MP Job-ban appeal

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Byond: SexyMr.Wiggles

MP Job-ban appeal

Post by SexyMrWiggles » 24 Jul 2017, 04:47

Your Byond ID[/b]: SexyMrWiggles

Character Name[/b]: I think my name was Rick Stone?

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban)[/b]: Job-ban

Admin who banned you (if known)[/b]: ZDashe

Total Ban Duration[/b]: Unknown

Remaining Duration[/b]: Unknown

What other servers do you play on[/b]? Paradise station once I think

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them[/b]? No

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned)[/b]: Shot myself because it was late at night and I wanted to go to sleep instead of using cyro (which I see now as kinda bad on my part).

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable)[/b]: -

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc)[/b]:

I am not saying I did not break the rules but I only wish to ask for a second chance for a dumb mistake I made. At the time I didn't just want to SSD on everyone and wanted to RP a bit before I left.

I understand that I did completely break rules (and if you say no to my appeal I can completely understand why and will accept it) but if you can find in your heart to forgive a noob then I will be grateful.

Even though it says "Ignorance is NOT an excuse" the only reason I really shot myself is because I didn't know how cryo really worked at the time (At that point I had only used cyro once after I made another mistake (ZDashe knows and can confirm) and thought that you needed an admin to change jobs) and so I didn't know what else to do besides either shoot myself or SSD (which I didn't want to do) leaving me with the dumb choice I made.

I know I am in the wrong but I only wish to ask for a second chance. Whether yes or no, I will accept. Thank you for reading.

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Byond: NescauComToddy

Re: MP Job-ban appeal

Post by NescauComToddy » 24 Jul 2017, 05:06

Player Notes.

Code: Select all

Went planetside as an MP holding a rifle. Was a new player, so I sent him back to lobby and linked him the server rules and wiki and let him rejoined as a standard marine by (Admin) on Fri, July 21st of 2017 

Player doesnt seem to play any role correctly, constantly doing shit that they shouldnt be doing . watch for further behavior by (X) on Sat, July 22nd of 2017 

Banned from Chief MP - As the CMP, suicide for OOC reasons instead of returning to cryo because "Sorry, I'm tired and didn't want to just SSD like a dick so I tried to RP a bit", locking up a job slot as a result. by (Friendly Robot) on Sun, July 23rd of 2017 

Banned from Military Police - As the CMP, suicide for OOC reasons instead of returning to cryo because "Sorry, I'm tired and didn't want to just SSD like a dick so I tried to RP a bit", locking up a job slot as a result. by (Friendly Robot) on Sun, July 23rd of 2017
Your notes history has occurred continuously some time ago. Day after day. For now, I would recommend you wait before making an appeal.

Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.

Retired staff (moderator).

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: MP Job-ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 24 Jul 2017, 14:36

Denied. Try again in a month. We typically don't lift job-bans the day after they were made.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
