CO Report - Solidfury7

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CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 13:26

Your Byond Key: Chaznoodles.

Your Character Name: Josen 'Flex' Keelin.

Accused Byond Key(if known): SolidFury7.

Character Name: William 'Jester' Crimson.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 18:00GMT/12:00UST

What rule(s) were broken: 1. Lethal force, 9. Commander Special Rules.

Description of the incident: I was a CT, Crimson was the CO. Throughout the entire round, Req had been working efficiently and perfectly, keeping marines supplied. At some point, Crimson started trying to organise emergency drills in the middle of a combat situation, putting marine lives on the ground at risk by denying them medical attention from doctors and supplies. Myself and the RO, Lother, continue working, ignoring the drills as we have a job to do. The Medbay staff do the same under the CMO's orders, as the drills are false. Red alert is raised at some point during this, because the CO wants his drills to be so spooky. I call the CO an asshat - paraphrasing - for trying to force us to not help marines, and continue doing my job. About five minutes later, the CMO advocates for his removal from command staff over command chat. I do not take part in this conversation. Anyways. nobody cares about the fake red alert. Eventually, a SO comes storming into Req, clad in full armour, and orders us to build defences in Req. We tell him no, saying it's a waste of our time, and ask him to leave so he stops wasting ours. He runs off. CO calls for my arrest for the previous asshat-calling. I ask the CMP to come to Req so I can talk about this. He comes, we talk, a SO runs in and starts stealing from Cargo, I screech at him to put the M4RA back. As I'm about to follow the CMP - who dashed off ahead - to the brig, the shuttle gets hijacked. As being in the brig means we can't secure req against the xenos invaders, whom the SLs reported as jacking the shuttle, I remain within Cargo to supply marines with the RO.

The CO walks in, mumbles something about points, then draws his mateba and fires every single shot at me. And misses. I duck into the storage area and call for MPs while he draws his smartgun - obviously prepared for murder, seeing as he would've been on the way to Req before the hijack was announced. The RO stands in the storage doorway so he can't shoot me. MPs arrive, they flashbang me and are about to cuff me when the CO walks up and blows my head off with a mateba.

To reiterate: CO blew my head off for calling him an asshat under false pretences of a fake red alert he'd put up to play drills. CMO who actually advocated mutiny did not receive the same punishment. Same CO has a report from a few days ago for carrying out another bad execution.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: CO whitelist removal, appropriate other punishment.
Last edited by Chaznoodles on 01 Aug 2017, 13:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by slc97 » 01 Aug 2017, 13:30

We'll have an investigator look into this, and solidfury will present his side, but if you were cuffed and in custody of the MPs, then you are subject to normal execution procedure and not battlefield.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 13:37

slc97 wrote:We'll have an investigator look into this, and solidfury will present his side, but if you were cuffed and in custody of the MPs, then you are subject to normal execution procedure and not battlefield.
I was not in the custody of MPs, due to aliens having hijacked the shuttle, at which point I believed the MPs were too busy to be concerned with me and I could lend a hand in the defence of the ship. The CO, however, appears to have had other plans.

Also, to note:

"They may kill anyone under their command or on their ship without any warning or procedure if they feel they are a threat to the mission. The CO/Admiral must state why the individual was executed ... This power can only be used on captured prisoners when it is not possible to perform standard execution procedures."

No reason was stated, it was attempted completely wordlessly. I was not a captured prisoneron whom standard execution procedures weren't possible, nor was I a threat to the ship, which is what the execution rules state must be true.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Feweh » 01 Aug 2017, 13:45

Chaznoodles wrote:I was not in the custody of MPs, due to aliens having hijacked the shuttle, at which point I believed the MPs were too busy to be concerned with me and I could lend a hand in the defence of the ship. The CO, however, appears to have had other plans.

Also, to note:

"They may kill anyone under their command or on their ship without any warning or procedure if they feel they are a threat to the mission. The CO/Admiral must state why the individual was executed ... This power can only be used on captured prisoners when it is not possible to perform standard execution procedures."

No reason was stated, it was attempted completely wordlessly. I was not a captured prisoneron whom standard execution procedures weren't possible, nor was I a threat to the ship, which is what the execution rules state must be true.
They can state it afterwards and don't have to state it before they're about to shoot someone. (For obvious reasons)

Will look into it once logs update.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by solidfury7 » 01 Aug 2017, 13:47

Well, I don't know what to say to this, I cleared your execution with the administration online, you were outright trying to get me arrested on false pretences during a red alert, as the shuttle was jacked. Not to mention the varying other crimes you broke,

you were outright hostile to me from the start, evidently salty about the other day and tried to undermine me from the get go. We did the drill after recieving reports from the Corporate Liason about a hostile vessel moving to the sector, the CL did an amazing job on this, slowly feeding us information, as the battle on the colony grew more dire, to the point where he pretty much said > Its a UPP vessel and its coming in our direction at max speeds with a weapon loadout and this has been confirmed by W-Y.

I'm amazed at either the outright misinformation you're presenting here (information I know for a fact you had, as you had a command headset as a CT), you do realise that the administration can simply log dive, and the fact you are claiming I killed you over being called an asshat is laughable (seriously, delta SL was saying far worse about us)


- "Drills designed to not help marines"- You were informed they could simply be 5 minutes, when you could spare. (Which you and your RO ignored)

- "Doing nothing to the CMO" - The CMO was actually detained before shit hit the fan,

- "Not announcing the execution afterwards" - In fairness, this crossed my mind, however we were sprinting to evac and I believe the person next to me (Either the MP/CMP or XO) announced it, so I assumed that is sufficed considering that we were fleeing for our lives, you could technically claim that this is a violation, however that'd simply be taking context out of the rules and applying it word for word, rather than how it was intended


I'll likely address some more points if required, however I think if an administrator simply looks at the logs, they'll get a rather clear picture of why he was executed.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 13:52

solidfury7 wrote:Well, I don't know what to say to this, I cleared your execution with the administration online, you were outright trying to get me arrested on false pretences during a red alert, as the shuttle was jacked. Not to mention the varying other crimes you broke,
At no point did I get involved in that discussion, as you well know. That was the CMO, who you did not execute.
solidfury7 wrote: I'm amazed at either the outright misinformation you're presenting here (information I know for a fact you had, as you had a command headset as a CT), you do realise that the administration can simply log dive, and the fact you are claiming I killed you over being called an asshat is laughable (seriously, delta SL was saying far worse about us)
You did indeed kill me for calling you an asshat, 20 minutes prior to you actually walking in wordlessly and trying to kill me.
solidfury7 wrote: Regarding

- "Drills designed to not help marines"- You were informed they could simply be 5 minutes, when you could spare. (Which you and your RO ignored)

- "Doing nothing to the CMO" - The CMO was actually detained before shit hit the fan,

- "Not announcing the execution afterwards" - In fairness, this crossed my mind, however we were sprinting to evac and I believe the person next to me (Either the MP/CMP or XO) announced it, so I assumed that is sufficed considering that we were fleeing for our lives, you could technically claim that this is a violation, however that'd simply be taking context out of the rules and applying it word for word, rather than how it was intended
That time could not be spared, as we were busy doing our actual jobs and not jerking off over falsified reports from the CL.

The CMO was detained and kept in a cell for inciting mutiny, but you kill the CT when the aliens have just banged into the ship for calling you an asshat?

This seems to have been done more for your OOC pleasure than for any IC gain, which seems to have factored into your execution of the CMP in the other report thread too. I was not a threat to the ship or crew, which you well knew.

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Byond: Swagile

Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Swagile » 01 Aug 2017, 13:52

We had a red alert due to the CL reporting a possible hostile boarding by UPP, and we had also lost the planet to xenomorphs. We had several injured, and multiple dead marines. Then Josen and the CMO come out of nowhere and start telling MP's to arrest us for "making a drill" or some shit and telling us to basically "fuck off" (logs can be pulled). Then, during an ACTUAL BOARDING, he basically kept spewing shit on Command and MP channels, which was causing discord and distraction within Command staff. So I, a SO, suggested a battlefield execution as Josen has overstepped his bounds. The CMO was already brigged before the boarding happened, hence they would be dealt with by MP's.

Logs can confirm this; I was Jose McCain this round. Really poor showing by Josen in my opinion; causing discord within Command ranks during both a possible and an actual threat on the ship is a clear cut reason to use a battlefield execution. Nor did you shut up when told to shut up.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 13:58

Swagile wrote:We had a red alert due to the CL reporting a possible hostile boarding by UPP, and we had also lost the planet to xenomorphs. We had several injured, and multiple dead marines. Then Josen and the CMO come out of nowhere and start telling MP's to arrest us for "making a drill" or some shit and telling us to basically "fuck off" (logs can be pulled). Then, during an ACTUAL BOARDING, he basically kept spewing shit on Command and MP channels, which was causing discord and distraction within Command staff. So I, a SO, suggested a battlefield execution as Josen has overstepped his bounds. The CMO was already brigged before the boarding happened, hence they would be dealt with by MP's.

Logs can confirm this; I was Jose McCain this round. Really poor showing by Josen in my opinion; causing discord within Command ranks during both a possible and an actual threat on the ship is a clear cut reason to use a battlefield execution. Nor did you shut up when told to shut up.
Factcheck: Red Alert was declared LONG before xenomorphs were even close to overcoming marine defences.
Factcheck: I never advocated for your removal from command, the CMO said you didn't deserve to be in command if you were running drills.
Factcheck: I did not keep 'spewing shit' during the boarding, I was trying to prepare supplies in Req for marines to arm up and defend with.

At no point was I ever a threat. If someone calling someone an asshat is an 'actual threat' in your eyes, maybe you should reassess your views on things. Didn't you also run into Req and try stealing stuff meant for marines from under our nose?

The RO, Lothar, was present for all the events mentioned, and Kit Clover was at the window and could see the shooting. They might have viewpoints of value.

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Byond: Swagile

Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Swagile » 01 Aug 2017, 14:02

Chaznoodles wrote:Factcheck: Red Alert was declared LONG before xenomorphs were even close to overcoming marine defences.
Factcheck: I never advocated for your removal from command, the CMO said you didn't deserve to be in command if you were running drills.
Factcheck: I did not keep 'spewing shit' during the boarding, I was trying to prepare supplies in Req for marines to arm up and defend with.

At no point was I ever a threat. If someone calling someone an asshat is an 'actual threat' in your eyes, maybe you should reassess your views on things. Didn't you also run into Req and try stealing stuff meant for marines from under our nose?
1. Red Alert can be called due to a possible hostile boarding, which it was; losing the Alamo later on justified it as well as the possible UPP threat.

2. You were egging it on by using Command channels (you shouldn't even have access to that as a CT) to talk smack about Command during Red Alert.

3. Logs will be published to show whether or not this is truth, but I distinctly remember MP channel being used later on by you.

4. Talking shit about Command during Red Alert is actually a threat to Command, as it undermines them. Especially so when others follow your footsteps and ignore Command or even actively work against them, especially when they know there are no consequences to their actions.

5. I did not steal anything from Req; the only time I stepped out of CIC was to assist my CO in invading Req and then watched you get battlefield executed. Hence that is false.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by solidfury7 » 01 Aug 2017, 14:02

Chaznoodles wrote:At no point did I get involved in that discussion, as you well know. That was the CMO, who you did not execute.

You did indeed kill me for calling you an asshat, 20 minutes prior to you actually walking in wordlessly and trying to kill me.

That time could not be spared, as we were busy doing our actual jobs and not jerking off over falsified reports from the CL.

The CMO was detained and kept in a cell for inciting mutiny, but you kill the CT when the aliens have just banged into the ship for calling you an asshat?

This seems to have been done more for your OOC pleasure than for any IC gain, which seems to have factored into your execution of the CMP in the other report thread too. I was not a threat to the ship or crew, which you well knew.

So, you metagamed that the CLs reports were false, cool.

The CMO was detained for mutiny PRIOR to the boarding, the fact you're claiming I did it over calling you an arsehat is actually laughable and makes it difficult to take this report seriously.

Then you simply try a baseless character assassination because your argument has little substance.

So, in your own report, you admitted to metagaming, falsifying information and metagrudging and being evidently salty.



red alert: It was actually lowered to blue alert for quite some time, before hitting red alert when the CL told be it was a UPP ship (which we assumed to have a taskforce behind it)

Mutiny - You called for my arrest and for me to be removed from command, I even remember the phrasing of it.

Really, I see no basis of this report, its just a thinly veiled personal attack.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 14:10

Swagile wrote:1. Red Alert can be called due to a possible hostile boarding, which it was; losing the Alamo later on justified it as well as the possible UPP threat.

2. You were egging it on by using Command channels (you shouldn't even have access to that as a CT) to talk smack about Command during Red Alert.

3. Logs will be published to show whether or not this is truth, but I distinctly remember MP channel being used later on by you.

4. Talking shit about Command during Red Alert is actually a threat to Command, as it undermines them. Especially so when others follow your footsteps and ignore Command or even actively work against them, especially when they know there are no consequences to their actions.

5. I did not steal anything from Req; the only time I stepped out of CIC was to assist my CO in invading Req and then watched you get battlefield executed. Hence that is false.
1. The red alert was done long before the Alamo had even been touched. There was no UPP threat.

2. Headset was given to me by the RO to coordinate supply drops. I didn't talk smack past the asshat incident, because the CO ordered me to stop using the channel for that.

3. Yep, I alerted the MPs to the Alpha SL running past Req, which they acted upon.

4. I think Command were doing a pretty good job of undermining themselves by blowing a CT's head off, personally.

5. My apologies, must've been another SO. You all kind of blended into each other.
solidfury7 wrote:
So, you metagamed that the CLs reports were false, cool.

The CMO was detained for mutiny PRIOR to the boarding, the fact you're claiming I did it over calling you an arsehat is actually laughable and makes it difficult to take this report seriously.

Then you simply try a baseless character assassination because your argument has little substance.

So, in your own report, you admitted to metagaming, falsifying information and metagrudging and being evidently salty.



red alert: It was actually lowered to blue alert for quite some time, before hitting red alert when the CL told be it was a UPP ship (which we assumed to have a taskforce behind it)

Mutiny - You called for my arrest and for me to be removed from command, I even remember the phrasing of it.

Really, I see no basis of this report, its just a thinly veiled personal attack.
Don't put words in my mouth. I worked with the IC information I had.

Again, I was never involved in the mutiny talk. Stop trying to push the blame off yourself by making me out to be a joke.

Again, stop trying to push the blame off yourself.

The red alert was hit, again, without any reason. There was never any need for it.

I did not call for mutiny, that was the CMO.

If you're just going to keep trying to deflect blame off yourself, don't bother posting.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Feweh » 01 Aug 2017, 16:31

So im going to let Apop come to a conclusion since I handled the last report of Solid.


Battlefield executing someone doesnt mean you litteraly go out of your way to hunt that person down. Which is essentially what Solid did. The MPs could of easily been notified to detain Chaz in a situation like this.

You both clearly have a meta-grudge against eachother.
Chaz, you yourself need to chill the fuck out and stop causing so much conflict IC.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by SDan » 01 Aug 2017, 17:18

I was in that round as an MP (Julian Ortega), saw at least some of this go down, and was present for the execution. I was also the one who brought the CMO in. For clarity, there were at most 3 active MPs that round, including myself and the WO.

After the first red alert had been going for a while, the CMO complained on Command channel, and asked us to drop to blue. IIRC, Josen chimes in on Command channel agreeing that these drills are silly and that we shouldn't be on red. The CDR tells them to knock it off, and why the hell does a CT have a command headset? RO explains and CDR agrees to let him keep it as long as he doesn't misuse it. I remind Josen of that a minute later when he keeps using Command, echoing the RO and such.

After a while of nothing happening, we go back to blue and things are quiet enough for a bit. Round progresses, we go back to red alert due to apparently the same threat as before, and not long after the Marines retreat back to the Almayer. The CMO starts up again, despite being told to shut it, and says if this red alert is fruitless the CDR should be relieved. Command calls for CMO's arrest, and I go over and brig him for Disorderly Conduct. The CMO is Not Happy at this state of affairs and makes his displeasure known enough for me to confiscate his headset. IIRC, Josen was speaking up again on Command and MP channels, very vaguely in support of the CMO though nothing that I would really call illegal or worthy of anything more than a slap on the wrist.

At the end of the CMO's sentence I start hearing on the MP channel about the CDR shooting at Josen, figure oh boy field execution. By this point the Alamo is on collision course, so the situation is pretty dire in my view. I leave as soon as the CMO's timer is up, and arrive to see the CDR just inside Req with Mateba drawn, and a bunch of bullet casings on the floor. CDR orders me to detain the RO and CT, saying they're mutinous which I find believable. I toss a flashbang in, draw taser and cuffs and go to start dragging people out. William gets in ahead of me while I'm fumbling with gear, goes to Josen and blows his head off while I'm trying to cuff the (closer, still in the doorway) RO. I had a second pair of cuffs, and could have probably detained both of them. In fairness however, I hadn't made that known to William, and the time from me arriving to decap'd CT was maybe fifteen, twenty seconds.

At the time, not knowing whose casings were on the ground, I was pretty iffy with the CDRs decision: yes, there were aliens onboard, but I had cuffs and both Josen and the RO were still on the ground from the flashbang. However, Josen had been told to shut up multiple times, and hadn't done so; he was wanted for arrest by that point for insulting a superior, and also likely would've been slapped with insubordination and disorderly conduct for publicly criticizing command while the alien-filled dropship was on its way up. If us MPs had failed to stop him talking it didn't seem too outrageous for the CO to take it into his own hands. That said, if the CDR had waited another minute or two, we might very well have been able to arrest them both non-lethally - if the aliens had let us.

That's just my 2 cents though.
LCPL Vaughn Goodman/LCDR Margaret Kelly/Prof. John Woodworth

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 01 Aug 2017, 18:00

This whole argument seems to have been mostly sparked by the CL doing a player event

