My 1 Week BAN appeal

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Byond: Raberuji

My 1 Week BAN appeal

Post by Raberuji » 16 Nov 2017, 21:36

Your Byond ID: Raberuji

Character Name: Nelson Lee

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed

Admin who banned you (if known): Bilililx dont remember

Total Ban Duration: 1 week

Remaining Duration: 6 day, 22:00 hrs

What other servers do you play on? Yog and paradise

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? No

Reason for ban (): Well LONG story long this time i guess ; That one round i was a squad engineer from delta named Nelson Lee. Everything was going smoothly ; we had the best-est of brief with picture and map explaining our patrol (no kidding, the ... guy in command did an outstanding job and i wish i remember who it was, kudos). Was feeling a little lonely being the only engi in my squad but, hey, what the hell, i have a nice team to be part of. A quick briefing later, on my way to LV-624, on the Alamo and going planetside. Once landed, so far so good, we start our patrol then make our way to Hydro, which we are meant to fortify. Once there, I start powering up the building while they get engineering reactor's running. Now the FUN begin ; the SO in our command, a certain Schulz, started issuing contradictory order concerning patrol/defense building/yet more defense building. Since there was already Bravo's and Charlie's helping (or i later learn, didnt really follow their order and then were ordered back into position) with fortification i made my way to medbay in order to evaluate and establish proper defense. By the time I made my way to medbay...... Our nice medic started asking where the fuck was I because he nee...WANTED some door open for god know what. Our nice SO started then proceeded by exclaiming our SL was dead... and was not. Then I started putting up some defense when a Bravo Engi named Charloote something said to me that building defense in med(outward perimeter) was useless while setting up a sentry in the middle (which was not the case at all, she pulled that sentry back to storage. I speak to her later about how fucking mad i was and almost died). So then I head back to our SL, which was inquiring my whereabouts, and proceeded with defense building around Hydro. At this point, our LOVELY medic started the insult marathon on how useless i was and was complaining a lot in general. After some time i got fed up and even insulted him once. Afterward i told him to f'leave me alone a bit and went back to med to start fortifying i. Once there everything was fine, 3 private covering my back, one personally escorting me when the first wave hit us. Managed to pull myself alive, mad as hell because there was no fortification at no f'where. Now our medic is up again and start blaming me for all this mess. Then you know what ? BOOOM MOTHERs !!! half of hydro goes up in flames, assaulted by every side and that fucking cunt of SO is still moaning about "how i was useless" while he probably killed half of Delta at Hydro. Managed to make my way back to the Alamo, get extracted since i was miss an hand. Then planet get order to evac. So i stay. Then our FRIENFLY SO proceed with a line going like this "...suicide or assist with suicide if you can", i tell him to F himself. Then he get on my case i guess. I'm the worse engi who never did shit, all my defense (which was not all that shitty if we need comparison), then i apparently ran away from duty. At this point, he should have known he had fucked up. I was mad, to him so in Squad chat since he was SO [more precisely about how i now a wish to assist in his suicide]. He explained that it was meant for one precise marine and not suicide for everyone. Then he started insulting me again on my previous "work" at fortification and accused me of trying to flee duty . Then he just said i had no skills whatsoever... but now i was mad. Being an engi i made quick work of the CiC doors, opening them with ease, an hot knife in butter, and then draw my M44 pistol. 2 guys were armed and i saw Schulz. I shot, shot and shot again...then nothing. [or almost, that NICE admin/dude/mod/prepub comes into play, taps all my fucking lands, tell me i cant counter shit and ban me for a week] Worse then that orther su..smelly guy who sometimes TRIES a lot to be CMP... SURE ILL READ the marine law.... EVERY FUCKING DAY ! DO YOU ????!?

Then admin guydudewho came into play, taps all my lands, no counter and ban me for a week

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

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Byond: digitalis

Re: My 1 Week BAN appeal

Post by Challenger » 17 Nov 2017, 08:05

It was actually Alpha SO who fired the orbital beacon at hydro placed by an Alpha squaddie.
(outdated) guides to: squaddie | medic loadouts | FOB design | macros.

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Byond: Skubblers

Re: My 1 Week BAN appeal

Post by Skubblers » 17 Nov 2017, 10:01

As it happens I was observing engies that round to look at FOB design, etc. and I was observing your mob in particular for a while. I saw most of the start of your round happen and stopped watching as you were marching up to CiC.

I recall that you were building barricades right up to the fog barrier around the north and east exteriors of Hydro, in some places leaving a single tile between the 'cade and Hydro's wall (I've no screenshots but I remember it was fairly tight quarters.) Barricades are not especially defensible in that position and I saw Delta squad and its SO getting irate, but I don't recall seeing you ask how to improve the defense or asking where to place barricades. It seemed like you nobbed off to do your own thing in medbay, as you explain.

Insults and ridicule from other players becomes even more hostile when it turns out that player won't cooperate, and your limited communication just exacerbated that.
Raberuji wrote:
16 Nov 2017, 21:36
Then he just said i had no skills whatsoever... but now i was mad. Being an engi i made quick work of the CiC doors, opening them with ease, an hot knife in butter, and then draw my M44 pistol. 2 guys were armed and i saw Schulz. I shot, shot and shot again...then nothing.
Were you surprised you got banned? You were a corporal in the USCM, not a UPP assassin.

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Re: My 1 Week BAN appeal

Post by Jerkface00 » 17 Nov 2017, 13:35

So what I see in this appeal is "stuff happened, then I went and broke into the cic and gunned someone down because I was dissatisfied with how they spoke to me".

Your post looks more like an admission then an appeal to me...

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Byond: freemysoul

Re: My 1 Week BAN appeal

Post by freemysoul » 17 Nov 2017, 14:55


Code: Select all

Banned by|Duration: 4320 minutes|Reason: Entered the CIC and killed two Staff Officers for no reason by (Moderator) on Thu, November 16th of 2017
Notice: The ban had been changed after the person had been banned.


Code: Select all

 Attempted to steal the XO's ID. Was busted by MP's before he could get too far. Was warned not to repeat this behavior. by (SeniorModerator) on Sat, October 21st of 2017 

Went SSD as the CL Without ahelping or going into cryosleep. by (Moderator) on Tue, October 24th of 2017 

In the middle of action, he shot at someone who shot him by accident, getting himself killed by other marines. Was warned. by (TrialModerator) on Wed, November 8th of 2017
And thirdly:

Code: Select all

[14:59:48]ADMIN: PM: /()->Raberuji/(Nelson Lee): Why did you shot the SO Crowmel?
[15:00:08]ADMIN: PM: Raberuji/(Nelson Lee)->/(): him, accident, was aiming for our SO schulz
[15:00:22]ADMIN: PM: /()->Raberuji/(Nelson Lee): Why did you tried to shot anyone at all?
[15:01:56]ADMIN: PM: Raberuji/(Nelson Lee)->/(): long story short, my character was abuse verbally many times by our SO and also talked about suicide and assisting suicide. Being mad for the "commentary" the overall "ahah bombed you!" bad so and decided to assist with his suicide
[15:02:34]ADMIN: PM: /()->Raberuji/(Nelson Lee): You shot Crowmel once and killed Anna. 
[15:03:10]ADMIN: PM: /()->Raberuji/(Nelson Lee): There is no excuse for this. You will be receiving a week ban. Read our rules!
[15:03:25]ADMIN: PM: Raberuji/(Nelson Lee)->/(): im sorry about that, all i wanted was to shoot shulz for being a shitty person laughing at suicide
So you gave an absolutely shit reason to effectively grief a player and got punished. You are now effectively insulting said moderator whom is only DOING their job. As well as that your APPEAL is where the ban reason should be.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: My 1 Week BAN appeal

Post by apophis775 » 19 Nov 2017, 22:50

Follow the proper format next time and maybe don't gun down an SO for no "good" reason.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
