Job-ban (Medical Personnel)

Lauren Von Fusegana
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Byond: JahFairy

Job-ban (Medical Personnel)

Post by Lauren Von Fusegana » 21 Sep 2017, 12:56

Your Byond ID: JahFairy

Character Name: Lauren Von Fusegana

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban (All medical personnel)

Admin who banned you (if known): Tidomann

Total Ban Duration: It's been about 1 - 3 weeks now

Remaining Duration: Infinty + Universe 2.0

What other servers do you play on? Lately, none other, use to play on hippie, paradise, and on a blue moon goon station

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?Nope

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Was acting a bit eccentric for a couple of rounds, started a expedition team as a researcher, than the next round I was a CMO making chems, and generally making a annoyance to the ship crew, occasionally helping with wounded when need be (When there was a massive influx of wounded, although during downtime was when I was being an annoyance). Last Round that I got banned was when I drugged an MP with a homemade anesthetic and got sent to the brig. Also somehow indirectly started a mutiny to the point in which a mod had to speak over OOC about it, no part on my own about the whole ordeal. I'm appealing since I miss playing a medical role and I understand if I need a little bit more time to prove that I can retain my position back as a medical personnel if need be, to show I won't go back to my mischief ways (Aka drugging MP's, although I'll still be making general insanity throughout the med bay, so that is a forwarning)

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Byond: Adralimas

Re: Job-ban (Medical Personnel)

Post by Adralimas » 22 Sep 2017, 07:53

Player notes.
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Lauren Von Fusegana
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Byond: JahFairy

Re: Job-ban (Medical Personnel)

Post by Lauren Von Fusegana » 22 Sep 2017, 08:35

Well, I'm not gonna deny any of these, and am willing to explain certain incidents if need be. Although it shows that periodically I have broken server rules, just like everyone else I am but only human and occasionally do things that would seem unorthodox, and rule breaking. Though that is the beauty of learning and experiencing new things, through repetition you develop skills.

Lauren Von Fusegana
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Byond: JahFairy

Re: Job-ban (Medical Personnel)

Post by Lauren Von Fusegana » 22 Sep 2017, 08:40

Also, the all-access card was quickly removed, but the Pizza Lord title was still left in place, after being notified by a mentor or moderator. (Honestly, I just wanted to be a special snowflake with that title, due to being a medic and everyone was dying during that round, so I thought why not have a laugh to keep me going) (That was like four cigarettes in)

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Byond: Tidomann

Re: Job-ban (Medical Personnel)

Post by Tidomann » 24 Sep 2017, 10:09

You're trying to appeal a job ban, and yet you continue to pull low roleplay behavior in high roleplay roles.

If the job bans are lifted, I would only consider starting with just Doctor.

Lauren Von Fusegana
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Byond: JahFairy

Re: Job-ban (Medical Personnel)

Post by Lauren Von Fusegana » 24 Sep 2017, 20:02

Well, I cannot deny that I do at certain times play high roleplay classes at a low roleplay behavior, although majority of the time I do try to stay in character as best as possible and try not to pass the border line of meta, powergaming, being a shitler, or any sort of way that would effect any other individuals views on the round significantly. I also agree with Tidomann, if my job ban were to be lifted, than I recommend to start me off as a basic doctor and work my way back up as the CMO to show that I can retain back my position within this server through time. If I may state my current understanding of the passage of time, time in itself can erase and create new memories, so why not give another chance to create new memories for others to share.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Job-ban (Medical Personnel)

Post by Feweh » 29 Sep 2017, 13:47

Holy fucking notes.

Chill for a bit then appeal again.
