Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
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- Byond: Chandlerkun
Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
Byond ID: Chandlerkun
Player name you use the most: Rick Rhee
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
Predator App: Denied.
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
I understand this to the fullest extent possible for one to understand this.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I've been XO quite a few times now and have been running some rounds solo without a commander, and I have to say that I think I do a pretty good job at it. I don't focus on winning the round as my top priority and power-game, I try to RP and be realistic with how I react to things. That doesn't mean i'm sabotaging the marines whatsoever, I just like to give the command position a stronger feeling of RP that can be felt by marines and make it feel like we're in the middle of an actual war, not just a Call Of Duty-esque death match.
But most of all, I want the marines to have fun. I want them to feel safe too, like someone above them is watching over them that actually cares about his soldiers and men. But this doesn't mean the moment that the alien horde starts to push us back a tiny bit that i'm calling for a mass planet evacuation. No sir, not one bit.
I want to treat the marines like they should be treated, as hardcore space badasses who won't quit. The Queen has pushed us into Hydro and boiled a third of our forces alive? I say hold the fort, throw those OB's, and come up with a strategic course of action that is a bit more interesting than just "fallback to nexus then the dropship."
Sometimes when the round starts, it feels like everything is set in stone.
It feels like marines are destined to lose, destined to push river, lose men, fallback to Hydro, fallback to Nexus, fallback to Alaymer, and then get slaughtered on our own turf.
I'm here to prove, that doesn't have to be the case. We can be smarter. We can be realer. We will fight with our hearts high and our hands ready for salute, and under the command of Commander Rick Rhee?
Each and every single marine will show the high spirits of the human race to these creatures, and they will feel it in the glory of hellfire that will descend upon their demonic skin as their corrupted blood splashes on the grass.
We're not just marines.
We're humanity.
And humanity.
This is Rick Rhee's application for Commander, signing off.
Player name you use the most: Rick Rhee
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
Predator App: Denied.
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
I understand this to the fullest extent possible for one to understand this.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I've been XO quite a few times now and have been running some rounds solo without a commander, and I have to say that I think I do a pretty good job at it. I don't focus on winning the round as my top priority and power-game, I try to RP and be realistic with how I react to things. That doesn't mean i'm sabotaging the marines whatsoever, I just like to give the command position a stronger feeling of RP that can be felt by marines and make it feel like we're in the middle of an actual war, not just a Call Of Duty-esque death match.
But most of all, I want the marines to have fun. I want them to feel safe too, like someone above them is watching over them that actually cares about his soldiers and men. But this doesn't mean the moment that the alien horde starts to push us back a tiny bit that i'm calling for a mass planet evacuation. No sir, not one bit.
I want to treat the marines like they should be treated, as hardcore space badasses who won't quit. The Queen has pushed us into Hydro and boiled a third of our forces alive? I say hold the fort, throw those OB's, and come up with a strategic course of action that is a bit more interesting than just "fallback to nexus then the dropship."
Sometimes when the round starts, it feels like everything is set in stone.
It feels like marines are destined to lose, destined to push river, lose men, fallback to Hydro, fallback to Nexus, fallback to Alaymer, and then get slaughtered on our own turf.
I'm here to prove, that doesn't have to be the case. We can be smarter. We can be realer. We will fight with our hearts high and our hands ready for salute, and under the command of Commander Rick Rhee?
Each and every single marine will show the high spirits of the human race to these creatures, and they will feel it in the glory of hellfire that will descend upon their demonic skin as their corrupted blood splashes on the grass.
We're not just marines.
We're humanity.
And humanity.
This is Rick Rhee's application for Commander, signing off.
" I don't care how vile these demons are, they pale in comparison to the wrath a true human can bring forth! "
- Sneakyr
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
Yeah, you're not bad. Part of the app is meh but my experience of you outweighs it and you seemed to at least put some effort in and tried to make it interesting, so sure. You've got my vote.
To elaborate on my app issue, the last fluff bits seem neat but also a bit corny.
To elaborate on my app issue, the last fluff bits seem neat but also a bit corny.

I'm Frankie Day, resident SL along with various other roles.
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- Byond: Chandlerkun
Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
If it helps to note, Bill Carson himself approved of my XO capabilities.

Now will you as a community feel secure enough to approve of my commander capabilities?
Thank you for your time.

Now will you as a community feel secure enough to approve of my commander capabilities?
Thank you for your time.
" I don't care how vile these demons are, they pale in comparison to the wrath a true human can bring forth! "
- Nicboone
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
changed from -1, which i made because you cryo'd at roundstart in an important role to a +1 after seeing you hold late night XO fairly well.
Relax like Redax. "The fucking stupidest thing ever said by an SL"

- solidfury7
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
Carson approving of you as XO.
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
William 'Jester' Crimson
Staff Officer
- Roland410
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
I don't know you, at all. Carson approving anyone as anything just makes it less valid, but Nicboone said you're competent, so I'm leaning to +1, but do give me a reason to vote so.
- Fitchace
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
Excellent XO, knew his job. Not a shitler and knows how to play the command role. A top notch officer if there ever was one.
"I’m Carson. Bill Carson. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you. I’m really an okay guy."
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- Joined: 22 Dec 2016, 19:57
- Byond: Chandlerkun
Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
First of all, thank you to everyone thus far who's taken the time to review this and cast a vote. All feedback is appreciated.
Secondly and to the matter of hand, if you want a reason to believe in Rick Rhee? Ask yourself, do you believe in humanity?
Sometimes it's easy, ya know? Easy to call it quits. To say that we're not worth it. What with all this war in the middle east, pollution, global warming....all the things you see in the news. The rapist, the serial killers, the corruption that is politics of our society.
Hell, why would any of it be worth it? Why should a commander give two shits about his men on the ground in such a society that's been wretched six ways from Sunday?
Why would a commander even sign up for the job? What's worth defending in a society like that?
Because maybe, just ain't all bad. Maybe we can renew ourselves time to time. Maybe the marines need more than just another raging steroid shouting in their ears. Perhaps, just perhaps...they need to be reminded, you're not just fighting to protect yourselves.

You're fighting to protect them as well.
How easy is it, to just call it quits after a few deaths?
How simple would it be to tell everyone to fallback when they've taken Hydro?
How damn lazy can it be to accept our loss before we've even begun fighting?
You wanna know why Rick Rhee should be the commander? Because he isn't here to drop these marines off at LZ 1, assign a few squad leaders and sit on his hands saying 'lel whatever happens happens.'
He's here to look these vile, eight foot tall alien demonic black beings in the eye at the helm of humanity, as they seek to infect and destroy our men. Our shuttles. Our way of life...
Because being in the USCM isn't just combat duty. It's humanity duty. This will be felt in every round, with every action. There will be laughter, love, pain, revenge and emotion..
There will be vengeance for the fallen.
Praise for the brave.
And disdain for thy enemy.
....There will be humanity.
So whisper with me, towards these beast.
Whisper softly at their desires, when they ask us if they can harm us, kill us, rule us...
" No."
" I don't care how vile these demons are, they pale in comparison to the wrath a true human can bring forth! "
- Fireman121
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
I approve this man. Because I can and cause hes a good XO
- Registered user
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- Byond: Chandlerkun
Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
-Just finished up with a pretty intense round as XO. Ice colony round where I led all the surviving marines down to LZ 2, then back to the Alaymer after aliens boarded, allowing us to flank them from behind resulting in an awesome story and very fun to play round end.
Hoping to hear feedback on this and from the other rounds i've XO'd, as well as feedback from this app in general.
Thank you all for your time.
-XO Rhee
Hoping to hear feedback on this and from the other rounds i've XO'd, as well as feedback from this app in general.
Thank you all for your time.
-XO Rhee
" I don't care how vile these demons are, they pale in comparison to the wrath a true human can bring forth! "
- taketheshot56
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
I like the ultra religious zealot attitude, the only thing I would change is maybe not calling away all engineers who are working on restoring power, so that they can attend briefing. Regardless +1
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- Roland410
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
@KEY that monologue got me laughing a bit, you seem like a good guy, have my +1.
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- Joined: 22 Dec 2016, 19:57
- Byond: Chandlerkun
Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
Thank you to everyone who voted, no matter how you voted.
Thanks to your time and effort, hopefully soon these black vile devils will meet the wrath...
....Of True Humanity.
This is our fight.

Row Row, Fight The Xeno!
Thanks to your time and effort, hopefully soon these black vile devils will meet the wrath...
....Of True Humanity.
This is our fight.

Row Row, Fight The Xeno!
" I don't care how vile these demons are, they pale in comparison to the wrath a true human can bring forth! "
- Crab_Spider
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
Do not make me regret my decision, Nail.
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.
I am John "Buckshot" Rhodes, the Tactical Snowflake Hunter
I am John "Buckshot" Rhodes, the Tactical Snowflake Hunter
- apophis775
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Re: Commander Rhee, Reporting For Duty!
But your name concerns me.
But your name concerns me.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine