Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
- emeraldmoonx
- Registered user
- Posts: 173
- Joined: 22 Feb 2017, 14:20
- Byond: emeraldmoonx
Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Byond ID: Emeraldmoonx
Colonial Marines Character: Elric Wolff
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Timezone: -5 GMT EST
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
4-6 hrs per day depending on schedule.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Yes, I've been part of BYOND since I was around 13-14 years old... Now being 25, that means over a decade of time I've played BYOND. Granted not all that time has been spent consistently on BYOND, but quite a fair amount of it has. I've personally run my own SS13 server for a month, and other various servers for months combined. Been mod/admin on all kinds of games [can't remember cause it's been too long/way too many]. I've also hosted my own game servers on other games like Minecraft, ark survival evolved and a few more. Was a SMOD a Military RP server on GMOD for about 2 months.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
Most likely not as I've only ever played this one to my knowledge.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
AuroraStation, Paradise Station and Citadel Station
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Never applied for CM.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Nope, never been banned in general.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Not to my memory I have not.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Never heard of it, looked it up quickly. Probably could learn it fast enough
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
Note: For all my answers I will be answering with reference to the Admin Protocol unless I feel anything is unnecessary or should be changed.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
PM both players asking what led to the event. Investigate using logs. Check the offender's past bans, notes. Determine punishment based on actions committed, how much it affected other marines, past offenses, and so forth. Create a note for either player depending on situation detailing what actions were taken.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
First priority is to close the breach to space in case it was player caused. Investigate the occurrence to find out what caused the breach, if it's caused by a dropship, move on, if caused by playing continue. PM people who were affected and might have been nearby to see who caused it, if the player found, PM said player inquiring as to why/what happened. Depending on what caused the issue, it may have been an accident or may have been serious. Looks at the player's previous bans/notes and determine if they may be lying about what actually occurred. Punishment is required regardless of actions as it still caused damage to the station and mod/admin interference. An accident will, of course, be more lenient and might at the least warrant a warning and a note.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
Observe them and see if they start finding their way, if they're really lost, try sending them a PM asking if they need help.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Deal with the issue calmly, asking the player to be respectful. If possible, deal with the issue yourself, anything you can do is best and that way it doesn't bother or take time out of anyone else. If unable to deal with the issue and it requires a higher rank staff, then proceed to forward to an Admin+ as requested. Aid from another mod could be requested if it's something mods can take care of.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Based on the question it's obvious the player the PM'd already and responded. Tell the player that despite that the name has been used for several years, and despite that no staff member caught it before, the name is still against the rule. Give them a link to the rules page, pointing out the section where the naming rule is, and ask again to change his/her name. If the person doesn't want to change their name, change it for them, and add a note to their account saying he wasn't willing to change and to watch out for it again.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
Observe the character and see what he's doing first as it's not a clear break in rules to steal anything, that's an IC issue. If MP deals with it, then let it be. If the player does anything with said equipment that is rule breaking then you can proceed to PM him and ask what's going on; investigate and determine a suitable punishment, If any is needed.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
The new skill system stops this from happening, but let's assume it doesn't exist and how I would deal with it anyways. I would PM the player, telling them a medic is unable to perform surgery as they are not "trained" for it. I would ask the player to stick to doing what a medic is capable of doing. Observing the player is best at this point, seeing if they stop and simply aid the person using medic knowledge and skills, not a doctor. I would check his notes to make sure there hasn't been mention of this before. I don't feel any punishment is needed as long as he stops doing the surgery, and no notes should be added as long as he's complying and understands why he shouldn't complete the surgery.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Assuming the Marines are playing it safe/defensive, maybe try talking to the queen and ask he/she to be more aggressive. The goal of the hive is to spread and breed, so if they're being passive they won't get anywhere. PM the CO or whoever is in charge, asking what they plan to do, and if they plan to push the aliens at all.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
Respond to the IRON BEAR and tell them that nothing wrong has occurred. Yes, the round has ended, but fighting after round-end with an enemy is still allowed (in this case marine vs iron bear).
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
PM the marine, inquire on the events and ask why. Depending on the response from the marine, it might have been them simply trolling/griefing or there's might be a reason. So if it's trolling/griefing, ask them to stop, check logs and past offenses, give them their suitable punishment and add what you did in notes. If the situation manages to be RP/IC enough, let MPs take care of it. Depending on how good of a reason it is, a warning/note add might be needed.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Inquire into the situation more, PM the other marine asking for their side. Investigate by checking logs of both, notes, past bans. Determine based on findings if it was an IC issue that led to a fist fight and then murder, give a warning to the killer and add a note, as regardless he still killed another marine (maybe something more severe, but that's my minimum punishment IF the situation calls for it). If the fight was entirely OOC or stupid, then revive the killed marine, and give the killer whatever ban time is necessary, add a note to their account.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
First figure out if there's something you can do, and if there's staff below admin that can help out FIRST, before bothering an Admin. If there's nothing you can do, at all, then ask an Admin+. If there's none online, try using slack [not sure if that's how it works, never used it] and ask if there's anything that can be done.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Find out what the racist comment is, figure out how "offensive" it really is and deal with it. Often racist jokes are simply that and not a big deal and can be left to IC.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
PM the marines he/she killed, inquire on the situation. Investigate logs and the notes/past bans of the killer. If the action was griefing, then give ban time for grief. To my knowledge, when someone logs off, immediately after committing an act that breaks rules, this is usually seen as ban evasion, so I would classify it was ban evasion. Unless there's a really good reason as to why a marine managed to go ham and kill multiple others, which I really doubt there is, punishment is needed in terms of banning. If the person really is ban evading, then a permanent ban is needed. Add the events to notes on his/her account.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Most likely suicide, however, PM the player asking what happened. PM the killer, asking what happened as well [most likely he'll just say, he simply killed a Xeno who came near]. Look at the Xeno larva's notes and past offenses, he/she might have done this before. If it was simply an accident, and he/she was killed, then simply move on. Otherwise, that's considered committing suicide, which results in an immediate ban. If so, ban, add a note.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Give he/she a warning [unless already received one], then 3-hour ban [unless already warned, instant ban]. Thanks to Kernir of informing me of this new rule.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
No action is needed, not a rule or an RP issue.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Metagaming as the commander has no knowledge of what is going on the planet other than a distress beacon. Ask the commander to not refer to OOC knowledge in IC and then announce in OOC that the statement he said is omitted [so players know not to use the knowledge that there's Xenos down below, which would be metagaming as well].
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
PM the marine he killed, maybe there's something going on. Investigate by looking at logs between both players, check notes/bans of both players. Determine if the situation is really RP or just BS. IF there was no way for the player to get a pod for himself, or else he dies, and his/her reason is good enough, it might be considered RP and dropped. However, if not, this is considered grief as killing the marine wasn't necessary and he could have taken the pod first and be done with it? Give suitable punishment if grief, add a note to account. I would add a note to account even if it wasn't grief because it's not really justified that the marine had to KILL to get the pod, when the marine could have either stolen the pod or simply subdued the other player to get in.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
PM them simply telling them they might be wrong on certain things to clarify. Wouldn't want a player receiving false info, or a player getting away or getting punished falsely.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Observe his/her actions, take screenshots as proof if needed and report the actions of the staff member to a superior staff.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Determine if he's joking or not, joking is fine, so I'd let it go, otherwise, ask the player to stop being a "dick". Warn him if necessary, but potentially not needed. Only add a note if a warning was needed and player is uncooperative. Further steps depend entirely on player actions.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
No, thank you for reading, hope the answers are sufficient.
Colonial Marines Character: Elric Wolff
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Timezone: -5 GMT EST
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
4-6 hrs per day depending on schedule.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Yes, I've been part of BYOND since I was around 13-14 years old... Now being 25, that means over a decade of time I've played BYOND. Granted not all that time has been spent consistently on BYOND, but quite a fair amount of it has. I've personally run my own SS13 server for a month, and other various servers for months combined. Been mod/admin on all kinds of games [can't remember cause it's been too long/way too many]. I've also hosted my own game servers on other games like Minecraft, ark survival evolved and a few more. Was a SMOD a Military RP server on GMOD for about 2 months.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
Most likely not as I've only ever played this one to my knowledge.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
AuroraStation, Paradise Station and Citadel Station
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Never applied for CM.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Nope, never been banned in general.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Not to my memory I have not.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Never heard of it, looked it up quickly. Probably could learn it fast enough
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
Note: For all my answers I will be answering with reference to the Admin Protocol unless I feel anything is unnecessary or should be changed.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
PM both players asking what led to the event. Investigate using logs. Check the offender's past bans, notes. Determine punishment based on actions committed, how much it affected other marines, past offenses, and so forth. Create a note for either player depending on situation detailing what actions were taken.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
First priority is to close the breach to space in case it was player caused. Investigate the occurrence to find out what caused the breach, if it's caused by a dropship, move on, if caused by playing continue. PM people who were affected and might have been nearby to see who caused it, if the player found, PM said player inquiring as to why/what happened. Depending on what caused the issue, it may have been an accident or may have been serious. Looks at the player's previous bans/notes and determine if they may be lying about what actually occurred. Punishment is required regardless of actions as it still caused damage to the station and mod/admin interference. An accident will, of course, be more lenient and might at the least warrant a warning and a note.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
Observe them and see if they start finding their way, if they're really lost, try sending them a PM asking if they need help.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Deal with the issue calmly, asking the player to be respectful. If possible, deal with the issue yourself, anything you can do is best and that way it doesn't bother or take time out of anyone else. If unable to deal with the issue and it requires a higher rank staff, then proceed to forward to an Admin+ as requested. Aid from another mod could be requested if it's something mods can take care of.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Based on the question it's obvious the player the PM'd already and responded. Tell the player that despite that the name has been used for several years, and despite that no staff member caught it before, the name is still against the rule. Give them a link to the rules page, pointing out the section where the naming rule is, and ask again to change his/her name. If the person doesn't want to change their name, change it for them, and add a note to their account saying he wasn't willing to change and to watch out for it again.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
Observe the character and see what he's doing first as it's not a clear break in rules to steal anything, that's an IC issue. If MP deals with it, then let it be. If the player does anything with said equipment that is rule breaking then you can proceed to PM him and ask what's going on; investigate and determine a suitable punishment, If any is needed.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
The new skill system stops this from happening, but let's assume it doesn't exist and how I would deal with it anyways. I would PM the player, telling them a medic is unable to perform surgery as they are not "trained" for it. I would ask the player to stick to doing what a medic is capable of doing. Observing the player is best at this point, seeing if they stop and simply aid the person using medic knowledge and skills, not a doctor. I would check his notes to make sure there hasn't been mention of this before. I don't feel any punishment is needed as long as he stops doing the surgery, and no notes should be added as long as he's complying and understands why he shouldn't complete the surgery.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Assuming the Marines are playing it safe/defensive, maybe try talking to the queen and ask he/she to be more aggressive. The goal of the hive is to spread and breed, so if they're being passive they won't get anywhere. PM the CO or whoever is in charge, asking what they plan to do, and if they plan to push the aliens at all.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
Respond to the IRON BEAR and tell them that nothing wrong has occurred. Yes, the round has ended, but fighting after round-end with an enemy is still allowed (in this case marine vs iron bear).
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
PM the marine, inquire on the events and ask why. Depending on the response from the marine, it might have been them simply trolling/griefing or there's might be a reason. So if it's trolling/griefing, ask them to stop, check logs and past offenses, give them their suitable punishment and add what you did in notes. If the situation manages to be RP/IC enough, let MPs take care of it. Depending on how good of a reason it is, a warning/note add might be needed.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
Inquire into the situation more, PM the other marine asking for their side. Investigate by checking logs of both, notes, past bans. Determine based on findings if it was an IC issue that led to a fist fight and then murder, give a warning to the killer and add a note, as regardless he still killed another marine (maybe something more severe, but that's my minimum punishment IF the situation calls for it). If the fight was entirely OOC or stupid, then revive the killed marine, and give the killer whatever ban time is necessary, add a note to their account.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
First figure out if there's something you can do, and if there's staff below admin that can help out FIRST, before bothering an Admin. If there's nothing you can do, at all, then ask an Admin+. If there's none online, try using slack [not sure if that's how it works, never used it] and ask if there's anything that can be done.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Find out what the racist comment is, figure out how "offensive" it really is and deal with it. Often racist jokes are simply that and not a big deal and can be left to IC.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
PM the marines he/she killed, inquire on the situation. Investigate logs and the notes/past bans of the killer. If the action was griefing, then give ban time for grief. To my knowledge, when someone logs off, immediately after committing an act that breaks rules, this is usually seen as ban evasion, so I would classify it was ban evasion. Unless there's a really good reason as to why a marine managed to go ham and kill multiple others, which I really doubt there is, punishment is needed in terms of banning. If the person really is ban evading, then a permanent ban is needed. Add the events to notes on his/her account.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Most likely suicide, however, PM the player asking what happened. PM the killer, asking what happened as well [most likely he'll just say, he simply killed a Xeno who came near]. Look at the Xeno larva's notes and past offenses, he/she might have done this before. If it was simply an accident, and he/she was killed, then simply move on. Otherwise, that's considered committing suicide, which results in an immediate ban. If so, ban, add a note.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Give he/she a warning [unless already received one], then 3-hour ban [unless already warned, instant ban]. Thanks to Kernir of informing me of this new rule.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
No action is needed, not a rule or an RP issue.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Metagaming as the commander has no knowledge of what is going on the planet other than a distress beacon. Ask the commander to not refer to OOC knowledge in IC and then announce in OOC that the statement he said is omitted [so players know not to use the knowledge that there's Xenos down below, which would be metagaming as well].
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
PM the marine he killed, maybe there's something going on. Investigate by looking at logs between both players, check notes/bans of both players. Determine if the situation is really RP or just BS. IF there was no way for the player to get a pod for himself, or else he dies, and his/her reason is good enough, it might be considered RP and dropped. However, if not, this is considered grief as killing the marine wasn't necessary and he could have taken the pod first and be done with it? Give suitable punishment if grief, add a note to account. I would add a note to account even if it wasn't grief because it's not really justified that the marine had to KILL to get the pod, when the marine could have either stolen the pod or simply subdued the other player to get in.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
PM them simply telling them they might be wrong on certain things to clarify. Wouldn't want a player receiving false info, or a player getting away or getting punished falsely.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Observe his/her actions, take screenshots as proof if needed and report the actions of the staff member to a superior staff.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Determine if he's joking or not, joking is fine, so I'd let it go, otherwise, ask the player to stop being a "dick". Warn him if necessary, but potentially not needed. Only add a note if a warning was needed and player is uncooperative. Further steps depend entirely on player actions.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
No, thank you for reading, hope the answers are sufficient.
Last edited by emeraldmoonx on 23 Sep 2017, 10:31, edited 1 time in total.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- Kernir
- Registered user
- Posts: 72
- Joined: 19 Jul 2017, 12:52
- Byond: Kernir
Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Hello there! Thanks for the application, I'll read over your answers and offer my feedback on your questions.
1) The answer is a little short but that covers the majority of this event. If the MP's have detained the player then he's not really a threat anymore, so now you get to investigate into the matter.
2) Your answer is fine, but I would point out that breaching the hole should be your first priority in the event that it was caused by a player and not the drop ship landing.
3) I'd perhaps suggest that you'd want to give them a friendly heads up, ask them if they're new. Oftentimes it's easier for someone to adjust to the server if they've got a friendly face to associate.
4) You shouldn't be forwarding people to admin+ just because they ask for it.
5) This is fine.
6) This really should be an IC issue and definitely isn't worth giving the player a warning.
7) With the new skill system this isn't really an issue anymore, though you could really have gone into more detail. You've not really gone too far into detail with how exactly you'd deal with the issue.
8) Often the Xenos are advantaged by delaying, numbers increase, castes age... Though your answer is well enough.
9) Correct!
10) I wouldn't jump immediately to just sleeping the person, there's a lot of investigation that you could do before taking action. Note history? Are they new? How long have them been doing it for?
11) This answer is quite off the mark. Killing someone is bad, their excuse is lackluster. This case requires action and filing it under grey area isn't the right call.
12) There aren't always admin+ online, very often you'll only have a couple of mods and a few mentors. We use slack to communicate, if something comes up that cannot be resolved by a mod we often send a message there for assistance.
13) Players have some leeway with jokes and the like, it's likely best left as an IC issue unless the problem was significant.
14) Intentional grief is a week ban, logging off isn't ban evasion. There's definately more room to be expanded upon here, I'm a little concerned that you've never really gone into detail for procedures.
15) PMing the player is a good start, though you'd be well served to check the logs to see who killed the larvae and ask them for their input. Often it's a new player, but every now and then you'll see someone suicide as a larva because they wanted to leave which isn't a good reason.
16) We've recently had an announcement regarding this, have you read it? Players receive one warning, then a three hour ban is to follow.
17) Nothing needs to be done, hivemind is just an english translation of their shared thoughts. It's not an offence to call the 'metal bird' a 'drop ship'.
18) Giving the CO a heads up is fine, I'm not so keen on the OOC announcement but it could serve as a reminder to players to keep to IC knowledge.
19) You really ought to dig into these kinds of issues beyond looking to see if there was another pod he could have taken. There are plenty of logs, plus you can speak to the players to find out more.
20) The answers fine, pming another mod to update them on information is absolutely fine and often appreciated.
20a) A good answer, it's not worth potentially starting a conflict or giving the player abusing their power the chance to come up with some kind of excuse. Just observe and report. There's no need to any interaction beyond passing the information to the right people.
21) There's a reasonable amount of respect to be expected as a mod but often players get salty, for a lack of a better word. They may not mean to insult /you/ but they are trying to let off a little steam. I wouldn't talk to them unless they pushed things too far.
I'm a little iffy on this application I'm sorry to say, I feel as though you've not spent the longest time going into depth. I'm not sure I really know you'd resolve any of the issues above as you never really went into details, quite a few of your answers were off the mark.
My biggest gripe is that I've really no idea of how you'd approach some of these issues, the things you were mistaken on could easily be fixed during a trial period but I don't really know how confident I am in your knowledge of procedures and rules. There's a definite lack of depth and for that I'm quite set as a -1, I understand that your application was lost the first time but these answers are more of a rough outline which isn't fully suitable for the questions posed.
As always I'm open to change my mind based upon further information provided, but I really can't stress enough that you need to go further into detail on each and every answer.
Consider each step that a moderator could take. First, assess the situation. If you don't act immediately is something bad going to happen? Then follow up with your investigation, work out everything you can based upon the people involved in the situation and then decide. Is this an IC or OOC issue? have any rules been broken? Is this the first time said person has broken the rules? Note history? A blank slate usually means that the player is new, or exceptionally well behaved in which case they may not actually know what rules they broke. Ignorance isn't an excuse for someone to break the rules but malicious intent differs heavily from an accident.
1) The answer is a little short but that covers the majority of this event. If the MP's have detained the player then he's not really a threat anymore, so now you get to investigate into the matter.
2) Your answer is fine, but I would point out that breaching the hole should be your first priority in the event that it was caused by a player and not the drop ship landing.
3) I'd perhaps suggest that you'd want to give them a friendly heads up, ask them if they're new. Oftentimes it's easier for someone to adjust to the server if they've got a friendly face to associate.
4) You shouldn't be forwarding people to admin+ just because they ask for it.
5) This is fine.
6) This really should be an IC issue and definitely isn't worth giving the player a warning.
7) With the new skill system this isn't really an issue anymore, though you could really have gone into more detail. You've not really gone too far into detail with how exactly you'd deal with the issue.
8) Often the Xenos are advantaged by delaying, numbers increase, castes age... Though your answer is well enough.
9) Correct!
10) I wouldn't jump immediately to just sleeping the person, there's a lot of investigation that you could do before taking action. Note history? Are they new? How long have them been doing it for?
11) This answer is quite off the mark. Killing someone is bad, their excuse is lackluster. This case requires action and filing it under grey area isn't the right call.
12) There aren't always admin+ online, very often you'll only have a couple of mods and a few mentors. We use slack to communicate, if something comes up that cannot be resolved by a mod we often send a message there for assistance.
13) Players have some leeway with jokes and the like, it's likely best left as an IC issue unless the problem was significant.
14) Intentional grief is a week ban, logging off isn't ban evasion. There's definately more room to be expanded upon here, I'm a little concerned that you've never really gone into detail for procedures.
15) PMing the player is a good start, though you'd be well served to check the logs to see who killed the larvae and ask them for their input. Often it's a new player, but every now and then you'll see someone suicide as a larva because they wanted to leave which isn't a good reason.
16) We've recently had an announcement regarding this, have you read it? Players receive one warning, then a three hour ban is to follow.
17) Nothing needs to be done, hivemind is just an english translation of their shared thoughts. It's not an offence to call the 'metal bird' a 'drop ship'.
18) Giving the CO a heads up is fine, I'm not so keen on the OOC announcement but it could serve as a reminder to players to keep to IC knowledge.
19) You really ought to dig into these kinds of issues beyond looking to see if there was another pod he could have taken. There are plenty of logs, plus you can speak to the players to find out more.
20) The answers fine, pming another mod to update them on information is absolutely fine and often appreciated.
20a) A good answer, it's not worth potentially starting a conflict or giving the player abusing their power the chance to come up with some kind of excuse. Just observe and report. There's no need to any interaction beyond passing the information to the right people.
21) There's a reasonable amount of respect to be expected as a mod but often players get salty, for a lack of a better word. They may not mean to insult /you/ but they are trying to let off a little steam. I wouldn't talk to them unless they pushed things too far.
I'm a little iffy on this application I'm sorry to say, I feel as though you've not spent the longest time going into depth. I'm not sure I really know you'd resolve any of the issues above as you never really went into details, quite a few of your answers were off the mark.
My biggest gripe is that I've really no idea of how you'd approach some of these issues, the things you were mistaken on could easily be fixed during a trial period but I don't really know how confident I am in your knowledge of procedures and rules. There's a definite lack of depth and for that I'm quite set as a -1, I understand that your application was lost the first time but these answers are more of a rough outline which isn't fully suitable for the questions posed.
As always I'm open to change my mind based upon further information provided, but I really can't stress enough that you need to go further into detail on each and every answer.
Consider each step that a moderator could take. First, assess the situation. If you don't act immediately is something bad going to happen? Then follow up with your investigation, work out everything you can based upon the people involved in the situation and then decide. Is this an IC or OOC issue? have any rules been broken? Is this the first time said person has broken the rules? Note history? A blank slate usually means that the player is new, or exceptionally well behaved in which case they may not actually know what rules they broke. Ignorance isn't an excuse for someone to break the rules but malicious intent differs heavily from an accident.
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Alright, I didn't realize so many details were needed for the situations. I kept it short and gave a simple answer based on what I'd do. I'm aware I lack experience, this server has a specific way of doing things, and I'd definitely need a trial period to get my bearings.Kernir wrote: ↑20 Sep 2017, 17:34Hello there! Thanks for the application, I'll read over your answers and offer my feedback on your questions.
1) The answer is a little short but that covers the majority of this event. If the MP's have detained the player then he's not really a threat anymore, so now you get to investigate into the matter.
2) Your answer is fine, but I would point out that breaching the hole should be your first priority in the event that it was caused by a player and not the drop ship landing.
3) I'd perhaps suggest that you'd want to give them a friendly heads up, ask them if they're new. Oftentimes it's easier for someone to adjust to the server if they've got a friendly face to associate.
4) You shouldn't be forwarding people to admin+ just because they ask for it.
5) This is fine.
6) This really should be an IC issue and definitely isn't worth giving the player a warning.
7) With the new skill system this isn't really an issue anymore, though you could really have gone into more detail. You've not really gone too far into detail with how exactly you'd deal with the issue.
8) Often the Xenos are advantaged by delaying, numbers increase, castes age... Though your answer is well enough.
9) Correct!
10) I wouldn't jump immediately to just sleeping the person, there's a lot of investigation that you could do before taking action. Note history? Are they new? How long have them been doing it for?
11) This answer is quite off the mark. Killing someone is bad, their excuse is lackluster. This case requires action and filing it under grey area isn't the right call.
12) There aren't always admin+ online, very often you'll only have a couple of mods and a few mentors. We use slack to communicate, if something comes up that cannot be resolved by a mod we often send a message there for assistance.
13) Players have some leeway with jokes and the like, it's likely best left as an IC issue unless the problem was significant.
14) Intentional grief is a week ban, logging off isn't ban evasion. There's definately more room to be expanded upon here, I'm a little concerned that you've never really gone into detail for procedures.
15) PMing the player is a good start, though you'd be well served to check the logs to see who killed the larvae and ask them for their input. Often it's a new player, but every now and then you'll see someone suicide as a larva because they wanted to leave which isn't a good reason.
16) We've recently had an announcement regarding this, have you read it? Players receive one warning, then a three hour ban is to follow.
17) Nothing needs to be done, hivemind is just an english translation of their shared thoughts. It's not an offence to call the 'metal bird' a 'drop ship'.
18) Giving the CO a heads up is fine, I'm not so keen on the OOC announcement but it could serve as a reminder to players to keep to IC knowledge.
19) You really ought to dig into these kinds of issues beyond looking to see if there was another pod he could have taken. There are plenty of logs, plus you can speak to the players to find out more.
20) The answers fine, pming another mod to update them on information is absolutely fine and often appreciated.
20a) A good answer, it's not worth potentially starting a conflict or giving the player abusing their power the chance to come up with some kind of excuse. Just observe and report. There's no need to any interaction beyond passing the information to the right people.
21) There's a reasonable amount of respect to be expected as a mod but often players get salty, for a lack of a better word. They may not mean to insult /you/ but they are trying to let off a little steam. I wouldn't talk to them unless they pushed things too far.
I'm a little iffy on this application I'm sorry to say, I feel as though you've not spent the longest time going into depth. I'm not sure I really know you'd resolve any of the issues above as you never really went into details, quite a few of your answers were off the mark.
My biggest gripe is that I've really no idea of how you'd approach some of these issues, the things you were mistaken on could easily be fixed during a trial period but I don't really know how confident I am in your knowledge of procedures and rules. There's a definite lack of depth and for that I'm quite set as a -1, I understand that your application was lost the first time but these answers are more of a rough outline which isn't fully suitable for the questions posed.
As always I'm open to change my mind based upon further information provided, but I really can't stress enough that you need to go further into detail on each and every answer.
Consider each step that a moderator could take. First, assess the situation. If you don't act immediately is something bad going to happen? Then follow up with your investigation, work out everything you can based upon the people involved in the situation and then decide. Is this an IC or OOC issue? have any rules been broken? Is this the first time said person has broken the rules? Note history? A blank slate usually means that the player is new, or exceptionally well behaved in which case they may not actually know what rules they broke. Ignorance isn't an excuse for someone to break the rules but malicious intent differs heavily from an accident.
If I could give some input to some of your responses:
#4 Yes, I'm aware, but out of courtesy like many businesses and so on, if someone asks to talk to a higher up, for whatever reason, you forward them. I'm sure there are many variations to this, but in general, if someone's asking to talk to an admin+ for whatever reason, I'd see no reason not to let them.
#6 Yes, I suppose you're right. It's hard to establish if I should let it continue it's course or intervene. Sometimes people are simply trolling/griefing and that's what I was thinking might be happening.
#11 once again, wasn't aware of how much details into my steps is required.
#14 I have no knowledge of what your ban times are, so I just assumed. To my knowledge when someone immediately logs off after commiting an act against rules, this is usually seen as ban evasion, especially if they do something ban worthy. So I chose my answer based on that knowledge.
#16 No I've never seen it.
That's all I have to say, everything is greatly appreciated as inpuit/criticism. I'll make sure to keep it in mine and any response and rating is appreciated.
Would an edit with better/more detailed answers help?
USCM - Elric Wolff
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
There is something important that is really missing in your application, which are the details.
When you say that, for example, you will investigate whether an accident, incident, or event was RPed, we would like to know what would be considered RPed to you or how you would investigate the situation in more depth.
For each question, I recommend at least one paragraph, not just one line. You have the potential to be a good moderator but we do not know how you would supposedly "play your role" due to this lack of indications and information in your application.
Another problem is your activity in the forum, which is something exceptionally important. I would say that you should wait a bit and try to be more active in the forum before writing a staff application.
When you say that, for example, you will investigate whether an accident, incident, or event was RPed, we would like to know what would be considered RPed to you or how you would investigate the situation in more depth.
For each question, I recommend at least one paragraph, not just one line. You have the potential to be a good moderator but we do not know how you would supposedly "play your role" due to this lack of indications and information in your application.
Another problem is your activity in the forum, which is something exceptionally important. I would say that you should wait a bit and try to be more active in the forum before writing a staff application.
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Last edited by NescauComToddy on 20 Sep 2017, 18:26, edited 1 time in total.
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
NescauComToddy wrote: ↑20 Sep 2017, 18:21There is something important that is really missing in your application, which are the details.
When you say that, for example, you will investigate whether an accident, incident, or event was RPed, we would like to know what would be considered RPed to you or how you would investigate the situation in more depth.
For each question, I recommend at least one paragraph, not just one line. You have the potential to be a good moderator but we do not know how you would supposedly "play your role" due to this lack of indications and information in your application.
Another problem is your activity in the forum, which is something exceptionally important. I would say that you should wait a bit and try to be more active in the forum before writing a staff application.
► Show Spoiler
I don't mind spending more time in the forums in general, it's never crossed my mind as I've mostly been a casual player so far and rarely look at forums on any game. I'm aware now that my details are lacking.
Thank you for your input, it's greatly appreciated. If I do get to add more details, I'll take what you said and make use of it.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Added more details and formatted my answers to fit the Admin Protocols. Thank you for feedback from people above.
USCM - Elric Wolff
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Synthetic - Eric
- Emeraldblood
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Only got to skim over it as I'm pushing this out before I head out to my classes but you seem to have a pretty good grasp of how everything works. Bonus points for answering 20a correctly, a lot of people say they're going to get involved in it themselves. Do have some bad news though, I've already cornered the market for people calling me "Emerald" so we're gonna have to call you "Moon" or something, but pretty good application. I'll write you up some questions and point out a few problems in a few hours and give you my verdict after that.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
LOL, that's fine, I've been called Moon a lot. Alright, I await your response.Emeraldblood wrote: ↑25 Sep 2017, 11:57Only got to skim over it as I'm pushing this out before I head out to my classes but you seem to have a pretty good grasp of how everything works. Bonus points for answering 20a correctly, a lot of people say they're going to get involved in it themselves. Do have some bad news though, I've already cornered the market for people calling me "Emerald" so we're gonna have to call you "Moon" or something, but pretty good application. I'll write you up some questions and point out a few problems in a few hours and give you my verdict after that.
USCM - Elric Wolff
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
I'll throw this up first, analyze this app later:
"Hypothetically let's say a man commits suicide and is then revived, he argues his suicide doesn't count because he was revived, this is after you inform him suicide without reason is unacceptable and he failed to supply a good reason"
"Hypothetically let's say a man commits suicide and is then revived, he argues his suicide doesn't count because he was revived, this is after you inform him suicide without reason is unacceptable and he failed to supply a good reason"

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Mkay... Whatever happens after the action of suicide is completely irrelevant... It's like if you commit murder and the marine is revived after, does that make it okay? Regardless of his reason, unless it's a really frigging good reason, he still broke the suicide rule. Ban him, add the ban to his account notes.El Defaultio wrote: ↑25 Sep 2017, 16:50I'll throw this up first, analyze this app later:
"Hypothetically let's say a man commits suicide and is then revived, he argues his suicide doesn't count because he was revived, this is after you inform him suicide without reason is unacceptable and he failed to supply a good reason"
USCM - Elric Wolff
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Your questions weren't perfect, but no one ever is and nor do we expect them to be. One thing I think you're missing is the use of notes. If they're in the act of breaking a rule, you usually need to note it down. If you warn them before it happens then you don't need to note it down. Also, try not to PM bystanders if possible. Like you wouldn't really need to PM the person who shot a larva that died because they probably know very little about it. Alright, a few questions for you. Explain what you would tell the players who ahelped the question and what you would do in response to these:
1. A Staff Officer ahelps that the Commander shot him while he was arguing with him about the current orders. He says this is against the rules of escalation and the Commander should be removed from the role.
2. A Marine ahelps that he's having head pains but the doctors say he's perfectly fine and threw him out of the medical bay.
3. A Marine ahelps that someone shot a fuel tank in the middle of the FoB and it gives two marines and the shooter slight damage. When you PM the shooter, they say they were drunk and they were role-playing with another marine about blowing it up but wasn't attempting to grief.
4. The Queen ahelps that some of the Xeno have said that they will not listen to her and say they are going to operate as their own group now.
5. A Marine ahelps that they are infected and a Researcher knocked them out and then threw them inside one of the containment cells.
I'm looking for details mainly. Things like what tools you would use, what you would say, and what possible punishments will be handed out. If you want me to go into more detail about one of the questions or you're unsure of what you'd do for one of these, just ask and I'll get back to you in a few minutes with an update.
1. A Staff Officer ahelps that the Commander shot him while he was arguing with him about the current orders. He says this is against the rules of escalation and the Commander should be removed from the role.
2. A Marine ahelps that he's having head pains but the doctors say he's perfectly fine and threw him out of the medical bay.
3. A Marine ahelps that someone shot a fuel tank in the middle of the FoB and it gives two marines and the shooter slight damage. When you PM the shooter, they say they were drunk and they were role-playing with another marine about blowing it up but wasn't attempting to grief.
4. The Queen ahelps that some of the Xeno have said that they will not listen to her and say they are going to operate as their own group now.
5. A Marine ahelps that they are infected and a Researcher knocked them out and then threw them inside one of the containment cells.
I'm looking for details mainly. Things like what tools you would use, what you would say, and what possible punishments will be handed out. If you want me to go into more detail about one of the questions or you're unsure of what you'd do for one of these, just ask and I'll get back to you in a few minutes with an update.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Yes, I'm aware you should add everything to notes, probably forgot to mention it or maybe I didn't think it was necessary.Emeraldblood wrote: ↑25 Sep 2017, 17:29Your questions weren't perfect, but no one ever is and nor do we expect them to be. One thing I think you're missing is the use of notes. If they're in the act of breaking a rule, you usually need to note it down. If you warn them before it happens then you don't need to note it down. Also, try not to PM bystanders if possible. Like you wouldn't really need to PM the person who shot a larva that died because they probably know very little about it. Alright, a few questions for you. Explain what you would tell the players who ahelped the question and what you would do in response to these:
1. A Staff Officer ahelps that the Commander shot him while he was arguing with him about the current orders. He says this is against the rules of escalation and the Commander should be removed from the role.
2. A Marine ahelps that he's having head pains but the doctors say he's perfectly fine and threw him out of the medical bay.
3. A Marine ahelps that someone shot a fuel tank in the middle of the FoB and it gives two marines and the shooter slight damage. When you PM the shooter, they say they were drunk and they were role-playing with another marine about blowing it up but wasn't attempting to grief.
4. The Queen ahelps that some of the Xeno have said that they will not listen to her and say they are going to operate as their own group now.
5. A Marine ahelps that they are infected and a Researcher knocked them out and then threw them inside one of the containment cells.
I'm looking for details mainly. Things like what tools you would use, what you would say, and what possible punishments will be handed out. If you want me to go into more detail about one of the questions or you're unsure of what you'd do for one of these, just ask and I'll get back to you in a few minutes with an update.
1. I'd have to agree that the CO shouldn't shoot a fellow crew over an argument. I wouldn't directly remove CO from his position, but I'd PM the commander, find out what his reason was. Depending on the reason itself, I'd either consider it grief or I'd just let MP take care of it and decide what they wanna do. I'd add a note regardless in case it ever happens again.
2. Really is an IC issue and should be asking MP for help, not admins. If the doctor is not doing his job, that's a marine law issue of neglect of duty and MPs will take care of it.
3. I'd first determine if it's really RPing or just grief. I'd PM the other marine he was drunk with and ask his side and anyone who was affected by the explosion if needed. If the marine actually was trying to RP, I'd give him a warning regardless, as it's not really a good enough reason to blow up a tank even if it's for RP, and I'd add it to notes. IF I can't find a good enough reason for blowing up the tank, I'd probably count it as grief since it did damage multiple marines nearby with the intention of doing so. Either way, it would probably head towards the grief charge, since I doubt I'd agree with his story either way.
4. Xenos are part of a hivemind, they don't have their own free will and so not listening to the queen and starting their own group is failrp. Not sure what the protocol is at this point as all I have to go by is rules. I'd first try to get the players in question to cooperate by PMing them and telling them what the rule is, and to listen to the Queen. If they're unwilling to listen, punish them [no idea the norm on ban time for this offense] and add it to notes.
5. One of the researcher's job is to perform experiments on captured enemies or whatever, hence the quarantine cells. Now to lock up a marine who is probably going to die is pretty much murder. I'd try to PM the researcher first and ask him to release the Marine and bring him to medbay for surgery. I don't condone murder of other marines simply for "RP", especially if one side is completely getting screwed over for the enjoyment of the other. Assuming he listens, add the event to notes because it's borderline grief, even if it's for his job and wants to RP it. I wouldn't warn him or punish. If he doesn't comply, I'd job ban him, and add it to notes.
Those questions were really hard lol, wasn't 100% sure on some of them, but I tried my best and tried to use my logic/experience.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- Emeraldblood
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Don't worry, the questions were made to get you thinking. Most of these are all things I've seen in-game over the months and they cover a wide area of knowledge so it's alright that you don't know them all.
1. There is an important thing Commanders can do that I was hoping you'd bring up, battlefield executions. While the Commander does have the full clearance to kill anyone without warning, he is still held to his actions. While still a good idea to look into it, if the Commander tells you it's a battlefield execution it's pretty much just an IC reason. The best thing to do here would be to tell the SO that the Commander performed a battlefield execution on him and that if they feel the CO was unjust in doing so then they can go make a player complaint on the forums about it. If you feel the reasoning the CO gives for the battlefield execution and the player doesn't want to write one up, you can ask some other staff members what they think about it and make a report yourself.
2. This is pretty much just IC, though usually, this is a case of Brain Damage and some new doctors don't catch this. You could try to Subtle Message the doctor and tell him to maybe check for brain damage, but overall this would just be IC.
3. This one would mostly come down to you deciding on how you wanted to take it personally. Best thing to do would be base your punishment on how the player responds and what their notes say, as it really could go either way. You could just hand out a warning, being no one was seriously hurt, and write it down as a somewhat IC issue currently, but to take care in the future. If the player is fighting back with you on it or has a history of friendly fire, you could issue a 3-hour ban if you see fit. No real right or wrong way, so this case would be up to your personal judgement. It's always fine to let someone off with a warning, in most cases, if you feel like the player is going to actually take it to heart. I should also say, you'll have the ability to check the server logs if you wish to judge if it was actually role-played leading up to it.
4. If there was a large amount of them, then you can't go around PMing everyone so you have two options. The first thing you could do is make a Queen Mother report ordering all the Xeno to stop fighting amongst each other and listen to the Queen. You could also make an OOC announcement warning every one of punishments if they don't start listening to the Queen. Queen Mother reports are better because it doesn't disrupt the game flow as a whole like an OOC message would. Keep in mind that Queen Mother reports run off IC, so have to word it as such. Also, you need to remember that when you make OOC messages, it shows to both the Marines and the Xeno so it's usually something you only want to do if you feel this needs to be addressed in an OOC manner only. If you find the players who started it then you can PM them and warn/punish them for their actions. You can also use LOOC as a ghost and that will show up as your mod name if you want to give a small warning to a few nearby players.
5. Good answer. Right now, Researcher players are the ones who love to try self-antag and pull low-RP tricks for their own enjoyment over others so we're cracking down on this. A lot of players will try to pull, "There isn't anything to do," but this obviously isn't a good enough answer for their actions. That said, if a marine doesn't object to being put in the cell OOCly, then it's all fair game.
You have some room to grow, but you seem to have a good grasp of how to handle stuff and anything you don't know right now can be learned over time. I'll give you a +1 as I think you'll be fine on the team.
Oh, and to answer El'Defaultio's question, you'd still want to give them a warning/punishment for it. Because they got revived, you could let them try to play it off IC and just give them a warning not to do it anymore and let them continue on the round but it does need to be said that if they do this again there will be real punishments. Also, because a lot of players who do this just want to get off the game, you should also tell them about Cryo and to always use that over killing themselves. If this is at the start of the round and they killed themselves because they didn't want the job, then this should normally be a ban. That said, you can let off with a warning if you feel they'll actually listen to it. Defaultio is normally harsher than I am with punishments so he'd probably tell you to just place the ban and possibly a job ban. You can if you want, but I tend to let people off with less of a punishment if I can get to talk to them first about what they did wrong.
1. There is an important thing Commanders can do that I was hoping you'd bring up, battlefield executions. While the Commander does have the full clearance to kill anyone without warning, he is still held to his actions. While still a good idea to look into it, if the Commander tells you it's a battlefield execution it's pretty much just an IC reason. The best thing to do here would be to tell the SO that the Commander performed a battlefield execution on him and that if they feel the CO was unjust in doing so then they can go make a player complaint on the forums about it. If you feel the reasoning the CO gives for the battlefield execution and the player doesn't want to write one up, you can ask some other staff members what they think about it and make a report yourself.
2. This is pretty much just IC, though usually, this is a case of Brain Damage and some new doctors don't catch this. You could try to Subtle Message the doctor and tell him to maybe check for brain damage, but overall this would just be IC.
3. This one would mostly come down to you deciding on how you wanted to take it personally. Best thing to do would be base your punishment on how the player responds and what their notes say, as it really could go either way. You could just hand out a warning, being no one was seriously hurt, and write it down as a somewhat IC issue currently, but to take care in the future. If the player is fighting back with you on it or has a history of friendly fire, you could issue a 3-hour ban if you see fit. No real right or wrong way, so this case would be up to your personal judgement. It's always fine to let someone off with a warning, in most cases, if you feel like the player is going to actually take it to heart. I should also say, you'll have the ability to check the server logs if you wish to judge if it was actually role-played leading up to it.
4. If there was a large amount of them, then you can't go around PMing everyone so you have two options. The first thing you could do is make a Queen Mother report ordering all the Xeno to stop fighting amongst each other and listen to the Queen. You could also make an OOC announcement warning every one of punishments if they don't start listening to the Queen. Queen Mother reports are better because it doesn't disrupt the game flow as a whole like an OOC message would. Keep in mind that Queen Mother reports run off IC, so have to word it as such. Also, you need to remember that when you make OOC messages, it shows to both the Marines and the Xeno so it's usually something you only want to do if you feel this needs to be addressed in an OOC manner only. If you find the players who started it then you can PM them and warn/punish them for their actions. You can also use LOOC as a ghost and that will show up as your mod name if you want to give a small warning to a few nearby players.
5. Good answer. Right now, Researcher players are the ones who love to try self-antag and pull low-RP tricks for their own enjoyment over others so we're cracking down on this. A lot of players will try to pull, "There isn't anything to do," but this obviously isn't a good enough answer for their actions. That said, if a marine doesn't object to being put in the cell OOCly, then it's all fair game.
You have some room to grow, but you seem to have a good grasp of how to handle stuff and anything you don't know right now can be learned over time. I'll give you a +1 as I think you'll be fine on the team.
Oh, and to answer El'Defaultio's question, you'd still want to give them a warning/punishment for it. Because they got revived, you could let them try to play it off IC and just give them a warning not to do it anymore and let them continue on the round but it does need to be said that if they do this again there will be real punishments. Also, because a lot of players who do this just want to get off the game, you should also tell them about Cryo and to always use that over killing themselves. If this is at the start of the round and they killed themselves because they didn't want the job, then this should normally be a ban. That said, you can let off with a warning if you feel they'll actually listen to it. Defaultio is normally harsher than I am with punishments so he'd probably tell you to just place the ban and possibly a job ban. You can if you want, but I tend to let people off with less of a punishment if I can get to talk to them first about what they did wrong.
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Right, thank you for the feedback. Indeed they were difficult and bring up a lot of stuff I've never thought about and never experienced.Emeraldblood wrote: ↑25 Sep 2017, 20:20Don't worry, the questions were made to get you thinking. Most of these are all things I've seen in-game over the months and they cover a wide area of knowledge so it's alright that you don't know them all.
1. There is an important thing Commanders can do that I was hoping you'd bring up, battlefield executions. While the Commander does have the full clearance to kill anyone without warning, he is still held to his actions. While still a good idea to look into it, if the Commander tells you it's a battlefield execution it's pretty much just an IC reason. The best thing to do here would be to tell the SO that the Commander performed a battlefield execution on him and that if they feel the CO was unjust in doing so then they can go make a player complaint on the forums about it. If you feel the reasoning the CO gives for the battlefield execution and the player doesn't want to write one up, you can ask some other staff members what they think about it and make a report yourself.
2. This is pretty much just IC, though usually, this is a case of Brain Damage and some new doctors don't catch this. You could try to Subtle Message the doctor and tell him to maybe check for brain damage, but overall this would just be IC.
3. This one would mostly come down to you deciding on how you wanted to take it personally. Best thing to do would be base your punishment on how the player responds and what their notes say, as it really could go either way. You could just hand out a warning, being no one was seriously hurt, and write it down as a somewhat IC issue currently, but to take care in the future. If the player is fighting back with you on it or has a history of friendly fire, you could issue a 3-hour ban if you see fit. No real right or wrong way, so this case would be up to your personal judgement. It's always fine to let someone off with a warning, in most cases, if you feel like the player is going to actually take it to heart. I should also say, you'll have the ability to check the server logs if you wish to judge if it was actually role-played leading up to it.
4. If there was a large amount of them, then you can't go around PMing everyone so you have two options. The first thing you could do is make a Queen Mother report ordering all the Xeno to stop fighting amongst each other and listen to the Queen. You could also make an OOC announcement warning every one of punishments if they don't start listening to the Queen. Queen Mother reports are better because it doesn't disrupt the game flow as a whole like an OOC message would. Keep in mind that Queen Mother reports run off IC, so have to word it as such. Also, you need to remember that when you make OOC messages, it shows to both the Marines and the Xeno so it's usually something you only want to do if you feel this needs to be addressed in an OOC manner only. If you find the players who started it then you can PM them and warn/punish them for their actions. You can also use LOOC as a ghost and that will show up as your mod name if you want to give a small warning to a few nearby players.
5. Good answer. Right now, Researcher players are the ones who love to try self-antag and pull low-RP tricks for their own enjoyment over others so we're cracking down on this. A lot of players will try to pull, "There isn't anything to do," but this obviously isn't a good enough answer for their actions. That said, if a marine doesn't object to being put in the cell OOCly, then it's all fair game.
You have some room to grow, but you seem to have a good grasp of how to handle stuff and anything you don't know right now can be learned over time. I'll give you a +1 as I think you'll be fine on the team.
Oh, and to answer El'Defaultio's question, you'd still want to give them a warning/punishment for it. Because they got revived, you could let them try to play it off IC and just give them a warning not to do it anymore and let them continue on the round but it does need to be said that if they do this again there will be real punishments. Also, because a lot of players who do this just want to get off the game, you should also tell them about Cryo and to always use that over killing themselves. If this is at the start of the round and they killed themselves because they didn't want the job, then this should normally be a ban. That said, you can let off with a warning if you feel they'll actually listen to it. Defaultio is normally harsher than I am with punishments so he'd probably tell you to just place the ban and possibly a job ban. You can if you want, but I tend to let people off with less of a punishment if I can get to talk to them first about what they did wrong.
1. Never really had experience with battlefield executions lol. This assumes the CO says that's what he did in the first place, as your original question is that they were arguing and the SO was shot. Good to know tho, if it's ever brought up I'll know what it is.
Anyways, thanks for the questions again and the feedback. Also, thank you for the +1, appreciate it.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
- Kernir
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
I just wanted to come back and review your application now that you've had more time to figure everything out.
Initially I posted up a -1 as I was really quite concerned with the lack of information given with a lot of the base questions, I'd rather someone get the answers wrong but explain their process than have a functionally 'correct' answer that doesn't go too far in depth to describe just how they achieved their goal.
I'm far more confident in you as an applicant after giving it more time to review, I think you're starting to understand the process now having read over You weren't quite spot on on with /everything/ but the important part fact is that you took in the criticism levied at you and improved what you had offered initially and continued to keep up with the revised method of explanation.
I'm not going to harp too much on forum activity as it's something that will come with time, so I'm happy to change my initial -1 to a +1 as I think you've got a lot of potential.
Initially I posted up a -1 as I was really quite concerned with the lack of information given with a lot of the base questions, I'd rather someone get the answers wrong but explain their process than have a functionally 'correct' answer that doesn't go too far in depth to describe just how they achieved their goal.
I'm far more confident in you as an applicant after giving it more time to review, I think you're starting to understand the process now having read over You weren't quite spot on on with /everything/ but the important part fact is that you took in the criticism levied at you and improved what you had offered initially and continued to keep up with the revised method of explanation.
I'm not going to harp too much on forum activity as it's something that will come with time, so I'm happy to change my initial -1 to a +1 as I think you've got a lot of potential.
- emeraldmoonx
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Very kind words :] Yes, I've got lots to learn in terms of how you guys do it over here at CM. I've got a pool of knowledge to draw from, and I know that will help me out in the future, but I'm not set in my ways and I'm willing to learn new things. Thank you for changing your mind and I hope I can eventually join the staff team.Kernir wrote: ↑26 Sep 2017, 12:44I just wanted to come back and review your application now that you've had more time to figure everything out.
Initially I posted up a -1 as I was really quite concerned with the lack of information given with a lot of the base questions, I'd rather someone get the answers wrong but explain their process than have a functionally 'correct' answer that doesn't go too far in depth to describe just how they achieved their goal.
I'm far more confident in you as an applicant after giving it more time to review, I think you're starting to understand the process now having read over You weren't quite spot on on with /everything/ but the important part fact is that you took in the criticism levied at you and improved what you had offered initially and continued to keep up with the revised method of explanation.
I'm not going to harp too much on forum activity as it's something that will come with time, so I'm happy to change my initial -1 to a +1 as I think you've got a lot of potential.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Yes +1.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Honestly I'm liking this. Good stuff, your replies are pretty solid once you started getting involved with more varied, in-depth conversations and explanations between you and other staff members. I think you'd do good on the mod team, I definitely support you being put in as a trial moderator to get started on the trial through fire and so such.
Had to skim, last post of the day and running fairly late. But from what I read over, this is good from the replies you've given and clarifications you've been handed and worked with and through to give us a good understanding of how you'd moderate effectively.
Had to skim, last post of the day and running fairly late. But from what I read over, this is good from the replies you've given and clarifications you've been handed and worked with and through to give us a good understanding of how you'd moderate effectively.
- emeraldmoonx
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- Byond: emeraldmoonx
Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
Thank you :]
Thank you! I'm happy you think so.Robotonic wrote: ↑27 Sep 2017, 20:38Honestly I'm liking this. Good stuff, your replies are pretty solid once you started getting involved with more varied, in-depth conversations and explanations between you and other staff members. I think you'd do good on the mod team, I definitely support you being put in as a trial moderator to get started on the trial through fire and so such.
Had to skim, last post of the day and running fairly late. But from what I read over, this is good from the replies you've given and clarifications you've been handed and worked with and through to give us a good understanding of how you'd moderate effectively.
USCM - Elric Wolff
Synthetic - Eric
Synthetic - Eric
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Re: Emeraldmoonx - Moderator Application
This is accepted. Check your inbox.