Player's notes:
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Ahelped if he could betray the crew of the Sulaco "to make the round more interesting" by on Sat, August 20th of 2016
Banned from Military Police - As MP, started a mutiny as MP because he was bored. Was unable to warn him due to him DCing. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, October 19th of 2016 Remove
IC in LOOC by on Sun, October 23rd of 2016
Seemed concerned with meta gaming, ahelping about slashing an APC before doing so. by on Mon, October 24th of 2016
Played very silly as an MP and didn't perfom his job. Warned for the last time. by ) on Sat, October 29th of 2016
Banned by |Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: EORG by (Moderator) on Sat, December 10th of 2016
Warned about mining as a Marine their reason being: I was scared and I didn't want to get captured. by on Fri, December 30th of 2016
As an MP, unhacked a door which someone else had broken. I pointed out that that was beyond his MP skill level and told him to get the maintenance tech team instead. by on Sat, January 7th of 2017
Warned for OOC in IC through hivemind by on Mon, January 23rd of 2017
If caught melting SMES Units, Power Terminals, or any Equipment deemed meta meltable, ban accordingly. by on Sat, February 11th of 2017
Was so into combat, they ignored the queen's orders. Warned. by on Sun, February 26th of 2017
Banned from Alien - Tried to melt APC terminals again, plus other notes regarding being an alien. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Tue, March 14th of 2017 Remove
Final warning on ANY bad behaviour. As an MP decided to arrest the CO for "manslaughter" which proceeds to get multiple MPs involved causing a pseudo mutiny onboard, Warned him that he's a known shitler and needs to improve. by on Wed, May 10th of 2017
Transferred notes from account 'Dninja2010' at request of player, wanted to use new account. - by on Fri, May 26th of 2017
Dninja 2010 does not appear to have any active jobbans. Please note, that this player, Krab_Spider, is also player Dninja2010, if ever it comes up that he may be multi-keying. He has promised to not use his old account anymore. GAMEPLAY / ROLEPLAY ISSUE: (Mark)(No Response) Krab_Spider/(Krab_Spider)(?) (PP)(VV)(SM)(JMP)(CA): Hey, it's Dninja2010, (?) I'm here to get my notes transferred to this account before the round begins. Is that possible at this moment (I promise not to play on Dninja2010 or play with this account if this request is denied or accepted) by on Fri, May 26th of 2017
Banned by |Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Was already given a final warning on any bad behaviour less than a month ago. Powergaming: Built a grenade assembly as a marine, claimed I had said it was okay, when I had not given an official ruling on it. by ) on Thu, June 1st of 2017 Remove
Banned by |Duration: 4320 minutes|Reason: Blatant asshattery and disrespect of the MP rules - Multiple cases of bucklecuffing, overly harsh application of the rules, and arrested someone who needed to go to cryo. Can't be tolerated for any longer. by on Sun, June 25th of 2017
Banned from MP and CMP, above note. by on Sun, June 25th of 2017
Informed that grabbing while nesting isn't allowed. No proof besides two reports that he did it, so just keep this in mind if it happens again. by on Sat, July 1st of 2017 Remove
Banned by themaskedman2|Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Powergaming - Abusing a point macro to spot mines as a Xeno, insane note history. One warning away from a perma ban forever. by on Tue, July 25th of 2017
AP Burst some guy on accident (victim claims he bursted him for no reason) and then left him bleeding on the ground "Because he didn't like his attitude." Warned to be more careful and at least help the people. by on Sun, August 13th of 2017
Banned by |Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Don't be a dick, LOOC'ed "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE!" while killin a marine, Warning given and due to prior note history applying for perma ban. by ) on Sat, August 19th of 2017
Usually it's a good idea to fill out your entire appeal, too: