Going Dark

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Going Dark

Post by JennerH » 11 Dec 2017, 11:34

Have you ever been stuck on FOB duty, but your battle buddy wants to go explore? Is the SO up your ass about bullshit "orders"? Well I got the solution for you! turn off your radio, remove your helmet and switch your sensors to vitals only.

Now you can explore the colony in peace! Be sure to scream as loud as possible when the ancient hunter(420) inevitably decaps your friend so people might come to your aid!
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Re: Going Dark

Post by Kerek » 11 Dec 2017, 11:50

Or just go anyway and laugh at your SO and say you thought you heard something all the way to the front.
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Re: Going Dark

Post by CraayyZ » 11 Dec 2017, 11:51

Jenner wrote:
11 Dec 2017, 11:34
Have you ever been stuck on FOB duty, but your battle buddy wants to go explore? Is the SO up your ass about bullshit "orders"? Well I got the solution for you! turn off your radio, remove your helmet and switch your sensors to vitals only.

Now you can explore the colony in peace! Be sure to scream as loud as possible when the ancient hunter(420) inevitably decaps your friend so people might come to your aid!
You mean how you did that last night when Delta Squad got assigned FOB duty at LZ 1 on Prison map, and you and your friend ran off to go explore/do stuff, eventually getting killed, and putting delta out of a specialist and a standard? Also a real nice way to get slapped with insubordination and have MPs come down your ass. You can be considered rogue at that point..

We still won the round, but you never run off when you still have a capable SL/SO, thats just wanting to get slapped/bwoinked. ESPECIALLY AS A SPECIALIST
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Re: Going Dark

Post by Terrierist » 11 Dec 2017, 12:01

Plenty of time to explore when you're dead.
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Re: Going Dark

Post by BenBattleSmith » 11 Dec 2017, 12:17

wow, what a story Mark!

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Re: Going Dark

Post by Gnorse » 11 Dec 2017, 16:09

Wow golly jee whiz.
But for real, Unless your SL/SO/XO/CDR is complete, absolute shit, don't do it.
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Re: Going Dark

Post by Solarmare » 11 Dec 2017, 18:54

Xenos do it anyway, what's the problem when half a squad gets themselves killed by wandering off alone anyway?
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Re: Going Dark

Post by Renomaki » 11 Dec 2017, 22:03

I admit, I'm not the perfect little cookie myself, and have wandered off to where I wasn't supposed to go every one in awhile.

But that is only when I am playing as a grunt, and even then, I'm always listening. Going full rouge is a good way to lose respect and trust from players.

Hypercritical of me, I know, but you also have to consider the charisma of your NCO to begin with. If he has the charisma of a wet tissue, it is going to be hard to hold your ground when you could be doing better things. Give me a man whose leadership skills can inspire by but a mere greeting and I'll stick by them even in the middle of a gas cloud.
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Re: Going Dark

Post by JennerH » 12 Dec 2017, 01:07

(This was a meme post, pls don't take it seriously. I am guilty of committing this once and only once, and feel bad that I wasted a spec slot by getting myself killed)
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Re: Going Dark

Post by Gnorse » 12 Dec 2017, 06:12

We know, Spice grill, we know.
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Re: Going Dark

Post by Symbiosis » 12 Dec 2017, 11:05

If the CO leaves 1-2 Squads in the FOB when the other half of the Marines are engaged and fighting you're likely dealing with a tactical genius Commandant. The other two squads will perish - BUT this leads the enemy into a false sense of strength. They will charge your barricades senselessly - dying in a hail of gunfire.
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Re: Going Dark

Post by JennerH » 12 Dec 2017, 11:56

Symbiosis wrote:
12 Dec 2017, 11:05
If the CO leaves 1-2 Squads in the FOB when the other half of the Marines are engaged and fighting you're likely dealing with a tactical genius Commandant. The other two squads will perish - BUT this leads the enemy into a false sense of strength. They will charge your barricades senselessly - dying in a hail of gunfire.
That makes me worried to have you as commander. It'll be some sort of squad roulette, like are you on the suicide squad or the FOB squad?
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Re: Going Dark

Post by PerfectDeath » 13 Dec 2017, 00:08

Jenner wrote:
12 Dec 2017, 01:07
(This was a meme post, pls don't take it seriously. I am guilty of committing this once and only once, and feel bad that I wasted a spec slot by getting myself killed)
You were scout specialist!

There can be some decent RP moments when you wander off for the right IC moments. Bad leaders, vague orders, and even boredom are not bad orders to wander off In Character. Don't wander off to find the secret stash you happen to know about OOC. =]

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Re: Going Dark

Post by JennerH » 13 Dec 2017, 06:52

PerfectDeath wrote:
13 Dec 2017, 00:08
You were scout specialist!

There can be some decent RP moments when you wander off for the right IC moments. Bad leaders, vague orders, and even boredom are not bad orders to wander off In Character. Don't wander off to find the secret stash you happen to know about OOC. =]
I was actually trying to figure out where the disable lockdown button was so we could get rid of those security shutters blocking off most of the map. I figured it would be in high sec or somewhere, and with the nightvision who better than me to go find it? Would have worked if I hadn't gotten confident with incendiary
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