Lucifers son staff report on Slc97

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Lucifers son staff report on Slc97

Post by Lucius Jones » 27 Dec 2017, 18:01

Your Byond Key: Lucifers Son

Your Character Name: young hunter 661

Their Byond key: Slc97

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 22:00 UK time

Which Staff Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: I think personally, and it's my opinion fully. Plus I'm just listing them even if they where brushed against, just in case.

Remain Professional, no matter what happens- well he came in quite aggresivley, saying he 'didn't give a flying donkey fuck' about what I thought. The only thing I'd done so far was call him 'dude', since that's generally how I talk and address people in a 2-d spaceman game. Didn't know we had to use Sir in it now, if he was uncomfortable for some reason he could of politely asked and I would of stopped. ,while the statement here is correct the actual rule break he's talking about didn't happen here, I didn't break the queens word. She asked me to stop talking about this disney nonsense so I did.

Preserve the RP and enjoyment of the server- The valid thing in this case, was me 'low RP-meming'. Which wasn't exactly Mememing I was using disney as an example of what we understand as xenos and how we can use terms like SADAR etc. since hivemind is pheromones or something lore wise, to my knowledge. But I understand where he was coming from, even though I stopped it pretty sharpish. Moving swiftly onto more specifically the part of ' If a player breaks a rule, but increases the enjoyment of the server in general, (through roleplay or other such things) it can be overlooked.
If no one admin helps (ahelp) a complaint, or seems to be complaining or taking issue with it, it may be best to let it go. ', nobody A-helped about me 'low RP-meming' as he put it, as far as I can tell, as he was surprised when I mentioned it and had no knowledge before hand. I'd gyazo it but it's gone now. Went along the lines of 'Oh, so you where low RP-meming too?'

Enforcement of the rules-, or more specifically the last 2 parts of this
Ensure that all incidents are adequately investigated before giving a ruling.
- We are not a government repressing their citizens. Don’t hassle players for literally everything. While it was investigated swiftly, an actual ruling was given out incredibly fast and it seems to me he may have not correctly investigated, leading to either an incorrect or overly punished/underly punished ruling. Hell as far as I know talking about that stuff could be a bannable offence in which I got off very lenient, but this isn't to get me banned or a lighter sentence anyway, and from what I've seen of the rules and past things where I've been playing from 2015, it isn't or it's very lightly looked upon as xenos get really fucking bored with nobody to talk to but other xenos.
Anyway the last one, literally everything hassled about, is very more subjective but it could be a valid point so I raised it. Fog was not gone, it was about 35/40 minutes in and xenos where shooting the shit collecting hosts etc The usual, so no harm came of 'low RP memeing' as I tried to entertain myself and others. No idea about this one but I thought I'd save you the effort.

Description of the incident: Now I've done this very out of order so I do apologies and if asked I will restructure it if asked, but I think this reads better. Moving on
I got A-helped for not following the queens orders, but due to the general slowness of it and mow many staff and players on etc.
It got replied to a bit late, after I already followed the order and stopped once I actually read what the queen said. It was actually first handled by another staff but I've forgotten their C-key. It was only like 3 messages anyway, with the same point as SLC's one but it was ,I think, already resolved when SLC came in with 'So what's this I hear about you not following the queens word' along that line. This lead to me talking to Slc through what you saw, and will research, with him, in my very British opinion, being slightly aggressive.
Quite subjective so it's why I made a report on it, if this has happened before or is a leading theme etc. Or he just was having a bad day and wanted to power trip after me calling him dude, and I guess being annoyed at my attitude which is fair enough I've heard it's pretty grating. Still, he became kinda unprofessional, not using difinatives since he seems like a cool dude but past history could prove otherwise etc.
I tried raising points in my favour, was not allowed to explain myself on an already pretty closed topic with the other staff, I think, then he moved straight onto the sentencing which was a warning. I still disputed the not obeying the queens order, which he labeled me with in the warning, accepted the slight 'meming', thanked him for being lenient and wished him a merry christmas and a happy new year. He replied with something that I forget now but what I thought was quite rude, 2 seperate messages for merry christmas and happy new year and that was it.
Throughout it I did exclaim somewhat my disbelief at the situiation in ?-?'s, once I think. Might of poisoned his attitude to me somewhat especially with the dude comment early on.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): sadly only a single gyazo since it took me ages to write that and I snapped it early on since it seemed particularly uncouth

How you would punish the accused: No idea it all depends on past history or he could be a really swell guy and I caught him on a bad day and instantly came off as someone he dislikes. At the absolute worst a trail period where he's overseen by someone else to ensure he doesn't act, or come off as, rude. Especially only a few message in
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Re: Lucifers son staff report on Slc97

Post by NGGJamie » 27 Dec 2017, 18:37

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From what it looks like, he jumped onto you because he saw the PMs between you and Symbiosis and regarded the way you acted toward him to be unacceptable, particularly considering when politely asked to stop what you were doing your first reaction is "god fucking dammit", and then swearing like a sailor in your replies that followed. Yet, Slc telling you he doesn't give a "flying donkey fuck" crosses the line?

I'm not the guy who rules on this stuff and the Heads could very well disagree with me, but this seems a bit ridiculous for a staff complaint considering you started throwing swears around first. Whether someone AHelped or not, it's up to staff discretion if they wish to intervene in a rulebreak, and whether that rulebreak positively affects the round. Not the person breaking the rule.
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Re: Lucifers son staff report on Slc97

Post by slc97 » 27 Dec 2017, 18:44

Jamie pulled pretty much all the logs but he did miss that there was an ahelp from a different about you that I was responding to with my initial PM. At which point I saw your stuff with Symb, who was dealing with another guy being a jackass at the time, and went ahead and coupled that in with me dealing with you.

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Re: Lucifers son staff report on Slc97

Post by Lucius Jones » 27 Dec 2017, 18:49

that's what a first impression gives off true enough, it's more of I was annoyed at the aliens and none of the swears I said in the first a-helps weren't directed towards the staff at all he was actually really nice. I wasn't annoyed at him intervening, I just mentioned it as a potential prevalent point since it requires an explanation of the encounter, if you check the alien hive mind chats at the same time, I was still in the case of explaining how the hivemind worked to the aliens so I just saw another person questioning what was in the rules and, since the mindset prevailed swears came out. I do swear, eh heh pun, that none of them where meant for the staff in the first A-helps.
Plus, I'm not required to hold up decorum or any sort of standerd other than being polite and not a dick, which I usually am but hotdamn it's 11Pm, none of the swears I used where aimed at specific xenos just in general and amazement, I try not to focus any vitriol on a specific person since I know I get annoyed easily and since I wasn't actually insulting the staff and was just generally using expletives because of frustration at xenos, I didn't break the rules. I do see how it looks bad though.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Lucifers son staff report on Slc97

Post by Feweh » 27 Dec 2017, 19:46

You broke rules and you were arguing with a Mod.
Admins will step in and lay the law down.

SLC could use some tact, since you did basically acknowledge you were wrong in the end.
However there is no issues with him laying into you a bit since you wanted to argue with the Moderator.

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Re: Lucifers son staff report on Slc97

Post by Emeraldblood » 27 Dec 2017, 20:43

Ok, just because the Xeno hivemind is an English translation doesn't mean there are no rules about what you can talk about. You're really trying to twist the rule into getting you out of a punishment. No where does the English hivemind rule state you just know everything a human knows. You are still bound to all the information you'd know IC. There was "Xeno Disney" talk or something at one point? If you seriously thing this is fair game to talk about IC then please explain under what situation would a Xeno hive come across the information regarding an company that is not mentioned once in that universe? You can talk about things like turrets and dropships because they are having a serious impact on the Xeno Hive, they are worth noting. Disney and bitcoins do not exist for the most part and there is no way in hell the Hive would have any knowledge of them if they did. If you want to pull the, "It's just the concept," card, there are a million better ways to roleplay this out and saying it in that way IS LRP (Low Role Play). The rule says you can use English terms in the hivemind, not literally brand-names and specific human products. A Xeno can know what something like a machine is, it can not know what an Intel i3 Processor is.
Now Symbiosis was pretty nice opening up and the first thing you do is start cursing and while it may not be anything personal, you gotta realize that something like that is going to contrast the way he's speaking to you a lot. If you cursing at Symbiosis is completely fine after the way he first messaged you, then SLC has all the rights in the world to do it back to you, more-so after he just saw the way talked to Symbiosis. I mean, I can't help but feel like you're making this report with the intent to just try to get him in trouble while pleading your own innocence. I mean you can't seriously believe it's fine for you to just open with, "God fucking damnit," like you're being bothered for no reason and then say that someone else cursing while talking to you is suddenly, "Over the line."
Overall, I don't think SLC did anything wrong overall. This isn't even counting the fact that he was looking at your note history on the server and we don't even know what it is here.
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Re: Lucifers son staff report on Slc97

Post by apophis775 » 27 Dec 2017, 22:12

1. Marking this resolved with no negative action taken against SLC.

2. You are beyond lucky I wasn't there. Because when you responded with "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT" in that first ahelp. I would probably have dropped a 10-day disrespect ban on you immediately, especially if you continued with "bruh" and "Dude". You may not realize it, but a great many people view that as a term of disrespect in situations like this, when they are working from a position of authority as it undermines them. Especially when you combine it with the previous "god fucking damnit".

You explain now, you weren't swearing at the staff or meant it at any xeno or anyone specific, but there's no context for that originally.

No, you aren't held to any decorum other than "don't be a dick" and to respect staff decisions and not argue but instead take concerns to the forums. We deal with literally hundreds of ahelps per day. We don't have time to get into an argument with someone who is trying to manipulate the rules to their advantage.

3. Trying to use the rules as a defense when you twist them into a pretzel is NOT accepted. It's Low-RP bullshit. The rule is not there so you can bring in fucking disney stuff. And using the Santa Hats as an excuse for your lowRP is also not acceptable.

While SLC and Symbiosis were lenient, I am not. Especially when you make this as an official complaint with your history of xeno low-RP, and literally your history of writing stories about shitting on peoples faces.

I'm giving you a 3 day in-game ban for disrespecting staff/low Xeno RP. Additionally, your NEXT incident of low-RP as a xeno will result in a Xenoban. You don't need to call staff "sir" or "mister" or address them like that. But the first words out of your reply in an ahelp should NEVER be "God Fucking Damnit". Especially when he sent a very polite first ahelp. And you need to cool the low-RP. You've got a history of it, and it's not acceptable.

All I can say is, again, you are lucky I was not there.

This is resolved.
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