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by Omicega » 14 Sep 2017, 12:11
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File A-6129-Delta selected: PARKER, ALICIA J
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“Lie still and stop squirming. You'll work the fucking splint off.”
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• Name: Alicia Jane Parker
• Unique ID: ALMAYER Ypsilon-13D
• Sex: F
• DoB: October 17, 2160
• Nationality: British
• Residency status: UA Resident Alien
• Position: Corpsman (field medic)
• Likes: FOB duty, simple deployments, cats, gyroscopic stabilisers, the colour blue, peace and quiet
• Dislikes: the Colonial Liberation Front, stressful environments, her own high blood pressure, large animals, Charlie squad, contact lenses, sandbag duty, pilots, losing her goggles
• Notable personal effects: - One (1) HF2-series medical analyser, modified for enlarged font size
- Three (3) pairs of prescription ballistic goggles, high strength
- One (1) M10 pattern standard-issue field medic helmet, engraved with letters 'NHS'
-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --
• Personality:
Neither entirely trained nor entirely prepared for the harsh realities of war in all their glory, Parker's blood pressure and levels of undue stress have never been higher. With the brightly-coloured, neon recruitment ads already passing away into memory, all that's left are the bullets whizzing by, the dull thump of mortar fire, and the sharp twinges of panic that comes with watching her M276 pattern bag run closer and closer to empty.
Any true loyalty to the corps takes time to develop, and the scant year and a half or so Parker has experienced since enlisting has not yet been time enough. The inadequacies of her brief medical training only really came to her notice the first time she was called to put them to use in the field, and as such her hypertension spikes nearly the moment her squad sets foot on some new godforsaken hellhole. While she might hold no love for the organisation itself, there is a genuine layer of compassion for the men and women who rely on her in the field; even if it's more often than not buried behind her short temper and a mounting pile of stress. Her bedside manner is most diplomatically described as 'lacking', although 'atrocious' might come closer to the mark. With adrenaline coursing through her and the roar of constant battle ringing in her ears, she is prone to explosive, almost violent outbursts, and to crumbling under pressure.
Outside of combat or periods of stress, however, her biting sense of humour and generally placid nature have more time to show themselves. She might still be far from being jovial or even casually upbeat about her overall situation, but she has at least managed to pull herself towards a level of quiet acceptance. The Almayer is far from being called home just yet, but each day makes the metal corridors and many faces of her platoon seem just a bit more familiar.
In the years since moving to the UA, her South London accent has begun to waver and fade - by now, it is barely noticeable in her speech, and it disappears further with every new day spent among the louder, more boisterous Americans surrounding her. Her eyesight remains as bad as ever, and she guards her few pairs of prescribed corrective goggles with ferocious possessiveness. While an often vibrant conversationalist, she scores poorly on standardised tests and comes across as unremarkable in terms of overall intelligence.
-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --
• Biography:
Born in Croydon, a borough within the megacity of London, Alicia's early life was uninspiring in almost all respects. Her father worked for Musashi Industries, an midsized orbital construction concern under the vast corporate umbrella of Weyland-Yutani. The pay was enough to get by on, but the nature of his work necessitated far more time spent in low-earth orbit than at home with his family. Nevertheless, to the young Alicia it was the spaceships themselves that were exciting, from the great cargo transporters to the corporate patrol craft that would soar overhead, and watching them streak up to the stars day in and day out was all the inspiration she needed.
Unfortunately, throughout her schooling her marks in class were consistently below average or barely passable - something that threatened to become a problem for a pilot-to-be. To further compound matters, as she grew older Alicia realised that her poor eyesight wasn't just a stumbling block on her choice of career path - it was a total brick wall. The careers advisor at her school didn't mince words; no sane agency would consider her for even preliminary training in any sort of piloting or flight-based role. It was an unceremonious way of putting paid to her future plans, and one that coincided with more unwelcome news. Musashi Industries had been absorbed by a larger corporation further up the chain, and their various facilities in Britain itself were being either repurposed or shut down entirely. To this end, her father explained, either he would have to move alone to America or the whole family would need to tag along. In the end, as a minor, the choice was entirely out of her hands - she came along with both her parents, having only had a matter of days to break the news to her friends and pack for the permanent move.
Arriving in Philadelphia, the disillusioned Alicia found herself all but bereft of both aspirations and opportunities. Her relatively poor record from school left her floundering in the last couple of years of her education, and in the end she graduated with a bastard mixture of weak to middling qualifications from both sides of the pond. It was hardly a surprise, then, that the glitzy recruitment ads and smooth-talking representatives of the United Americas' military managed to dig their claws in. Despite her parents' misgivings - or perhaps even because of them - Alicia went forward with enlisting anyway, feigning a long-held passion for medicine and helping people in the hopes of evading any tenure as cannon fodder. To her initial surprise, it worked, and after managing to survive boot camp she was only too glad to attend the Field Medical School itself.
After her few weeks spent at the School, Alicia found herself carrying some guarded enthusiasm for her new choice of career. The course had been easier than she had expected, at least from an academic standpoint, and the newly-minted corpsman was packed off to the USS Durango in what felt like record time. She went into her first deployment with a mixture of anticipation and mild enthusiasm - two mistakes that were quickly put to rest by the situation her platoon found themselves in. The rigours and realities of a full combat drop stood out in stark contrast to the simulations and wargames so far - the CLF insurgents on Tychon-B were vicious opponents, and seemed to regard the red cross emblazoned on her fellow medics' chests as more of a crosshair than anything else. The conflict was bloody but brief, and while the USCM forces were successful in wiping out the revolt and restoring order, the experience itself left an indelible mark on the fresh corpsman's psyche.
She wasn't to stay with the Durango for long, though - in mid-2185, less than a year after her initial deployment, Alicia found herself transferred to the USS Almayer for an unspecified period of time. The Arikara-class transport was an eye-opener - it was a colossus compared to the Curacao-class patrol gunship she had grown accustomed to. There were a lot more marines to keep track of now, and future operations looked likely to be on a scale beyond the one drop she'd seen before. All that was left to do was settle in, stake out a cryopod for the impending series of voyages, and hope to come back from this latest tour with something to write home about.
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Known relations:
DAY, FRANKIE - Total wanker, but the first person I bumped after transferring, so that definitely counts for something. Gives as good as he gets.
HAN, KESTREL - The nicest woman I know. Definitely not cut out for this work. So consistently upbeat that it almost hurts to watch.
HAWKING, ALEXANDER - Don't see enough of him these days. Must be on opposite hypersleep cycles. Real shame.
JONES, ALAN - Stellar Overwatch officer. Having him on our cams is a recipe for success. More like a best friend than a superior officer.
KESSERLINE, MARK - Bit of a creep, but would follow him into hell itself. Almost unparalleled leader. Would trust with my life.
MORALES, BRADY - Best co-medic I ever worked with. Transferred off-ship too soon.
MURRY, JOHN - Good taste in movies. Slowly working our way through Killer Ants from Outer Space series.
POWERS, SARAH - Dyed her hair recently. Looks weird now. Very bossy. Nice lady otherwise.
TURNER, URIEL - Contender with Mark for most inspiring leader. Very sharp and on the ball. Nice guy.
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BASHLINE, BILL - IQ of a brick. Doesn't know how to retreat. Not much for conversation, but really solid backup.
BROOKS, KAELYN - Broken record. Straddles the line between companionable and really fucking irritating. Not sure what to think.
CAMPBELL, CLIFF - Fat bastard. Loudest laugh I've ever heard. Surprisingly charismatic.
FOLK, DOLTHGAR - Kind of an asshole. Flat out called me second-best to my face. Takes some winning over. Monster with a shotgun, though.
GRAHAM, JOHN - Smart guy. Quick-witted. Think he transferred out.
HOUSTON, BRONTE - Friendly, dependable, skilled. Always a good face to see knocking around.
JESOWITZ, TRIANNA - Good leader. Caring. Stuck in long-term hypersleep, unfortunately.
NIGHTINGALE, ELIZABETH - Flighty, kind of like the bird. Lives up to her name. Needs to calm down, always on edge. Nice, though.
SHEARS, SALLY - Like Alan Jones's reflection, but scarier. Kills things like other people breathe. Nice hair.
SHOE, BOB - Has a thing for watching girls eat. Bit of a weirdo. I wouldn't ever turn down free food, though.
SHRIVER, REINHARD - Real down-to-earth guy. Competent and friendly. Too good for Charlie.
SIN'VAH, KYOMI - Very nice girl, but strange outer-colony name. Possible Liberation Front ties?
SMITH, ASMODIUS - Hair makes me jealous. Won't tell me what conditioner he uses. Very competent.
STRAUSS, EMILY - Has even nicer hair than Thor does. Surprisingly chipper for someone so good at killing things.
TREVOR, ED - Kills anything that gets in front of him. No IFF setting. Scary.
VALDEZ, ELIZA - Another long-gone transfer. Dependable and sorely missed.
-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --
CRIMSON, WILLIAM - Not sure what to think. Bit of an egomaniac, maybe? One of those purple bastards, too.
MEULLER, HEINZ - Bloody Germans. Didn't we learn anything from two World Wars? Will get the whole battalion killed some day.
-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --
PENKINA, VANECHKA - Disgusting and abrasive. Competent leader. Personality of an angry goat with developmental issues.
RAVIS, TAL - No further comment.
