Jobban appeal

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Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 13 Oct 2017, 14:41

Your Byond ID: VaValor

Character Name: Joe 'Schmuckatelli' Vick (Possibly.)

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job ban

Admin who banned you (if known): Unknown.

Total Ban Duration: Inf.

Remaining Duration: Inf.

What other servers do you play on? Hippie.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I don't recall being banned from Hippie.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): SSD'ed roundstart as a squad leader, Mod pinged them on byond but they didn't reply.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None.

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): My internet had died, I made every attempt to come back as soon as possible, and I even replied to the admins byond message once it had come back, explaining the situation and telling him what had happened. I realize that Squad Leader is an important role in CM, as CM is focused mainly towards teamwork and tactics, and without a squad leader to give orders, most of that goes right out the window, I will do a much better job of keeping an eye on my internet, and will make double sure that my internet isn't acting up before selecting an important role. And, two months have passed since the ban, and there have been no internet outages in the elapsed time, I would post screencaps of the byond messages that I recieved, and the messages that I sent in response, but I can't seem to find them, sorry about that.

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by emeraldmoonx » 13 Oct 2017, 15:19

According to your notes, you're doing lots of stuff that's resulting in bans. You also got banned again recently for SSDing.
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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 13 Oct 2017, 15:37

I was recently banned for SSDing recently? I wasn't aware of this, and I don't see it in the notes? Did you mean the most recent note applied on September 5th? Because that is also a note, not a ban, from what I can see, please correct me if I am wrong.
And, not trying to sound hostile, but it only shows 3 bans? If this isn't the entirety of my notes, you may be correct, but 3, two of them being lesser bans as well, doesn't seem like that much. Again, I may be wrong, and these may not be my full notes, just giving my piece.

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by emeraldmoonx » 13 Oct 2017, 15:44

Right, my mistake on the "ban" for SSD. Nonetheless you still got a note for SSDing again. If you want to be taken seriously about not SSDing anymore... then maybe you should stop doing it?

This is just my opinion.
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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 13 Oct 2017, 15:45

I believe it was done while I was in permabrig, and when my round was over, I had spent a significant amount of time in Permabrig already, and it was clear there was no roleplay, nor action, to be had, so I took my leave,

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 16 Oct 2017, 01:40

That's a lot of notes in a short time. Many of them, for similar things.
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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 16 Oct 2017, 01:59

A lot of my notes are for shooting other people for either shooting me, I will agree, but the note for attacking monkeys, which was just a punch, I believe, is because a marine was shouting at people not to hit his "pet" and so I jokingly hit it and ran off. As for the smartgun nest, we were in the middle of flying, the smartgunner literally said something along the lines of "I'm going to shoot you." and I just thought he was being a marine, until he actually did it, we had just landed, and the back of the doors hadn't even opened, and the second I step out of my seat and into the doorway he burstfires me in the back, I drew my gun because I thought this guy was purely griefing, you've got to imagine how bad that looks from an outsider looking in.

And yeah, I now know that it's best to just stand still, or at least try to de-escalate the situation with words, and then ahelp about how they tried to kill you, or just grit your teeth and be killed and get them banned for gunning you down if none of the other options are viable, as most mods/admins will be able to see that I adminhelp intentional friendly fire way more often than not. Because I actually learn from my mistakes, and continuing to play this game is something on my priority list, hence why I've actually been taking at least some time to learn from these, if just slightly, at least I learn at all, which isn't really something you can normally say about your average SS13 player.

At least you can't say I'm not active, 'eh?

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 16 Oct 2017, 19:40

Your comma over-use is annoying as hell. And that's me saying it, king of the comma abuse.
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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 16 Oct 2017, 20:49

Thanks for the advice, I'll try to work on that?

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 18 Oct 2017, 00:53

I mean, I can't really understand what you are trying to say because your grammar makes it unreadable.
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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 18 Oct 2017, 07:58

After re-reading what I said holy shit... Yeah, it's not normally that bad and I have no idea what just happened.

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 20 Oct 2017, 01:54

Would you like to clarify?
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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 20 Oct 2017, 19:48

I would like to clarify, yes. I'll try retyping what I said without going full sperg this time.

Most of my notes are for shooting people that have burst-fired me in either point-blank range or near point blank range which I would have a reason to do as in the case of the smartgun nest note I was burst-fired in the Alamo before the doors even opened, there were no aliens and no threats yet regardless he gunned me down, and the banning admin in question even stated that it was a lesser ban, I.e "the player's receptiveness"
And even so the notes for shooting other marines are unrelated to the SSD issue which is what this ban was given to me for in the first place and if you take another look at my notes you'll be able to see that I only have two notes for going SSD. Which is probably two more than most but my point still stands, I don't do it often.

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 21 Oct 2017, 14:11

When he says "lesser ban for receptiveness" he means because you didn't complain and accepted the consequences he was giving you only a 3 hour ban instead of the normal 24 hours.

My concern, is 2 SSD incidents within 10 days of each other, as that pretty much qualifies as "often".
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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 21 Oct 2017, 15:59

Very understandable, but there's a difference between going SSD in a cell when you're permabrigged and going SSD at the start of a round. Normally when I'm permabrigged or even captured by aliens I try to play along and roleplay regardless of how long my sentence is, I believe there's even a video of me making due with what I've got and roleplaying with aliens to pass the time even if it is a bit non-sensical.

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 22 Oct 2017, 14:36

It doesn't say Permabrig. Also, it clearly says the time increase was a result of your in-game actions.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by HappytoHelp » 22 Oct 2017, 16:16

I could just be remembering it wrong in that case, but my point still stands, more often than not I do try to roleplay these situations as opposed to just disconnecting, I'm sure some MP's would vouch for me on that including Archie Fields, don't know his byond name but he thanked me for the great roleplay when he had to guard me in the brig.

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Re: Jobban appeal

Post by Feweh » 27 Oct 2017, 17:21

