First Time Queen

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First Time Queen

Post by ben10083 » 01 Dec 2017, 18:13

This is for people talking about their first time being a queen and how you died horribly did.

Our queen died and marines were slowly pushing into the mouth of the LV caves. I was the closest to have enough to evolve into queen and I was screamed at to do so. I evolved, rallied like 3-5 aliens by me, layed some eggs, and told them to charge when I screech the 5 incoming marines. I screech and to my horror 5 more came up and were firing at me, I start retreating to the safety of the hive when the marines get back up and 4 of them throw nades at me and I am blasted to hell.

My reign lasted for maybe 5 minutes and the hive and deathchat talked about it for the rest of round.

Thats my first and LAST time as Queen.

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by Gnorse » 01 Dec 2017, 18:15

Best way to be queen is to never go queen.
The amount of salt (both legit and non-legit) is enough to send you to hell and back.
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by manezinho » 01 Dec 2017, 18:36

The first time I was queen was on LV-624 during the earlier days. It was round-start and no one wanted to go queen and I was the only other drone that didn't say no. After evolving I asked for help from the other xenos and proceeded to lay eggs for a while until our first battles. My hive survived a bit and we made it to the nexus, but I died soon after.
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by jalen earl » 03 Dec 2017, 14:52

Only time ive been queen. Early lv days back when we had the old xeno sprites. the first queen went ssd 5 minutes in and being the only drone left it to me. Got lucky and had a really good boiler and charger "buddy cop" scenario going on which basically made up for my inexperience. We still lost but lasted a good 2 1/2 hours on lowpop inside LV caves. Would like to try again someday but i have to empty the salt stores first
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Byond: conthegodoffire

Re: First Time Queen

Post by conthegodoffire » 03 Dec 2017, 16:08

First time as queen for me and my only time.
So I joined the round late, xenos were winning, wooping ass, pushing LZ-1 hard. We were doing great.
We get to the "Big bird in the sky" and kick more ass, at a slower pace and lose most of the xenos, but kicking as no matter.
We get to the point where all the marines are in the SD room, caded the shit out of it, I mean this is a god tier FOB type SD holdout.
We have lost around 15-20 of our sisters and I am a drone, we also lost TWO FUCKING QUEENS.
I was the only drone, it was up to me, my time to shine, I would be a hero. So I did it, i evolved into a queen, and after a bit of hit and run, we were ready for the last push, the charge to end it all.
I lead the way with a scream, when out of nowhere a spec with a grenade launcher pops something like 13-16 nades at my feet, just stunlocks the shit out of me, I die, all the xenos die.
All that is left are a hunter and a spitter. I was laughed at for how much my ass way kicked. Twas a sad day...
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by Damarik » 07 Dec 2017, 23:41

First time as Queen was LV. Somehow managed to round-start, though I wasn't even looking for it. (Back during Sully Days, when you couldn't choose it at the beginning).

Built up the hive, made a strong nesting ground (I'd experimented with the drone a lot at this point, so I had a decent enough handle on the game), filled the NE caves with a crapton of eggs and sticky resin. Marines pushed the caves, but thanks to a Rav/Crusher team, we held them off long enough to force a retreat due to dwindling numbers. Spitters were a boon at that point, flanking the retreating Rines all the way back to LZ1 at the Nexus, run and gunning the entire way.

We make it down to LZ1 in time to catch a few left-behinders. Nest 'em, wait for them to hatch and then call down the dropship. Up we go with a full team of 18 ayys, only two of which were ancient at the time (Rav/Crush). A few elites. Mostly young and mature.

We roflstomped the salt out of the Sully left and right. It wasn't even a fair fight. As soon as we landed, I noticed that the hangar wasn't even properly barricaded for defense. At that time, we just pushed and pushed, mowing over any survivors of the surface and the command staff. They'd been trying to escape, but there was no hope.

Xeno Major. 2hrs, roughly. I know by now that I had a seriously easy first round as Queen, since I've seen many in the intervening time...but nothing compares to your first taste of success under power. I'll never forget that round.
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by NexusStorm » 08 Dec 2017, 01:34

My first queen round was actually very successful. I was a larva as I had died earlier that round but the xenos had just forced the marines off the planet(LV). The Alamo came down and most xenos got on BUT THE QUEEN DIDN'T LOCK THE SHIP. So then... they got sent up and all died. The hive dropped from 30+ to only the 6 xenos who stayed on the ground, including me. I got forced to go drone, then queen. I immediately sent the DS down and locked it, capturing around 6 marines who were still on it. We then made a hasty retreat to the caves and there were like 70+ tallhosts on the alaymer.
6 vs. 70=RIP.EXE
But cave warfare actually worked really well for us and I knew some good strategies from watching other queens as xeno so after 40 min of fighting we ended up capturing/killing around 50 marines who had come down while the rest retreated. The hive was now at 30+ xenos again. We go up and utterly destroy the 20ish tallhosts remaining.
It was such an insane comeback and an amazing first-queen experience.

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by jalen earl » 10 Dec 2017, 15:49

So after this thread tried queen again the other day to see if id like the newer one. similar circumstances as last time

Was a drone going for carrier. Queen was useless no eggs getting laid or anything else for that matter for 10 minutes and not communicating. I ahelped to volunteer

Tried to bring things back together made an alright hive in NW caves. Couldn't do anything near the west due to something the admins were doing. Had a pair of crushers die straight away as well as most of the t2s because they decided to form their own front against my orders and got slaughtered.

Held in the caves against quite a few waves but eventually died to grenadier spam.

Keen to actually start maining queen only stress point is idiots not following commands or sneaking onto dropships
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by CraayyZ » 10 Dec 2017, 17:23

The first time I was ever queen was maybe a week ago. It will probably be the last time I ever queen however..

The round was 60 seconds from starting and I was contemplating becoming Queen, cause "How hard can that be?" Little did I know.. VERY. Round starts, Map is Big Red, and lord behold I got Queen roll. Well fuck, time to get to work.

I order the hive to build a fortress in Lambda lab. Progress was good, typically Alien round start. Runners dropping like flies, Alien sisters making fun and calling them "Sisters with a genetic disability." yada yada, I'm having a hard time laying enough eggs to hug 20-30+ monkeys. Slight panicking later, Reports of Tallones with spitters come in "Oshit.jpg" so I order the hive to sit in wait, We will let them come to us and ambush. NOPE! The entire hive, mainly runners, hunters and a retarded ravager went to assault. All died horribly. So I'm stuck as Queen with 2 crushers, 1 Boiler, a hivelord and the rest was T1 and T2 Aliens. I'll admit, I begun to panick alittle bit more. We were holding them at lambda padlock entrance, cause some fucking drone decided it was a good idea to melt them after I stated 4 times not to. Well, we got sieged pretty bad and typically Aliens are the ones who win at War of Attrition type situations, but not this time. We held them, I got some hosts for nesting and impregnation. The Aliens numbers were dropping relatively fast. 25.. 20.. 23.. 22.. 18.. 16.. 13.. As you can tell, I was practically in something's gotta fucking change mode, so I order a full flank on the north caves down through dorms and bar to cut the besieging squad off, it works, wonderfully. The Marines are in full retreat back to Medical in their FOB. I order a siege. Boiler, Crusher, everything. We killed several of them before the Marines begun a counter flank to our flank through Security.

None of the Aliens had reported it so I was caught completely off guard. We lose 3 Aliens and drop from a Solid number of 14 to 11. I order a retreat to Dorms and Bar, We'll hold them there. We did for quite a while too, till they begun a flank north through Bar to Hydro, and South through Robotics. Slowly we were pushed back to Cafeteria (Canteen) near Padlock.. Back to Square 1 I suppose. We held them for quite a while again, before they sent a Specialist with the OP Noob tube (lel) and got a lucky bomb off on me, pumped like 5 nades into me till I died. We were wiped besides a Hunter (Who got dunked on later) and a Drone, who tried to revive the hive as a Queen in Chapel but was found and annihilated.

We lost, I wanna say, a Pyrrhic defeat, if such a thing exists. We killed many of them, (Like 10-15 Aliens killed 40-50 Marines on lowpop which is typically 60-95 people) defended the hive viciously and to the bitter end. I was proud of the Hive that round, as a First time Queen. Obviously there was some salt about shit queen, but you gotta start somewhere. Your negative criticism isn't gonna get anyone anywhere you fucking baldies.

I wanna say I did decently well as Queen, I was just unlucky enough to get put with a bunch of Aliens who didn't really respect my orders. Would I go Alien Queen again? Probably not, for the sole reason that it was more stressful than being a Combat Medic. Atleast being a combat medic I enjoy playing. Queen was just full of salt and torture. No thanks.
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Byond: ZenTheOmnipotent

Re: First Time Queen

Post by Zen » 11 Dec 2017, 17:26

My first time as Queen was actually on a fairly low pop round, since when I first started playing I had a nocturnal sleep cycle. So my first reign of the hive wasn’t terrible, but I can’t say it was good either, at least when compared to other queens.

The entire Alien team were either marine mains or new players like me so it’s safe to say that we were all baldies. We didn’t start out with a Queen as I wasn’t confident enough in my abilities as one to set it as a preference as with everyone else on the alien team. In fact I was so much a baldie that I’ve only ever played a drone on a couple rounds but that was it. Given the lack of a Queen, and nobody else was willing to become one, I quickly took the throne.

For the hive!

In the northern caves of LV-624 I worked with the drones to weed the entire caves, since before now I only knew the duties of a drone. It wasn’t until my xenos began whining (albeit justified whining) that I wasn’t laying eggs that I actually began doing that. We set up a nest in the center of the caves and it was pretty straightforward from there.

Surprisingly, with a mostly new Xeno team, we managed to hold the marines back to the point where I didn’t even see a marine that wasn’t unconscious until we were on the Almayer. We had about 20+ Aliens on the dropship and sped off to the metal hive in the sky. Marines immediately retreated to SD. Sadly for us though the SD was activated, so I suppose we lost since there was technically no ayys on the planet.


Everyone was bald but competent enough that I barely lifted a finger until it was time to invade the Almayer.

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by jalen earl » 11 Dec 2017, 20:29

Zen wrote:
11 Dec 2017, 17:26
My first time as Queen was actually on a fairly low pop
Low pop queen is a bit of a double edged sword. Less enemys to face and less full squads so makes defenses a bit more manageble. but have to be real careful with t3 choices and are 1 OB away from winning to decimated also marines almost always meta rush it with short or no briefing at all especially on big red
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by JennerH » 13 Dec 2017, 10:35

Queen SSDd so admin asked for volunteers. I said fuck it, telling him to queen me. Became queen, and the edgy named hunters scar and claw went around killing marines while I figured out how to queen.

Round was 4 hours in at this point so after 10 minutes daddy Feweh told me to go die in glorious fashion to finish this shit so I ran out, screeched some lone marine, and couldn't seem to land a blow as he brought my health down to near crit levels with only a knife. I died shortly after. Good times
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by Simo94 » 13 Dec 2017, 10:44

My first time Queen was back in the hugger combat days, I was forced to it as the only drone, I pretty much was the best Queen possible meaning I did no screeching no combat no nothing, 24/7 shitting eggs non stop like a fucking maniac, that is efficient but kinda boring as fuck tho....nowadays I always go sentinel tree cuz I like throwing salt at marines

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by manezinho » 13 Dec 2017, 12:41

Simo94 wrote:
13 Dec 2017, 10:44
My first time Queen was back in the hugger combat days, I was forced to it as the only drone, I pretty much was the best Queen possible meaning I did no screeching no combat no nothing, 24/7 shitting eggs non stop like a fucking maniac, that is efficient but kinda boring as fuck tho....nowadays I always go sentinel tree cuz I like throwing salt at marines
Sounds almost exactly like how I went after first time. >.>
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by Minimike » 13 Dec 2017, 17:11

This goes back years;

Ages ago upon the Nostromo, an alien queen set upon making her domain in Virology, as instructed of her more intelligent sisters. She layed eggs like crazy, putting them everything, once matured, removing and placing another. Alas the hostile marines pushed into virology unexpectedly leaving no retreat for this queen, and she died. The end.

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by Thanteus » 13 Dec 2017, 17:16

My first time queen was an amazing experience! I spawned in as a normal Xenomorph initially, and our queen had decided to SSD, so I said "Fuck it" and volunteered for queen, awesome guy "Adralimas" hooked me up with a whole new bigger, badder, and louder body. The round itself was riddled with bald xenos who refused to listen to ANY of my direct orders, and we ended up getting down to 5(3 spitters, 2 drones) xenos; however, they were all xenos that knew how to play. We gradually kidnapped marines in guerrilla warfare-type, hit-and-run/kidnap tactics for awhile, to the point where the CO himself (forgot their name) came down, I swiftly captured them and used "gibbed" on him, in perhaps the most satisfying kill I've had next to any buckshot gibs. The round itself was a gradual, sudden, and unexpected comeback with intense combat encounters, as predators themselves joined marines after seeing my tactical and savage prowess. I became an ancient queen, and marines rallied for one final, futile, offensive, which ended with all predators dead, and marines retreating back to the Almayer, we came up shortly after, and slaughtered the rest of the ship with minimal resistance.

My second, third(last) time as queen... well, both had swiftly ended with me getting caught by Grenades, boohoo... :[
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Byond: Caleboz45

Re: First Time Queen

Post by caleeb101 » 16 Dec 2017, 08:11

>becomes queen
>walks outside cave
>'You are hit by M40 HEDP Grenade!'
> :)
>*death screech*
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by ben10083 » 16 Dec 2017, 10:19

^Me but 5x nades

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 20 Dec 2017, 08:03

My first round of Space Station 13 was as Queen.

Roundstart Queen, mind you, I was queen out of necessity, back before we had spawn as queen.

I had spent about a month or two learning what I could about how to play SS13. I looked up reviews, people playing rounds, instructions on how to play Queen in normal SS13, that one SADAR video someone posted. All of it.

It was a long time ago, but from what I remember, I had managed to avoid combat for the most part and just performed a support role in the back (guarding hosts, directing hivemembers, egg spam for all the runners duel wielding huggers) with the occasional 'I SCREECH, YOU MAUL.' sort of thing.

And by some goddamn miracle, I won.

I now consider myself a Queen main, because I love playing her so god-damn much.
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by Simo94 » 20 Dec 2017, 11:13

GoliathTheDespoiler wrote:
20 Dec 2017, 08:03
My first round of Space Station 13 was as Queen.

Roundstart Queen, mind you, I was queen out of necessity, back before we had spawn as queen.

I had spent about a month or two learning what I could about how to play SS13. I looked up reviews, people playing rounds, instructions on how to play Queen in normal SS13, that one SADAR video someone posted. All of it.

It was a long time ago, but from what I remember, I had managed to avoid combat for the most part and just performed a support role in the back (guarding hosts, directing hivemembers, egg spam for all the runners duel wielding huggers) with the occasional 'I SCREECH, YOU MAUL.' sort of thing.

And by some goddamn miracle, I won.

I now consider myself a Queen main, because I love playing her so god-damn much.
nowadays queens arent support anymore, with how low the screech delay is, and the new queen delay too, Queen is the main offensive force xenos have, it puts crushers and ravagers to shame

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 20 Dec 2017, 16:49

Simo94 wrote:
20 Dec 2017, 11:13
nowadays queens arent support anymore, with how low the screech delay is, and the new queen delay too, Queen is the main offensive force xenos have, it puts crushers and ravagers to shame
That's where Queens need to take a stand usually.

In every instance of lore I have seen, the Queen never fights on the frontlines unless it's absolutely necessary.

Player Queens should reflect that, regardless of how much salt and crying ravagers is thrown their way.
Commander Joseph 'Goliath' Clancy, occaisonal Charlie SL. Widowed father of three. Sufferer of PTSD and extremely Australian.
Corpswoman Judith 'Mèrci' Clancy, quiet, caring daughter looking out for her siblings.
Warrant Officer Emile Clancy, Strict ex-police chief, now a tired CMP.
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Re: First Time Queen

Post by Damarik » 27 Dec 2017, 03:51

GoliathTheDespoiler wrote:
20 Dec 2017, 16:49
That's where Queens need to take a stand usually.

In every instance of lore I have seen, the Queen never fights on the frontlines unless it's absolutely necessary.

Player Queens should reflect that, regardless of how much salt and crying ravagers is thrown their way.
Agreed. For most of Aliens, you don't even know there IS a Queen, until Ripley sets foot into the nest to go after Newt. It is theorized to that point, but she doesn't appear until stumbled upon when her hive's core is directly threatened.

I mean think about it: do you ever see a Queen Bee outside the nest, unless it's moving to a new nest? Not to my knowledge. She is the central nexus, the nerve center and the overmind of the hive itself. It does not make sense for her to be out where she can become damaged/incapacitated/killed.

This is why I favor having a small Queen's Chamber, with the main cache of eggs right outside of it, deep in the heart of the nest. That's where the Queen would be spending most,if not all, of her time.
I live Xenos. I love Xenos. I would be one if I could.

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 27 Dec 2017, 08:51

Damarik wrote:
27 Dec 2017, 03:51
Agreed. For most of Aliens, you don't even know there IS a Queen, until Ripley sets foot into the nest to go after Newt. It is theorized to that point, but she doesn't appear until stumbled upon when her hive's core is directly threatened.

I mean think about it: do you ever see a Queen Bee outside the nest, unless it's moving to a new nest? Not to my knowledge. She is the central nexus, the nerve center and the overmind of the hive itself. It does not make sense for her to be out where she can become damaged/incapacitated/killed.

This is why I favor having a small Queen's Chamber, with the main cache of eggs right outside of it, deep in the heart of the nest. That's where the Queen would be spending most,if not all, of her time.
A few months ago there was a suggestion to make queens more immobile whilst laying eggs.

This should do EXACTLY what we want if they implement it
Commander Joseph 'Goliath' Clancy, occaisonal Charlie SL. Widowed father of three. Sufferer of PTSD and extremely Australian.
Corpswoman Judith 'Mèrci' Clancy, quiet, caring daughter looking out for her siblings.
Warrant Officer Emile Clancy, Strict ex-police chief, now a tired CMP.
Xenomorph Queen 'Pandinus' ruler of the Alpha Hive. "I want more children!"
'R'ka Us'Tribi' Serpent Trapper, hateful predator.

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Re: First Time Queen

Post by Reuben Owen » 27 Dec 2017, 12:02

Damarik wrote:
27 Dec 2017, 03:51
Agreed. For most of Aliens, you don't even know there IS a Queen, until Ripley sets foot into the nest to go after Newt. It is theorized to that point, but she doesn't appear until stumbled upon when her hive's core is directly threatened.

I mean think about it: do you ever see a Queen Bee outside the nest, unless it's moving to a new nest? Not to my knowledge. She is the central nexus, the nerve center and the overmind of the hive itself. It does not make sense for her to be out where she can become damaged/incapacitated/killed.

This is why I favor having a small Queen's Chamber, with the main cache of eggs right outside of it, deep in the heart of the nest. That's where the Queen would be spending most,if not all, of her time.
This is nice in theory, but from a gameplay standpoint it doesn't work how the Queen currently is. Firstly, being that kinda Queen is very boring. And it's not like you're a sec officer who can at least pretend to mess around by throwing soap. You'd just be watching youtube videos while egg laying for an hour or two until your sisters reach LZ1 or the hive comes under direct attack.

The main reason Queen's leave the hive is to scout for accurate information. Relying on your sisters or looking at the hivemind pales in comparison when you can just walk out there and observe for yourself. There's a lot of things a Xeno, especially a Queen, needs to know as a round progresses. You can get general injformation out of your sisters pretty easily, but you need specifics to accurately gauge certain situations. *Did the hosts push tablefort? Did it fail or succeed? Where are they now? What direction are they trying to pierce through? Where are we attacking them from? Are they clearing a lot of weeds? Is there tons of light? Are they paying attention to flank A? Are they not paying attention to flank B? Is there a lot of fire or explosions? Are we weeding enough? Is the hive stopping/impeding them? Are we generally having success or failure with the main skirmish? Are we causing little or lots of damage? Are the sisters in a good position, or should they be ordered to retreat? Is there a specific caste that can help us in a certain spot?* Runner scouts are unreliable every round, and can't be everywhere at once, updating constantly. Some of these questions are very, very touchy/specific things require you to look and judge. Being out there is easier for that by far. And it just happens that the Queen kicks ass. I'm not saying she should or shouldn't, I'm just saying why it's important for a Queen to go out of the hive, even if she was no stronger than a Drone. I'd love it if she could just fly invisibly like a ghost and see everything while still being snug in the hive. But that's not how it works (right now).

really, the only information you can get over hivemind from your sisters is this:
- IC knowledge updates
- what kind of specs they have (farspitter, boomrocks, and so on, although not every spec is told this way)
- hosts retreating from a main area (but usually this is told late, far after it actually happens, when they want the queen to come out)
- bombardments from red dots/OBs, but really they dont say where it's happening just: "RED DOT"
- a flanking attempt on hive (usually told either very early, or when they're only a few squares away)
- suggestions for what to do next by other sisters
- "many hosts at "a/b/c"
- hosts approaching hive
- "white hosts" aka PMCs alert

if you ask sisters a question, you'll get information but it might not be enough to chart a course... that is if anyone even answers you
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Byond: ben10083

Re: First Time Queen

Post by ben10083 » 28 Dec 2017, 10:33

Lets get back to the topic of first time as queen

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