!

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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Liran343 » 23 Jul 2017, 09:09

I worked at a high-tech company as a general employee (you do small stuff) and got payed well, my father recommended me so they didn't ask for a resume. If you have connections (friends, family etc.) it can really speed up the process.

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Re: [Looking for advice] How do you get a job?

Post by Winter » 23 Jul 2017, 10:24

If you want something besides the local store/whatever, you may want to start looking at places like LinkedIn. Also, search EVERYWHERE. Monster, Indeed, Craigslist, stores you like, industries you like. If you like a particular company, hit their careers section. Be aware that a lot of companies start hiring in July/August or whenever their fiscal year starts and the budget is fresh and happy.

And for the love of little green apples, please spellcheck your resume. Many universities will proofread it/glance over it, or you can bug an astute friend.

Be sure to dress appropriately if they call you in for an interview. First impressions are important.

Edit: And be aware some job postings may be scams. Always be googlin'.
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