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Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 09 Oct 2017, 22:17

It is with a heavy heart and a saddened soul that I type this message. At least one or two of you know me so I feel the need to post this for the whole server to see.

The new Xcom 2 expansion is so good that it's just taken over my life. This server holds a very special place in my heart and it has brought lots of good times, but over the past few days I've chosen to instead miss 95% chance shots against a different xeno threat.

I'll be back in 8 hours when I wake up, but until that time I bid a farewell to all of you.

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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: Farewell

Post by TehSpoderman » 09 Oct 2017, 22:19

nu dont leave plz!!!!1!
Duke 'Oddshot' Stroh - The Bamboozler
Mentor: June 5th - September 1st
Check out my mapping dumping grounds: http://www.colonial-marines.com/viewtop ... 14&t=14204 . It's where people share their mapping projects and ask for feedback. Check it out pls <3

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Re: Farewell

Post by spartanbobby » 09 Oct 2017, 22:21

You'll need this.
!!! John 'Spartan' Murry Hulij thar'n !!! Pred Council Man

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Re: Farewell

Post by Snypehunter007 » 09 Oct 2017, 22:51

Farewell ex-S.S.S. member, may we meet again in suggestion hell.
Reached "Leet" post status on 3/14/17.
Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017

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Re: Farewell

Post by Boltersam » 10 Oct 2017, 03:24

This is a great and terrible loss to this community. You will probably be missed.

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Re: Farewell

Post by Enceri » 13 Oct 2017, 04:54

who the fuck

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