Code: Select all

[10:53:37]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : As you probably are aware, the colonies are usually harbored by pirates from the varying agendas of UPP and CLF.
[10:53:51]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : A moment.
[10:54:14]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : They have notified me that an unidentified vessel is on its way to cross paths with this ship, and the time when it will arrive is unknown.
[10:54:24]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : They couldn't make out the logo or its unique identification.
[10:54:37]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : But it may so happen that we'll have to deal with hostile, unknown forces.
[10:54:50]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : They will keep me up to date, but it's best to take precautions immediately.
[10:55:25]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : Hmm, concerning. I thank you for your information, Liason, I'll run through some drills with my men for potential boarders, our vessel is not designed for extended warfare in orbit, however we will hope they suffer the same issue and have to board us
[10:55:38]EMOTE: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : <B>Mr. Harry McLagan</B> nods.
[10:56:06]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : Will be done. Please declare a potential code red sfatey status, lower the boost on the engines and make sure we travel slowly.. maybe we can avoid their direct path.
[10:56:34]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : I will fax the Missions Office immediately and report them back that you'll take neccessary measures.
[10:56:50]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : An excellent idea, we will lower our heat emissions and remain as close to the colony as possible, if we leave the colony, our heat will easily give us away.
[10:57:00]EMOTE: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : <B>Mr. Harry McLagan</B> nods.
[10:57:12]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : Even stealth fields do very little in the cold vacuum of space, if you merely use sensors.
[10:57:16]SAY: Harry McLagan/McLagan's Ckey : Good. Let's not lose any more time.
[10:57:19]EMOTE: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : <B>CDR William 'Jester' Crimson</B> nods.
[10:57:21]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : Thank you
[10:57:31]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : XO, authorise a code red.
[10:57:35]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : CMP, arm up
[10:57:42]GAME: SolidFury7/(William 'Jester' Crimson) triggered and Hasting's Ckey/(Tate Hastings) confirmed event Red alert
[11:00:56]SAY: SolidFury7/(William 'Jester' Crimson) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Attention, unknown vessel has been detected the Office of Mission and Operatations with a flightpath which takes them right past us, as many of you know, we are in contested territory, known for UPP, CLF and pirate activity, we are lowering our emission output and remaining in orbit to avoid detection. All individuals on the ship will be placed through drills until the ship passes. - Tate Hastings (Executive Officer)
[11:03:51]SAY: SolidFury7/(William 'Jester' Crimson) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Attention, all departments aboard the ship are expect to run through drills for both evacuation and combat. All ground units are to continue as orginally briefed. - Tate Hastings (Executive Officer)
This is the converstation the MP brings up in the forums and this was on the command channel

Code: Select all

[11:04:28]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : We've got an actual job to do, so nah.
[11:05:04]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : ...You understand we usually do drills when we're NOT in a combat situation already, right?
[11:05:26]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : And that doing this during a combat situation puts personnel at unneeded risk?
[11:06:06]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : MOs, I'd like to report a possible crime.
[11:06:24]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : The CO is running drills during the middle of a combat situation, intentionally disrupting service and putting marine lives at risk.
[11:06:29]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : Does that come under disorderly conduct?
[11:07:00]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : Am I not allowed to report crimes?
once again shows disrespect and I think here is when he broadcasted it on general.

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[11:47:08]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : We're good to send you down more things if you need 'em, Honour.
[11:47:27]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : The CO's running assfuck drills during a combat situation.
[11:47:31]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : There are no boarders.
[11:47:41]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : There ARE no BOARDERS.
[11:47:47]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : Otherwise the sensors would've picked it up.
[11:47:58]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : It means it doesn't exist in this case.
[11:48:07]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : We have an actual job to do, so you can show yourself out, sir.
[11:48:50]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : Assfuck of a CO.
Chaz filing airing out a complaint to the CMP in private

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[11:53:32]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : You understand the CO is trying to run drills during a combat situation, and that there is no UPP ship?
[11:53:36]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : I've heard some disrespect being doled out to the CO including "removing him from his seat"
[11:53:40]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : I understand that is not YOUR job.
[11:53:40]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : He stated this earlier over general comms.
[11:53:45]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : At no time did I advocate his removal.
[11:54:03]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : I called him an asshat for running drills and endangering marines by forcing civilian staff and Req staff to leave their posts for drills.
[11:54:11]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : You do not tell the CO how to do his job.
[11:54:22]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : And that's a confession mate, disrespect against a superior.
[11:54:25]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : We have been doing our job here fine enough without his interference so far, and would prefer to continue doing so.
[11:54:32]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : He has been putting marines and staff in danger.
[11:54:56]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : MP, arrest Lothar until he's sober
[11:54:59]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : I have been performing my job to an exemplary standard, while he has been playing with lives.
Solid's ahelp. With the way he worded the question I would of said yes since I didn't look into the context of it however at the time I didn't reply to it and it was taken by a mentor who gave a very factual/referenical response to it and I would agree with how they answered it.
[11:57:48]ADMIN: HELP: SolidFury7/(William 'Jester' Crimson): Yo, would a marine calling for a mutiny, with false claims of this being a drill be combat execution worthy? - heard by 8 non-AFK admins.

