Admiral Baxter Crawfold

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Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Voldirs » 03 Aug 2017, 17:48

Your Byond Key: Voldirs

Your Character Name: Frans Bogarts

Their Byond key: I dont know it (their ingame name at the time was Baxter Crawford)

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):

Which Staff Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: Power abuse, Heavy influence to game

Description of the incident: It was some kind of event which was about sending Admiral and 3 bodyguards to reward CO with a medal of heroism or some kind of it. I must mention that at that time marines had to retreat to Almayer as it happens often, with heavy casualties. There was some kind of ceremony of awarding at CIC, but there was one small detail. The only one who did not take part in this party was LT Sarah Powers, she stayed in CIC to control the evacuation. Then the interesting part happened. Admiral came closer to Sarah and asked why she didnt stay at attention. She answered that she have no time for paties because marines die on ground. Some other lietenant told her that she must pay respect to admiral. And then Sarah answered to lietenant to fuck off and called him a stupid monkey. Admiral supposed that Sarah called him a monkey and immediately unholstered mateba and shot her twice, CMP shot admiral with taser and then Sarah picked up mateba and blown Admiral's foot off.

And here goes the thing. Baxter did revive himself using admin verb. That is TERRIBLY wrong way to do events. I dont mind the battlefield executions for ... stupid reasons, but that play was really bad.

I will also mention that later there were a bit of shootout between admiral and MPs.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): none

How you would punish the accused: Warn or take these nasty shitspawn verbs of him.

There were a lot witnesses, I think they will write their opinion there

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Sleepy Retard » 03 Aug 2017, 17:53

IC in OOC and why is this a staff report? The admiral wasn't staff.
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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Voldirs » 03 Aug 2017, 17:56

El Defaultio wrote:IC in OOC and why is this a staff report? The admiral wasn't staff.
I didnt know that. Then I report against someone, who revived him

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Chaznoodles » 03 Aug 2017, 18:01

Seems to be in the wrong place, but I'll post anyway. Oh, it's in the right place now.

I was the CMP and participated in all of this. The admiral had arrived to give the CO Carson a medal for exceptional valour or something along those lines. They arrive at the CIC, and hand over the medal with ceremony. Powers continues working at her station during this. The admiral walks over and gets aggressive, asking why she was not standing at attention. Powers replies, saying she had a job to do and calling someone - she says it wasn't the admiral, so it might have been the collected CIC crew - a monkey. The admiral promptly pulls their mateba and shoots Powers, intending to blow their head off. I manage to pull my taser and tase the admiral down. The two bodyguards pull their HPRs, intent on murder, so I tase them both down too. Powers takes the mateba and blows the Admiral's foot off. I radio over the MP channel for backup to the CIC because the admiral just tried to murder someone. The bodyguards get up and proceed to knife my head off before shoving me down disposals.

After this, I realise the admiral has magically regrown a foot.

This seems like both a gross rulebreak on the parts of the admiral and bodyguards for lethal force escalation, as well as battlefield execution not being properly carried out with reason - as well as a gross breach on the behalf of the staff member who healed the admiral.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Feweh » 03 Aug 2017, 18:04

Chaznoodles wrote:Seems to be in the wrong place, but I'll post anyway. Oh, it's in the right place now.

I was the CMP and participated in all of this. The admiral had arrived to give the CO Carson a medal for exceptional valour or something along those lines. They arrive at the CIC, and hand over the medal with ceremony. Powers continues working at her station during this. The admiral walks over and gets aggressive, asking why she was not standing at attention. Powers replies, saying she had a job to do and calling someone - she says it wasn't the admiral, so it might have been the collected CIC crew - a monkey. The admiral promptly pulls their mateba and shoots Powers, intending to blow their head off. I manage to pull my taser and tase the admiral down. The two bodyguards pull their HPRs, intent on murder, so I tase them both down too. Powers takes the mateba and blows the Admiral's foot off. I radio over the MP channel for backup to the CIC because the admiral just tried to murder someone. The bodyguards get up and proceed to knife my head off before shoving me down disposals.

After this, I realise the admiral has magically regrown a foot.

This seems like both a gross rulebreak on the parts of the admiral and bodyguards for lethal force escalation, as well as battlefield execution not being properly carried out with reason - as well as a gross breach on the behalf of the staff member who healed the admiral.
Everything else aside.

Why are you constantly opposing any form of Command?
Its strictly written in the rules that Admirals/CO can battlefield execute individuals, whether you "agree" with it or not doesn't matter.

Almost everyday I'm getting reports of you going against COs and Admirals to the point you're starting to really become a nuisance.
Its very possible that the Admiral was ahealed solely because of your action of tasing him for no reason.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Chaznoodles » 03 Aug 2017, 18:07

Feweh wrote:Everything else aside.

Why are you constantly opposing any form of Command?
Its strictly written in the rules that Admirals/CO can battlefield execute individuals, whether you "agree" with it or not doesn't count.

Almost everyday I'm getting reports of you going against COs and Admirals to the point you're starting to really become a nuisance.
Its very possible that the Admiral was ahealed solely because of your action of tasing him for no reason.
I always end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, it seems.

I wasn't opposing any form of command and I'd rather not it be lessened to that. The admiral shot someone in the head right in front of me without cause, so I tased them and called for backup, as is proper procedure. Calling someone a monkey isn't a threat to the ship, which is intrinsically part of the battlefield execution reasoning. If I'd been opposing command, I would've leapt in before it had even happened, insulting Carson for getting a medal for throwing marines to their deaths and calling the USMC a terrible place. As it was, I was doing my job. The admiral is not above marine law. What kind of precedent does it set that you can kill someone for calling you a monkey?

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Sleepy Retard » 03 Aug 2017, 18:09

Okay I'll give my side of the story, fully, as the admiral.

So. Walk into the CIC, do some nice RP with the Commander and some other people, it was all fine. Give him his medal and we do some more small RP. I notice an LT. who refuses to stand at attention. She did nothing wrong at this time so I asked her to come over to stand at attention. We continue with the ceremony and chit chat for a while. Later on she walks back to her computer before the ceremony is done and starts doing whatever. I walk over and she starts swearing in my face, calls the Command staff a few insults. I wasn't going to execute at this point but then she started insulting me directly for asking her to stand at attention for their Commander, so I battlefield execute them. Then, the CMP randomly tazes me because he doesn't understand what an admiral is.

I got ahealed because you totally fucked up with a random taser to me, and you got executed afterwards for putting my life in danger because you let the SO start shooting at me because I was on the ground since you had tazed me. It was gross incompetence on your part and you ignored the rules of an MP, so I'm not sure what you're complaining about. As well, you didn't even think to do your job to arrest the LT (You were standing there the entire time), and instead opted in to arrest me when it got bad enough for me to justify an execution on them.

As well, you always get into trouble with Command Staff, Chaz. I wonder why.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Feweh » 03 Aug 2017, 18:09

Chaznoodles wrote:I wasn't opposing any form of command and I'd rather not it be lessened to that. The admiral shot someone in the head right in front of me without cause, so I tased them and called for backup, as is proper procedure. Calling someone a monkey isn't a threat to the ship, which is intrinsically part of the battlefield execution reasoning. If I'd been opposing command, I would've leapt in before it had even happened, insulting Carson for getting a medal for throwing marines to their deaths and calling the USMC a terrible place. As it was, I was doing my job. The admiral is not above marine law.

Once again.

It is not your position to judge if a battlefield execution is valid or not.

It specifically states;

Battlefield Execution

The Commander & Admiral of the Almayer holds the authority to perform a Battlefield Execution. They may kill anyone under their command or on their ship without any warning or procedure if they feel they are a threat to the mission. The CO/Admiral must state why the individual was executed and should the MPs have concerns, they may contact USCM High Command VIA FAX to inquire if the execution was reasonable afterwards. (This is similar to the "Rule 0" rule which applies to admins - you're able to do this, but it's much better not to, since you are subject to the consequences of your actions and may be removed from the whitelist if your reasons aren't acceptable.).
This power can only be used on captured prisoners when it is not possible to perform standard execution procedures.
(This is similar to the "Rule 0" rule which applies to admins - you're able to do this, but it's much better not to, since you are subject to the consequences of your actions and may be removed from the whitelist if your reasons aren't acceptable.)

So where in Marine Law does it state that if you as an MP disagree with the execution you instantly taze said person?

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Chaznoodles » 03 Aug 2017, 18:13

Feweh wrote:They may kill anyone under their command or on their ship without any warning or procedure if they feel they are a threat to the mission...

...This power can only be used on captured prisoners when it is not possible to perform standard execution procedures.

So where in Marine Law does it state that if you as an MP disagree with the execution you instantly taze said person?

Calling someone a monkey isn't a threat to the mission, especially when said person has continued to do their job to keep the mission operating.

Said person was not captured, and if they had been, they'd have been in a cell for disrespect, nothing more. Personally, I feel that this was a blatant abuse of the power the admiral has.
" The Chief MP has the final say on law enforcement within his operational area, unless overseen by higher ranking members of the Provost Marshal."

"As Military Police you are expected to enforce the Law and Procedures upon all members of the crew."
Right there. You try and blow someone's head off without cause, that's murder and you get arrested. It's within the CMP's jurisdiction, as it's a punishment for a crime, which must be suitable. If this isn't true, then the marine law or battlefield execution needs reworking. I'm under the impression the rest of the MP crew, if they had been present, would have acted exactly the same or in a manner resembling it.

...Plus, is killing the CMP for tasing you proper escalation to lethal force? I don't believe so.
Last edited by Chaznoodles on 03 Aug 2017, 18:15, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Voldirs » 03 Aug 2017, 18:14

Battlefield Execution is to be done at battlefield, isnt it? CIC was not battlefield at the moment.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Feweh » 03 Aug 2017, 18:16

Chaznoodles wrote:Calling someone a monkey isn't a threat to the mission, especially when said person has continued to do their job to keep the mission operating.

Said person was not captured, and if they had been, they'd have been in a cell for disrespect, nothing more. Personally, I feel that this was a blatant abuse of the power the admiral has.

Right there. You try and blow someone's head off without cause, that's murder and you get arrested. I'm under the impression the rest of the MP crew, if they had been present, would have acted exactly the same or in a manner resembling it.

For starters before this goes any further, you're getting a job-ban from MP and CMP.

You alone, forced an Aheal from the Admin because you essentially broke procedure causing the Admiral to get harmed.
As an Event Character, Kavlo saw it fitting to aheal the Admiral for the events sake due to your indirect grief.

Furthermore, insulting, swearing and disobeying orders ESPECIALLY FROM ANY COMMAND STAFF is a 100% valid reason to have your ass battlefield executed.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Chaznoodles » 03 Aug 2017, 18:18

Feweh wrote:For starters before this goes any further, you're getting a job-ban from MP and CMP.

You alone, forced an Aheal from the Admin because you essentially broke procedure causing the Admiral to get harmed.
As an Event Character, Kavlo saw it fitting to aheal the Admiral for the events sake due to your indirect grief.

Furthermore, insulting, swearing and disobeying orders ESPECIALLY FROM ANY COMMAND STAFF is a 100% valid reason to have your ass battlefield executed.
I'd have to question in what way I broke procedure by trying to stop someone from being killed over the word monkey. Also, why tasing someone is grounds for having head removed from shoulders.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Rataca100 » 03 Aug 2017, 18:19

I would wish to contribute and say the incident was around 22:50 GMT0 something or better yet, the round which was taking place there. I did so i eblvie send a report via the CMP's fax machine while the aliens were attacking, i would wish to question why "the admiral" just called them selves "the admiral" Also it can be and i belive is being argued that it was viewed as murder, not a battlefield execution. It could be argued that the Admiral could be arrested for incompetence for disrupting the command of a mission as well. I didnt see the CIC incident so cannot comment for detail there. But i can comment on said admiral for a lack of better word hunting down a MP to "field execute" them with no purpose for said field execution.

(would like to note, i onyl took weapons from the floor that the admiral & body guard had, cleared them and removed magazines and put them in a equipment locker in the security section due to chair biuckly blockign access to the section with pistols)
Last edited by Rataca100 on 03 Aug 2017, 18:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Feweh » 03 Aug 2017, 18:20

Chaznoodles wrote:I'd have to question in what way I broke procedure by trying to stop someone from being killed over the word monkey. Also, why tasing someone is grounds for having head removed from shoulders.

