TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

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TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 20 Feb 2018, 15:14

Byond ID:

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):
Karla Mikhaylova - My main Marine character.
Cerise - My Synthetic.
Xenomorph and Synthetic are what I play most of the time. I also find myself playing shipside roles much more often compared to groundside.

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name):

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?
Extremely, considering how often it comes up and the amount of times I have read through it.

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):
A Reflective Hunt
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How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?
So, I intend to play my Predator primarily as an observing force, this certainly does not mean only running around within cloak making spooky sounds. I definitely intend to make myself seen. What I mean by this is that I intend on not only playing the round to hunt silently. I wish to hopefully make a bit of an RP environment and interact with Marines. Vaya is a bit sadistic, she enjoys toying with her prey and gains great catharsis likening back to her training by watching them suffer. She likes to watch them squirm, commonly discarding what remains of her kills to further strike fear into the rest. (Besides the trophy itself, of course.) Spreading it among the battlefield in bloody pieces, and acting as a demoralizing agent towards those unfortunate enough to be her target. I want to make the environment of the colony itself feel like a horror movie, I want marines to see their comrades body parts and blood splattered on the walls, I want the victims to scream over the comms before they go silent. I want to create ambience, I suppose.

With other Predators, I do intend to RP with them as well, though Vaya will have a slight reluctance and jealous attitude towards them, seeking to improve herself and show them up. Her upbringing causing her to always seek to outperform the others, she will face a bit of reluctance at first with the others, but over time become closer. Her competitive spirit to prove herself encompassing much of her actions, split at odds with her own nature of enjoying the drawn out hunt of the wounded prey. I think it would be a quite interesting engagement.

My primary goal would be to make the round interesting for others, and most importantly, those I choose to hunt. Nobody likes dying, but if someone has to die, I hope for it to have a purpose in helping the rounds environment, be that affecting the other players around them, as part of a challenge they wished to partake, or otherwise. I want those that are gone to have a good experience observing me, and feeling like the death they attained was worth it. (Not that I plan on racking up a massive kill count anyways) Furthermore, I feel like wounding people, and them getting away, causes much more RP than murdering them on the spot. I feel the pleasure she gains in watching her prey suffer before snuffing them out will help extend encounters and cause a bit more RP than a simple uncloak and kill.

Interacting and interfering with the main course of the round itself, I find that I would be generally opposed, my character preferring to remain at a distance and range, because after all, the conflict may enhance the hunt, and it would do well to keep it persisting. It may also be interesting to observe the humans themselves take on the ultimate prey, and perhaps even an inkling respect could be earned, if they perform well. Marines doing well would garner perhaps a semblance of respect, and result in some more RP opportunities. The conflict is a good source in noticing which among the humans ranks would make good and worthy prey.

An interesting aspect I wished to touch upon that I feel is lacking, in my terms observing Predators at least, is the creation of the ultimate hunt. My Predator, while certainly gaining joy and a sense of delight from watching her Prey suffer, wishes to find those that persevere through the taunts and challenges, those that grow ever stronger. These are the ones worthy of being hunted and challenged. I would like to, likely around the end of the round, where the surface is devoid of primarily Marines and Xenos, is interact with the few that are inevitably left behind, seeking to challenge them, kidnap and force them to fight eachother in the Arena. All in an effort to improve the skill and challenge of their own hunt, when they decide to end it, as well as give the other players something to do besides ghost or suicide, of course.

I would also like to mention that I do fully understand the role of a Predator in a round, as a mere seasoning or sprinkling on top of an already interesting round, as opposed to the main course.

Why should we whitelist you?
I've been here for well over a year with very little trouble with staff, and i've learned a lot in my time here as staff, in game, and about the community as a whole since my last application. During these times I have absolutely been scanning over the mistakes I have made in the past. Primarily, I had hoped to gain further inspiration from current Predator players, as well as refresh and revise myself. I find myself commonly observing Predator players, and going over past applications more than a few times to see what made them good. (or bad)

I like to think I have proved myself in my role playing abilities through my time as Synth and activity in the community. I greatly enjoy making the round a bit more fun for others, and well, I simply hope to be able to inspire others the same way they have inspired me to improve. While my forum activity has certainly dropped a bit, I find my own activity has remained fairly steady on the server, and it's vastly increased on the Discord itself.

Further, I believe my actions in game are a bit of a testament towards my actions against straight up murdering roleplay events or characters. I vastly prefer evacuating for example, even though it does "cut the round short". ICly, it makes the most sense as an action to do. I prefer to talk to and role play with survivors when I can, and meeting Predator players in game? Well, I have to say, it's almost always an interesting experience, as I attempt to well, at the least give them something else to go on than yet another Marine silently shooting them.

I simply believe I can make the round a more enjoyable experience for Xenos, Humans, and Predators alike.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?
No, I haven't.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?
No, I am not.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?
I understand and would hope that the standards are enforced as equally with me as it would with anyone else.

Final Words
Well, thank you for taking the time to read this! It took me quite a while to make, i'm quite indecisive at times, especially with the backstory. I hope it was good! Hopefully not too generic, not incredibly long either though I feel it's quite short and sweet and gets the character and my understanding across. I was really eager to do a bit of a different setting than the typical jungle environment I see used in most stories, so I hope at the least it was interesting and helped demonstrate the character well. I humbly ask you to give me any criticism you have. I'm aware I can be quite a rambler and some of my intent may not have come across very well, so if you have any questions or clarifications you wish to ask of me, please feel free. Any tips to improve or errors I made are also welcome for you to point out. I'd love to know if anything was bad so I can improve upon it if need be. Anyways! Thanks again for reading.
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by Rikman » 20 Feb 2018, 15:26

I’ve seen you as synth, (I think, I remember the synth name) pretty good roleplayer, and the story is awesome as well.

+1 I think you would do well as pred.
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by Nightwolf901 » 21 Feb 2018, 02:04

Know you, Got the activity. Story was okay and everything. Nothing seems that bad. +1 from me
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by Lukey111 » 21 Feb 2018, 08:05

Do not know your characters, but number of posts are enough o cover for that.
You put the work-ethic in there.
Story is not half-bad.

Nothing really else to say, 1+ from me.
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by Weaselburg » 23 Feb 2018, 12:07

Know you as a Synth, good RPer. +1
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by ParadoxSpace » 24 Feb 2018, 01:08

I know Masketta Man as a good member of the community, and I know their story as very well written. +1

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by spartanbobby » 24 Feb 2018, 01:27

Masked has been around for awhile and was a min so I feel like he can be trusted with the role.

The only time I can ever remember interacting with your synthetic with during purge while the RP was a little on the silly side it was still good fun to RP with you

I'll toss you a +1 best of luck to you

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by edda » 24 Feb 2018, 02:19

Cerise is a very competent synth. Plays a mean queen. Never RP'd with you at length, but I believe you know what you're doing.

Strong +1 from me.
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by AccointNaim » 24 Feb 2018, 06:26

I don't remember you or your Synth, but I don't remember those I RP with that well, I've most likely seen you before. The story is fantastic, better than anything I can do, anyways. I'll give this a +1, best of luck. -Jasmine 'Life' Bullard.
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by Adralimas » 25 Feb 2018, 08:22

Masked is a hell of a good RPer fersure, +1 to them joinin those lovely Yautja hunter's!
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by dadols » 25 Feb 2018, 13:17

Saw you as Cerise,while I was a Marine/XO/Researcher multiple times,
Good Player.

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by Youngblood » 27 Feb 2018, 22:11

Enjoyed the read. It's written well, gives us a rough idea about who your character is, without too much fluff. Your playstyle is just down my lane, too. I think it very important for predator players to realize, how much potential they have as far as influencing a round goes. It's not something to be taken lightly and you make it clear, that you want to contribute to making other players' rounds more enjoyable, as opposed to going on a rampage-like joyride. So for that, I'll +1 your app.

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by edda » 27 Feb 2018, 22:59

You're a robust xeno. You're a good queen. +1
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by DeusMortis » 28 Feb 2018, 09:12

Interesting play style and an entertaining story to boot.

I haven't seen you much as a marine but as a synth, I've seen you carry yourself with a good level of rp and done nothing that'd lead me to believe that you wouldn't take being a Predator seriously.

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by [REDACTED] » 28 Feb 2018, 10:15

Seen you as a marine good Roleplayer, like your story

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by NGGJamie » 06 Mar 2018, 10:57

I know Masked well and believe he’d do just fine with the role. +1 from me
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by Dolth » 07 Mar 2018, 02:28

I pretty much deny and unvouch everyone on those kind of appbut right now. You're one rare type of people that I believe and trust to be fair and relatively smart people.

And I like the story, hope you'll fight among the said and given lines you wrote.

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by Heckenshutze » 08 Mar 2018, 08:06

I don't have problem with this, however, since you were staff and you're already a synthetic player the highest standard is expected from you, good luck.

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by AverageSpitter » 17 Mar 2018, 18:12

Synth name definitely rings a bell, I liked the story and your post count is great.

Any clues you can give me on your xeno playstyle so i can tell when you are around?

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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 17 Mar 2018, 19:05

AverageSpitter wrote:
17 Mar 2018, 18:12
Synth name definitely rings a bell, I liked the story and your post count is great.

Any clues you can give me on your xeno playstyle so i can tell when you are around?

Sure. I mean, it's a bit of an odd question to answer for sure as I vary my playstyle as Xeno quite a lot. I play most castes honestly. I quite enjoy Drone and find it a bit meditative to just build a big hive. Hunter is fun simply to get some catharsis by stabbing people, and Praetorian is, oof, well let's just say it's quite enjoyable to melt Marines into nothing.

I wouldn't exactly say my Xeno playstyle is entirely unique, I mostly stay quiet, talk generally with other Xenos, and just play the round the best I can, much like most other Xenos I suppose. I do go Queen occasionally, but alas RNG isn't usually in my favor. I suppose I could say I was that Ancient Empress on the Almayer this past week that took on like 30 Marines alone with the only other Xeno being an Ancient Hunter.

Not too much to say, I play most castes and it's generally relaxing.
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Re: TheMaskedMan2 - Vaya'Nylk

Post by NGGJamie » 18 Mar 2018, 07:47

Accepted. Good synth player, good story.
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