The execution as it unfolded. It seems the CO went to req to ask for turrets then started

Code: Select all

[11:59:51]SAY: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : YeS?
[11:59:51]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : Turrets
[11:59:54]SAY: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : no Point'S.
[11:59:56]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : There were multiple command witnesses who claimed that you were disrespecting command
[11:59:57]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : No points.
[11:59:57]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : God damn it
[12:00:04]ADMIN: MOD: Kazuku_myo/(Harry McLagan) : check out that fax
[12:00:06]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : As civilian this is a definite no no.
[12:00:07]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : What can we buy?
[12:00:10]ADMIN: MOD: Kazuku_myo/(Harry McLagan) : good rp
[12:00:12]SAY: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : BahReLy' AHn'y'tHiNg.
[12:00:21]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : WHAT THE DFUCK
[12:00:22]SAY: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : ...
[12:00:23]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : ...
[12:00:24]SAY: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : Run
[12:00:27]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : CO JUST TRIED TO MURDER ME
[12:00:32]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : MPS REQ NOW
[12:00:32]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : Move, RO
[12:00:36]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : 'HE'S GOT HIS SMARTGUN OUT
[12:00:37]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : Don't play those games, mutinies are illegal. and you're tryign to use a technicality to hide behind.
[12:00:37]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : MPs to cargo, NOW
[12:00:41]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : GET TO FUCKING REQ NOW
[12:00:44]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : Moving.
[12:00:45]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : THE CO JUST TRIED TO MURDER US
[12:00:55]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : Get to cargo!
[12:00:58]WHISPER: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : Barricade yourself.
[12:00:59]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : FUCK KNOWS
[12:01:04]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : Hurry
[12:01:05]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : RO, you will fucking move.
[12:01:10]WHISPER: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : He's going to battlefield execute you.
[12:01:11]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : REQ
[12:01:11]SAY: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : Nu.
[12:01:38]SAY: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : Don't take any action, Josen.
[12:01:43]SAY: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : It will make your situation worse.
[12:01:46]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : I'm loading up because we've been boarded.
[12:01:46]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : MPs, I need you now.
[12:01:48]EMOTE: Lother Jones/Jone's Ckey : <B>ENS Lother Jones</B> nods.
[12:01:50]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : MOving
[12:01:50]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : You fuck!
[12:01:53]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : You tried to MURDER ME!
[12:02:02]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : Flex inside tried to mutiny against me
[12:02:05]SAY: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : Detain him
[12:02:10]EMOTE: William 'Jester' Crimson/SolidFury7 : <B>CDR William 'Jester' Crimson</B> nods.
[12:02:12]ATTACK: Julian Ortega (Ortega's Ckey) primed a flashbang (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=192;Y=49;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[12:02:14]ATTACK: Lother Jones (Jone's Ckey) was hit by a the flashbang, thrown by Julian Ortega (Ortega's Ckey) (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=191;Y=45;Z=3'>JMP</a>)
[12:02:24]ATTACK: William 'Jester' Crimson (solidfury7) shot Josen 'Flex' Keelin (chaznoodles) with a the high-impact revolver bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=191;Y=44;Z=3'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x5000041]'>PM</a>)
[12:02:25]ACCESS: Login: Chaznoodles/(Josen 'Flex' Keelin) from || BYOND v511
[12:02:25]ATTACK: William 'Jester' Crimson (solidfury7) shot Josen 'Flex' Keelin (chaznoodles) with a the high-impact revolver bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=191;Y=44;Z=3'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x5000041]'>PM</a>)
[12:02:26]ATTACK: Ortega's Ckey/(Julian Ortega) attempted to handcuff Jone's Ckey/(Lother Jones)
I shall leave the heads to decide on this matter with this information provided

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 18:47

In reference to the above logs, the first conversation that the MP brought up was on MP comms, the second was local, to a SO standing in Req screaming at us to make barricades. The complaint to the CMP was also local in Req, shortly before we were going to head to the Brig and shortly before the xenos hijacked the shuttle.

You'll note that in the last part with the execution, the CO appears to be trying to distract me by getting me to type so he can shoot me mid-typing, but the RO luckily responded so I was on form in dodging an entire load of Mateba shots.

You'll also note that in no logs posted did I ever mention or imply I wanted a mutiny, contrary to what the CO is accusing me of here in falsifying evidence.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Feweh » 01 Aug 2017, 18:54

Chaznoodles wrote:In reference to the above logs, the first conversation that the MP brought up was on MP comms, the second was local, to a SO standing in Req screaming at us to make barricades. The complaint to the CMP was also local in Req, shortly before we were going to head to the Brig and shortly before the xenos hijacked the shuttle.

You'll note that in the last part with the execution, the CO appears to be trying to distract me by getting me to type so he can shoot me mid-typing, but the RO luckily responded so I was on form in dodging an entire load of Mateba shots.

You'll also note that in no logs posted did I ever mention or imply I wanted a mutiny, contrary to what the CO is accusing me of here in falsifying evidence.

To be honest, if you were right beside me and constantly causing me problems I would of executed you for the above.
However, I wouldn't of gone out of my way into another department leaving my command area just to execute you. At that point you can call MPs to detain the person and follow standard execution procedures as you weren't a physical threat to any degree.

But once again, I'm seeing some pretty obvious meta-grudge from both of you.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 19:19

Feweh wrote: But once again, I'm seeing some pretty obvious meta-grudge from both of you.
I would've acted exactly the same with any command staff who organised buttfuck-pointless drills and treated their shipside crew like ass, unless they'd already got my respect or managed to explain it in a way my dull marine mind can grasp
Last edited by Chaznoodles on 01 Aug 2017, 19:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by solidfury7 » 01 Aug 2017, 19:20

Regarding the logs, I was talking to the RO, you were in the restocking area and I didnt even notice you until you spoke (RO was at the console, so I had no line of sight or simply just didnt see him). I was planning to deal with you when I saw you, that is true, however I had bigger fish to fry, which is why the CMO seemingly got released and avoided perma/execution, I simply saw an invasion being more important than tracking you down,

The logs also to miss a critical few lines said by Flex, along the lines of "The two of us in (RO Lorther(?) and Flex) Cargo wishes to arrest the CO" , I'm certain that this was said and was one of the key-factors for me.

Dayton Mann the CMP confirms he has heard of your "removing threats", you can mutinty without simply screaming "MUTINY" or "Kill the CO", the fact you were more coy and nefarious with your attempts to remove my from command. Hell, I'm pretty sure you suggested arresting me multiple times (oddly, this is missed out in the logs, but they are there 100%)

Regarding > It not being explained to you. I specifically told you "No this is not a fucking drill!" during the reactivation of the red alert.

Also, drills are a part of military life, even civilians have to do drills from time to time (fire safety alarms) . You are quite honestly saying "I disagree with the Commander/do not wish to do a 5 minute drill, so I am outright going to antagonise/oppose him and attempt to get him arrested. (Over a 5 minute drill)
Last edited by solidfury7 on 01 Aug 2017, 19:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 19:23

solidfury7 wrote:Regarding the logs, I was talking to the RO, you were in the restocking area and I didnt even notice you until you spoke (RO was at the console, so I had no line of sight or simply just didnt see him). I was planning to deal with you when I saw you, that is true, however I had bigger fish to fry, which is why the CMO seemingly got released and avoided perma/execution, I simply saw an invasion being more important than tracking you down,

The logs also to miss a critical few lines said by Flex, along the lines of "The two of us in (RO Lorther(?) and Flex) Cargo wishes to arrest the CO" , I'm certain that this was said and was one of the key-factors for me.

Dayton Mann the CMP confirms he has heard of your "removing threats", you can mutinty without simply screaming "MUTINY" or "Kill the CO", the fact you were more coy and nefarious with your attempts to remove my from command. Hell, I'm pretty sure you suggested arresting me multiple times (oddly, this is missed out in the logs, but they are there 100%)

Regarding > It not being explained to you. I specifically told you "No this is not a fucking drill!" during the reactivation of the red alert.

I was in plain view of you at all times. If you found an invasion more important than tracking me down, why did you then waste time trying to shoot me, camping outside the storage area with your smartgun out, then blowing my head off when MPs came in?

That's a good old fabrication and you know it, don't lie.

You'd said it was a drill near the start of the round, why would I believe any different?

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Feweh » 01 Aug 2017, 19:24

Chaznoodles wrote:I would've acted exactly the same with any command staff who organised buttfuck-pointless drills and treated their shipside crew like ass, unless they'd already got my respect or managed to explain it in a way my dull marine mind can grasp

This is Roleplay.

The idea of a CO isn't to power-win every round, stuff like this is encouraged and if anything your statement about this above works against you.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 19:30

Feweh wrote:This is Roleplay.

The idea of a CO isn't to power-win every round, stuff like this is encouraged and if anything your statement about this above works against you.
I believe the point of the CO is to make the round enjoyable for the marine side. When the entire civilian department and Req are displeased at the CO trying to pull some weird 'build muh barricades on the ship with no threat' stuff and leaving the marines to get slaughtered on the planet because he wants us to be busy doing that, that's not happening.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by solidfury7 » 01 Aug 2017, 19:32

Chaznoodles wrote:I was in plain view of you at all times. If you found an invasion more important than tracking me down, why did you then waste time trying to shoot me, camping outside the storage area with your smartgun out, then blowing my head off when MPs came in?

That's a good old fabrication and you know it, don't lie.

You'd said it was a drill near the start of the round, why would I believe any different?
I said we would be doing drills to prepare because another vessel has been spotted (Seriously, the drills all finished within the first 5 minutes, you refused to do your drills, these were departmental evacuation drills), then I specifically told you > THIS IS NOT A DRILL after reactivating red alert and pretty much everyone in command panicing about it. The fact your now claiming you assumed this was all one massive drill, after evacuating the colony to prepare for the approaching ship is disingenuous at the least.

It says it in the bloody logs, its not a fabrication.

