shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
- shyshadow
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shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
Your Byond ID: Shyshadow
Character Name: Christopher Odd
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Discord Permanent ban
Admin who banned you (if known): El Defaultio
Total Ban Duration: About a week.
Remaining Duration: Permanent
What other servers do you play on? Use to play on Fallout 13.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I mean, I was banned on Fallout 13 for being 14, so that's a doozy.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Due to shitposting and repetitively wasting a moderator's time.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Well I couldn't take screen shots due to them being deleted shortly after I was banned from discord. Anyway, this appeal in itself is justified. I was being an idiot and just making way too many jokes, I do not want to blame El Defaultio. Personally I think a little bit of mis-communication caused me to have thunk what I thought. Pretty sure I should just summarize what exactly occurred.
Basically I just posted something about Fallout 13 in Messhall. El Defaultio said don't do that, I just wanted to make a joke and said "I'll fite you." Jokingly of course, he replies with something which didn't seem like a legitimate warning he just says "Here's my response" and I'm kicked. I think nothing of it, I come back and ask for perms back for verified member. He says something like don't do anything wrong again and me thinking the kick was just a joke I reply with like "Wrong? What are you a nazi? Want me to bleach my hair?" in perms request. I'm kicked soon afterwards then I rejoin, I was trying to jokingly ask for perms back with like "I've been cucked." then I was about to edit with "P.S. May I have verified back?" But before I can do so he bans me and now we're here.
I know, it was stupid of me. It was like what? 2:00 AM where I was? I was just messing about I wasn't really taking anything seriously due to me being a not "too" serious guy. I mean I realized after like the 3rd time and I was going to stop. Anyway I learned to be a little more serious when being kicked. I'd like to talk to the community of CM again. I won't shit post in the wrong text channel again.
Character Name: Christopher Odd
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Discord Permanent ban
Admin who banned you (if known): El Defaultio
Total Ban Duration: About a week.
Remaining Duration: Permanent
What other servers do you play on? Use to play on Fallout 13.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I mean, I was banned on Fallout 13 for being 14, so that's a doozy.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Due to shitposting and repetitively wasting a moderator's time.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Well I couldn't take screen shots due to them being deleted shortly after I was banned from discord. Anyway, this appeal in itself is justified. I was being an idiot and just making way too many jokes, I do not want to blame El Defaultio. Personally I think a little bit of mis-communication caused me to have thunk what I thought. Pretty sure I should just summarize what exactly occurred.
Basically I just posted something about Fallout 13 in Messhall. El Defaultio said don't do that, I just wanted to make a joke and said "I'll fite you." Jokingly of course, he replies with something which didn't seem like a legitimate warning he just says "Here's my response" and I'm kicked. I think nothing of it, I come back and ask for perms back for verified member. He says something like don't do anything wrong again and me thinking the kick was just a joke I reply with like "Wrong? What are you a nazi? Want me to bleach my hair?" in perms request. I'm kicked soon afterwards then I rejoin, I was trying to jokingly ask for perms back with like "I've been cucked." then I was about to edit with "P.S. May I have verified back?" But before I can do so he bans me and now we're here.
I know, it was stupid of me. It was like what? 2:00 AM where I was? I was just messing about I wasn't really taking anything seriously due to me being a not "too" serious guy. I mean I realized after like the 3rd time and I was going to stop. Anyway I learned to be a little more serious when being kicked. I'd like to talk to the community of CM again. I won't shit post in the wrong text channel again.

