Chris Minders Application
- Pat Sajak
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Chris Minders Application
Byond ID: Pepsi_Blue_Fan
Player name you use the most: Chris Minder
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Yes
Why should you be whitelisted?
I love role playing, I love playing commander related roles but most of all I love being able to make other players rounds enjoyable. Whenever I am alone as an executive officer, when I write my briefings, I intend to make sure marines get to enjoy their round. Even if we lose as marines, if you had fun, then I feel like the round was a success. As a commander I will keep departments in check to make sure they are doing their jobs appropriately in addition to making sure the XO is not abusing his or her powers. I allow for the CMO to distribute any medicines except for combat stims unless it is an emergency.
I have played commander related roles exclusively when I play. I have played alone as XO at least twice and got a good feeling of what a commander has to go through every time they are on. I know I can handle the stress and demands of being a commander since I have experienced those same trials as an XO.
Give me a chance to be able to be your commander and I promise to make more rounds enjoyable for you as the player.
Player name you use the most: Chris Minder
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Yes
Why should you be whitelisted?
I love role playing, I love playing commander related roles but most of all I love being able to make other players rounds enjoyable. Whenever I am alone as an executive officer, when I write my briefings, I intend to make sure marines get to enjoy their round. Even if we lose as marines, if you had fun, then I feel like the round was a success. As a commander I will keep departments in check to make sure they are doing their jobs appropriately in addition to making sure the XO is not abusing his or her powers. I allow for the CMO to distribute any medicines except for combat stims unless it is an emergency.
I have played commander related roles exclusively when I play. I have played alone as XO at least twice and got a good feeling of what a commander has to go through every time they are on. I know I can handle the stress and demands of being a commander since I have experienced those same trials as an XO.
Give me a chance to be able to be your commander and I promise to make more rounds enjoyable for you as the player.
Character: Chris Minder
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
- solidfury7
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Re: Chris Minders Application
I haven't seen you enough to vouch for you either way. So I'll be abstaining.
I do like your application however.
I do like your application however.
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
- Pat Sajak
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- Byond: Pepsi_Blue_Fan
Re: Chris Minders Application
Thank you for your feedback, just to clarify, you have seen me right? I have been trying to figure out if I need to step up my activity, I try my best to be on as much as life is allowing me.solidfury7 wrote:I haven't seen you enough to vouch for you either way. So I'll be abstaining.
I do like your application however.
You are one of my role models I try to follow.
Character: Chris Minder
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
- Roland410
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Re: Chris Minders Application
Think I saw you a few times, but I'm not sure if it's often enough to get my +1.
- NescauComToddy
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Re: Chris Minders Application
You could try to get a little more experience at being the XO before you try out the commander role. According to the way you intend to play, you would be a suitable commander.
Anyway, since you never caused problems, you could very well be whitelisted. Just try to be more active to show how you play in a similar role. For now, I'll be neutral.
Anyway, since you never caused problems, you could very well be whitelisted. Just try to be more active to show how you play in a similar role. For now, I'll be neutral.
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
- solidfury7
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Re: Chris Minders Application
I have seen you and I do think you'd be a suitable commander. However you do need a lot more time as both as an XO and SO, (I'd also recommend a few games as a SL as well) simply because each role teaches you imperative info you'd likely never realise down the line, as well as building a reputation. (Good or bad)Pat Sajak wrote:Thank you for your feedback, just to clarify, you have seen me right? I have been trying to figure out if I need to step up my activity, I try my best to be on as much as life is allowing me.
You are one of my role models I try to follow.
Neutrality amended to +1 since im on holiday and wouldnt be able to see changes in activity. Just play those roles as much as you can.
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
- Epic_Charger
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Re: Chris Minders Application
Got a good play style in mind, more just enjoyment focused over say; winning the round for marines. In my opinion, and I tend to play marine more, xeno wins are more fun for my RP experience anyways. More likely a round I'll remember.
But yeah, I've not seen you around much, and it could very be that I just have an entirely different time zone than you for when I log on.
So right now I'm leaning towards +1, but want to ask some questions to make sure.
1. You're the CO in game, you have one XO and one SO, however, events IRL are demanding you leave your game. What should you do?
2. Cargo is lacking in points and supplies, but all the other departments are handling things fine. Engineering and Security are underwhelmed due to lack of anything going on. Your marines need supplies delivered, but there's only an RO, and they seem new. What would you do to try and make the RO's life a bit less stressed, and see that the marines are also helped out a bit?
Just those two for now! Depending on how ya answer will effect my opinion on this whitelist. Though answering honestly to how you would handle these situations is best!
But yeah, I've not seen you around much, and it could very be that I just have an entirely different time zone than you for when I log on.
So right now I'm leaning towards +1, but want to ask some questions to make sure.
1. You're the CO in game, you have one XO and one SO, however, events IRL are demanding you leave your game. What should you do?
2. Cargo is lacking in points and supplies, but all the other departments are handling things fine. Engineering and Security are underwhelmed due to lack of anything going on. Your marines need supplies delivered, but there's only an RO, and they seem new. What would you do to try and make the RO's life a bit less stressed, and see that the marines are also helped out a bit?
Just those two for now! Depending on how ya answer will effect my opinion on this whitelist. Though answering honestly to how you would handle these situations is best!

- Pat Sajak
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- Byond: Pepsi_Blue_Fan
Re: Chris Minders Application
1. You're the CO in game, you have one XO and one SO, however, events IRL are demanding you leave your game. What should you do?Epic_Charger wrote: Snip Express
Easy, first get the XO ready to take command and announce my resignation. After words, I will PM the admins telling them I am unable to continue to play this round and go into a cyro bed then ghost.
2. Cargo is lacking in points and supplies, but all the other departments are handling things fine. Engineering and Security are underwhelmed due to lack of anything going on. Your marines need supplies delivered, but there's only an RO, and they seem new. What would you do to try and make the RO's life a bit less stressed, and see that the marines are also helped out a bit?
Well, first I would send an experinced LT to help the RO get things together. Security would go down to our FOB to help get the severely wounded up on the drop ship and transfer them to medbay, in addtion to helping load the drop ship with needed supplies. I would send engineering down to our FOB to help the squad engineers build the FOB even further.
Thank you for your questions, my time zone is pacific time in the US.
Character: Chris Minder
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
- Epic_Charger
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- Byond: Epic_Charger
- Thucydides
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- Byond: Lokiusus
Re: Chris Minders Application
1. So - I personally have never seen you play, which, given your time zone, is not at all surprising or derogatory to your app. But, when taken in conjunction with an honestly bland application, it doesn't give me much to go on regarding how you would play your CO.
Every player who wants to be whitelisted for CO wants to give marines an enjoyable round. And every CO is going to do his best to support the marines on the surface. When you tell me that you want to do your job as a CO, that's great, but it doesn't tell me too much about who you want to be as a CO. We already have something like ~50 or 60 whitelisted Commanders who all try to do their best in the role and are generally capable of writing a standard briefing, FOBing up at Nexus, and then rushing three squads to Hydro at 12:50 so Marines can scrape out a win. But in my experience, the good Commanders, the memorable ones who marines love to hate? They make the role unique through their playstyle rather than their win rate.
Now I know this isn't a predator app and I'm absolutely not Boltersam, so I don't want your life story or for you to come up with a "unique" gimmick. I just want you to tell me how you're going to play your character. Are you quick to anger? Are you a straightlaced officer? Do you trust your subordinates? Do you drink heavily after an entire squad dies? Do you like the USCM's relationship with WY? For example: Swagile uses the MPs excessively, Solidfury7 tries to play a stoic commander who doesn't take any shit, and Fitchace plays a creative commander who is a ultimately a coward at the end.
Now, what is your playstyle?
I'd argue that CO is as close as we get to HRP on the Marine side. So I hope you'll take a second to think over how you want to play this position and look at how you've played Command roles so far. You'll be a better, more enjoyable commander if you find something to focus on (and honestly, with how hectic the CO role can be, it's always good to have a personality in your pocket to fall back on). Because this isn't necessarily called for by the application format (unfortunately, I think), I'll stay neutral until I get an answer.
2. As an addendum: I'd actually advise you against playing CO if you've just had experience in Command roles. E.g., if you've never played RO, SL, or MP (especially MP), I don't think you can effectively provide interaction with those roles as a Commander. Don't be afraid to step out of the CIC and get your feet wet.
Every player who wants to be whitelisted for CO wants to give marines an enjoyable round. And every CO is going to do his best to support the marines on the surface. When you tell me that you want to do your job as a CO, that's great, but it doesn't tell me too much about who you want to be as a CO. We already have something like ~50 or 60 whitelisted Commanders who all try to do their best in the role and are generally capable of writing a standard briefing, FOBing up at Nexus, and then rushing three squads to Hydro at 12:50 so Marines can scrape out a win. But in my experience, the good Commanders, the memorable ones who marines love to hate? They make the role unique through their playstyle rather than their win rate.
Now I know this isn't a predator app and I'm absolutely not Boltersam, so I don't want your life story or for you to come up with a "unique" gimmick. I just want you to tell me how you're going to play your character. Are you quick to anger? Are you a straightlaced officer? Do you trust your subordinates? Do you drink heavily after an entire squad dies? Do you like the USCM's relationship with WY? For example: Swagile uses the MPs excessively, Solidfury7 tries to play a stoic commander who doesn't take any shit, and Fitchace plays a creative commander who is a ultimately a coward at the end.
Now, what is your playstyle?
I'd argue that CO is as close as we get to HRP on the Marine side. So I hope you'll take a second to think over how you want to play this position and look at how you've played Command roles so far. You'll be a better, more enjoyable commander if you find something to focus on (and honestly, with how hectic the CO role can be, it's always good to have a personality in your pocket to fall back on). Because this isn't necessarily called for by the application format (unfortunately, I think), I'll stay neutral until I get an answer.
2. As an addendum: I'd actually advise you against playing CO if you've just had experience in Command roles. E.g., if you've never played RO, SL, or MP (especially MP), I don't think you can effectively provide interaction with those roles as a Commander. Don't be afraid to step out of the CIC and get your feet wet.
Elijah 'Shrimp' Hunt
Elijah 'Shrimp' Hunt
- Pat Sajak
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- Byond: Pepsi_Blue_Fan
Re: Chris Minders Application
My play style has been a nice easy going character who at times can be a little bit of a "yes man" but if someone is being a jerk to the abosolate extremes he will snap. He is the kind that if you make him mad enough he won't be afraid to take it to the parking lot and he won't be calling on friends to help him either.Thucydides wrote:1. Now I know this isn't a predator app and I'm absolutely not Boltersam, so I don't want your life story or for you to come up with a "unique" gimmick. I just want you to tell me how you're going to play your character.
I did think of a gimmick though; if you are interested in reading that I will put it below:
(The gimmick)
You know I have been thinking a lot about this actually the past few days. I thought how can I make my character unique from say John 'Whiskers' Furblast the cargo technician?
I came up with one that I have personally never seen anyone play and I thought it would be hilarious; a commander who is OCD and has germ phobia. He is the kind of person who needs his ship in top shape and it irks him to no end when his crew members touch the walls. When people leave piles of junk around the FOB or his ship he makes it his mission to sanitize the place.
You can only imagine how he is going to react when xenomorphs aboard his pristine ship.
I wanted to make a counter argument of sorts to your addendum. Since commander is a high RP role, wouldn't it prove more realistic if you didn't have perfect interaction with these departments? Sure a commander should know all his departments well and holds them to the highest standards, but a commander is just a human and doesn't know the nitty-gritty details or went through the same training that these people running these departments went through. I will certainly step out of CIC more for sure though.Thucydides wrote:2. As an addendum: I'd actually advise you against playing CO if you've just had experience in Command roles. E.g., if you've never played RO, SL, or MP (especially MP), I don't think you can effectively provide interaction with those roles as a Commander. Don't be afraid to step out of the CIC and get your feet wet.
Thank you for your input, I really do appreciate the feedback you guys are giving me. It really is invaluable, even if I don't make commander, I still would feel like I came out a better player.
Character: Chris Minder
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
- Thucydides
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- Byond: Lokiusus
Re: Chris Minders Application
As long as you have an initial idea, that's good enough for me. And that sounds like an interesting premise! I hope to see it in action one day.
As per your counterpoint - it's true, you shouldn't have crystal clear knowledge. But in terms of non-medical knowledge I'd expect a veteran Commander to have a pretty damn good idea of what's going on at any moment, given he worked his way up the ranks somehow. And a knowledge of marine law and MP procedure is clearly important if the Commander wants to remain in command for any period of time.
Beyond RP, the rules allow the CO leeway in terms of his knowledge when Almayer is understaffed, specifically with engineering. So maybe the "cannon" CO was an engineer before combatant commander, who knows.
As per your counterpoint - it's true, you shouldn't have crystal clear knowledge. But in terms of non-medical knowledge I'd expect a veteran Commander to have a pretty damn good idea of what's going on at any moment, given he worked his way up the ranks somehow. And a knowledge of marine law and MP procedure is clearly important if the Commander wants to remain in command for any period of time.
Beyond RP, the rules allow the CO leeway in terms of his knowledge when Almayer is understaffed, specifically with engineering. So maybe the "cannon" CO was an engineer before combatant commander, who knows.
Elijah 'Shrimp' Hunt
Elijah 'Shrimp' Hunt
- solidfury7
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Re: Chris Minders Application
Poll is running for one day more.
Last chance for you all to render judgement on this chap.
Last chance for you all to render judgement on this chap.
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
William 'Jester' Crimson
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- shyshadow
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Re: Chris Minders Application
I've literally got a clue as to who you are. Never seen you no board the Almayer before sooo eh. Going to not really say much.

^^^^Certified Neckbeard^^^^
- Pat Sajak
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- Byond: Pepsi_Blue_Fan
Re: Chris Minders Application
What is your time zone? Surprised you never saw me. Anyways, if I don't make it (highly likely at this point), I will try again in about three or four months. Again, thank you everyone for your input!shyshadow wrote:I've literally got a clue as to who you are. Never seen you no board the Almayer before sooo eh. Going to not really say much.
Character: Chris Minder
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
- shyshadow
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Re: Chris Minders Application
I'm PST, maybe it could be the time difference? Or maybe I just hadn't cared to notice you? Could be both? Anyway, hopefully next time you get your name thrown aboard the Almayer soon enough.

^^^^Certified Neckbeard^^^^
- Pat Sajak
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- Byond: Pepsi_Blue_Fan
Re: Chris Minders Application
Seems we have the same time zone. Probably three months will iron out all these issues hopefully.shyshadow wrote:I'm PST, maybe it could be the time difference? Or maybe I just hadn't cared to notice you? Could be both? Anyway, hopefully next time you get your name thrown aboard the Almayer soon enough.
Character: Chris Minder
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
- Sneakyr
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Re: Chris Minders Application
You try to RP and aren't terrible at it, plus I remember your ckey from a different server and you were a good admin there. I'll give you a chance.

I'm Frankie Day, resident SL along with various other roles.
- solidfury7
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Re: Chris Minders Application
Pretty sure you only need a few more votes to exceed the minimum vote limit.Pat Sajak wrote:What is your time zone? Surprised you never saw me. Anyways, if I don't make it (highly likely at this point), I will try again in about three or four months. Again, thank you everyone for your input!
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
William 'Jester' Crimson
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- Azrayel
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Re: Chris Minders Application
Hypothetical for you:
You brief for LV only to learn once the P.O. comes back up it's really Big Red (happened tonight). Comms still aren't up. How do you respond?
You brief for LV only to learn once the P.O. comes back up it's really Big Red (happened tonight). Comms still aren't up. How do you respond?
- Pat Sajak
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- Byond: Pepsi_Blue_Fan
Re: Chris Minders Application
Thank you for your question and this is how I would respond and remember you can message the squads via over watch console and they can hear it, you just can't hear them. I would have all my SOs use this function to direct my new orders. I can also simply announce it and do it all at once.Azrayel wrote:Hypothetical for you:
You brief for LV only to learn once the P.O. comes back up it's really Big Red (happened tonight). Comms still aren't up. How do you respond?
Lets say I sent Alpha and Bravo to secure the Nexus and make it our FOB, had Charlie on engineering duty and Delta on scouting. I would of probably sent Alpha, Bravo and Charlie on the same dropship and sent Delta on the second drop ship so they had a different area to scout.
I wouldn't have to worry about Delta since they are purely scouting, probably direct Alpha and Bravo to make the FOB near LZ1. The only real problem would be Charlie since I sent them down to LZ1 and now they got to walk a mile to engineering. This can easily be fixed by putting Delta on engineering duty since they are closer to engineering and Charlie on scouting duty.
It would be embarrassing and a little time consuming but can easily be fixed. I hope this answers your question.
Character: Chris Minder
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
Roles: XO, Staff Officer
- apophis775
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Re: Chris Minders Application

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine