Blade2000br's Moderator Application
- Blade2000Br
- Registered user
- Posts: 730
- Joined: 12 Jun 2017, 14:09
- Byond: blade2000br
Blade2000br's Moderator Application
Byond ID: Blade2000br
Colonial Marines Character: Jason 'Punk' Crowmel
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT -3
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
on Week days, I can go about 3-6 hours and weekends, depending on the day can go about 4-7 hours. So, in general, is about 23 to 42 hours.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I have been Moderator in a few games around my time as Gamer. Ranging from Minecraft to Browser-based RTS online games
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
negative, Only played this one, Version Omega.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
None. I have some issues logging on Yog, Lags hella much on Paradise and Hippie and other issues appear that makes me unable to join other server besides CM.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
None at the moment.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Not right now Currently.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
I will be honest and say I have no idea what is Slack nor how to use it, but I am fast learner and will get used to it quickly.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I will let it play out and deem IC issue, as the MPs have detained the shooter.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
First, I will assess the situation:
Is it a small breach? If it is, I will let it go as IC issue but SM an MT/CE/Engineer to seal it if it's possible. If none of them are present, I will seal the hole myself. I will then check if those that died/are dying are being taken care by medics. If they are, will remain IC issue. If not,as the case of low-pop, I will ask to ahelp so they can be ahealed.
If it's a medium/Big Breach to space, I will seal it as fast as possible and ask to everyone that suffered from this to Ahelp so I can aheal then.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
I will PM a Mentor, if any is online, to help the player.
If none is around, I will help him myself.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
First of all, I will remain professional and calmly explain to him to tone down the rudeness in the Ahelp, as the Staff are volunteers and not are being paid to take that.
I will also explain to him he doesn't have to demand an admin+ if it's something a Mod, in case me, can handle it.
I will only ping an Admin+ on Slack if it's a really serious situation that ran out of my control.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
I will calmly explain that is still in the rules that you cannot have that specific name, depending on what it is, as per rules.
I will quickly tell him that ignorance is not an excuse, link him the rules page and request him to change his name after the round ended, writing the incident in his notes.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
This is again, an IC issue for the MPs to handle. If no MP notices it, I will SM the MP/CMP for a more subtle approach.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Well, they cannot do this right as of now, since the skill update, but if it's based on pre-skill update I will just tell him that Medics does not know about the surgery and cannot do it.
I will link the Marine-RP rules to him and note this for future reference. Though, if he's in the middle of it, I will let him finish, the player receiving surgery shouldn't suffer from this.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
As Mods do not have ARES announcements permissions, I will SM the Commander that "You feel you could defeat the enemy threat" Or something along those lines. Further actions mgiht be taken depending on the round, but this could normally suffice the issue.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
I will tell the Iron Bear that shooting between enemy factions/antags are not covered in the EORG rule and link him the rules.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
As per recent forum announcement, this is taken more strictly.
I will PM the offender and give a very Heavy warning about round-start shenanigans and check for his notes. If he has no previous notes, I will just note that heavy warning and move on.
If he does have previous notes, then a 3-Hour ban might be applicable.
If the offender ever wonders why this is happening, I will link him the forum announcement made by Feweh.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I will tell him this is improper escalation and link him the rules forum.
I will then check his for his notes, If he has no notes prior to that I will probably leave a heavy warning on him and that next offense might/will result in a ban.
If he does have prior notes, then a 3-hour ban might be needed. Depending on the notes, it might go up to 1-day ban or 3-day ban.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
I will first see if there's an admin online. If no Admins are online, I will go to slack and ping any admin online to check the issue, describing it.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
I will tell him that minor racist comments IC are ok. If it keeps minor, I will let it be.
If it grows, however, to a bit bigger than it's supposed, I will LOOC for then to tone down a bit.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
I gonna put a 7-day ban on this guy, Note for future reference and OOC everyone that got wounded for that to Ahelp so I can Aheal.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
I will PM the player to know the reason why he did that. I will check for his notes to see if he had done any previous actions as Larva like that and link him the rules page.
If he has no notes, I will give him a warning about running to the frontlines as larva and note the situation.
If he does have notes about this type of behavior, I will apply a xeno Jban and note the incident.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Will PM the player to ask him to stop. I will then check his notes to know if he had done anything like that in the past.
If no notes, I will just let the warning and leave him be, noting the incident.
If he had previous notes, 3-hour ban might cool down his memery a bit, noting the incident.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
I will tell this Xeno that the hivemind is the English translation of Xeno talk, and it's perfectly ok to call Dropship the "Dropship".
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
I will SM the player about "How You don't know about the existence of Aliens at the colony" or something along those lines. Will probably leave it be as IC issue. Peharps SMing the XO/SO that the CO might be off his meds.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
This one is a bit tricky, so I will apply the logic that I learned from my parents, Lawyers, in a RL case-scenario:
The ship is being boarded, Aliens are murdering everything and everyone. The pod is completely full and if 4 marines enter the pod, it explodes. It's a literal risk of life scenario.
In this case, I would probably PM the accused, give him a warning about shooting people like that, but will not do anything beyond that as it's understandable.
However, randomly gunning the person down without not even a single exchange of words might be classified as improper escalation and notes coupled with warning/Ban might be handed out.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I will get this Staff member on private and tell him what he did incorrectly/gave the wrong information. Then, I will try assist him to reduce the issues that could potentially arise from there.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
I will take screenshots/proof and show it to a Senior of said Staff Member.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Ignore as it is only salty banter.
Any additional information you' like to add?
I will be starting Uni at 20th Feb, and might loose the start activity I will have from then. Hope this not influences my chances :d
Colonial Marines Character: Jason 'Punk' Crowmel
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT -3
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
on Week days, I can go about 3-6 hours and weekends, depending on the day can go about 4-7 hours. So, in general, is about 23 to 42 hours.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I have been Moderator in a few games around my time as Gamer. Ranging from Minecraft to Browser-based RTS online games
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
negative, Only played this one, Version Omega.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
None. I have some issues logging on Yog, Lags hella much on Paradise and Hippie and other issues appear that makes me unable to join other server besides CM.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
None at the moment.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Not right now Currently.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
I will be honest and say I have no idea what is Slack nor how to use it, but I am fast learner and will get used to it quickly.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
I will let it play out and deem IC issue, as the MPs have detained the shooter.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
First, I will assess the situation:
Is it a small breach? If it is, I will let it go as IC issue but SM an MT/CE/Engineer to seal it if it's possible. If none of them are present, I will seal the hole myself. I will then check if those that died/are dying are being taken care by medics. If they are, will remain IC issue. If not,as the case of low-pop, I will ask to ahelp so they can be ahealed.
If it's a medium/Big Breach to space, I will seal it as fast as possible and ask to everyone that suffered from this to Ahelp so I can aheal then.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
I will PM a Mentor, if any is online, to help the player.
If none is around, I will help him myself.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
First of all, I will remain professional and calmly explain to him to tone down the rudeness in the Ahelp, as the Staff are volunteers and not are being paid to take that.
I will also explain to him he doesn't have to demand an admin+ if it's something a Mod, in case me, can handle it.
I will only ping an Admin+ on Slack if it's a really serious situation that ran out of my control.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
I will calmly explain that is still in the rules that you cannot have that specific name, depending on what it is, as per rules.
I will quickly tell him that ignorance is not an excuse, link him the rules page and request him to change his name after the round ended, writing the incident in his notes.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
This is again, an IC issue for the MPs to handle. If no MP notices it, I will SM the MP/CMP for a more subtle approach.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Well, they cannot do this right as of now, since the skill update, but if it's based on pre-skill update I will just tell him that Medics does not know about the surgery and cannot do it.
I will link the Marine-RP rules to him and note this for future reference. Though, if he's in the middle of it, I will let him finish, the player receiving surgery shouldn't suffer from this.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
As Mods do not have ARES announcements permissions, I will SM the Commander that "You feel you could defeat the enemy threat" Or something along those lines. Further actions mgiht be taken depending on the round, but this could normally suffice the issue.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile IRON BEAR and the IRON BEAR Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
I will tell the Iron Bear that shooting between enemy factions/antags are not covered in the EORG rule and link him the rules.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
As per recent forum announcement, this is taken more strictly.
I will PM the offender and give a very Heavy warning about round-start shenanigans and check for his notes. If he has no previous notes, I will just note that heavy warning and move on.
If he does have previous notes, then a 3-Hour ban might be applicable.
If the offender ever wonders why this is happening, I will link him the forum announcement made by Feweh.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I will tell him this is improper escalation and link him the rules forum.
I will then check his for his notes, If he has no notes prior to that I will probably leave a heavy warning on him and that next offense might/will result in a ban.
If he does have prior notes, then a 3-hour ban might be needed. Depending on the notes, it might go up to 1-day ban or 3-day ban.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
I will first see if there's an admin online. If no Admins are online, I will go to slack and ping any admin online to check the issue, describing it.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
I will tell him that minor racist comments IC are ok. If it keeps minor, I will let it be.
If it grows, however, to a bit bigger than it's supposed, I will LOOC for then to tone down a bit.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
I gonna put a 7-day ban on this guy, Note for future reference and OOC everyone that got wounded for that to Ahelp so I can Aheal.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
I will PM the player to know the reason why he did that. I will check for his notes to see if he had done any previous actions as Larva like that and link him the rules page.
If he has no notes, I will give him a warning about running to the frontlines as larva and note the situation.
If he does have notes about this type of behavior, I will apply a xeno Jban and note the incident.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Will PM the player to ask him to stop. I will then check his notes to know if he had done anything like that in the past.
If no notes, I will just let the warning and leave him be, noting the incident.
If he had previous notes, 3-hour ban might cool down his memery a bit, noting the incident.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
I will tell this Xeno that the hivemind is the English translation of Xeno talk, and it's perfectly ok to call Dropship the "Dropship".
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
I will SM the player about "How You don't know about the existence of Aliens at the colony" or something along those lines. Will probably leave it be as IC issue. Peharps SMing the XO/SO that the CO might be off his meds.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
This one is a bit tricky, so I will apply the logic that I learned from my parents, Lawyers, in a RL case-scenario:
The ship is being boarded, Aliens are murdering everything and everyone. The pod is completely full and if 4 marines enter the pod, it explodes. It's a literal risk of life scenario.
In this case, I would probably PM the accused, give him a warning about shooting people like that, but will not do anything beyond that as it's understandable.
However, randomly gunning the person down without not even a single exchange of words might be classified as improper escalation and notes coupled with warning/Ban might be handed out.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I will get this Staff member on private and tell him what he did incorrectly/gave the wrong information. Then, I will try assist him to reduce the issues that could potentially arise from there.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
I will take screenshots/proof and show it to a Senior of said Staff Member.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Ignore as it is only salty banter.
Any additional information you' like to add?
I will be starting Uni at 20th Feb, and might loose the start activity I will have from then. Hope this not influences my chances :d
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.
Former Rapey Ravager Hater.
Former Rapey Ravager Hater.
- Sir Lordington
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- Posts: 624
- Joined: 07 Sep 2017, 03:43
- Byond: Sirlordington
Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
I'd like to preface this by saying that Blade is an excellent MP with a great grasp of Marine Law which lends credibility to his capacity to understand and apply rules and to make judgement calls when necessary.
That said, there's a few points I'd like to raise.
1. Is an OOC issue. A random shooting breaks both rule 7 and the Roleplay guidelines at the very least. You should talk to the shooter, check his notes and apply punishment accordingly while ahealing the victim.
2. Breaches really shouldn't be occurring. A player caused breach is an especially grave issue and you should be right on top of them, pred explosions notwithstanding.
18. A creative solution, but you should still PM them and note the issue, as recurring problems may warrant a command jobban.
19. Escape pod shooting is fine if there's no other choice. If you have to warn someone in most cases you should also make anote.
As an aside, banning creates a note automatically, but you couldn't know that.
Overall, you show a decent understanding of procedure. There's a few issues here and there but I think with a small change in mindset with regards to some issues there shouldn't be any problems, and that's what trial is for.
I'll give you a +1
That said, there's a few points I'd like to raise.
1. Is an OOC issue. A random shooting breaks both rule 7 and the Roleplay guidelines at the very least. You should talk to the shooter, check his notes and apply punishment accordingly while ahealing the victim.
2. Breaches really shouldn't be occurring. A player caused breach is an especially grave issue and you should be right on top of them, pred explosions notwithstanding.
18. A creative solution, but you should still PM them and note the issue, as recurring problems may warrant a command jobban.
19. Escape pod shooting is fine if there's no other choice. If you have to warn someone in most cases you should also make anote.
As an aside, banning creates a note automatically, but you couldn't know that.
Overall, you show a decent understanding of procedure. There's a few issues here and there but I think with a small change in mindset with regards to some issues there shouldn't be any problems, and that's what trial is for.
I'll give you a +1
I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
- NescauComToddy
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- Byond: NescauComToddy
Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
► Show Spoiler
Blade, as Lordington said, is a great MP, and my (In-game) experiences with him have always been decent.
Slc (Although he is not currently the head of the moderators) will be definitely happy to have a Brazilian on staff.
Last edited by NescauComToddy on 04 Feb 2018, 11:50, edited 1 time in total.
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.
Retired staff (moderator).
- Tharinoma
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Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
Hi Blade2000br,
In 7, isn't the player receiving surgery powergaming too? He should know medics aren't supposed to do surgery...
You're waaaaay too lenient in 18.
Neutral for now.
In 7, isn't the player receiving surgery powergaming too? He should know medics aren't supposed to do surgery...
You're waaaaay too lenient in 18.
Neutral for now.
Player PM from player/(Larva (247)) (?): It's totally realistic to challenge someone to do boxing for a mouse trap, in the middle of a alien occupation.
- Blade2000Br
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- Joined: 12 Jun 2017, 14:09
- Byond: blade2000br
Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
My answers to your concerns are in green, and thank you.NescauComToddy wrote: ↑04 Feb 2018, 11:49Some of your answers have had a lack of desired detail, but I believe a trial period can easily fix these minor issues in your app.► Show Spoiler
Blade, as Lordington said, is a great MP, and my (In-game) experiences with him have always been decent.
Slc (Although he is not currently the head of the moderators) will be definitely happy to have a Brazilian on staff.
Hello Tharinoma.
Well, I don't believe the player receiving surgery should get punished by that. He might know, but honestly, if he's about to die he wouldn't care if it was powergaming or not. He would only try to remain in the round. He just did it in a very unsportsmanship way.
The one that was doing the surgery, however, shouldn't even remotely THINK he can do it as medic.
To 18, I didn't think it would be extremely damaging if he slipped a word about 'Xenos'. I mean, I already have done that before and got corrected by the Players, not even receiving a bwoink and never doing this again. This also influenced the way to my action on 18.
Now, if that CO was using that information to max of his capability, IE. "Xenos is hiding probably on X or Y build, so all squads are to advance", This would be considered OOC issue and I would step up, checking his note history and applying punishment as seen fit.
But thank you for your vote.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.
Former Rapey Ravager Hater.
Former Rapey Ravager Hater.
- Skysoldier
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- Byond: Skysoldier
Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
Your answers are interesting, and green on white is ridiculously hard to read for me, but anyway...
Generally, most of the answers are covered by others so I'll just give you a small comment.
Think about 18, it's not that he didn't cause damage, you just have to enforce the rules.
What if there was a situation that he wasn't told otherwise by other players? What if he doesn't understand that what he did is wrong? What if he only understood that this is only one type of metagaming from other players but didn't actually understand the rule?
Not only you should actually warn him, it also works as preventative medicine by informing the player as such, and in your case, the staff team might not have noticed you because no one was paying attention and no one ahelped it.
This works for every rule essentially, if you see a rule break you should confront it.
Also, number 4. if they are excessively rude, it's a bannable offense, remind them as so, and you could also note the behavior, also applies for number 21 depends on the severity.
But overall, I'll give you +1, your answers are fine and could easily be remedied in the trial period.
Generally, most of the answers are covered by others so I'll just give you a small comment.
Think about 18, it's not that he didn't cause damage, you just have to enforce the rules.
What if there was a situation that he wasn't told otherwise by other players? What if he doesn't understand that what he did is wrong? What if he only understood that this is only one type of metagaming from other players but didn't actually understand the rule?
Not only you should actually warn him, it also works as preventative medicine by informing the player as such, and in your case, the staff team might not have noticed you because no one was paying attention and no one ahelped it.
This works for every rule essentially, if you see a rule break you should confront it.
Also, number 4. if they are excessively rude, it's a bannable offense, remind them as so, and you could also note the behavior, also applies for number 21 depends on the severity.
But overall, I'll give you +1, your answers are fine and could easily be remedied in the trial period.
Etka Re'vier - the guy who is reluctant to do anything.
Etka N'thal'eyal - Smith preddo on a journey training.
R I P Musica Hamlio - 13/02/2018
Moderator from 18 Sep 2017 - 20 Mar 2018
Trial Admin from 20 Mar 2018 - 21 Apr 2018
Admin from 21 Apr 2018 - Now
You only live once, think about what you are doing, what you can do, what you will do. Don't make mistakes or regret your decisions, you will only ever make them once every time until it's over.
Etka N'thal'eyal - Smith preddo on a journey training.
R I P Musica Hamlio - 13/02/2018
Moderator from 18 Sep 2017 - 20 Mar 2018
Trial Admin from 20 Mar 2018 - 21 Apr 2018
Admin from 21 Apr 2018 - Now
You only live once, think about what you are doing, what you can do, what you will do. Don't make mistakes or regret your decisions, you will only ever make them once every time until it's over.
- Blade2000Br
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- Joined: 12 Jun 2017, 14:09
- Byond: blade2000br
Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
I see, Noted for future reference. Thanks Sky.Skysoldier wrote: ↑04 Feb 2018, 22:57Your answers are interesting, and green on white is ridiculously hard to read for me, but anyway...
Generally, most of the answers are covered by others so I'll just give you a small comment.
Think about 18, it's not that he didn't cause damage, you just have to enforce the rules.
What if there was a situation that he wasn't told otherwise by other players? What if he doesn't understand that what he did is wrong? What if he only understood that this is only one type of metagaming from other players but didn't actually understand the rule?
Not only you should actually warn him, it also works as preventative medicine by informing the player as such, and in your case, the staff team might not have noticed you because no one was paying attention and no one ahelped it.
This works for every rule essentially, if you see a rule break you should confront it.
Also, number 4. if they are excessively rude, it's a bannable offense, remind them as so, and you could also note the behavior, also applies for number 21 depends on the severity.
But overall, I'll give you +1, your answers are fine and could easily be remedied in the trial period.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.
Former Rapey Ravager Hater.
Former Rapey Ravager Hater.
- Solarmare
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- Byond: Solarmare
Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
I suppose I would have a slight concern that you may not step in where it's necessary, it's worth checking checking into such things as nescau noted in regards to question 1. This is just where it seems clear where it should be handled such as in 7 or 18, but you have already noted that in your responses. Overall your other responses and answers are decent, things like the case in 6 can be left IC. The thirty minute ban mentioned isn't really standard (as its a progression from 3 hours to a day to 3 days), but it's up to the moderators discretion on punishment.
I'd be willing to see how you'd handle the trial period at least, so I'll give this a +1.
I'd be willing to see how you'd handle the trial period at least, so I'll give this a +1.
Can you heeeeaaaaar am I floating in my tin can. A last glimpse of the world.
Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing left to do.
Forum Rule #2: Do NOT post in an appeal if you are not contributing as a witness, if you are keep it simple and easy to read.
Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing left to do.
Forum Rule #2: Do NOT post in an appeal if you are not contributing as a witness, if you are keep it simple and easy to read.
- Blade2000Br
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Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
Thanks for the vouch of trust, Solar.Solarmare wrote: ↑06 Feb 2018, 04:50I suppose I would have a slight concern that you may not step in where it's necessary, it's worth checking checking into such things as nescau noted in regards to question 1. This is just where it seems clear where it should be handled such as in 7 or 18, but you have already noted that in your responses. Overall your other responses and answers are decent, things like the case in 6 can be left IC. The thirty minute ban mentioned isn't really standard (as its a progression from 3 hours to a day to 3 days), but it's up to the moderators discretion on punishment.
I'd be willing to see how you'd handle the trial period at least, so I'll give this a +1.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.
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- Jaketeaking
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Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
Going to remain neutral on this. Your answers are ok, except for where others have mentioned issues, but i've noticed some questionable discord behaviour over the past month or so.
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" - General George S Patton
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"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" - General George S Patton
WO first ever round -- only doctor.
WOv2 - First ever CO to survive more than 30 minutes, thanks to the help of bravo, charlie, delta, and flex the madman who killed at least 30 using an MG turret and an epic bombardment -- an average CM round for me

- VitorThauma
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Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
Not sure on this one. The application is not that bad, but, as Jake stated, I've seen you being salty over some little things, so I'm not sure if you're already prepared to be a moderator. I think you still need some time, so I'll remain neutral for now.
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- Blade2000Br
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Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
I am on phone but will answer both you and Jake's concerns:VitorThauma wrote: ↑06 Feb 2018, 17:59Not sure on this one. The application is not that bad, but, as Jake stated, I've seen you being salty over some little things, so I'm not sure if you're already prepared to be a moderator. I think you still need some time, so I'll remain neutral for now.
I know what you guys are getting, and I understand the flag being raisen here. But I will explain the Discord disputes.
No, I don't get "salty" as per the actual word. The most I do is literally just jokes thrown around about being salty. I never actually be salt.
Now, one thing I admit is true is that I am a bit abrasive to self-entitled people. Some guys on Discord talks about being the best there is and whatnot, and this do annoy me. So I start disagreing with then on purpose so they can stop acting in such a manner.
Though this does sounds immature, and I agree with that. That's why I have been stopping doing this, and just chatting.
Please, do not take my "jokes" in a serious manner on the general, this does not say the type of person I am. I know the time to meme, and the time to be serious. And you won't need to worry about this type of behaviour happening in-game.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.
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- Jerkface00
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Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
Good criticisms and the replies thus far to them are on point.
I'll check back in a few days to see what else is said before coming to a decision.
I'll check back in a few days to see what else is said before coming to a decision.
- Blade2000Br
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Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
Wow, when I first saw Jerkface's message I got a thing on my spine.
Then felt relief. I think this is good.
Then felt relief. I think this is good.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.
Former Rapey Ravager Hater.
Former Rapey Ravager Hater.
- Jerkface00
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Re: Blade2000br's Moderator Application
If saltyness is an issue, I'm expecting you'll keep it in check. Your application looks like you understand that there is a line and you have a reasonable idea where it is.
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Approved for trial.
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