A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

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A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

Post by HKO20006 » 04 Aug 2017, 12:54

Content, newer ones are on top, glows are the better ones and should watch first
Apr 17, 2018 Flyby Major! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rysJXxd3CuA
Apr 16, 2018 Ravager dying 10 times #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkuuzb7Ncd8
Apr 5, 2018 April Fool 2018 Basketball #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEPeeJueK_M
Apr 3, 2018 April Fool 2018 Basketball #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-rQXiHo1dU
Mar 25, 2018 Ice Colony two tiles maint hell !Loud Music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU4NGhu3iwk
Mar 23, 2018 8:00 PM Thunderdorm Arena UPP vs PMC and minigun vs minigun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylvIROIhNiw
Mar 23, 2018 CLF Dead Squad vs robust marines at SD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWxaW4pLWXU
Mar 22, 2018 Symbiosis rampage metal hive, PMC defend SD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpNHYwAyNzE
Mar 22, 2018 3 Suvivors killing 3 T2s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXMksME3cKM

13 March 2018 R.I.P. Stephen Hawking #38
12 March 2018 Two robust PredAliens rekting marines on Almayer and Deadsquad #37
12 March 2018 Marine crush Xeno on Prison in record time, UPP ERT #36
11 March 2018 Defeat in detail, 2 squads marine flank from Lamba gate south rekted #35
11 March 2018 Delta vs the hive at Prison VIP !Loud Music! #34
10 March 2018 Xeno DS flank got flanked !Loud Music! #33
4 March 2018 Xeno speed steamroll squads in Prison #32
Abomination and fire-spitting Ravengers #31
Lone Engie Pedro Callison last stand at SD #30
Glorious marines push into LV Central Cave #29
Ice Colony first deploy get rekt at LZ2 (as usual) #28
Hanger battle #27
Admiral Battlefield Execute XO #26
Aden Turner robusting Xeno at Briefing & Chen so close to Evac #25
UPP Major at Ice Colony #24
Marines hold Prison Yard with no cades, surrounded and picked off #23
Queen kiting marines on Almayer #22
24 February 2018, Queen robust command at Research #21
24 February 2018, Dropship locked when evacing, CQC ensue #20
23 February 2018, Pushing to hive with M56D Smartgun #19
23 February 2018, Apop Admiral, SD after pushed to SD backroom (MIDI MAJOR) #18
22 February 2018, Corrupted Queen event #17
21 February 2018, Big Red Xeno Major, what marine did wrong #16
29 January 2018, Ancient Empress solo and UPP taking AI and CIC #13
5 September 2017, 3 OBs in one massively failed drop #12
4 September 2017, 11 Aliens (5 T3s) died to a single OB #10
25 August 2017, Orbital bombardment on Normandy #9
20 August 2017, Wall off SD battle and Victoria Vile MVP #6
12 August 2017, A quick end of 19 Aliens on Alamo #5
10 August 2017, Aliens Contained in Brig #5
8 August 2017, Alien cornered in Hanger and Ed Trevor rampage #4
6 August 2017, SL not evac, Bitch Hunter and Powerloader vs Queen #3
4 August 2017, A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win #1

EDIT: Turn out there ain't many videos of CM on YouTube, maybe I should share some more. Original post below.
Hi, I just started playing CM a week ago. This is my first post, kind of like an after action report (AAR), a video of marine winning to losing

20170804 TL;DR at buttom.
00:00 Alien sieging Nexus from north and west
08:10 First Queen kill at West Nexus hallway, killed by HE grenade and incendiary grenade
13:46 Queen break into LZ1 but forced retreat due to damage
16:14 Alien break into East Nexus hallway
17:18 Alien break into LZ1 again
18:30 Queen maneuver to East of Alamo (Drop Ship 1)
19:30 Queen break into Alamo from the East, only to trigger a mine planted by Pilot Officer, Alamo got locked down, Crusher break in and drag Queen away but too late, second Queen killed.
19:58 Alamo take off as soon as it's clear of Alien
20:09 Alien number went down from ~20 to 11
Marine wanted to retake cargo, but only lead to more wounded
25:45 Alamo took off, left few marines behind.
26:58 Crusher break into LZ1
28:47 Alamo landed LZ1, trying to save the left behind marines
29:50 Pilot Officer solo Xeno Runner
31:11 9 Alien remaining


31:21 Remaining Alien on Alamo crushing into USS Almayer in north west of Briefing Room
32:57 Initial Alien attack failed, lead to marine couter attack on Alamo with grenades
34:40 Queen escape from Alamo
35:30 Alien retreat to Maintenance north of Starboard Bunks. Only Queen, Praetorian, Boiler, Crusher, Spitter, Hunter and Runner left.
36:40 Boiler blocks Spitter next to HE, Alien full retreat into Maintenance
Grenades proven to be gold in close quarter but soon run out
37:41 Runner from upper deck came and got killed
39:04 6 Alien remaining, yet close quarter and corners proven to be a tough fight for marines, marines went down one by one
41:00 Spitter and Boiler hold on another end of Maintenance, guess they become friends again. Marines on this end went down as well.
42:48 Alien officially moved into Office Room north of Conference Room
43:39 Praetorian engage marine, only to meet its downfall
44:23 Only 4 alien remaining: Queen, Boiler, Spitter and Hunter, yet things only go worse for Marine from now on
47:19 More marines go through Maintenance to kill Boiler and to fill the alien nests. Only 3 aliens remaining, Queen, Spitter and Hunter but the video still have 25 minutes to play so it doesn't end this easily.
49:05 CROWBAR, ya, remember it can pry open another door
49:52 A lone marine from to Maintenance fill one more nest
51:53 Disconnect is always nice at these tense moments
52:56 Still 3 aliens (and 1 larva), you gotta give credit when it's due
54:53 Where is the Hunter? There you are, harassing stuff

1:01:43 Doctor decide the shit is enough and bail out
1:02:21 Maintenance Tech: "We gotta save the ship." But can they?
1:03:28 Two marines want to save an infected marine, can they?
And that's CIC for you
1:04:58 Freelancers, but can they save the day?

TL;DR 08:10 Marine did good at Nexus, killing first queen, Alien assault Alamo at LZ1 failed, losing second queen (bonus: 29:50 Pilot Officer solo Runner). 31:21 Third queen with other 8 alien got on Alamo to crush into USS Almayer. 32:57 The alien's initial assault was pushed back, 36:40 alien found refuge at Maintenance north of Starboard Bunks and later Office Room north of Conference Room. The narrow Maintenance and corners proven to be a nightmare to the marines who go in and got neurotoxin down one by one (kudo to the Spitter). 1:04:58 Freelancers but failed.

Use more grenades
Alien hide behind wall and bait M30 Autocannon ammo
Mine Alamo
PO ask/check before taking off
If few alien are trapped in narrow space/room, don't go in one by one, contain them until you have a group of >5 then use grenades/flamethrower to push
Use crowbar to pry open doors to open new firing angle
Last edited by HKO20006 on 17 Apr 2018, 08:29, edited 19 times in total.
Oskar Weber as PFC, SG, Engie, PO, SO
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Re: A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win

Post by LiquidMantis » 04 Aug 2017, 13:11

Saw that this morning myself, spec'd the whole round.
It was very hard to watch the marines all walk through the maint hallway and get taken one by one.
The game should have ended when the aliens landed in a horrible situation and their eggs got absolutely slaughtered.
Those Freelancers were also pretty terrible, i think i saw at least 3 of them walk into eggs and get infected.
What a choke.

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SS13 Colonial Marines: SL not evac, Bitch Hunter and Powerloader vs Queen

Post by HKO20006 » 10 Aug 2017, 09:47

^ Thank you reading and replying.

6 August 2017, Ice Colony, I was KIA, and later went AFK so I just record to see the round later, I guess I haunted the right badass.
00:00 LZ1 being sieged, holding on due to 3 layers of defense
03:45 An opening at the last line of metal barrier
05:00 Carrier got killed by Autocannon and Smartgunner
06:09 Full retreat from LZ1 was issued
07:20 Charlie SL Angela Hammerman not evacing
08:14 David Wong thrown a grenade but Charlie SL body blocked it, quickened SL's demise
10:00 Charlie Spec Abaddon 'Autismo' Marduk solo a Hunter which later known as 'bitch'
10:56 Command abandoned USS Alamyar due to UPP token it over
11:48 Doctor and two xeno
12:52 Queen down by Javier and others
19:40 Second Queen screech behind wall again, Boiler move forward to meet its demise, Marine counter attack ensued
20:42 Powerloader vs Queen, ended JUST LIKE THE MOVIE

