United States Colonial Marine Corps
Dossier File - 2nd Btn., 4th Bde., MSF Herculis
” If Marines could get what they needed when they needed it we would be happy and wouldn't ready to kill people all of the time.
The Marine Corps is like America's Pitbull. They beat us, mistreat us and every once in awhile, they let us out to attack someone.”
— Generation Kill

Photo: LCPL Anderson Scott,
transferring to USS Almayer
(Yes I know those are SGT chevrons, I like the picture, sue me)
Official Record for Transfer
USS Almayer, 2nd Btn., 4th Bde.
► Full Name: Anderson James Scott
► DOB: 2nd May, 2160
► Age: 26
► Gender: Male
► Height: 5'10"
► Weight: 185 lbs.
► Birthplace: Seattle, WA, Earth
► Ethnicity: White
► Service Number: CM-5497568
► Rank: Lance Corporal
► Assignment: USS Almayer, 2nd Btn., 4th Bde., "Falling Falcons"
► Current Billet: Smartgunner, USS Almayer
► Military History:
🢒 9th September, 2180 - Enlisted to the Colonial Marine Corps.
🢒 21st October, 2180 - Arrived Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, Earth.
🢒 16th February, 2181 - Completed Recruit Training. Transferred to School of Infantry, Camp Geiger.
🢒 15th May, 2181 - Assigned MOS 0311, transferred to Fleet Marine Force, assigned to Bravo Company 2/5, aboard the USS Gibraltar.
🢒 2nd June, 2182 - Promoted to Lance Corporal, transferred to Advanced Infantry Training Battalion, Camp Geiger.
🢒 29th September, 2182 - Assigned MOS 0331, rejoined Fleet Marine Force, reassigned to Bravo Company 2/5, aboard the USS Gibraltar.
🢒 3rd September, 2184 - Transferred Alpha Company 2/4 aboard USS Almayer
► Biographical Addendum:
There isn't much to Anderson. Born on Earth in Seattle, Washington he grew up in a fairly functional but lower income home. He was a middling student, never eliciting accolades or derision in his academic performance. He had some success as a running back in high school but did not possess a wealth of talent or ability to catch any college recruiters eyes. Graduating high school he was presented with a choice; college or the workforce. Having not come from a family with money enough to put him through college he started work at 18 as a construction worker. This drew the ire of his mother, who always estimated her sons abilities higher than was reality, complaining that he was "wasting his life and talent working in construction".
Under pressure to do something "better" with his life he started looking into options for college. No athletic scholarships were offered during high and his less than stellar academic performance closed any other scholarship options. So he looked to other avenues to finance his education, namely the service. So, at the age of 20, he went to a local recruitment station and enlisted in the Colonial Marines. Not what mother had in mind but the deed was done.
The plan was 4 years of enlistment, a full GI Bill ride, then a 4 year college education. That all changed the moment he got behind a rifle. After firing off that first burst he knew he found his calling. He was an angel of death delivering 10×24mm explosive-tip caseless damnation to the enemies of the United States. He excelled as a marine was shortly after joining the fleet marine force he was selected for advanced weapons training as a smartgunner and that is when he met his first, and perhaps last love, "Sheila". The M56 Smartgun allowed him to deliver 1200 rounds/min of M250 10×28mm High Explosive Armor Piercing caseless round at over 850 m/s and look damn cool doing so. In all honesty though, while he enjoys his role as a smartgunner, he tends to play up his love for "Sheila" just for kicks and laughs. At the heart of the man is his love for the Corps, the first place he found genuine success and belonging.
► Personal Addendum:
🢒 Likes - Barrel Chargers, Jalapeno cheese spread, low grav planets, accurate CAS, and "Sheila"
🢒 Dislikes - Cheese & Vegetable Omelet MRE, inaccurate CAS, anyone who touches "Shelia"