Guide to be a good RO!!11!1!

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Byond: blade2000br

Guide to be a good RO!!11!1!

Post by Blade2000Br » 10 Aug 2017, 17:27

Hello, there lovely ladies of the great legion! it's me! your lovely RO from the neighborhood that is here to help you overcome your baldness skillz in being a Terrible RO!

It those very quick tips, you will get the hang of being a RO and will make the muuuuhrines get out of this pesky xeno scum that violates the Weyland colonies with their sickening green blood splat all over the place and their god damn T H I C C Queens with their Roar MeMe Squad and their pesky little facerapers!
Once you learn how to be a robust RO, it will only be a question of time before you make the MUHRINES robust out of thin air! (100% works every 110%!)

Let's go for the Tips:

1-Make MUHRINES suffer for their incompetence
So, you logged in as RO with two slaves CTs to help you out? good. The first thing is restrict BC for da smartgunners! Why? This will make sure to cut out unrobust specs that are shittles with their SADARs and Sniper rifles that want to meta-blow the xenos scum in such a way they lose their ability to be called male!
This way, you make SLs that think are robust and dummy specs with their autistic and cringy blue hair learn their place and know you are the god damn king crab of that beach.

This, however, doesn't work to privates, since they won't get BCs for being incompetent by themselves. Therefore, you gotta make them suffer by doing the right move: Removing their crack and coccaine Attachments. Do you want to be a full dick? only give than one attachment. Want to be a true god? deny ALL attachments to Privates. There, they will start crying for their drugs.
Now, don't allow your line to become this:

If this happened, congratulations! You didn't pass the first step! Remember, a good RO is the one that doesn't allow shit to happen in their lines. If a Private curse at you for denying him his attachments because you feel like to, call @stanphilby to solve that shit. He's a good MP. Treat him like a proper Police and you will get good shit.

2- Supply requests
Always, ALWAYS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALWAYS. Deliver the supplies to the autistic marines. They by now are suffering PTSD, so don't make them suffer more by denying their food supplies. That's really auto-explicative but I have to explain or else you will be letting your slaves suck off, and this is bad for morale! They gotta suck you, not themselves! AWAY WITH THAT CTxCT shit. They must work.

Yeah, don't forget to make your slaves do the dirty work for you. Send them to drag crates all day and night. It's useful.

Remember that power gaming rule about not being a nympho maniac towards your 4 pulse rifles, 3 shotguns and a B18 you stole from a dead spec and inserted really deep in your groin?!1? THIS DON'T APPLY TO YOU. YOU ARE THE LAW, BIATCH.

Therefore, You can power game that shit till the end of the days and the admins will praise you! Once the first drop is made, make your god damn gay lovers Slaves get to the prep rooms and OPEN THAT BIATCH DOOR UP! Get a CE that promised to give you a favor if you let him show his prowess in the mastery of the sucking as an engineer in a 2d spessman game.

Once they are inside the prep room, RAAAAAAAID THE GOD DAM PISTOLS. RAID THEN ALL. Marines don't care to then, they hate them, they rejected them. They have no one. They are worthless. They won't ever see the light from that prep room till you go there to save them. They will be grateful and will do anything for you, asking to be used like a proper pistol they are. How are you gonna use then?

throw in a melting machine and burn them till they become sheets of metal.

that's what worthless pistols like that serve for. To be melted till the end of the times. AND IS NOT POWERGAMING, SO IS A WIN-WIN.
You know you did a good job when this happens:

If THIS happens, however:
You can drop being RO because you are a metal god and deserve to be praised.

4- Black market and C R A T E R O U L L E T E
Are you bored? have 500 points that won't serve for shit? Fret not! You can always request a Weyland crate to get TWO HPR and one god damn BR in one crate! only for Command to request that weaponry and you will never see this epic equipment again

Along side that, you can ask for that Gay CE to hack the machine after another learning that he sucks in everything, and getting the black market on. Now, this is not an OOC issue, but Marine Law forbids it. What do we do in this situation, you ask. It's very simple:

Make improvised stun batons and stun batton every single MP that attempts to confiscate your equipment, grabbing his cuffs and cuffing himself in the god damn chair of Line two and watch as he helpless scream for help. Don't forget the headset. It's very important.
Hence and repeat till all the MPs are cuffed, then bring them to the brig and run like the maniac you are till you get bwoinked about your shit decision and get a 7-day ban because Feweh didn't accept your bribery.

At least you stun battened 4 MPs + WO in one round. that's a really good way to have an Oscar!

And that's my tips for being a ROBUST RO and make everyone in the crew hate you to the point to be executed because the CO hates you. Or being protected by an admiral because you are badass.

I have to go now because I got an appointment with my lovely home made stun baton. Good night.

Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.

Former Rapey Ravager Hater.

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