Battlefield Execution

The Commander & Admiral of the Almayer holds the authority to perform a Battlefield Execution. They may kill anyone under their command or on their ship without any warning or procedure if they feel they are a threat to the mission.The CO/Admiral must state why the individual was executed and should the MPs have concerns, they may contact USCM High Command VIA FAX to inquire if the execution was reasonable afterwards. (This is similar to the "Rule 0" rule which applies to admins - you're able to do this, but it's much better not to, since you are subject to the consequences of your actions and may be removed from the whitelist if your reasons aren't acceptable.).

Do not pretzel twist other rules to fit the situation.
Execution rule is clearly written how MPs and even Command staff can proceed afterwards.

It is not your position to on the spot judge if that execution is valid or not.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Chaznoodles » 03 Aug 2017, 18:22

Feweh wrote:They may kill anyone under their command or on their ship without any warning or procedure if they feel they are a threat to the mission
Please explain how blowing the head of the one SO who is working removes threat to the mission, because I'm a bit fuzzy on that. Also, why killing the CMP also removes threat to the mission. The admiral was just here to hand out a medal, why did they go full powermode and start executing people?

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by VitorThauma » 03 Aug 2017, 18:24

El Defaultio wrote:Okay I'll give my side of the story, fully, as the admiral.

So. Walk into the CIC, do some nice RP with the Commander and some other people, it was all fine. Give him his medal and we do some more small RP. I notice an LT. who refuses to stand at attention. She did nothing wrong at this time so I asked her to come over to stand at attention. We continue with the ceremony and chit chat for a while. Later on she walks back to her computer before the ceremony is done and starts doing whatever. I walk over and she starts swearing in my face, calls the Command staff a few insults. I wasn't going to execute at this point but then she started insulting me directly for asking her to stand at attention for their Commander, so I battlefield execute them. Then, the CMP randomly tazes me because he doesn't understand what an admiral is.

I got ahealed because you totally fucked up with a random taser to me, and you got executed afterwards for putting my life in danger because you let the SO start shooting at me because I was on the ground since you had tazed me. It was gross incompetence on your part and you ignored the rules of an MP, so I'm not sure what you're complaining about. As well, you didn't even think to do your job to arrest the LT (You were standing there the entire time), and instead opted in to arrest me when it got bad enough for me to justify an execution on them.

As well, you always get into trouble with Command Staff, Chaz. I wonder why.
I'm not being salty and i'm not upset, but, can you tell me how i insulted you?
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Feweh » 03 Aug 2017, 18:29

Chaznoodles wrote:Please explain how blowing the head of the one SO who is working removes threat to the mission, because I'm a bit fuzzy on that. Also, why killing the CMP also removes threat to the mission. The admiral was just here to hand out a medal, why did they go full powermode and start executing people?
Threat is a broad term.

Threat can be anything from physical to behind-the-scenes. Opposing a Commander by disobeying an order and then insulting them is a THREAT to their Command integrity.
It's you refusing to carry out an order and perhaps later doing the very same. Disobeying a direct order, especially with said CO/Admiral present INFRONT OF YOU is 100% grounds for execution on the spot no questions asked.

This is resolved.

1. The Admiral had enough ground to battlefield execute the SO for disobeying orders and insulting them.

2. The Aheal was warranted, as the Admiral was tazed due to the CMP not following rules. (CMP has been job-banned for not following Marine Law)

3. The Admin in question (Kavlo) did so to preserve the event and did so with no ill intent or abuse.

Will also be re-wording battlefield executions so it's 100% fucking clear, since people like to nit-pick everything possible.

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Re: Admiral Baxter Crawfold

Post by Chaznoodles » 03 Aug 2017, 18:31

Feweh wrote:Threat is a broad term.

Threat can be anything from physical to behind-the-scenes. Opposing a Commander by disobeying an order and then insulting them is a THREAT to their Command integrity.
It's you refusing to carry out an order and perhaps later doing the very same. Disobeying a direct order, especially with said CO/Admiral present INFRONT OF YOU is 100% grounds for execution on the spot no questions asked.

This is resolved.

1. The Admiral had enough ground to battlefield execute the SO for disobeying orders and insulting them.

2. The Aheal was warranted, as the Admiral was tazed due to the CMP not following rules and wounded because of this.

3. The Admin in question (Kavlo) did so to preserve the event and did so with no ill intent or abuse.

Will also be re-wording battlefield executions so it's 100% fucking clear, since people like to nit-pick everything possible.
Thanks for clearing that up.
