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Post by Rikman » 02 Feb 2018, 11:35

Whenever I play marine, or survivor, I make some sort of friend that I survive and fight with, most survive and fight alongside me until round end, But some always either get killed, or dragged away. (Traumatic af as they scream but I cant get to them)

Anyone else have this happen to a friend IC?
(Story mucho appreciated)
“Here is the wild Homo Sapien hunting its prey. The humanoids are pack hunters, using their shoddy armor as a pitiful defense against the towering Insecta. The human is quickly downed by the Insecta’s powerful slash. But, sheer numbers of humanoids rampage the abuser and Insecta is eventually burned to death, beaten, and dismembered.”
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Heckenshutze » 02 Feb 2018, 12:23

Once upon a time, where the Sulaco was boarded by the xeno scum, I found myself fighting for my life in the hallways between the hangar ladders and medbay. The xenos were coming from the CIC by that time and the hallway became a choke-point for both factions; I rushed with my pulse rifle to the choke point to find myself some Goon switched the fire shutters and I ended trapped in a small room surrounded by the shutters with another marine named Barnabus Jones, to our right, we had the whole hive already prying the doors open, to our left, we have our marines who were too pussy to open the shutters, there was only one way out, We both switched to our mighty shotguns and opened the shutters for the xenos to come, three went in and the shutters closed again before any other xeno could go in, we point-blanked them with ease and repeated the operation one more time. Sadly, our wounds were too severe and didn't survived to the third xeno rush who came with the whole hive this time, yet, in that short period of heroism, both characters made a short but trustful friendship in that brief moment of life.
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Butterford » 02 Feb 2018, 12:26

I believe the guy was called "Something" Jenkins. Character claimed it was his first drop, mine was a bit of an hardened -but unrobust- veteran. He had him smoke his first cigarette and reassured him while defending the FOB. We fought hard with Goldberg and another guy, who became the new addition to our roleplaying tandem, trying to fend off a hunter that was poking us through a breach in the Bathrooms on LV-624. Ended up dying, all of us but Jenkins, who went full-PTSD before going to the frontlines. I prayed so he could hear the voice of my dead guy, reassuring him and encouraging him. Message went through, but he sadly went to cryo shortly afterwards and didn't use it to roleplay(or I didn't see it).

That was the real tragedy.

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Kerek » 02 Feb 2018, 12:57

It was a long time ago, but when I was a medic i had a wounded marine that I swore wouldn’t die. We had lost nexus, we had lost hydro, command sent down the dropship but they had already lost the LZ. I ran with this man that was half dieing for over 30 minutes until a hunter killed him. A depressing tale.
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by JennerH » 02 Feb 2018, 13:38

Me and Valentina survived through the planet together, through MP brutality and our own stupidity just for me to get ravved trying to be brave. It was a sad ending to a perfect friendship
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Simo94 » 02 Feb 2018, 16:08

One time we were retreating from a crawling ass Hydro to a safe Nexus, I stumbled upon a marine on the floor begging for his damn life, I helped him up, fixed em up a little bit with what lil medical training my private ass had, but there is a twist, there is always a twist, he was blind, could not see a damn thing in an already dark as fuck jungle hell planet, so I escorted him to the LZ, as the Rasputin wasnt there yet, and told him to ''wait here, ill be back I promise!'', I went back to nexus to grab something I cant remember what was for the life of me, but what do you know, a full fledged fucking hive inside what used to be Nexus ''FOB'', I think I lost my head there that day, while the poor marine is still on the LZ asking ''are you there?.......hey buddy is that you?..........''.

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Martzin » 03 Feb 2018, 03:18

I was an MP late-night with a couple other dudes who didn't say much. The only other guy who talked a lot was Doc Maddox, and we spent most of the round in R&R chatting about our past life with another MP sitting and listening. At the end the 'unscheduled hijack' message came on and me and him went to brig to arm up along with the other MPs. 4 Alpha squaddies, 2 of which were engineers with sentries came in telling us they needed to go to CIC. Then the DS crashed, all the lights and power went out in brig, but luckily 1 door was left open. A crusher and a hunter came out and fucked up 1 engie, and while he was getting patched up me, Doc and the other engie went in and retrieved the sentry crates no problem.

