WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

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WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Post by HackedGlass » 12 Mar 2018, 10:12

Your Byond Key: HackedGlass

Your Character Name: Jaeger "Lucky" Volks

Accused Byond Key(if known): Taketheshot56

Character Name: Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 7:00-8:00 PM

What rule(s) were broken: Marine Law; specifically the part;
"NOTE: It is the duty of the arresting marine, to determine the punishment, ranging from the Minimum to Maximum. It is reccomended to make the severity of the punishment meet the crime and to minimize excessive punishments."

Description of the incident:
It all started when I was in line to get attachments, I heard our staff officer announce on squad coms that "Helmets are mandatory." I then took the opportunity to tell the guy in front of me, the smartgunner Chen, that he needed to get a helmet. I primarily told him this because I wanted his spot in line, so when an MP arrived to the scene later to tell Chen that he needed to leave the line and get a helmet, Chen wasn't complying, so I shoved him to get him out of line faster. A couple of seconds later, the CMP showed up, Patton "Hardtack" Moore, and the CMP decided to ask me to get out of line to be arrested for assault. Of course I was going to try and stall like Chen did, but then Chen ran up with his helmet on now, and started to push me. In response to this push I started to punch Chen to get him off me, and once I was out of the line, I punched him again out of frustration at losing my spot.

I was then promptly told I would be perma'd. I thought he was joking at first, but once I reached the brig I began frantically praying for help from the "greater powers." To my great relief, I got a response and it said something along the lines of "I'll see about getting you out of perma." I was then a bit later, told by the CMP that the CO had pardoned my sentence and I was to be allowed another chance, an hour in a regular brig cell, I figured it was better than perma, so I was fine with that, even got a neat little bit with CO Carson after that.

Bottom line; I got out of perma, but I feel I shouldn't've been in perma to start, I feel that the CMP should have been able to tell that, what I didn't wasn't that serious, as nobody was permanently hurt, less than a handful of people were even inconvenienced, and that's not the purpose for perma, brigging rowdy marines.

PS: I know I was fully guilty of the crimes I committed, I even might have been guilty of some lowrp along the way.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
"John hes now under arrest for resisting and assault... toss him in perma.":

I also had an Admin assist me with the information regarding the player report I wanted to file, and I ASSUME the admin that answered my prayers, literally, but I had my windows operating system crash while I was serving my hour sentence, so I was only able to gather one screenshot. sadly.

How you would punish the accused: I would like a jobban, or at the very least, a temporary jobban, to understand what perma is for.

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Re: WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Post by Tharinoma » 12 Mar 2018, 14:44

Relevant Logs:
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Mod Adralimas looked into the issue during the round and apparently didn't detect any breach of procedure or marine law.

For reference:
Resisting arrest : 10-30
Assault : 10-30
Disrespect : 5-10
(Disorderly conduct : 10-30)

Just resisting plus assault is (nearly) enough to perma you on max timer : 20-60 Minutes.
Two counts of assault, resisting plus disrespect is 35-1h40
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Re: WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Post by taketheshot56 » 12 Mar 2018, 15:40

Right so this situation, as explained by the admin above there was no breach in marine law committed by me as this was indeed handled by a mod. Yet I wish to explain this in the hopes my position is understood.

So to explain here we have a quote directly from the wiki of marine law.
"EXCESSIVE TIME: If the total punishment is to exceed 60 minutes, the Chief MP can give special permission for permanent confinement, no matter the crime."

As for the situation and context. After dealing with chen and his hat issue he reported you for assault. I went to the req line to deal with it.
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As we can see here, after informing you of your arrest chen disarms you twice to which you respond by punching. Chens actions were not the best but regardless you should not have hit him back.
So after this you begin to run away from me pushing your way out of line, at this point you are now wanted for resisting as well. You then launch into ANOTHER attack on Chen.
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All the while chen is trying to subdue you, you keep punching him. So I finally get you cuffed and hand you off to the MP. At this point your crimes are two counts of assault and resisting.

(I clarified with Adralimas and he told me that should two separate assaults occur with time in between each other it would be regarded as two counts. Therefore your assault before the arrest and your assault after I said you were under arrest are separate counts seeing as there was roughly a few minutes in between.)

So here your minimum time is 30 minutes and your max is 90. Your time is easily enough to toss you in perma at this point. Thats when you begin disrespecting me while I instruct my MP what to do, so we add disrespect on.
So he gets taken off to the brig and tossed in perma. Thats when I got pinged by adralimas, we spoke for a while regarding the issue and he confirmed that you had committed two counts of assault and said ultimately it was up to me whether you were in perma. So after a good talk I decide, "you know maybe he doesn't deserve to be in perma, i dont wanna take away this guys whole round, despite his antics." So I head back to the brig and grab him from perma, trying to make myself not look weak in front of the marines, I told him the CO decided he would be better off not in perma, a decision made wholly by myself. So I grab you from perma and start taking you back to the regular cell block. You continue to disrespect with quotes like "Someones got a stick up his ass" and "Wow Im really surprised you haven't got a shiv to the back here warrant...." regardless of that disrespect I put you in for the following time.

Assault 1 - 20mins
Assault 2 - 20mins
Disrespect -10mins
Resisting -10mins

I feel that time is very lenient and I did so of my own accord You got 60mins for a list of charges most CMPs would've left you to rot in perma for. Not to mention I could've charged you with disorderly conduct as well, and the second round of disrespect but I didn't.

All in all your chargelist was long and I couldve charged you with more crimes. Following marine law you could've easily been tossed in perma. Instead I gave you a relatively light brig time for your numerous crimes.
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Re: WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Post by HackedGlass » 12 Mar 2018, 16:00

I mean, I wouldn't say I was "resisting arrest" as I was just moving closer to punch Chen more...
Regardless, while I still feel I shouldn't have been put in perma for just a small scuffle and some insults, I can see where you're coming from. I'll admit, I was being an ass pretty much the whole time, mostly from my frustrations at being perma'd over a req line fight. But since you did decide to move me out of perma, despite my numerous comments and insults, I was grateful-ish. I was... more inclined to believe that you were coerced into it by the admin, and less out of the kindness of your heart, ergo, the insults, but I still don't believe that my case would have garnered the maximum sentence anyway.
In any case, after cooling down a bit, getting released early, and seeing how much of an ass I was from your point of view, I am willing to drop this whole thing, and I'm inclined to give my apologies to the MPs, for my dickish behavior.

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Re: WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Post by taketheshot56 » 12 Mar 2018, 16:07

I accept your apology, we all do things sometimes that seem to be the best in the heat of the moment. Its good that you realize this and are willing to make amends. I think moving on would be best for everyone.
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Re: WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Post by WinterClould » 12 Mar 2018, 16:39

(Seems like you guys are letting bygones be bygones but I still need to post my view of everything since I was kinda a big reason this all happened. Just for records and all that, sorry if I come off like a dick in all of this but its my perspective of that part of the round. No hard feelings between you and me I hope HackedGlass.)

Here's my play by play.
I woke up, didn't pay any attention to comms or anything because who does that. While hanging out in the RO line waiting as normal Jaeger starts telling me I need a helmet and tries pushing me out of line via walking into me from behind since you can do that when your on the bottom corner of the line. I hadn't heard the command order to wear one but it wasn't like I was going to leave to go get one anyway, not just because some PFC who right from the start clearly just wanted my spot in line says so. So he's walking into me trying to take my spot and I got a lucky disarm on him and pushed him down one hit. I took my rightful spot back in line and dragged him back into his like the gentleman I am and left it at that.

Not accepting his clear defeat Jaeger continued to poke the smartgunner bear that was I. When the all star blue haired MP played by JerkFace comes over to tell me to put on a hat I tried to make some RP excuses to get out of it but this Jaeger guy felt the need to keep yelling behind me and disarming me. Eventually Jerkface just pulled me out of the line in cuffs since it was probably clear to him I was bullshiting. Around then Patton saw me getting dragged away with this guy yelling at me and allowed me to grab a helmet to avoid jail time, so under supervision I went and got a helmet. But before I'd returned to the back of the RO line I decided I needed to show this PFC why you shouldn't yell "Get fucked Chen" while I'm getting arrested.

This is when I ran up to him, disarmed him a few times, and pulled him back a bunch of spots in the line so he'd lose his spot. He decided to punch me for this which was totally reasonable Icly but not okay in the eyes of marine law or the MP's who must not have seen me run up on him disarming him. So I just kept disarming him as he punched me and I just went to the back of the line having accepted that as all the revenge I'd needed. But, the MP's didn't catch that it had been me that restarted our fight and all they saw was him punching me, so, they started to arrested him and only him for it all. He ran from them a little just to get a few more jabs at me, punched me again, then finally got arrested and sentenced to perma. That's what I saw and it made me very happy. I reluctantly wore a helmet till we made it to the colony where I took it right off and just wore the hat I stashed in my armor. Didn't die. Kicked beno ass, didn't hear from Jaeger or the MP's ever again. My SO tried to tell me to get a Helmet on at one point and said Carson had deployed and would BE me if he saw me but I just delivered a sick oneliner and called the bluff.

All in all, Patton applied marine law properly in my books but maybe didn't investigate into the fact that I did totally start the fight even if it was just disarms. Still, can't blame a man for not noticing everything.
Jaeger didn't help himself with his low RP yelling and super uncool snitching.(I mean really man just let the MP's handle things they're pretty good at enforcing that helmet bullshit, if you wanted my place in line all you had to do was be quiet and wait). Also prolly could have defended himself better by telling the MP's about how I started the fight instead of just saying he didn't assault me.

It's clear for me to see that Patton has always been a good CMP/MP from all the time I've played with him and he does not deserve a job ban at all. We'll wait for higher ups to take a looky at this though,
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Re: WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Post by Adralimas » 12 Mar 2018, 18:33

Always nice to see people talk like adults and genuinely apologize to each other, Makes me all fuzzy inside.
As the moderator that handled the issue there's not a whole lot for me to say, Hardtack handled this quite well.
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Re: WO Patton "Hardtack" Moore

Post by Emeraldblood » 16 Mar 2018, 13:44

No rules were directly broken in Marine Law, so there's nothing to place any punishments for. No punishments will be placed; resolved.
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