[11:53:36]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : I've heard some disrespect being doled out to the CO including "removing him from his seat"


Drills - They were around 5 minutes long, mostly focusing on evacuation. I left this directly under the control of the departmental heads, I had little input in to it,

No threat - Once again, you're pretty much outright admitting to metagaming the fact that the information we recieved wasn't the usual BEACON SENT announcement. This could of easily been faxed to us from high command and kept away from the larger population. For all Command knew, we had the real possibility of being boarded.

Civilian Population - The last I counted, an MT, RO and a CMO don't make up the majority of the populations, mate.
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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Chaznoodles » 01 Aug 2017, 19:47

solidfury7 wrote:I said we would be doing drills to prepare because another vessel has been spotted (Seriously, the drills all finished within the first 5 minutes, you refused to do your drills, these were departmental evacuation drills), then I specifically told you > THIS IS NOT A DRILL after reactivating red alert and pretty much everyone in command panicing about it. The fact your now claiming you assumed this was all one massive drill, after evacuating the colony to prepare for the approaching ship is disingenuous at the least.

It says it in the bloody logs, its not a fabrications

[11:53:36]SAY: Dayton Mann/Mann's Key : I've heard some disrespect being doled out to the CO including "removing him from his seat"
If the drills finished within five minutes, why did a SO keep running into Req fully geared and screaming at us to build barricades? If we'd actually done the drills, we'd never have been able to keep marines supplied. As far as I was aware IC, it was one massive drill because there had been no reason given for me to think otherwise. The 'removing him from his seat' was the CMO, not me. Note that for the final time.
solidfury7 wrote: No threat - Once again, you're pretty much outright admitting to metagaming the fact that the information we recieved wasn't the usual BEACON SENT announcement. This could of easily been faxed to us from high command and kept away from the larger population. For all Command knew, we had the real possibility of being boarded.

Civilian Population - The last I counted, an MT, RO and a CMO don't make up the majority of the populations, mate.
And, again, you'd never given me any reason to not think it was a drill. The doctors and were also unhappy, so that made a whole two out of three support departments not too happy. I never actually talked to any engineers - if there were even any active.

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by solidfury7 » 01 Aug 2017, 20:13

Chaznoodles wrote:If the drills finished within five minutes, why did a SO keep running into Req fully geared and screaming at us to build barricades? If we'd actually done the drills, we'd never have been able to keep marines supplied. As far as I was aware IC, it was one massive drill because there had been no reason given for me to think otherwise. The 'removing him from his seat' was the CMO, not me. Note that for the final time.

And, again, you'd never given me any reason to not think it was a drill. The doctors and were also unhappy, so that made a whole two out of three support departments not too happy. I never actually talked to any engineers - if there were even any active.
I specifically told you that it was not a drill, not to mention the threat was highlighted over comms for a long time, the drills were in response to the threat.

I'm really having trouble seeing how you believed this whole operation was one big drill, despite being told otherwise.

Yet again, you were told it could be a five minute drill, that does not take up a whole operation.

Your careful selection of words, by saying "two departments" is noted, especially when the individuals were simply around 4 people. (CMO, RO, CT and a Doctor) during what I'd say was a rather busy round.

Anyway, we're going in circles, I'm going to wait for the additional logs to be posted or for additional input to be made before I post again
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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by KittyLava » 02 Aug 2017, 01:04

Being one of the doctors of that round; Joetta 'Pill' Hastings, and a late join some time after the announcement about those drills were made. It was rather confusing at first ICly hearing things about the drill in progress without prior notification, especially when another alert came in that some dismissed as a drill. yet didn't swing either way on the matter of being against or for it initially. Just registered it as some IC situation going on, no clue why till brief mentions of another ship were provided. Initially after ICly hearing the CMO's response on top them being my department's head, after asking confused about the matter, just went to work preparing medbay and gear up. Assumed the drills were for marines at the time, or some personal already informed of it ICly; prepped already for the drill by then.

Now whilst the CMO getting arrested was rather a shock later in, I wouldn't really fault the CO, especially after hearing what happened about it now in further detail; things got heated with a disrespect of authority from what i recall hearing ICly. The more surprising thing would have been people imminently dismissing the alert on top mention it's not a drill, which added confusion again. Think I was performing surgery about that time, regardless with the alert raised and the confusion I think the CT to some others actually impeded the CO's authority; whilst making others like myself confused to the validity of the alert's nature prior to the hijack alert. Then we had the actual boarding with the evacuation order, pulled out with another injured but stable patient towards a pod; due to being a civilian, patient too injured for antiboarding actions in which they'd be an liability by then, and medbay possibly wouldn't be safe.

If anything I'd honestly say the CO that round did everything he could to look after his ship, crew ICly; responding to whatever they were told/overheard during it all. Believe he did a fairly good job at it in character too.