While we celebrated the crusher came through, rammed into Maddox and killed him almost instantly. We scared it off with bullet-fire and in the midst of the battle Maddox's body was set aflame by an incendiary grenade incase he wasn't dead enough. I panicked and mourned over my MP buddy and then the hunter and crusher came full-force and killed us all. Engie was crit, medic and the squaddie were xeno-slashed and I only had a pistol to fight with. CQC and pounces killed me.

The ironic thing is the DS crashed directly into CIC where all of us were headed. I tried getting us to go up the ladder when it hit but luckily nobody did. We were going straight to our deaths.
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Byond: DeusMort1s

Re: Tragedies?

Post by DeusMortis » 03 Feb 2018, 03:40

Spawn in and see we're a couple of hours into a match. Get fed, geared up, and rush to the RO line only to find out they were out of attachments.

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Bigfoun » 03 Feb 2018, 03:46

This is probably a moment that will always stick with me when I think of CM. Towards the end of the round when the xenos had already crash-landed into the Almayer, I get separated from my few remaining squadmates and wander near briefing. I had to maneuver past a nagging spitter that kept trying to catch me but luckily, I lost him. At this point, I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before some random hunter pounces me but, things unfolded very differently.

I spot a civilian (I forget if it was an engineer or colonist survivor. God, I wish I remembered the person's name) whom was wandering about all frightened and begin to offer reassurance that everything would be alright. This man sticks by my side as we carefully try to make our way to a pod. A few runners attempt to harass us but luckily, I manage to land a few hits to keep them at bay.

The coast seems clear until, it isn't. Suddenly, a ravager appears and charges into the civilian, slicing his arm clean off. I begin to panic, thinking this is how my round will come to an end but by some divine intervention, I fire at it and cause it to momentarily flee. Knowing it'll return, I drag the civilian whom is now in the process of dying into Charlie prep. He begins to beg for mercy, going on about how the pain is just too much. I inject him with tricord, hoping it would hold him over.

I drag him once more, encountering a few other marines. Sadly, none were medics. We reach the upper pods seeing that a few were still open but, I watch as the civilian dies right before I could shove him in a cryo-pod. A sad round indeed.
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by TheMusician321 » 03 Feb 2018, 06:39

the first Dust Raider round, us 5 lads were kicking xeno ass, we managed to hold our crashed ship for a solid 30 minutes against 30+ xenos, we end up killing so many of them that Kavlo, the admin at the time had to spawn more, the Falling Falcons (thats you guys) finally arrive and help us drive them off, as we start charging into the caves the preds start attacking us, we kill two and as we kill the last one it explodes and kills our SGT and I get critically wounded, as they drag me off I scream for the Sarge, not knowing that he died while I was knocked out.
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Ed 'Wafflecone' Martin bites the Mature Hunter (251)!

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 03 Feb 2018, 18:43

As CO, I ordered all my troops to make a final stand in requisitions while I held down the CIC, I was trying to send a distress call.

As time passed, a runner snuck in by the vents and smashed nearly all lights, I was wounded by acid and a few scratches, but I would live. I checked the requisitions camera, all I could see was an ocean of weed and the fallen comrades of my ship.

The lockdown was lifted, and a single marine walked in, asking me to open the door, a sentinel was giving chase, but was killed off. I was badly wounded, with a broken skull, and could barely stand. The marine introduced himself as a CLF soldier, but decoded there was little point taking the Almayer due to the infestation.

At this point, I collapsed, the lockdown went back up, and we trapped a crusher. I begged the CLF to treat me enough to let me stand, and he tried, but the walls had begun melting...

The north wall collapsed and the Empress charges in, screeches, and nests us both. I stared her down and she stared right back. A carrier walks in, huggers in hands and infects us both. The round ends with the CLF breaking out and dying, and me being dragged off to the alamo, but not before critting a runner and shooting myself.
Commander Joseph 'Goliath' Clancy, occaisonal Charlie SL. Widowed father of three. Sufferer of PTSD and extremely Australian.
Corpswoman Judith 'Mèrci' Clancy, quiet, caring daughter looking out for her siblings.
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Sir Lordington » 03 Feb 2018, 19:05

Yes, often I lead a grueling operation along my trusty comrades of the CIC stuff and we bond and become super friends but then one of them does something stupid so I shoot them in the head.

I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Arbs » 03 Feb 2018, 19:21

Sir Lordington wrote:
03 Feb 2018, 19:05
Yes, often I lead a grueling operation along my trusty comrades of the CIC stuff and we bond and become super friends but then one of them does something stupid so I shoot them in the head.

Whew. Good thing ive not gotten Mateba’d. Yet.
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Byond: Skimmy2

Re: Tragedies?

Post by Skimmy2 » 03 Feb 2018, 20:25

Many months ago i was a PFC with a Flammer on Big Red, I had fallen back from the front towards the FOB due to injuries and after getting patched up I stumbled about near medbay. Their Valentina (If I remember right, its been a long time) as an Alpha Marine with a scoped M4 informed me of somebody being ambushed south, queue assaulting to the rescue.

I believe it was either 2 hunters/spitters in the ensuing battle, Valentina managed to crit the last xeno before being crit herself and I fried the thing and rushed over towards her and the wounded marine we saved, checked her and she wasint breathing.
Panic mode engaged.

Next 2-3 minutes of me ripping off the gasmasks and desperately giving CPR while screaming on the radio that medical has multiple wounded. A group of marines and medics arrive and around that time I find out that Valentina died while I was giving CPR, I sat in a corner freaking out while the medics worked with the defibrillators.

I guess to try and shorten this story ill skip ahead, she and the other dude are stabilized and preparing to head back up to the Almayer for medivac, and as im talking with her and about to evac myself I chest burst. Caught up in the RP I genuinely forgot that I got huggered while assualting with Bravo.
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Byond: BiscuitsAkimbo

Re: Tragedies?

Post by biscuitsakimbo » 03 Feb 2018, 20:45

On my first zombies round, before I even understood that CM had a zombie event, there was another alpha running for his life in the maintenance tunnels, frantically screaming for anyone at all to come help him. I did the whole, "Calm down, it's gonna be fine, I'm gonna get you out of there" routine, finding an MT to hack the tunnel door he was frantically banging to get out. That panicked run to engineering with just the 3 of us, pulse rifles blazing at the zombie menace, was intense as fuck. The tragedy was when after we made it to safety, he turned and infected me before I had to put him down.

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Byond: RiskySikh

Re: Tragedies?

Post by RiskySikh » 04 Feb 2018, 23:12

I was a Marine trying to evacuate from the Almayer and I made it to the escape pods I asked these PMC's to let me in, they said sure, but then out of no where they shot me to death.

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by NescauComToddy » 05 Feb 2018, 00:58

Playing as Peter, the Marines' victory had been withdrawn from their jaws, and approximately twenty xenomorphs invaded the U.S.S Almayer, killing almost all those who resisted alien supremacy.

I, along with a small group of Marines and civilians, including some MPs, went to the CIC, where I repaired the APC from the site in an attempt to activate the evacuation protocol. Unfortunately, it had already been initialized prior to my arrival at the CIC, and to my surprise, such an evacuation protocol had already been terminated, with most of the escape pods have already been released into space.

Since my group was composed of more than ten people, I could not just let them die in such a sad and tragic way. I quickly made an announcement, guiding all the survivors of the attack who had not evacuated to go immediately to the Normandy, where I would send them to the colony in five minutes in a desperate attempt to preserve their lives.

To add drama to this unhappy story, I told them that I could not evacuate, directing them to leave me seated on the 'throne' of the CIC, in which I said goodbye to everyone who had accompanied me thus far, wishing them a prosperous, good life and Godspeed.

The evacuation was a success. More than ten people evacuated, as there were other survivors scattered across the vessel.

In the end, Peter ended up alone in the dark, empty, depressing CIC, in which the remaining energy of the APC's power-cell was soon over. Smiling, knowing that, in the end, his duty had been successfully completed.

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by ColdSuit » 05 Feb 2018, 01:14

Infection rounds are a continuous spiral into horror. That intial first contact, that moment when the thing you just killed gets back up. That moment were your buddies turn and come for you. Slowly, whether on the ground or the Almayer, the situation falls apart. Small groups of marines cling to life in small strongholds, trying to fight back against the infected as ammo dwindles, marines fall, and the airwaves get progressively desperate then become quiet.

Soon your back is against the wall, counting the last of your ammo, as the undead pound against your fortifications. You radio for help, but all comes back through the earpiece is the unending screams of the unquiet dead.

You die alone and scared. The Almayer is no more than a cold metal tomb, left to drift in deep space for eternity as the dead stalk its dark bloodied halls.
"Huh, would you look at that... We are screwed yet again."
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You can give a smartgun to every marine, and they would still find a way to FF with it.

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Rikman » 05 Feb 2018, 14:22

ColdSuit wrote:
05 Feb 2018, 01:14
Infection rounds are a continuous spiral into horror. That intial first contact, that moment when the thing you just killed gets back up. That moment were your buddies turn and come for you. Slowly, whether on the ground or the Almayer, the situation falls apart. Small groups of marines cling to life in small strongholds, trying to fight back against the infected as ammo dwindles, marines fall, and the airwaves get progressively desperate then become quiet.

Soon your back is against the wall, counting the last of your ammo, as the undead pound against your fortifications. You radio for help, but all comes back through the earpiece is the unending screams of the unquiet dead.

You die alone and scared. The Almayer is no more than a cold metal tomb, left to drift in deep space for eternity as the dead stalk its dark bloodied halls.
Make more oh my god
“Here is the wild Homo Sapien hunting its prey. The humanoids are pack hunters, using their shoddy armor as a pitiful defense against the towering Insecta. The human is quickly downed by the Insecta’s powerful slash. But, sheer numbers of humanoids rampage the abuser and Insecta is eventually burned to death, beaten, and dismembered.”
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Rikman » 05 Feb 2018, 14:24

NescauComToddy wrote:
05 Feb 2018, 00:58
Playing as Peter, the Marines' victory had been withdrawn from their jaws, and approximately twenty xenomorphs invaded the U.S.S Almayer, killing almost all those who resisted alien supremacy.

I, along with a small group of Marines and civilians, including some MPs, went to the CIC, where I repaired the APC from the site in an attempt to activate the evacuation protocol. Unfortunately, it had already been initialized prior to my arrival at the CIC, and to my surprise, such an evacuation protocol had already been terminated, with most of the escape pods have already been released into space.

Since my group was composed of more than ten people, I could not just let them die in such a sad and tragic way. I quickly made an announcement, guiding all the survivors of the attack who had not evacuated to go immediately to the Normandy, where I would send them to the colony in five minutes in a desperate attempt to preserve their lives.

To add drama to this unhappy story, I told them that I could not evacuate, directing them to leave me seated on the 'throne' of the CIC, in which I said goodbye to everyone who had accompanied me thus far, wishing them a prosperous, good life and Godspeed.

The evacuation was a success. More than ten people evacuated, as there were other survivors scattered across the vessel.

In the end, Peter ended up alone in the dark, empty, depressing CIC, in which the remaining energy of the APC's power-cell was soon over. Smiling, knowing that, in the end, his duty had been successfully completed.
“Here is the wild Homo Sapien hunting its prey. The humanoids are pack hunters, using their shoddy armor as a pitiful defense against the towering Insecta. The human is quickly downed by the Insecta’s powerful slash. But, sheer numbers of humanoids rampage the abuser and Insecta is eventually burned to death, beaten, and dismembered.”
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Heckenshutze » 05 Feb 2018, 15:02

I'll never forget how as XO I tried to protect Jones, and those scummy xeno nerds slashed it to death. Damn bastards.
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by 4thsurviver » 06 Feb 2018, 18:14

I had a MP round on a lowpop and was RPing with another MP and and basically became partners. At some point we noticed the XO who was acting CO had left the ship and we tried to recall the XO back to the ship but got no response as comms were down on Ice Planet. So we decided to go down and get the XO back on the ship since we had no one left in the CIC. We were unprepared for what we found. LZ 1 was under heavy siege and XO was holding the line with a smartgun. Also at the LZ there was a marine playing the piano during this last stand. We tried to get XO back on the DS but it took off, leaving Me, my partner, the XO, the piano man and several of the marines down on the planet. We kept holding them off but started getting picked off and my partner got critted and I dragged them back to the pad and took their weapon to go hold off the xenos. I got caught on the wrong of a boiler cloud and captured just in time to hear the DS land. Everyone managed to escape including the piano man who took their piano with them. When my partner awoke in medbay they tried to find me on the ship but I was gone and they mourned my death and cried for me as the piano man kept playing.

Its probably the only time someone mourned my death rather then give a passive "that sucks" about it. Certainly my favorite round I played back in the Sulaco days.
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Re: Tragedies?

Post by Survivor » 12 Feb 2018, 17:07

Zombie round, I was one of the two medical researchers. Had become friends with a doctor named Kathrine. Long story short, crash happens, manage to get the cure, but heavily injured. She saves my life with autodoc, but five minutes later gets slaughtered by a wheelchair zombie and his horde. Felt so damn bad for not having the ammo to save her.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson

Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance

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Byond: NicoDeimos

Re: Tragedies?

Post by NicoDeimos » 12 Feb 2018, 19:26

GoliathTheDespoiler wrote:
03 Feb 2018, 18:43
As CO, I ordered all my troops to make a final stand in requisitions while I held down the CIC, I was trying to send a distress call.

As time passed, a runner snuck in by the vents and smashed nearly all lights, I was wounded by acid and a few scratches, but I would live. I checked the requisitions camera, all I could see was an ocean of weed and the fallen comrades of my ship.

The lockdown was lifted, and a single marine walked in, asking me to open the door, a sentinel was giving chase, but was killed off. I was badly wounded, with a broken skull, and could barely stand. The marine introduced himself as a CLF soldier, but decoded there was little point taking the Almayer due to the infestation.

At this point, I collapsed, the lockdown went back up, and we trapped a crusher. I begged the CLF to treat me enough to let me stand, and he tried, but the walls had begun melting...

The north wall collapsed and the Empress charges in, screeches, and nests us both. I stared her down and she stared right back. A carrier walks in, huggers in hands and infects us both. The round ends with the CLF breaking out and dying, and me being dragged off to the alamo, but not before critting a runner and shooting myself.
Hey, I was that CLF! Half the ERT stayed on the pod because it was shortly after the update where the dropship crash knocked out all the Almayer lights and CLF don't spawn with any light source. The other half made it to a prep room and had to don marine armor just for the light. Everyone else charged briefing and I was the only one that actually went to CIC. Little did I know you and I were the only ones left.

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Re: Tragedies?

Post by getfreur » 19 Feb 2018, 21:15

Simo94 wrote:
02 Feb 2018, 16:08
One time we were retreating from a crawling ass Hydro to a safe Nexus, I stumbled upon a marine on the floor begging for his damn life, I helped him up, fixed em up a little bit with what lil medical training my private ass had, but there is a twist, there is always a twist, he was blind, could not see a damn thing in an already dark as fuck jungle hell planet, so I escorted him to the LZ, as the Rasputin wasnt there yet, and told him to ''wait here, ill be back I promise!'', I went back to nexus to grab something I cant remember what was for the life of me, but what do you know, a full fledged fucking hive inside what used to be Nexus ''FOB'', I think I lost my head there that day, while the poor marine is still on the LZ asking ''are you there?.......hey buddy is that you?..........''.
That was sad as fuck

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