Character Name: Joey Moped
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): IDK
Admin who banned you (if known): robotonic
Total Ban Duration: IDK
Remaining Duration: IDK
What other servers do you play on? none
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? no
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): there is none because im a good guy with good values
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I was arrested for literally no raeson at al but that's roleplay my man, you know? But then I asked for my radio from a admin because I really just wanted to talk and socialize with my fellow crewbrothers and make pasta, but I could not make pasta becaus I am in jail on the Sulaco. So then we get to talking but my ISP began to throttle me because my Son Timmy was watching netflix on all 3 of his ipads at once, also the main TV. I closed my Google Chrome work windows so I could have the bandwith to keep playing and talk to this man, and even agreed with what he had to say.

After that we were going to practice for lacrosse and I had dinner (chicken nuggets ) in the oven for him, and I said I had to go or else they would be burned.
I even asked if we could keep talking on Skype or after practice but then I got banned. See: ... 2f0475.mp4