Character Name: Benjamin Werry
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban.
Admin who banned you (if known): Rain7x (Dunno who did perma)
Total Ban Duration: Forever
Remaining Duration: Forever (?)
What other servers do you play on? Baystation, Escalation, Mercenary, vg.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? I've been banned twice on Bay, and once on vg.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
So basically, I was the RO one round and was doing normal RO stuff. Midway through the round, I believe I ordered a heavy weapons crate (the same type that can give you HPR or DMR). The MPs were called apparently believing the weapons were illegal, and attempted to chase me and my department down for ordering weapons. I of course did what any normal person would do on a ship filled with armed men with tasers, flashes, and the likes and chose to run away into the bowls of maintence. I chose to create myself a cattleprod as a last resort weapon (knowing it could KO) and actively tried to avoid the MPs. I was on the upper deck going to grab food, and an MP saw me in transit near the Command centre, and proceeded to chase me. I ran towards engineering and went south, hiding behind the corner until the MP ran by in which I prodded him and ran off. After this, another MP called to get me arrived and moved to the area near TCOMMS, I was cornered by said MP and prodded him until my prod ran out of juice, I threw it aside and dragged him into tcomms. I proceeded to cablecuff the MP and start looting him. Me and him were having a rather peaceful conversation during all this, inclining me to believe he felt it was necessary for me to escape this way. I had to leave my gear in a locker next to him (I had no room on my persons, I left my ID aswell which had tcomms access) I flashed him and shoved him into a locker and then welded it (which you can escape from, by the way). This whole time I was under the impression that I was wanted for unlawful conviction (minus well, resisting arrest since I kinda did that. Wasn't stated to me beforehand though) So I walked out of TCOMMS wearing the MPs gear, and a gas mask to hide my face and proceeded to walk around, oh and I shaved my hair.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Picture of me infiltrating MPs.

Picture of me talking to my prisoner, he seemed like the worst guy to have to kidnap in all honesty.

Somewhat rushed entry into an investigation.

Continued conversion with Rain


This is the point at which I learn he didn't know I wasn't an MP, and to be completely honest I thought it was pretty hilarious. Also me telling him how I used nonlethal weaponry.

Here is me telling him my reasoning, he says its "questionable" but I continue talking with him anyway.

He goes straight to the notes and uses that as a primary reason to ban me, along with ID theft. (Even though I told him the MP could escape easily with my ID and I even left my headset infront of his locker)

Do note my plan was to go to the AO after getting some gear to escape punishment, I just had to blend in for the time being.
The last picture is the one before the ban message, so theres that. Point is, despite all the problems this server has (along with many) I had fun while I mained it. I would like to play here again, as that over time I have realized that there are only a few other servers that capture SS13 combat and utilize it to great affect such as CM. Oh and before you say "Well your notes say baldabla" I agree, I broke the rules quite often back then. I can tell you with absolute positive that I am NOT the type of person who went off and shot at marines or such for no reason, and some of the notes I have I would question, but thats besides the point. The choice is the staffs if you want me back, I wouldn't main this server but I would still do stuff and hop on here and there probably if im bored or want some SS13 combat that isn't found anywhere. Baystation has also taught me some good Milsim RP (not sure if you like that here since Ensign and Sergeant are in the same branch !??) but remember, The Emperor Protects.