Honourable mention of that didn't made to the video
UPP proceed self destruct with funny Command Announcements
Pizza girl/boi
Oskar Weber as PFC, SG, Engie, PO, SO
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SS13 Colonial Marines: Alien cornered in Hanger and Ed Trevor rampage

Post by HKO20006 » 10 Aug 2017, 12:19

8 August, USS Almayer (forgot map)
Alien got a strong composition, Queen, Hivelord, Carrier, 2 Ravagers, 3 Boilers and many others but they crushed into northern part of Hanger. The empty Hanger and good line of sight provided to be a excellent killing zone for the marine who rushed to corner the intruders.

00:00 Upon the initial push, Aliens were already meeting strong resistance, the chaos lead to many Marine friend fire though
02:10 A pack of Xeno found refuge in the Hanger ammo room, soon they will find it was indeed a death trap
03:00 Alien melted hull to open new route just to be greeted by a Sentry gun
03:43 Marine tried to push into the infested DS1, the 3 Boilers work hard to send acid clouds on them
04:49 A handful of marines tried to flank from a narrow space between hull
06:30 Ed Trevor rampage from now on, victims: Elite Runner, Mature Carrier (got body blocked by Boiler), Elite Spitter, Young Ravager and Young Boiler
08:42 Video could have ended now but you can still see some lone Hunter pounce action
Oskar Weber as PFC, SG, Engie, PO, SO
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Aliens Contained in Brig

Post by HKO20006 » 12 Aug 2017, 20:33

10 August 2017, USS Almayer (forgot map)

03:55 Queen went screech but not a lot of minors around so didn't drag any marin back
05:08 Carrier thought Queen's screech will do massive work, it was wrong for the last time, also 5 grenades to deny Queen retreat
05:48 First causality to be collected by the Praetorian in its trophy room
07:10 Queen make use of itself carrying a facehugger, so at least it will disable a marine even Alien failed to drag any
08:13 Fourth victim to the Praetorian, Spitter doing some work too
09:40 Praetorian attempt to drag again but failed
10:14 Praetorian acided away few marines back to medbay
10:45 Medic and Engineer advance in the north opening but pushed back
11:53 Engineer screeched down and facehugged
12:13 With fewer marines containing Aliens, Aliens grow more aggressive and forced the marines to give ground
16:15 Finally two boxes of grenades
16:54 Ancient Spitter is a bullet sponge confirmed
19:01 Burst fire FTW so 12 AP rifle bullet to kill an Elite Praetorian (MVP: Mark "Marker" Edwin)
19:50 Help intent kills, a Charlie marine shoved Marker to Aliens, literally switched their place (nest to free vs free to nest)
23:18 Queen strike again, two facehugged this time, Young Crusher took 8 AP rifle and went down
24:20 Alien lost momentum and marine counter attack with sniper support
25:57 The last Queen screech (bonus grenade bounce back to you)

Marine takeaway
Use plastic explosive to open up more firing angles
Use grenades to deny Alien retreat
Go a side after you free yourself from Alien drag, to avoid friendly fire
Stay away from corners you have no line of sight
Help intent kills

Alien takeaway
Hide in corner and drag marines to your trophy room
Queen (and Drone) carry a facehugger too (Tips from Bronimin: The facehuggers only last 30 seconds or so out of the egg, and they have to be on a marine's face for 10 in order to infect them. Hence why you need to co-ordinate well with the queen to pull it off. If you have a carrier in on the game, they can dispense huggers for you to pick up just as the queen goes in. It's way more convenient but they probably won't like you doing their job for them.)

Extra short video
SS13 Colonial Marines: A quick end of 19 Aliens on Alamo
Oskar Weber as PFC, SG, Engie, PO, SO
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Wall off SD battle and Victoria Vile MVP

Post by HKO20006 » 21 Aug 2017, 12:21

20 August 2017, LV-624, TL;DR at buttom

00:30 People are late and left outside SD
03:22 Wall off is complete
04:00 Gather outside SD, start melting doors and hull, notice the SD is still not activated
07:20 HERE THEY COME (not really just the last door being melted)
07:50 Freelancers, killed a Praetorian and a Sentinel
09:15 Freelancers over and Alien focus back on SD
09:45 Acid cloud claimed the first life, also a SO
10:19 Acid cloud claimed another, Ravager breached the button barricade, Crusher charge in, Elite Empress come to screech and brain lagged to die, 28 bullets to immobilize and 10 more to kill so 38 in total
10:51 Acid Cloud kills again, Smartgun, things quiet down after Empress was killed, giving Marines time to repair barricades
14:26 Spitter come to melt the barricades, proven to be way better than slashing them
15:27 Acid Cloud claimed two, including the invaluable MT
16:07 Exploiting the bottom barricade had no wire, a Hunter jump in
16:47 Mature Crusher killed, 17 bullets, mostly by Sentry
17:39 Runner pulled the Empress body, exposing the downed Young Sentinel, acid cloud claimed one more, Alien kept baiting Sentry ammo
19:07 CDR: The fools lead the operation on ground, oh CO alive, where are you? Oh hmm
21:23 Acid Cloud, Medic this time
23:28 One sentry is out of ammo but with only two marines left, they were too busy to reload it
24:56 Alien rush in as the sentry went silent and the second last rod was up
28:10 Last rod is up
28:39 The last Maria Chosen felt this shit was enough and took her own life
29:30 What happen if a Drone press the BIG RED BUTTON with all six rods are up? Nothing, 2 Rod left to be activated
29:51 Victoria Vile is a MVP from now on
32:14 Ground control to major tom!
33:44 OCC chat after reset

Battle at well defended SD room and were overrun. Victoria Vile hid under body and activated SD after Aliens left SD room.

Marines takeaway
Ask and wait a bit more before wielding SD doors
Do actually wall off SD and do activate SD when you are on it
Don't forget the bottom barricade
Start running as you see acid cloud coming, try not to body block
Reload sentry ammo
Hide under body
The rods need arming from - to | and APC is not needed

Alien takeaway
Boiler melt wall, Ravager slash grille
Use right click to pull downed alien under a big alien body or you are removing the cover
Check body in SD
Oskar Weber as PFC, SG, Engie, PO, SO
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Byond: DoctorOctopus

Re: Wall off SD battle and Victoria Vile MVP

Post by DoctorOctopus » 21 Aug 2017, 14:16

HKO2006 wrote:
20 August 2017, LV-624, TL;DR at buttom

00:30 People are late and left outside SD
03:22 Wall off is complete
04:00 Gather outside SD, start melting doors and hull, notice the SD is still not activated
07:20 HERE THEY COME (not really just the last door being melted)
07:50 Freelancers, killed a Praetorian and a Sentinel
09:15 Freelancers over and Alien focus back on SD
09:45 Acid cloud claimed the first life, also a SO
10:19 Acid cloud claimed another, Ravager breached the button barricade, Crusher charge in, Elite Empress come to screech and brain lagged to die, 28 bullets to immobilize and 10 more to kill so 38 in total
10:51 Acid Cloud kills again, Smartgun, things quiet down after Empress was killed, giving Marines time to repair barricades
14:26 Spitter come to melt the barricades, proven to be way better than slashing them
15:27 Acid Cloud claimed two, including the invaluable MT
16:07 Exploiting the bottom barricade had no wire, a Hunter jump in
16:47 Mature Crusher killed, 17 bullets, mostly by Sentry
17:39 Runner pulled the Empress body, exposing the downed Young Sentinel, acid cloud claimed one more, Alien kept baiting Sentry ammo
19:07 CDR: The fools lead the operation on ground, oh CO alive, where are you? Oh hmm
21:23 Acid Cloud, Medic this time
23:28 One sentry is out of ammo but with only two marines left, they were too busy to reload it
24:56 Alien rush in as the sentry went silent and the second last rod was up
28:10 Last rod is up
28:39 The last Maria Chosen felt this shit was enough and took her own life
29:30 What happen if a Drone press the BIG RED BUTTON with all six rods are up? Nothing, 2 Rod left to be activated
29:51 Victoria Vile is a MVP from now on
32:14 Ground control to major tom!
33:44 OCC chat after reset

Battle at well defended SD room and were overrun. Victoria Vile hid under body and activated SD after Aliens left SD room.

