Worry no more i am here to tell you about my three favourite loadouts as PFC.
Basic equipment:
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Head: M10 pattern marine helmet
- I prefer helmet because it has two tiny slots and provides you with at least some protection so you are less likely to loose your head. It can Hold USCM protein bars, throwing knifes or the current map of the facility
Uniform: USCM uniform
with Webbing
- You can get webbing from requistions or if you ask nicely Engineers will give you their spare one
Suit Slot: M3 pattern personal armour
- M3 is the basic of basics and if you go into field without it you will get yelled at.
Pockets: What i usually is i take 2x First Aid Pouch
as it helps lessen load on medics and saves you time when medics are pre occupied with reviving marines/treating marines with heavy injuries.
+ Combat boots with
in them, Squad Gloves and Squad Headset

Uniform: USCM uniform

Suit Slot: M3 pattern personal armour

Pockets: What i usually is i take 2x First Aid Pouch

+ Combat boots with

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This PFC loadout is built on being balanced and combat ready for all kinds of situations.
M37A2 Pump Shotgun
in your suit slot preferably with, Magnetic Harness
and Gyroscopic Stabilizer
Add bayonet
for situations when you run out off ammo and can't reload - this makes you very deadly in close range against Hunters and Runners as you do not loose your shotgun when you get pounced and do not have to waste time wielding so as you get up you can just take it and blast them away good stuff. Fill it with Buckshot shells 
M41A Pulse Rifle:
in your backpack slot. Since you already used up your two atachment policy in req
Equip your rifle with Rail Flashlight
and bayonet
your M41A also starts with underslug grenade launcher 
if the req is not saving grenades for specialist you can ask for 2x M40 HEDP Grenades
but i usualy just remove the grenade launcher.
Belt Slot:
For the belt slot use Shotgun Shell Load Rig
fill it with Buckshot shells 
and M3 Personal Armour
Use these to store total of 5 M41A magazines
M37A2 Pump Shotgun

Add bayonet

M41A Pulse Rifle:

Equip your rifle with Rail Flashlight

if the req is not saving grenades for specialist you can ask for 2x M40 HEDP Grenades

Belt Slot:
For the belt slot use Shotgun Shell Load Rig


Use these to store total of 5 M41A magazines

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The Flamer man is build i use to support B18 or SADAR spec as it works very well to finish stunned xenos.
M240 Incinerator Unit
i usually just atach Rail Flashlight
to it. You are gonna be holding this in your hands most of the time.
M41A Pulse Rifle:
in your suit slot i suggest getting Quickfire Adapter
and Forward Grip
this makes you fire very rapidly and very accurately which works very well when you need to chase down burning xeno.
Belt Slot: Get M276 Patter Ammo Load Rig
and fill it with M41A Magazines 
Back slot: Satchel fill it with 3x Incinerator Tank
and don't you dare forget Fire Extiquisher to put out fire on marines you "accidentaly" set on fire. This leaves you with enough space for M44 revolver
or M4A3 Service pistol 
M240 Incinerator Unit

M41A Pulse Rifle:

Belt Slot: Get M276 Patter Ammo Load Rig

Back slot: Satchel fill it with 3x Incinerator Tank

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This is a loadout i do not use very often but it's very rewarding and very fun to play. In this loadout you are supporting medics as PFC this can lead to suprising amounts of marines saved.
Weapons: For this loadout you are going to Use M39 Submachine Gun
this allows you to pull wounded away from battle while retaining ability to shoot. Preferable atachments are RDS
and Extended barrel 
Eye slot: This is the basis of this guide and without this you are pretty much screwed, tell medic that you will be helping them and ask VERY nicely for Medical HUD
as this allows you to see hurt and infected marines... also you will more clearly see marines that are hidden behind wooden barricades and such. This allows you to determine which marines needs your help asap.
Belt Slot: Get M276 Patter Ammo Load Rig
and fill it with M39 Magazines 
Back slot: IMP lighweight backpack Webbing
and M3 Personal Armour
slots: Fill these with Bandages
, Ointments
, Tramadol Autoinjectors
and Tricodrazine Autoinjectors
. BONUS: if you manage to get Oxygen deprivation kit
from one of the emergency lockers it will allow you to carry far more medical supplies. You can take these out of Backpack and use them to refill your 2x Firstaid Pouch 
Weapons: For this loadout you are going to Use M39 Submachine Gun

Eye slot: This is the basis of this guide and without this you are pretty much screwed, tell medic that you will be helping them and ask VERY nicely for Medical HUD

Belt Slot: Get M276 Patter Ammo Load Rig

Back slot: IMP lighweight backpack Webbing