MP jobban appeal - digitalis

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MP jobban appeal - digitalis

Post by Challenger » 28 Sep 2017, 18:35

Your Byond ID: digitalis

Character Name: Jimbo Beede in this round. The others I use are in my signature, and I've played MP with Judea Bynes and Ellen Rahal before.

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban from MP and CMP.

Admin who banned you (if known): Adralimas on solarmare's suggestion after solarmare's investigation

Total Ban Duration: Perma

Remaining Duration: Perma

What other servers do you play on? /vg/station until permabanned

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? yes, perma from /vg/

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): To my knowledge, solarmare informed me that the primary reason was as a breach of the roleplay guidelines for MPs.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

OOC Background:
This was my first round playing Jimbo Beede as an MP. Beede is a hardworking, but dumb oaf of an MP. I created him to balance out my CMP character, the more sensible, older Judea Bynes. I also played a bunch of MP as Ellen Rahal before. Since this was my first round trying to set a new character, there's a few rough edges around how they act that I was hoping to work through.

Events of the round:

Around 25 minutes into the round after doing some decent amount of peacekeeping such as arresting an officer on improper uniform and making engineers unhack their vendors, Beede comes across a young-looking doctor Kailey Brooks in the hangar dressed in a nurse suit and hat and (unironically) refers to them as a sex synth off their sultry appearance. The observing WO, Reece Begum, informs him of his mistake and tells him to make an apology to the doctor.

Ten minutes later Beede delivers this to Brooks.


The apology is not received well.


There's also an alien loose so Beede goes and protects the CIC, then goes to engineering to help his fallen WO get to medbay. Beede, a romantically immature fellow, does not give up on his newfound love interest despite her blatant rejection of him and goes to the CL's office and asks the CL to provide him Brooks' employment records as a favor. Then he goes to the security records and matches them with the employment records and writes a very heartfelt letter to doctor Brooks.


Five minutes later, after the WO has had a chance to read Beede's letter (with Beede not having otherwise done anything):


Two minutes later, Beede escapes an imminent and unjust execution:


A few minutes and near misses from a Mateba later:


Then Beede goes planetside to evade certain death:


Once Beede was planetside, dressed as a marine to stay camouflaged (but wearing his original ID), he set about working with Jet "Fusrodah" Auburn (who has joined in aiding and abetting the fugitive Beede) to find some way to stay alive on the planet without being near the marine force. Notably at one point WO Begum goes down and hunts down the pair, half-mistakenly firing on the abettor Jet instead of Beede, and Jet fires back multiple times with his slug shotgun. Beede de-escalates the situation by tasing his warrant officer, cuffing him, dragging him to nexus near marines, prodding him to prevent a chase and then running away. The whole time Beede was planetside, he bounced his character off the sketchier Jet as a just MP set afoul by unjust circumstances.

Unfortunately, MPs were not the only ones hunting the fugitive pair.


Why I should be unbanned:

From what I gleaned off some discourse with the banning moderator solarmare over adminhelp, the primary breach of RP here was in being un-MPlike in:
- accusing the doctor of being a sex synth even though my secHUD would state otherwise
- abusing security records to personally sexually harass a doctor.
- anything else solarmare might state, can't read their mind

If this was a highPR server I'd argue this might have been the correct judgement and ban to make, but the roleplay guidelines state "Colonial Marines is a medium roleplay server with higher/more roleplay being greatly encouraged. "Medium" is loosely defined as being strict but not too strict. In other words, you should consider your character to be a separate entity from you as a player."

I don't believe, going by the rules and roleplay guidelines, that you HAVE to always be a super serious honor guard never disobeys marine law MP - and I do roleplay that a lot as Judea Bynes and someitmes Ellen Rahal. Beede was a "competent" and "true" MP: he repeatedly identified and acted on breaches of law and procedure, defended the CIC in red alert, then defended his warrant officer when he fell - including when the warrant officer was trying to kill him.

Marine law wise, abusing security records and making overt non-physical romantic advances to a subordinate might've been the crime of hooliganism/disorderly conduct/neglect of duty, but definitely not sexual assault. Unless calling someone a sex synth/beautiful and inviting them to consensually have coffee/"Physical Status: Active" is sexual assault. Not saying this shouldn't have IC repercussions - which it did - this just isn't something egregious like unlawfully executing someone that would warrant staff attention, and especially since it was for the believable RP reason of being lovestruck.

Overall I think I roleplayed to the written and implied standards of this server and would like to be unbanned for that reason.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: MP jobban appeal - digitalis

Post by Feweh » 28 Sep 2017, 18:40

At this point you're gonna take some time off from MP.

After this incident and the previous one where you attempted to undermine a legal execution... it's enough.

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Re: MP jobban appeal - digitalis

Post by Challenger » 28 Sep 2017, 18:45

I'm not sure it was IC legal for the commander to be part of a firing line that only MPs can be part of, by marine law.

If you think there's a higher standard for roleplay of MP than this, I'll take that as a judgement and something to work on.
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Re: MP jobban appeal - digitalis

Post by Tidomann » 29 Sep 2017, 06:16

I came in mid round to this fiasco. One issue was the limit on available MPs.

You know marine law well. You know what kind of charge you were going to wrack up with your actions. There was maybe 1 other active MP and the CMP playing at the time. If you were even arrested you would have crippled the mp force, having to have one remain in the brig at best if you were permabrigged.

The accidental discharge of firearms during the arrest planetside wasn't your fault and you handled it as best as you could- but this also led to Jet being executed for aiding and abedding you, unbenownsted to them exactly how bad your charges were.

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Re: MP jobban appeal - digitalis

Post by Challenger » 29 Sep 2017, 07:01

I do have to take issue with the implication that I committed those actions knowing it would lead to being charged with a serious or executable offence.

Marine law defines sexual assault as "Sexual assault - To attempt to or succeed in the acts of assaulting another person sexually, including rape."

Making romantic overtures to a subordinate civilian in another department through written means, or calling them a sex synth and apologizing, is clearly not anywhere close to the above definition. Nor is accessing security records for personal reasons to help write said love letter.

The above situations would be IC problematic, of course, and I would expect direct discipline from from the active CMP, possibly being brigged for hooliganism, but I wasn't at all expecting the CMP to actually twist the situation into a charge of sexual assault. Had he applied a proper charge or discipline this would've, at worst, taken up a dozen minutes of both our times when there was no more alien threat to the Almayer, no one else brigged, no active warrants, every department was well-staffed and well-supervised, and all the marines had just deployed. If there's an ideal time for a minor roleplay situation to develop between the medbay and MP departments, both of which had almost nothing to do at the time, this would be it. And I've been on the other side of this situation multiple times where I had to chase down the only MP as the CMP because they were being insubordinate or we had a disagreement over the law in a realistic fashion.

Jet also absolutely knew what Beede's charges were. There were constant repeated announcements saying Beede was a rogue rapist and to be fired at on sight, Beede explained his version of the events as well as that he was marked for execution, and Jet had many chances to just refuse to help Beede and go off and fight, instead he helped develop a roleplay situation knowing his character could die as a result. In the end he ended up willingly surrendering to execution because his character was afraid of a predator.
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Re: MP jobban appeal - digitalis

Post by Tidomann » 29 Sep 2017, 12:38

Hooliganism would be the lightest charge.

One could argue Neglect of Duty, using the ships records to further antagonize a crewmember after being corrected by the Warrent officer already.

Then we could argue what the bounds of where attempted sexual assault or sexual harassment lie but that's not the purpose of this appeal. I'm very hesitant to say that this topic should ever be approached on the server as roleplay. In the end, the characters in the game clearly thought you crossed that theshold, and charged you accordingly.

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Re: MP jobban appeal - digitalis

Post by Challenger » 29 Sep 2017, 13:29

I'd assume that the difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault is pretty important to the issue you cited, if it's the difference between a ten minute brig sentence and an execution, where the latter is obviously an OOC issue for how an MP behaves. With the evidence and marine law being the way they are, it wasn't at all OOCly reasonable of the CMP/CO to apply that charge. Two crappy love letters with unwanted, personalized sexual remarks got delivered, that's nowhere close to (attempted) rape or physical sexual contact.

The context is much more forgiving: the abuser is a bumbling idiot who lets himself get abused back by the doctor, and both parties' superiors (the CMP and CMO) are full witnesses to the events and capable of dealing with the issue, which all happened in a public place, with a large focus of the letters being their humor value. It's not some deadpop situation where the only MP, an intelligent sociopath, goes and backs a timid, defenceless person into a corner with no witnesses.

As for the topic itself being unapproachable... well, we're on a medium-RP military server where humans are regularly killed, tortured, and captured by other humans and aliens? Are you sure much lighter abusive relations can't be a part of this?
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Byond: Feweh

Re: MP jobban appeal - digitalis

Post by Feweh » 29 Sep 2017, 13:39