REIS, ALISA - Fucking German. Still owes me for at least two pairs of goggles.
-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --
• Addendum FPT7 -- Periodic Review File AJP-003-01, 06/08/2186
The following footage comprises part one of a standard USCM review tape for enlisted ID code ALMAYER Ypsilon-13D -- CPL PARKER, ALICIA J. The interviewing officer is LT MOREAU, STEPHANE.
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[The camera opens onto a view of a nondescript, drab interview room. Red paint highlights streak across the grey walls in straight, precise lines -- somewhere in the brig.]
[A. PARKER sits opposite the camera. She lifts her goggles and rubs her eyes with one hand.]
AJP: "How long is this going to take?"
[LT MOREAU's voice comes from somewhere off-camera.]
SM: "Not long, I assure you. It's not an assessment so much as a checkup, although it will go on your file."
[A. PARKER nods jerkily, appearing to relax somewhat.]
AJP: "So I'm not being marked on this or anything? It's just an informative thing?"
SM: "That's correct."
AJP: "Okay. Okay, good."
[There is a brief nose of pen on paper.]
SM: "You've been here... just over a year now, it seems, hence the review. How are you finding the ship? Your brothers and sisters in arms?"
AJP: "What, you haven't been reading my AARs?"
[A. PARKER snorts briefly, folding her arms across her chest.]
AJP: "I mean -- the ship is all right, I guess? It feels a lot... smaller, I suppose, than how it seemed at first. I mean, it's a titan compared to the Durango, but you kind of get it in your head that it's this huge, you know, thing when it really isn't. Doesn't help that we're never really awake long enough to take it in."
SM: "I understand. What about the people? Do you get on well with your fireteam? Your squad?"
AJP: "Yeah. Yeah, I'd say so. I mean-- honestly, part of me ends up feeling a little guilty. You're kind of, like-- people are lot happier to see you when you're squeezing biogel into their chest cavity or something, you know? I don't know. It's always a little awkward, in its own weird way. I'm just doing what I was trained to do."
[Another noise of something being written down.]
SM: [levelly] "I see. What about these?"
[LT MOREAU pushes a sheet of paper across the table. A. PARKER leans forwards, spinning it around with one hand to pull it closer for inspection. Her expression creases into a frown.]
AJP: "What about them? These are all-- I filed some of these myself, even. This one involved destruction of MY property, and--"
[A. PARKER points somewhere on the page, just as LT MOREAU speaks up again.]
SM: "--and you were compensated, and the perpetrator reprimanded, after an appropriate and proportionate review by the military policing department. It's the ones filed against you I'm concerned about."
[A. PARKER straightens up in her seat.]
AJP: [carefully] "I'm not going to roll over and take it if someone tries to start shit with me, man. That's not my fault. Look, I have plenty of friends--"
SM: "Yes, I've read your squad's cohesion report, as well as your own personal submissions to that document."
[A. PARKER opens her mouth, as if to reply, but shuts it again soon afterwards.]
SM: "You need to deal with these things through the proper channels."
AJP: [flatly] "I understand."
[LT MOREAU leans into view from the left side of the frame. He recovers the paper from A. PARKER before exiting view once more. A. PARKER sits staring at the tabletop, hands folded in her lap. More writing is heard off-camera, which continues for a few seconds before the tape skips ahead.]
Last edited by
Omicega on 17 Sep 2018, 10:45, edited 14 times in total.
I play Alicia Parker, Naomi Bowman, and Chloe.
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- Byond: Krab_Spider
by Crab_Spider » 14 Sep 2017, 12:39
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.
I am John "Buckshot" Rhodes, the Tactical Snowflake Hunter
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- Location: USS Sulaco, stuck and drifting in space.
by Amaxin » 14 Sep 2017, 17:11
Reliable and competent person, +1 from me. Also, the dossier looks really legit.
A failure, also called a semi-competent medic sometimes.

Sleepy Retard
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by Sleepy Retard » 14 Sep 2017, 17:17
i made them gay
I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.
Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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by Gabe » 14 Sep 2017, 17:24
+1 Best medic EU
-1 No relations section, therefore no feeding of my swelling ego.
+0.5 gaydar
You're OK I guess.
Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!

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by Surrealistik » 14 Sep 2017, 19:58
I like it; believable and not cringeworthy, snowflakey or memefuel at all; legit solid dossier.
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- Byond: VitorThauma
by VitorThauma » 20 Sep 2017, 12:56
A pretty good medic and player. Always lovely to have her around. +1
Sarah Powers | Susan Kingston
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by Diggman88 » 29 Sep 2017, 04:31
I like Alicia. They are a good Marine and medic.
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by Monoo » 02 Nov 2017, 15:55
I give her 3 ribs outta 24
I play as
this guy, proudly being dismembered by extraterrestrials since 2015.
Sometimes I might play other guys, you never know.
“It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.” —Ursula K. Le Guin
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by Heckenshutze » 03 Nov 2017, 16:41
Walking around wounded, passing by baldie medics and see Parker in the clearance... Holy choirs can be heard
Marine: Ruben Dario
Yautja: Makauu’rel
Synthetic: Saturn / Shepherd (old model)
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- Byond: Omicega
by Omicega » 08 Nov 2017, 21:24
(Belated) thanks to everyone for all the kind words! Updates could well be coming soon™, although I'm still very much on the fence about a relations section simply because of how quickly they can get big. That, and I'd feel awful every time I'd realise that I'd left someone off by accident.
I play Alicia Parker, Naomi Bowman, and Chloe.
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- Byond: Krab_Spider
by Crab_Spider » 08 Nov 2017, 23:13
Annoying but amusing.
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.
I am John "Buckshot" Rhodes, the Tactical Snowflake Hunter
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- Byond: Ghostdex
by Ghostdex » 08 Nov 2017, 23:33
A good medic, used to be a bit bald but now Alicia is a great. Also, make a relationship section so we can all be egotistical
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- Byond: Enceri
by Enceri » 09 Nov 2017, 00:38
o, it's parker.
-1 alicia hasn't been going good ol' deltards recently >:^(
+1 bcus they're a cool medic
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- Byond: Arbs
by Arbs » 14 Nov 2017, 19:37
Best medic.
Pretty interactive character and fun to roleplay with.
Oh and come back to delta you..

Commander Alan Jones
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by Kesserline » 15 Nov 2017, 06:01
One of the best field medics of the USCM.
Allowed me to be a decent chemist/doctor with accurate tips.
Gave me self confidence for Delta SLing.
Sorry for being a part of the reason you left Delta though.
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- Byond: Krab_Spider
by Crab_Spider » 15 Nov 2017, 08:00
Still annoying
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.
I am John "Buckshot" Rhodes, the Tactical Snowflake Hunter
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- Byond: Omicega
by Omicega » 15 Nov 2017, 21:19
Kesserline wrote: ↑15 Nov 2017, 06:01
One of the best field medics of the USCM.
Allowed me to be a decent chemist/doctor with accurate tips.
Gave me self confidence for Delta SLing.
Sorry for being a part of the reason you left Delta though.
Kesserline is an excellent squad leader and a real credit to Delta, a squad that's sorely lacked a consistent SL main recently.
Don't you dare say you're in any way part of the reason I switched my squad pref over the last week or so - five or six games in a row being pushed into other squads will do that to you. I needed a break from competing for those hotly contested Delta medic slots :L
Last edited by
Omicega on 15 Nov 2017, 22:25, edited 1 time in total.
I play Alicia Parker, Naomi Bowman, and Chloe.
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- Byond: alekfenrir
by alekfenrir » 15 Nov 2017, 22:22
Great Medical professional at every turn, fun to RP with and witty!
Always a reliefe to see her on the groun in the Blue medic role. I at least know someone in Delta will have a brain!
Athena 'Needle' Aggley -Medic by choice, Marine by mistake.
Wear the Purple
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by Skubblers » 17 Nov 2017, 07:26
Thanks, doc.
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- Byond: Thatnewguy1
by Thatnewguy1 » 21 Nov 2017, 14:42
oh hey, I protected you one round when I was going through my bodyguard phase. Fun working with ya.
Delta boys for life

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- Byond: Adralimas
by Adralimas » 27 Nov 2017, 22:17
Solid medic!, 10/10 Would give peridaxon without authorization again A+++++++++
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- Byond: Omicega
by Omicega » 12 Feb 2018, 12:58
Minor updates done. Better late than never.
Relationships section still very much on the fence, if it's ever happening. The exam-related December break I took from CM has kind of hurt that side of things as well, but we'll see.
I play Alicia Parker, Naomi Bowman, and Chloe.
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- Byond: DaDoge
by Dok » 03 Mar 2018, 16:19
Great medic. She still calls my beret gay, though...
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Dok on 04 Mar 2018, 06:06, edited 1 time in total.
I play as Irene "Assam" Doyke, a well meaning squad engineer

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- Byond: CaptainYankee
by CaptainYankee » 04 Mar 2018, 01:03
Omicega wrote: ↑14 Sep 2017, 12:11
Position: Corpsman (field medic)
Notable personal effects: - One (1) HF2-series medical analyser, modified for enlarged font size
- Three (3) pairs of prescription ballistic goggles, high strength
- One (1) M10 pattern standard-issue field medic helmet, engraved with letters 'NHS'
One of the greatest medics. Having Parker along on an OP lightens every other medic's load.
Reinhard Shriver