Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

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Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Renomaki » 17 Aug 2017, 19:37

Byond ID: Renomaki

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here): Reno “Weenie” Story

Name/Designation of the Synth Character you’re requesting to use (Follows common naming rules, and requires a first name with no last name): Rosu

Are you familiar with the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=14417)?

I made sure to give it a good look-over before beginning work, and thus build a synth that would feel appropriate.

Synthetic Character Story (An ADEQUATE description and story of your Synthetics actions and involvement in a previous mission onboard the Almayer):

Soaring through the darkness of space, the Almayer patrolled quietly, her crew mostly asleep at this time or frozen in tubes. Everyone but one man: The commander.

He had been in the Central Intelligence Center looking over a holomap for the past several hours, the table covered in colony maps and tactical notes. He rubbed his tired face as he racked his brain on how to handle a recent CLF occupation of the colony of LV-355. His intel on the colony was limited, and its current status even moreso, and he struggled to find the best course of action to keep collateral minimal.

Just then, the airlock nearby opened, a middle-aged Asian man slowly walking in with a fresh mug of coffee. He looked to be one of the commander’s Staff Officers.

“Your coffee sir, with extra sugar as per your preference.” He replied. His name was Rosu, and he was the commander’s synthetic assistant and adviser.

“Ah, just what I needed,” the commander replied groggily, eagerly taking his mug and taking a good sip from it before resuming his brainstorming, Rosu calmly standing about face besides him and looking over his work, his mind conjuring up dozens of simulations based on the commander’s current work, as if to silently critique his current work.

“Are you having trouble preparing for the mission ahead sir?” Rosu commented, the results of his tests seeming mediocre at best.

“Yes, yes Rosu, I’m struggling to get a good plan together, but I don’t have much up to date information on the colony in question. The MTs haven’t got the damn fax machine fixed yet, so I have to work with what info we got. I can’t help but feel like I’m missing something, though…”

Rosu tilted his head, taking a moment to collect the most recent files he has in memory on the colony in question.

“Sir,” he started, “The settlement in question is known as Burkly, population 8500, and major manufacturer and exporter of Dog Food. The minor tactical value of the colony thus means that colony defenses are quite light, with no known anti-aircraft guns and a militia of 300 strong. While it is possible that there may be some form of anti-air by the time we arrive, it’ll mostly consist of simple AA-guns, knowing the low quality of CLF arms. However, we shouldn’t go in expecting a simple drop.”

“So?” The commander inquired, taking another sip from his mug, “what you think we should do about it, synth?”

“To the far east of the main colony, there should be a small farming community that could make a good drop-off point for your troops. The main force could set up there, and a small team could deploy under cover of darkness to perform groundside recon to determine the status of the defenses. I estimate that they should be rather light, considering the distress was only less than a week ago and we will be arriving within the next two days. The strongest defenses will no doubt be along the main road into the colony, and possibly the Wiggle Puppychow manufacturing plant, the colony’s largest and most valuable facility. Damage to the industrial sector should be best avoided, sir.”

The commander rubbed his tired chin, bringing up a zoomed in map of the colony to better look over the settlement and surrounding area in question. He seemed somewhat less distressed than he was before.

“Hm… I’ll keep that in mind. I only hope your estimations are right Rosu.”

“Don’t worry sir, I had simulated the mission in question 102 times with different variables each time, an average success rate of 87% being calculated. There is room for error, yes, but then that is why you prepare in advance for it sir. After all, victory cannot be achieved without taking a few risks, as you no doubt know.”

The commander smirked, before returning to his planning with pen in hand.

“Yeah, sure, thanks for your input Rosu. Now, you mind getting me another coffee? It’s gonna be a long night I feel.”

Rosu humbly bowed at the request. “Yes Commander, with extra sugar as per preference.”

How do you intend to play your Synth (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your Synth and what support roles you’ll mainly focus on, what is your synthetics quirk)?

Rosu is skilled in many areas, as is expected of most synths. However, his primary programming is to act as a tactical adviser for his commanding officer, mainly providing suggestions and advice on how to handle combat situations on the ground.

His secondary programming is to keep the commander, along with other officers, alive and well. He does this by utilizing his medical knowledge to treat whatever wounds happen to pop up, and is more than eager to perform field surgery if it means saving an officer’s life. He’ll help a grunt in need if he comes across them, but for the most part, higher ranking officers tend to be priority one, and he’ll ignore a bleeding grunt if it means keeping his commander safe.

His main personality type is pride, viewing himself as a tactical genius and a useful asset to the commander or officer he is assigned to. This also makes him fairly competitive, causing him frustration when his heavily calculated plans somehow fail despite the odds, and it is not unlikely of him to plan out tactics that could result in heavy causalities if it means securing victory for the USCM. After all, he understands war, and how sometimes you need to break a few hundred eggs to make an omelet, even if it could be a fair bit cruel to do so.

How familiar are you with support roles? (ie; Medical, MT, Science, SO)

I have dabbled in every role at least once, the only real weak area being science. However, every other area I have been known to perform quite well at, and no doubt would have little issue with whatever the commander requests of me.

Why should we whitelist you?

As fun as it is blowing shit up and shooting aliens, every now and then I enjoy a round in a non-combat role where I get to help the marines out in whatever way I can. Be it the XO that calmly runs the ship for the CO while he is leading the marines or the humble janitor that keeps the ship sparkling pretty, there is a certain pleasure to be had in making everyone’s lives a little easier.

As a synth, I’ll be able to have even more freedom to help around the ship, hopefully reducing the overall stress levels for the marines by providing them a super assistant.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?

I got notes, but no bans.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

I used to be permaed from Goon several years ago for a dirty joke gone wrong, back when I was just a teenager and when Goon was THE server to play. But nowadays I’m not so sure ever since the ban purge. I won’t bother to check, so for all I know I probably still am and don’t know about it. Not that I'd want to go back to that community anyways for personal reasons.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline?

This really should go without saying, but of course I know.
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Heckenshutze » 17 Aug 2017, 19:39

RP is the main issue here, and Renomaki is up to the challenge. I can vouch for him, as a Predator and as a Commander. So he has my vote
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Kavlo » 17 Aug 2017, 20:46

I'm up for giving Reno a +1. I've seen him RP a good bit and he's an active player.
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by NescauComToddy » 17 Aug 2017, 21:12

Reno in addition to being active in the community is a great player and RPer. He has my +1.

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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Chuckachu » 17 Aug 2017, 21:35

Rinse and repeat from me! +1 See you in the field!
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by NGGJamie » 17 Aug 2017, 22:53

+1 to Reno, I've always had good experiences with him around.
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Mook476 » 17 Aug 2017, 23:02

I know Reno has the ability to fulfill the role of a synthetic he's great at role play, and competent. +1
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Renomaki » 17 Aug 2017, 23:12

I don't mean to plaster unnecessary posts on my own app, but I really gotta say that I appreciate the support folks. It does not go unnoticed.

I only hope that Feweh shares the same thoughts on the matter, though.. However long that'll take, I an uncertain. Only time will tell.
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Feweh » 18 Aug 2017, 13:04

Application is poor

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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by solidfury7 » 18 Aug 2017, 13:20

I would give the chap a +1, I personally find the formats for applications to be rather useless as both roleplaying and creative writing are two different kettles of fish.

The individual has proven to be an avid and competent role player, on multiple whitelists and as a simple marine.

While this is far from the best application, denying him based on an application alone would quite honestly be short sighted.
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Renomaki » 18 Aug 2017, 13:36

Feweh wrote:Application is poor
Well then, where did I go wrong?

Being that there isn't enough examples of successful apps to take inspiration from (let alone enough interaction with synths in game yet), I wouldn't mind at least something to consider, in the event this is fully denied.
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Enceri » 18 Aug 2017, 13:53

Relaying back to what Solid said, he is a really good player and roleplayer. I remember the times i've roleplayed with Reno, both as a Predator and as a marine. I'm going to drop my +1, mainly because I know he knows how to roleplay good.

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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by slc97 » 18 Aug 2017, 14:04

I've seen Reno roleplay extremely well in the past. Application isn't anything amazing, but it's enough combined with Reno's rep to make me +1.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Feweh » 18 Aug 2017, 14:05

Renomaki wrote:Well then, where did I go wrong?

Being that there isn't enough examples of successful apps to take inspiration from (let alone enough interaction with synths in game yet), I wouldn't mind at least something to consider, in the event this is fully denied.

I just expected more from you

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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Renomaki » 18 Aug 2017, 14:13

Feweh wrote:I just expected more from you
Well, I'm sorry if I let you down there Feweh. I did try my best to make a synth that would be... unique, but still within the rules placed before me.

While I would appropriate more details on what could be improved (since again, the whitelist is still quite new and there aren't a lot of accepted apps to take notes on), I suppose at this point, it is up to you and the rest of the staff to decide my fate. If you think I'm not ready, then so be it, I'll just accept it and move along as I always had before, no hard feelings.
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by shotgunbill » 18 Aug 2017, 19:07


Renomaki is an absolutely fantastic roleplayer.

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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Butterrobber202 » 18 Aug 2017, 21:58


Weenie is easily one of the best and a real community contribution
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Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by SylasTG » 18 Aug 2017, 23:33

+1, I've RPed with Weenie a few times in the past few days and he definitely could pull off the Synth Role.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Meet Rosu, a commander's best friend

Post by Feweh » 26 Aug 2017, 14:52


Ensure you set your Synth name on character Set-Up and be aware they use the default look you have set up for marine.