Marines takeaway
Ask and wait a bit more before wielding SD doors
Do actually wall off SD and do activate SD when you are on it
Don't forget the bottom barricade
Start running as you see acid cloud coming, try not to body block
Reload sentry ammo
Hide under body
The rods need arming from - to | and APC is not needed

Alien takeaway
Boiler melt wall, Ravager slash grille
Use right click to pull downed alien under a big alien body or you are removing the cover
Check body in SD
Thats great corpse hiding ftw! Keep up with the videos man they are excellent! :)

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Re: A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

Post by Voldirs » 21 Aug 2017, 16:25

I was a late join there, I took an alium, a drone, to be precise. I was that a bit memey drone 180, I really didnt expect someone to hide among the bodies, I didnt even look at that corner.

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Orbital bombardment on Normandy

Post by HKO20006 » 26 Aug 2017, 08:38

This video is the second drop of DS2, my character died at the first one.

Before watching the video, check out the art Aliens made at LZ2
► Show Spoiler
DS1 previously crushed into lower engineering
► Show Spoiler
the failed alien assault
► Show Spoiler

25 August 2017, Big Red

There are three parts
00:00 The drop
05:45 Alien crush into Alamyar again, with DS2 this time
09:07 SD room battle

Image (The vaporized PO)
And you can't have this in other way I guess.

Really like the one after another screams.
Also played a low pop round (64 players) today that XO also OB FFed 5 marines though marine won on Alamyar (DS1 crushed to upper medical).
Then I played one more low pop round (70 players), two OB two queen kills, won on planetside. So the conclusion is that OB is not shit and low pop marine best marine.
Last edited by HKO20006 on 04 Sep 2017, 04:11, edited 1 time in total.
Oskar Weber as PFC, SG, Engie, PO, SO
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11 Aliens (5 T3s) died to a single OB

Post by HKO20006 » 04 Sep 2017, 04:09

4 September 2017, Ice Colony
Aliens' push to LZ1 was very successful due to the Crusher squad then suddenly skyfire came down ruined everything. IRCC It was Charlie SL Crimson who thrown down the OB(?), kudos also to the SO who fired it.
Alien won by Ancient Hunte (194?) and Ancient Hunter (941) who together memed many packs of marines and two hit decap, etc, 941 (revealed as Buckleblock) also dueled and won predator.
PS The next round, also as Aliens captured LZ1, OB again killing many, screenshot
► Show Spoiler
Extra: 21 infected on crushed DS1, usually it's kill them all but this time we capture if possible, and capture we did. I was the cocky Elite Crusher (390) who charged alone in lower medical hallway (trampled a wounded when he was being tended by medic) and then got bodyblocked by the medic (turned out to be Anthony Johnson) and buckshoted me point blank. Also Chen 'DiscoKing' smash me with M41A few times. Maybe it was Chen who blocked me but I got bodyblocked to the head so can't see well.
► Show Spoiler
Last edited by HKO20006 on 04 Sep 2017, 10:44, edited 2 times in total.
Oskar Weber as PFC, SG, Engie, PO, SO
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Re: A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

Post by lcass123 » 04 Sep 2017, 07:02

Glad to see that a single well placed OB is now actually effective against aliens.

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3 OBs in one massively failed drop

Post by HKO20006 » 05 Sep 2017, 01:58

5 September 2017, Ice Colony, a short video but a lot happened
00:07 The PFC too eager to exit DS1 forgot the he will hit the floor first. Regardless, Empress got in via the opened door and screech to extend the stun time, PFC got slapped a hugger and dragged away. That Empress one hit pain crit lol
00:25 Charlie throw OB but blocked by wall, he proceed the east door
00:40 Delta SL throw ARMED OB but also blocked by door, he got to safety
00:49 Empress hear the beeping and warned aliens
00:52 First OB hitting 10 Marines but only a Sential and a Carrier, Alpha Spec also blow himself up with SADAR in the south, Charlie SL started fighting his way back west to throw OB again
01:17 Alpha SL throw his OB, knowing he was too weak to use it before being hit by one Charlie SL promptly pick it up
01:17 Empress screech in the south but failed to harm more due to hesitation/lag/misclick
01:28 Second OB, seems again fired by Delta SL, hitting 2 marines and two crusher and two hunters, only hunters died
01:39 Charlie continue the slow push in the north
02:05 Charlie SL throw armed OB in the open, Charlie squamates seemed not believing it's firing and stood their hardly gained ground, Charlie SL on the other hand backed off immediately but without talking other it will be fired (also blame SO)
02:13 Aliens see the OB and backed off while Delta SL order the remaining marines to push, not knowing they will only be met with fire and fury
02:20 Third OB hit 6 marines with only Charlie Smartgun came out mostly unharmed and a PFC too busy typing then actually helping. No alien was harmed.
02:23 Empress immediately resume offensive not even bother to wait the fire to die down
03:00 The drop was failed at this point, the three OB did little damage and much more to marines, the following 2 minutes of lingering lead to even more marines casualties
04:41 SADAR on DS1 but at least that made the ONLY T3 kill for this drop.
05:01 You know you are in trouble seeing a Boil on screen firing acid cloud to you when you are trapped on DS1
05:14 DS1 finally took off, with many aliens onboard
05:34 Now command staffs see aliens were onboard and killing marines, been like for the last two minutes
06:44 Only a few marines at hangar, aliens would have steamroll all the way if the rest got on

^The above focus on the west side of DS1, the south and east side should also be held responsibility for the failed drop.
The South: With no hope of pushing through the one tile, just go north east and let the machine gun do its job. Even Alpha Engineer was fed up with marines crowded south exit and moved the machine gun to face west at 02:04
The East: Delayed too much to go around via north passage to support west. Few Engineers lingered, cleared weed/wall and built defenses but the south was already so crowded no alien will go through so pointless, also no amount of defense will save the operation when you are in dire need of defense in the east. All they need to do is rush west via north passage to build defense there to establish a foothold.

Marine take away
Don't open door until everyone is up (and ready)
Check/clear obstacle before throwing OB
Double check before arming OB
Communicate well before firing OB
Use more flares (there are more OB used than flares)
Use flare before going corners you have no vision of
Sound the retreat as soon as the tide is turned to reduce losses
Use gun to clear walls when time is of the essence
Rush north passage

Alien take away
Good job walling off the DS but why stop with one layer, also as aliens are not defending east so might as well completely wall it off to hinder marines' advance or force them to the west's meatgrinder
Just get on the damn DS and win the round already
Oskar Weber as PFC, SG, Engie, PO, SO
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Re: 11 Aliens (5 T3s) died to a single OB

Post by solidfury7 » 06 Sep 2017, 16:00

HKO2006 wrote:
04 Sep 2017, 04:09

4 September 2017, Ice Colony
Aliens' push to LZ1 was very successful due to the Crusher squad then suddenly skyfire came down ruined everything. IRCC It was Charlie SL Crimson who thrown down the OB(?), kudos also to the SO who fired it.
Alien won by Ancient Hunte (194?) and Ancient Hunter (941) who together memed many packs of marines and two hit decap, etc, 941 (revealed as Buckleblock) also dueled and won predator.
PS The next round, also as Aliens captured LZ1, OB again killing many, screenshot
► Show Spoiler
Extra: 21 infected on crushed DS1, usually it's kill them all but this time we capture if possible, and capture we did. I was the cocky Elite Crusher (390) who charged alone in lower medical hallway (trampled a wounded when he was being tended by medic) and then got bodyblocked by the medic (turned out to be Anthony Johnson) and buckshoted me point blank. Also Chen 'DiscoKing' smash me with M41A few times. Maybe it was Chen who blocked me but I got bodyblocked to the head so can't see well.
► Show Spoiler
Yeah I was the Charlie SL. The OB was co ordinated rather well, it was the reason why the dropship stayed longer than the PO liked. When the Aliens overexended we dropped the OB, unfortunately the PO left and I had to leave the dropship to give a visual report.

I then proceeded to mop any aliens, with another lad who hopped off to help me.

The surviving hoard began rushing the defences shorely after as we sent our turrets up. I lost my arms and the marine wouldn't leave me regardless.

I died armless (eventually a rescue mission came down for my body and they brought me back alive) but the other.marine was infected and dragged off.

The aftermath of that event was probably the best RP I've had on CM.

My original full squad was eventually wiped, except Sarah Powers, Myself and an AWOL engineer.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

Post by HKO20006 » 30 Jan 2018, 10:21

SS13 Colonial Marines: Ancient Empress solo and UPP taking AI and CIC

29 January 2018, Prison, this video is in two part.
*First part Marine attacking alien hive*
0:00 Marines got beaten back at Civilian Residences
1:48 The dead Crusher was killed by an OB along with few more T1/2s, gave marines the opening leading to marine assault at 0:00
3:20 Marines fell back to cades and CAS
4:36 More CAS
4:51 Trench was established, Aliens kept advancing at north
7:35 Crusher started breaking north cell to flank Marines' back
10:32 Crusher
11:11 Alpha Engie removing Sentry marked the start of marine retreat to Canteen
Then there was an hour I didn't record, including the siege at Canteen and Tcoms
*Second part Ancient Empress and UPP*
12:45 Marine counterattack from FOB to Intake and Sec, retaking Tcoms
15:06 Marine attack the new hive at Yard NE corner, Boiler got taken out by Sniper incen rounds
17:00 Aliens fled but also taken out RPG Spec and few more marines
18:52 3 Aliens left, Marine found new hive at Max Sec Cell
28:09 Only Ancient Empress left but UPP ERT
29:49 Empress attack marines at max sec
31:46 UPP arrived their objective ARES CORE
33:01 CO KIA
37:02 UPP taken CIC
37:52 attention all marines go to the planet
41:12 Empress attack on FOB
44:16 The two of the last three UPP got killed out of upper Medbay
46:12 Laura Fox the CE breaking into CIC
48:42 The fateful engagement at CIC
49:49 Lets focus back to the Empress who is attacking from Tcoms (again)
56:46 Empress near death highlight #1 (got RPGed at LZ)
58:28 Empress broke into LZ
58:42 Empress near death highlight #2 (got RPGed again)
59:32 Empress chase Spec around LZ
59:57 Empress' last battle
1:00:14 Round end
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Re: A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

Post by biscuitsakimbo » 02 Feb 2018, 00:08

Yo I was the UPP that killed Sally and the CO. Really fun match, got so intense I couldn't even type, my hand was shaking that much.

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Re: A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

Post by HKO20006 » 21 Feb 2018, 12:56

SS13 Colonial Marines: Big Red Xeno Major, what marine did wrong

21 Feb 2018, Big Red
00:00 Don't get caught out of position (too far away from friendlies), and we learnt that gas damage is manageable if you have gas mask on so gas can't completely shut down push now
00:53 Move wounded to safety first
02:05 Don't rambo
02:59 RUN RUN RUNNN RUUUN (rail scope and situational awareness). Don't stand directly in front of the opening, further back and east out of pounce range. There were more than two xeno, enough for both of them, maybe he should just run for it.
05:47 Relief force got rekt, the trapped force see reduced Xeno activity but they didn't take advantage of it
08:01 Another relief force joined from south, they don't know the map enough to get out though, they read the map on wiki, too bad it is not updated
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Re: A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

Post by HKO20006 » 22 Feb 2018, 11:18

Corrupted Queen event

22 February 2018, Big Red
00:00 PMC got rekt after being spotted, Queen captured the special facehugger
02:31 Top 10 Anime escape, Runner edition
04:37 Alpha got rekt (Delta soon met the same fate and Charlie Spec rambo got captured https://imgur.com/a/60ac8)
The two Queens meet, confusion among xenos but I didn't record that
06:15 FOB gone
09:52 DS CQC
10:58 DS with few xeno arrived hanger
12:23 DS CQC after being called down
13:17 PMC wanted to fly the Queen to Alamyer but used Flyby, you had one job
15:45 Corrupted Queen arrived hanger, Xeno contacting the Corrupted Queen will be corrupted or gibbed
23:10 Round end
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Re: A weird/painful round of 20 aliens to 3 to win and more AAR

Post by HKO20006 » 23 Feb 2018, 07:29

SS13 Colonial Marines: Apop Admiral, SD after pushed to SD backroom (MIDI MAJOR)

