Player Report - Bill Carson

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Player Report - Bill Carson

Post by Chaznoodles » 13 Sep 2017, 19:36

Your Byond Key: Chaznoodles.

Your Character Name: Marcellus Mason.

Accused Byond Key(if known): Unknown.

Character Name: Bill Carson.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 6pm GMT.

What rule(s) were broken: General #11, possible Marine #9.

Description of the incident:

Carson was the CO, I as Marcellus Mason was the XO. Carson wrote out a battleplan then gave it to me and told me to brief marines using it. It involved tactics which seemed designed to get marines slaughtered, with a FOB southeast of LZ1, Charlie guarding the road to Hydro with no real purpose, Delta chilling in the Nexus with no defences, and Alpha away setting up the power. I briefed on this due to him being the CO. He promptly went semi-AFK in a chair and roused every now and then to say a phrase with no impact on the round. I was left to attempt to coordinate SOs and command while he sat semi-AFK in the chair, attempting my best to stick to his plan without any real idea of what he intended, unable to change it in case he roused and ordered me arrested for not obeying his orders. After a while, he ran off without telling anyone. After a while, I noted this, and after he didn't respond on comms, had the MPs and a spare SO search for him. This took upwards of 15 minutes, with me still unable to change orders in case he was still around and had me detained.

Eventually, I messaged high command and was told he had cryo'd without telling anyone. I was left to try and pick up the pieces, but it was too late, with most marines already dead due to the terrible orders. Nobody escaped the planet past first drop. I believe this took a toll on the enjoyment of the marine players' round. I adminhelped this at the next round's start and was told that this had happened before, and that a player report may be applicable.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): N/A

How you would punish the accused: Whatever punishment is believed to be suitable.

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Re: Player Report - Bill Carson

Post by Feweh » 13 Sep 2017, 20:35

Theres like absolutely nothing to report or punish carson on here.

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Re: Player Report - Bill Carson

Post by Chaznoodles » 13 Sep 2017, 20:47

I was recommended by a staff member to make a report about it, as apparently Carson disappearing without telling anyone has been noticed before. It also took up a slot that could've been used by someone more interested in making the round more fun for marine players, or at least someone more intent on playing. If there's no issue found, feel free to close this I guess.

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Re: Player Report - Bill Carson

Post by Fitchace » 13 Sep 2017, 22:20

Actually I put a LT in charge of the CIC while you were SSD Chaznoodles.

Tactics to get marines slaughtered? Building a Mega FOB south of LZ1, securing Nexus road, keeping a squad at Nexus in reserve and having marines get power online is not a recipe to get marines slaughtered.

It was pretty annoying I couldn't finish the round but IRL stuff started to happen and I did need to leave very quickly.

I am pretty sure there was a full staff of officers in the CIC too. So they should of been managing their squads and falling back and updating them on the situation and you on the operation for that matter.

Clearly you didn't adapt as needed and are blaming fear of getting arrested as your excuse to not give out orders.
"I’m Carson. Bill Carson. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you. I’m really an okay guy."

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Re: Player Report - Bill Carson

Post by Chaznoodles » 14 Sep 2017, 08:31

Fitchace wrote:
13 Sep 2017, 22:20
Actually I put a LT in charge of the CIC while you were SSD Chaznoodles.

Tactics to get marines slaughtered? Building a Mega FOB south of LZ1, securing Nexus road, keeping a squad at Nexus in reserve and having marines get power online is not a recipe to get marines slaughtered.

It was pretty annoying I couldn't finish the round but IRL stuff started to happen and I did need to leave very quickly.

I am pretty sure there was a full staff of officers in the CIC too. So they should of been managing their squads and falling back and updating them on the situation and you on the operation for that matter.

Clearly you didn't adapt as needed and are blaming fear of getting arrested as your excuse to not give out orders.
As far as I'm aware, no LT was ever put in charge, because nobody had no clue what was going on. I disappeared for a grand total of two minutes to sort something and was still active in-game.

The tactics seemed deliberately set to get marines slaughtered. Bravo were building a mega FOB south of LZ1, meaning hostiles could walk straight up to the LZ and the Alamo itself via any of the normal directions, making the FOB useless. Other squads were also denied any resupplies at all because you desired all resources to go to this mega FOB. Charlie were tasked to defend the road to Hydro, which made zero tactical sense as the Nexus nor the LZ were secure and neither was Hydro, meaning they were chilling on a completely unfortified road with zero fortifications on any flank. Delta were sitting in the nexus as a QRF, again without defences and able to be flanked from any direction. Alpha were away down at Engineering to set the power, which was fair enough. Needing to leave is understandable, but vanishing without informing anyone at all isn't.

There was indeed a full staff of officers in the CIC. However, they were waiting for orders from me, and I was waiting for orders from you. As I had literally zero idea of what you had planned past the first set of orders, I had no clue what you wanted done next. I was working off the back of a completely disjoined set of orders that made no sense in the big picture. By the time we'd realised you'd went to cryo and I was the acting Commander, nearly every marine on the planet had been slaughtered and those at the mega FOB were unable to evacuate because they had no access to the now-overtaken LZ1.

I believe I'm a more than capable XO, as people I've led can testify to. I just appreciate not being arrested for overturning the Commander's orders, who may still be around to have me arrested. As mentioned earlier, there's apparently been other incidents of you vanishing without informing anyone, thereby putting the round into a great big pit of mess.

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Re: Player Report - Bill Carson

Post by Feweh » 17 Sep 2017, 20:41

No rule breaks, properly cryoed himself and at least gave briefing.
