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Post by Sargash » 30 Jul 2017, 19:51

Your Byond Key: Sargash

Your Character Name: Lillian Hook

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident
(Central Us Time for best results): July 30th 7:28 PM EST (6:28 PM Central )

Which Staff Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Preserve the RP and Enjoyment of the Server

Description of the incident:
Feweh, had a great event. UPP against Muhreens. It was very nice, I had a fun time as a researcher making chems for everyone. Then RPing to shit when people came on board, healing both members of UPP and Muhreens. A few times throughout the event Feweh dished out multiple bans for the UPP attacking the marines Commander. I think that's unjust, but I have no idea how long the bans are.

Then he spawned in an incredible amount of T2 Xeno's. All Mature. Spitters and Hunters like mad and gave no warning to the fighting forces at all. Which were all fairly embroiled in RPing or fighting or surviving. We had a ceasefire set up in a few locations. I died, in dead chat I made it clear I was upset at the bussery of massive Xeno spawning. Feweh was pretty rude in response to my criticism. Telling me to leave, and go play on other servers more than a few times with every ounce of criticism.

I forget how exactly it went. I had a screen shot saved, or I thought I did. But my capture device was turned off.

But then he straight up said: "The Xeno's were the end the round, moron." Generally I wouldn't care about an insult. I call things people do stupid all the time. But from the head moderator, calling a player a moron for criticizing their choice to end the game in a way that was massively frustrating for everyone involved, is unbecoming of a head moderator.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

I forget how exactly it went. I had a screen shot saved, or I thought I did. But my capture device was turned off.

But then he straight up said: "The Xeno's were the end the round, moron." Generally I wouldn't care about an insult. I call things people do stupid all the time. But from the head moderator, calling a player a moron for criticizing their choice to end the game in a way that was massively frustrating for everyone involved, is unbecoming of a head moderator.
I don't remember most of my exact words, I thought I had screenshotted everything, but I guess I didn't.

How you would punish the accused: A mark against him. I'm not trying to start a witch burning here. But I don't think Feweh is fit for a moderator position. Nothing much can be done without a replacement.

Thank you for your time.
Last edited by Sargash on 30 Jul 2017, 19:59, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Feweh- Head moderator.

Post by Kavrick » 30 Jul 2017, 19:55

Just for the record, SLC is the head moderator, feweh is a manager
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Byond: Sargash

Re: Feweh-

Post by Sargash » 30 Jul 2017, 19:59

Thanks for the correction, I was told in game he was head moderator, when I thought he was an admin.

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Re: Feweh-

Post by Kavrick » 30 Jul 2017, 20:02

Sargash wrote:Thanks for the correction, I was told in game he was head moderator, when I thought he was an admin.
Manager is in between host and admin as far as I'm aware, like the head head admin
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Re: Feweh- Head moderator.

Post by kidcat0007 » 30 Jul 2017, 20:09

i was banned for "memeing" in the being of the round by feweh i guess taking a nap or just having some harm less fun is not aloud i didnt even get arrested i just got gibed in front of briefing no warnings no pleads to stop i was just having some fun and joking around before briefing started wasn't aware that i could get banned for this
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Feweh-

Post by Feweh » 30 Jul 2017, 20:14

Are you reporting me for my own created event because you didn't like the direction the event I held went?

Because what I'm understanding, you liked the beginning part but dislike the ending with xenos?

So the start wasn't admin abuse, but because you didnt like the Xeno part, thats abuse?

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Re: Feweh-

Post by Sargash » 30 Jul 2017, 20:19

The report has nothing to do with you choosing to spawn Xeno's instead of providing better incentive, or spawning them in a better way to force the round along because it was stagnating.

It's more akin to being insulted after receiving proper criticism on your choice of actions in game. I'm not offended, but I've heard countless tales, and I don't think my report is without any merit.

What happened to other people that round, for whatever reasons it may have been is not something that involves me.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Feweh-

Post by Feweh » 30 Jul 2017, 20:40

Sargash wrote:The report has nothing to do with you choosing to spawn Xeno's instead of providing better incentive, or spawning them in a better way to force the round along because it was stagnating.

It's more akin to being insulted after receiving proper criticism on your choice of actions in game. I'm not offended, but I've heard countless tales, and I don't think my report is without any merit.

What happened to other people that round, for whatever reasons it may have been is not something that involves me.

Oh ok, so you're upset about the moron comment

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Re: Feweh-

Post by Sargash » 30 Jul 2017, 20:44

In essence, ya. But I'm not really upset. With the constant amount of people getting shit on by you, it's more calling to light a potential issue.
But yes, for this direct case. Having been called a moron is the issue.

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Re: Feweh-

Post by Feweh » 30 Jul 2017, 21:05

Sargash wrote:In essence, ya. But I'm not really upset. With the constant amount of people getting shit on by you, it's more calling to light a potential issue.
But yes, for this direct case. Having been called a moron is the issue.

So let me make you understand something.

It takes me a very long time to set special circumstanced events up and then I spend the next 2-3hours in-game observing the event making sure everything doesn't fall to pieces.
Generally, while it is somewhat for my enjoyment it's more for the players so they can have a change and experience other elements of CM.
My point being, making large events is generally VERY taxing on the person hosting and can be incredibly frustrating to manage.

So with that said, lets move forward to my issue with you.

One thing that is very annoying to deal with is salty players, especially those in deadchat who spread bullshit or made up "facts" about the round.
Which is exactly what you were doing in deadchat.

You did the following.

1. Complained I was purposely delaying the round.
2. Complained about the xenos being sent and claiming it was further admin abuse.

What this does in deadchat is cause MORE salt, leading to a chain of bullshit that is incredibly annoying to read and deal with.

The worst of all this is the fact that you were accusing me of delaying the round, when in truth I PURPOSELY sent the xenos at the end to speed up the round end.
See with special events, there are no win or end conditions, when you're on extended its 100% ended by us under what-ever-variable we seem fit. I thought, a really good round end that'll include everyone in deadchat (60+ players) would be to send in a large Xeno group to wrap this up.

Now I don't expect every player to know that, which is fine.
But a good tip in life, don't spread misinformation if you aren't informed on the subject as generally, you'll be called out for it.

So to wrap this up,
I'm not sorry for calling you a moron, because that's exactly what you were being and it was extremely foolish and stupid of you to be causing problems in-game and spreading misinformation in deadchat.

very foolish or stupid.

Personally, I think you're a very selfish and self-entitled player. I understand your round might of been ruined by the xenos, but for the other whatever amount of players that got to play again... they had fun. I generally have no problem sacrificing a few salty players opinions on me for the the vast majority.

I personally don't feel like calling someone stupid or moronic is an insult, but hell some people live in glass houses.
However, what I do find insulting is shitting on the one person who just spent the last 3 hours observing, setting up and maintaining an event all that expense of myself for everyone elses enjoyment.

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Re: Feweh-

Post by apophis775 » 05 Aug 2017, 15:43

Gonna have to say that calling someone a "Moron" isn't really a breach of any of our code of conduct.
You say there are other incidents, if you have references, witnesses, or anything information relating to those you can present it here, otherwise I'm gonna lock this in a few days.
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