^^^^Certified Neckbeard^^^^
- Sleepy Retard
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
So. Here's how it goes, not your first time breaking discord rules. Whatever, I warn you then you start to shitpost directly after I warn you. That warrants a kick. You later shitpost in the channel which quite a few staff have turned on, and luckily, I was feeling pretty fuckin' lenient so I kicked you again for breaking a rule. You then, which you seemed to have left out, go on mChat and start salting it up big time. Due to your salting up on mChat I decide to ban you because you were being a major asshat. I'm not exactly sure what you were thinking during this entire period but it's not much of a joke when I warn you several times, and give you a couple of kicks. Salting in mChat about mods and staff generally wasn't the way to go about it. Soooo.
What do I want be done in regards to the discord ban? Either keep him banned or be on a probationary area where if he fucks up again it's just a ban, because I really don't know how many chances I need to give someone before they shape up. These rules aren't convulated, they're not hard to follow. Just don't use your keyboard to type in the wrong channel, don't post porn, don't insult people and salt it up like the average dsay user and IN THEORY, you should generally be fine. I'm willing to give you another chance after a while or a probationary period where you'll be banned again for breaking the rules. Not exactly my choice to decide but those are the two optimal choices.
I believe someone has some pictures from this so if they wanted to post it that'd be cool, but that doesn't really change it much.
What do I want be done in regards to the discord ban? Either keep him banned or be on a probationary area where if he fucks up again it's just a ban, because I really don't know how many chances I need to give someone before they shape up. These rules aren't convulated, they're not hard to follow. Just don't use your keyboard to type in the wrong channel, don't post porn, don't insult people and salt it up like the average dsay user and IN THEORY, you should generally be fine. I'm willing to give you another chance after a while or a probationary period where you'll be banned again for breaking the rules. Not exactly my choice to decide but those are the two optimal choices.
I believe someone has some pictures from this so if they wanted to post it that'd be cool, but that doesn't really change it much.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- Kavrick
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
Saying that you were joking doesn't really excuse anything, if you think breaking rules is a joke then maybe you should rethink your attitude.
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal ... 2c5ef0.png
Said screenshot that i took, this was later deleted in Discord. he then went onto mchat and talked about him being kicked from Discord.
But yeah this doesn't really change much...
- apophis775
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
'It was a prank bro" is not an acceptable explaination.
I'm not sure we are gonna lift this anytime soon.
I'm not sure we are gonna lift this anytime soon.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- shyshadow
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
I'm not trying to excuse what I had done. I was attempting to explain as to why I thought what I had thought. I know the way I went about things isn't a very good way to do anything. I admit I was a bit salty in mChat, however I don't think I was trying to make an argument about things in mChat. I acknowledged the fact I was kicked, on mChat and it devolved into me basically complaining about it. I wasn't trying to get salty about anything, but I did. I wasn't mad or anything just a little annoyed. Anyway, I understand being an idiot isn't a good thing. The whole mChat situation didn't make the situation any better, it was really stupid of me to do what I did. I honestly should've thought it through in what I said but I didn't and that's why I'm here. I know apologies aren't worth anything but I'm trying to apologize for my actions.
I honestly cannot express how stupid I feel for even making this appeal. I probably should, I've thought about exactly what I had done, and I've learned from it. I understand "It was a prank bro" isn't a good explanation, but in all honestly that's what I thought. I can't change what I did, obviously but I learn from my mistakes. I don't just shrug it off. I understand it seems like that from the multiple warnings, but in that moment on discord. I thought the 1st kick was a joke. The 2nd one was just trying to lighten the situation and the 3rd one was me just being an idiot. I wasn't thinking straight and I see what I did wrong.
Sincerest Apologies. Seriously though, I won't be an idiot again. Hopefully at least.
Also, just a question? Exactly what do you mean not the first time breaking discord rules? Just a question, I don't recall receiving any discord warning and if I did exactly what was it?
I honestly cannot express how stupid I feel for even making this appeal. I probably should, I've thought about exactly what I had done, and I've learned from it. I understand "It was a prank bro" isn't a good explanation, but in all honestly that's what I thought. I can't change what I did, obviously but I learn from my mistakes. I don't just shrug it off. I understand it seems like that from the multiple warnings, but in that moment on discord. I thought the 1st kick was a joke. The 2nd one was just trying to lighten the situation and the 3rd one was me just being an idiot. I wasn't thinking straight and I see what I did wrong.
Sincerest Apologies. Seriously though, I won't be an idiot again. Hopefully at least.
Also, just a question? Exactly what do you mean not the first time breaking discord rules? Just a question, I don't recall receiving any discord warning and if I did exactly what was it?

^^^^Certified Neckbeard^^^^
- Feweh
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
You really need to chillout and stop being one of those "internet kids".
Constantly trolling, memeing, salting etc.
Seriously, anytime I notice your name its for the most stereotypical immature shit.
Constantly trolling, memeing, salting etc.
Seriously, anytime I notice your name its for the most stereotypical immature shit.
- apophis775
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
Yeah, You need to stop trying to be "edge". All it does is piss everyone off and get you banned.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- shyshadow
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
Well apologies for leaving a bad impression on you guys. However does this apply to in the server or discord. Maybe even both? I get the salty part, but trolling and memeing? Those are in my opinion very general, do you mean just being like rude? Or mean when you are referring to trolling? If that's the case I'm more then happy to improve. Obviously I can't change completely but I'll be happy to change if it means improving as a person; however I need to know a bit more exactly what you meant by that. It's very difficult to change when I'm not certain as to what you mean by "Internet Kid" & "edge" I can obviously assume and I am trying to interpret but for clarification. Please help me help you by elaborating on these terms, please?