23 February 2018, Big Red
00:00 Alamo crashed into Brig, Apop in CIC, head to SD
02:17 Apop arrived SD
06:00 My Heart Will Go On
09:29 First Queen sreech and HPR FF
11:32 Carry On My Wayward Son (Cover) - Supernatural the Musical 200th Episode https://youtu.be/TYME1QBrXw4
13:40 Apop got FF'd and Flamer FF
14:39 Traffic jam at the one tile corridor OR GO GREEN INTENT
15:08 Apop got burst FF
16:00 North corridor halfway breached
16:13 4th rod and Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人 OP / Opening - "Guren no Yumiya" - Linked Horizon
17:03 Nade FF by PO
17:45 North corridor breached
17:57 Queen dead along with Ancient Sentinel and Elite Hunter
18:40 North SD lost then the SD main room
19:36 5th rod
19:50 Sad music
20:25 Apop metaba himself (offscreen)
21:25 ARES: Can't SD without the two pylons
22:13 Young Runner slash down APC
22:58 6th rod
24:52 ARES: If everyone run for the 2 top pylons
25:34 ARES: White phosphorus grenade in admiral's bag
26:00 ARES: To motivate to victory and Team America - America, Fuck Yeah
28:06 ARES: Make a run for it
28:45 Song name?
29:12 Crusher dead
31:00 APC fixed
31:18 ARES: 10 Aliens and 17 Marines. You can do this.
32:25 Two marines from engineering south corridor distracted xenos (Madison 'Spicy' Delaney and Zupp 'Science' Pools)
32:30 LT Lyla Pycroft activated the rods (offscreen)
32:48 ARES: DANGER Self Destruct
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Pushing to hive with M56D Smartgun

Post by HKO20006 » 03 Mar 2018, 01:03

Pushing to hive with M56D Smartgun

23 February 2018, Big Red
When M56D is used properly, it's AP is really strong against Queen and Ravager. Also useful for quickly clear out thick resin walls.
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Dropship locked when evacing, CQC ensue

Post by HKO20006 » 03 Mar 2018, 01:06

Dropship locked when evacing, CQC ensue

24 February 2018, Prison Station
When marines were slow to evac after FOB was breached.
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Queen robust command at Research

Post by HKO20006 » 03 Mar 2018, 01:08

Queen robust command at Research

24 February 2018, LV-624
When Researchers got their hands on 5 eggs.
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Queen kiting marines on Almayer

Post by HKO20006 » 03 Mar 2018, 01:10

Queen kiting marines on Almayer

Showing aftermath of the crash, and how many marines are left. Feel free to skip.
07:03 start following queen (groups of 4 and 2)
07:23 a group of 4
09:22 rambo
09:49 rambo*2
11:35 a group of 3
12:38 rambo
13:29 rambo*2
13:49 a group of 7 (rekt at engie ladder)
15:17 rambo rip Iri
15:37 a group of 2+1
16:07 rambo PO
16:17 2 groups of 2
16:37 rambo
18:31 rambo
20:16 a group of 3 + 1 ran off
21:06 rambo
21:36 a group of 2
22:33 rambo
22:47 rambo
23:01 a group of 2 + 1 rambo
25:24 (queen attack briefing) rambo Eric
25:52 a group of 3
26:08 a group of 2 rip Mark
26:50 a group of 2 + 1 rambo + a group of 4
28:06 rambo Eric
29:24 rambo
29:42 rambo Eric +1 rambo
31:00 rambo Eric +1 rambo
32:21 attack briefing
46:09 PMC got rekt
47:36 Tyson Wheeler
PSA: Fix coms after DS crash
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Marines hold Prison Yard with no cades, surrounded and picked off

Post by HKO20006 » 03 Mar 2018, 01:12

Marines hold Prison Yard with no cades, surrounded and picked off

Command order marines to push, two dozens marines pushed to almost to VIP but stucked at yard, and got picked off one by one.
FOB, LZ then fell, hanger fight and Ancient Hunter killing of remaining marines on Almayer.
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UPP Major at Ice Colony

Post by HKO20006 » 03 Mar 2018, 01:13

UPP Major at Ice Colony

This video is RP focus, lacks action except the first part.
UPP Commandos were dispatched to recover the alien technologies from the predator ship, while marines busy holding of the xeno horde.

1:48 CO and Alpha SL captured
30:38 UPP start leaving by shuttle
39:45 UPP mission successful
42:30 UPP Major music Red Alert 3 Theme - Soviet March
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Aden Turner robusting Xeno at Briefing & Chen so close to Evac

Post by HKO20006 » 03 Mar 2018, 01:14

Aden Turner robusting Xeno at Briefing & Chen so close to Evac

A Continuation of the last video, UPP Major at Ice Colony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4ZSFMNinMY
Aden Turner (0:06 Bravo marine top left of the screen) robusting xenos left and right, winning the Briefing Battle
13:25 Chen found a pod! But they also found other visiters.
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