Player Report - Solidfury7 - William 'Jester' Crimsons

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Player Report - Solidfury7 - William 'Jester' Crimsons

Post by Robotic Potato » 06 Nov 2017, 14:50

Your Byond Key: Robotic Potato

Your Character Name: Irene 'Critical' Rockfelt

Accused Byond Key(if known): Solidfury7

Character Name: William 'Jester' Crimsons

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Around 1:20 PM 11/6

What rule(s) were broken:1 Don't be a dick

Description of the incident: So I was a survivor that round, I ended up killing a few xenos, getting the Preds of the round to like me. They took me back to their lodge after RPing with me for a bit where shortly after a ton of marines show up. Preds bring me out to them asking for everyone to leave, I tell all the Marines the Preds are asking them to leave, of course they don't.

The situation escalated when they threatened the marines to leave because they were right outside their lodge, of course they didn't leave, I believe one of the Preds walked up to Spartanbobby where he ended up shooting them, this lead to one of the Preds dying along with a good chunk of marines. I borrow a radio use it to tell everyone to leave before anyone else gets hurt, shortly after I figure it's best I head up to the Almayer.

After making my way to the Alamo, I head up on it to find six MPs rush in all with tasers. They of course arrest me after tazing each other a few times. Shortly after I'm brought to the CMP's Office where I explain everything that happened multiple times, they tell me I'm being charged with terrorist collaboration. I say yes after being upset of course.

Then I'm brought to the CIC where Crimson pretty much ignores anything I have to say, claims I'm a UPP Spy working with the Preds and sentences me to Perma. So here I am locked up for doing nothing, I ahelp about it told it's more an IC issue so here I am locked in perma for the next hour I figure I'll write an HR report, the round is just about over, I've almost finished my report where Crimsons then comes in steals the report then the round ends.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): How you would punish the accused: Well I would at the very least like them talked to. They ruined my round, and had me locked in perma for most of it without me really doing anything to warrant it at all just for their enjoyment.

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Re: Player Report - Solidfury7 - William 'Jester' Crimsons

Post by solidfury7 » 06 Nov 2017, 15:39

I'll give my recap of the events as condensed as I can,

You were brought to the CIC after I return from being SSD, the majority of the command team are attempting to have you detained for aiding the Cloakers, a few wish to interrogate you first, I decide to invoke your right of appeal and investigate you, so I call the MPs to bring you to the CIC.

After a brief chat where I questioned yourself and my men, you began to make legal threats, claiming to work the the Colonial marshal bureau. At this point, even the XO who was on your side, realised you was threatening us and even commented on this with a "Are you threatening us?".

By this point, you have alienated everyone present, myself who was a third party who wished to hear you out.

Everyone present comes to the agreement that you are likely a UPP informant or Intelligence officer, due to the nature of the hostiles, the technology they had (cloaking + plasma) and the fact you outright admitted not being a colonist. Whatever happens, you were going to be punished for aiding the Predators/Cloakers. The nature was simply would it be execution, exile, perma or pardoning. Your hostile threats simply moved the slider to a more severe punishment.

On the one hand, you have a UPP Informant, if you're wrong, you've got an investigator from the colonial marshal bureau threatening to sue you.

Even marines on the ground were aware of your actions as put by one of the guys at round end "OOC: Seve82: did they execute that traitor human who was helping yautja last round?"

So, political maneuvering activated, LittleFinger mode activated.

With you relocated to the perma facility, I began to work on collaborating with my men for a story, lest the CMB comes investigating, or even internal affairs.

First off, I negotiate with the CL, what did we do? In his words in OOC after the round

OOC: ImperialBlood: Exchanging favours for one another in return for mutual cooperation.

The Liason and I bartered positions of power to one another, we negotiated, testing how far we could push one another for the results we wanted. We both wanted the prisoner dealt with, however the liason was savvy enough to push for some demands for our future co-operation. In the end, I signed a heavily amended contact and agreed to personally oversee the punishment of an MP who the Liason had a grudge against for insulting him. In return for that? He agreed to inform command and W-Y in a way which would collaborate with our own story.

We soon discovered that the "Spy" was writing a formal fax to high command, with this, Commander William 'LittleFinger' Crimson begins to plot once more, heading straight to the brig, trading words with an MP, strongly implying that the "Spys" report should be lost in a pile of otherpaper work or simply misplaced. As the "Spy" was threatening the MPs for false arrest, the MP agreed.

A brief time passes, I'm working out what to do with the colonist and come to the conclusion that if he stays aboard, he will likely continue to pose an offical threat to myself and the company. So, I enter the Spies cell, take his fax and after a brief interaction, move off to burn it. The MP moves in and notices us interacting, I feign innocence and walk off.

Then the round ends, I was planning to deal with the colonist in a more entertaining way, I had a few ideas which were going to be a lot of fun but alas, marines ended the round crazy quick and our roleplay was left unconcluded.

Edit - The
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: Player Report - Solidfury7 - William 'Jester' Crimsons

Post by Robotic Potato » 06 Nov 2017, 15:59

I only threatened to press charges after you told me you didn't care at all about the law at all for context.

Anyways I would like to retract my complaint, I just wish maybe you tried to be a bit more involved with me so I didn't get the impression you were seemingly doing this for no reason in the first place. From my side of things you seemed to be being dickish with no real reason permaing me, practically ignoring me in the CIC, stealing my complaint after I spent actual ages making.

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Re: Player Report - Solidfury7 - William 'Jester' Crimsons

Post by solidfury7 » 06 Nov 2017, 16:25

Yeah, the comments regarding the law were simply to intimidate you, hence why I said it in front of the CMP and they didnt flip shit.

The second one was actually me telling you in a veiled threat of saying "Co-operate or you may find yourself charged with something"

Yeah, I wish we had more time, you likely saw us hit-red alert shortly after you was detained, as the full MP force was screaming about bombs (which the researcher made fucktons of on upperdeck) so we had to evacuate upperdeck and then someone claimed a predator was onboard.

It was just unfortunate timing really, but yeah I can see that you may have thought I was just memeing you with detainment, as you didn't see anything behind the scenes.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: Player Report - Solidfury7 - William 'Jester' Crimsons

Post by Feweh » 10 Nov 2017, 14:36

IC Issue.

You even admitted to hanging out with Predators.

You'd be locked up obviously.