^^^^Certified Neckbeard^^^^
- Feweh
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
We mean its time to grow up and be a big boy.
- shyshadow
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
Har, Har. Like anyone of us CM players are genuinely mature. I get your point though, while it's a little vague I'm not "that" much of an idiot. If that what it takes alright, obviously I won't instantly become Mr. Bigboy but I'll pull back on the memes and the rest.
I understand that it was immature of what I did. I usually act immature if I don't feel as I actually need to be mature. As I write this I'm obviously treating this with an appropriate mature manner. I'll do my best to be more mature and do it more often.
Also sorry for not replying sooner just been a lil'busy with things.
I understand that it was immature of what I did. I usually act immature if I don't feel as I actually need to be mature. As I write this I'm obviously treating this with an appropriate mature manner. I'll do my best to be more mature and do it more often.
Also sorry for not replying sooner just been a lil'busy with things.

^^^^Certified Neckbeard^^^^
- Kavrick
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
There's plenty of mature CM player's, but you tend to hang around in the circle of shitlers
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- Swagile
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
Removing your "cringe kid" signature would be a great start to proving you are a capable member of society.
Considering the ban appeal hinges on your maturity level, proudly proclaiming you (or your character), is a "cringe kid" is not a good way about proving said maturity.
Considering the ban appeal hinges on your maturity level, proudly proclaiming you (or your character), is a "cringe kid" is not a good way about proving said maturity.
- shyshadow
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
That's a little insulting Kavrick, I don't really break the rules all "that" often. In server at least, of course I have notes though I usually am able to avoid any actual rule breaks by well just following what proper roleplay would intend. Of course ERP and things of that nature I'm more then aware of. Anyway, erm Swagile, I'm not "proudly" proclaiming that I'm a cringe kid. It's more of a insult towards myself, I don't like to put myself on a pedestal so adding that to my signature is more of a reminder that I'm not perfect. Though I guess I could change it to something less immature.
Also Kavrick what do you mean I "tend to hang around in the circle of shitlers" obviously I'm not an amazing player, but calling me a shitler? Come on, I get salty like barely (anymore). I'm not really sure exactly what experiences you've had with me. Though I'm certain I don't classify as a "shitler" I only have minor notes (last time I checked) and my maturity is the only thing that I'm aware of being an annoyance. My self-esteem is gonna take a toll if I'm considered a shitler, maybe a nuisance...
Anyway, thanks for the input I guess?
Also Kavrick what do you mean I "tend to hang around in the circle of shitlers" obviously I'm not an amazing player, but calling me a shitler? Come on, I get salty like barely (anymore). I'm not really sure exactly what experiences you've had with me. Though I'm certain I don't classify as a "shitler" I only have minor notes (last time I checked) and my maturity is the only thing that I'm aware of being an annoyance. My self-esteem is gonna take a toll if I'm considered a shitler, maybe a nuisance...
Anyway, thanks for the input I guess?

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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
This was resolved a while ago, you were unbanned from the discord. Stop making yourself look worse than you already are. Rejoin the discord and attempt to prove yourself a good member of this community, or just stop in general.shyshadow wrote:That's a little insulting Kavrick, I don't really break the rules all "that" often. In server at least, of course I have notes though I usually am able to avoid any actual rule breaks by well just following what proper roleplay would intend. Of course ERP and things of that nature I'm more then aware of. Anyway, erm Swagile, I'm not "proudly" proclaiming that I'm a cringe kid. It's more of a insult towards myself, I don't like to put myself on a pedestal so adding that to my signature is more of a reminder that I'm not perfect. Though I guess I could change it to something less immature.
Also Kavrick what do you mean I "tend to hang around in the circle of shitlers" obviously I'm not an amazing player, but calling me a shitler? Come on, I get salty like barely (anymore). I'm not really sure exactly what experiences you've had with me. Though I'm certain I don't classify as a "shitler" I only have minor notes (last time I checked) and my maturity is the only thing that I'm aware of being an annoyance. My self-esteem is gonna take a toll if I'm considered a shitler, maybe a nuisance...
Anyway, thanks for the input I guess?

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- apophis775
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Re: shyshadow's Discord Ban Appeal
Locking this before he continues to prove the initial ban point.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine