Your Byond ID: LordOfCupcakez
Character Name: I dont remember soz(Would be nice if it was listed in the ban because I usually just press random)
Type Of Ban time ban
Admin who banned you (if known): adralimas
Total Ban Duration: 7 day
Remaining Duration: 6.9 days
What other servers do you play on?
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
No, only yours
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Griefing Joines as mp and started shooting people out of cryosleep. Left when Pmed
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I know that this is fair, but I am a new player. It would be nice if a pop us there to tell you to read the rules. I am sorry about the inconvience I put you through, but as a new player to the game I didn't know about your PMs and rules. Sorry! and btw I left because I died. Sorry, again!
LordOfCupcakez ban appeal
- Registered user
- Posts: 1
- Joined: 02 Nov 2017, 21:19
- Byond: LordOfCupcakez
- Jerkface00
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Re: LordOfCupcakez ban appeal
Player Notes:
Banned by Adralimas|Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Griefer, Joined as an MP And started shooting people coming out of cryosleep. Disconnected when PM'ed. by Adralimas (Moderator) on Thu, November 2nd of 2017.
Only note
Banned by Adralimas|Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Griefer, Joined as an MP And started shooting people coming out of cryosleep. Disconnected when PM'ed. by Adralimas (Moderator) on Thu, November 2nd of 2017.
Only note
- Adralimas
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- Byond: Adralimas
Re: LordOfCupcakez ban appeal
Another staff member happened to put you to sleep before i went in to question you, So you didn't die but you wouldn't have been able to do anything until i had removed the sleep effect on you. Though it was definitely my bad in not mentioning you could have replied to me via clicking on my name! Generally when i see someone join in and start shooting other players out of cryosleep and disconnect after being PM'ed they're just another griefer. There also is a large red text on the lobby screen chat window that says you should read the rules and ignorance is not an excuse, Though i'm always up for giving second chances so +1 to lifting!
Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell Broadcasts: SOMEONE STOLE THE MEGAPHONE AGAIN! ... -funny.jpg

- apophis775
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Re: LordOfCupcakez ban appeal
When you join, in the text area is a GIANT red area that says "IGNORANCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE" with the rules links around it.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine