M60 machinegun

MP5SD - Cant' remember if this is based on pre-existing MP5 sprite, but I don't believe it is. I think I made it from scratch.

S&W X-Frame 500 magnum - Chambered in .500 mag

Custom edition of same gun, with night sights and rubberized polymer grip

Snubnose version of gun chambered in slightly weaker .50 Action Express

Mosberg super shorty, can carry it where you can carry a pistol. Think I used riot shotgun as a base.

The M1911 I gave security in addition to their tazers.

FAMAS F1, which I even made eject steel cases instead of brass for realism.

All of these guns used the actual rate of fire they have in real life, which made some of them super OP (I'm lookin' at you FAMAS) but it was a lot of fun. The .500 mag was given to the captain and HoS because it could blow out a reinforced window very quickly and penetrate mech armor. The M60 was basically a SAW with more damage and louder noise. And yes the MP5SD was suppressed in the game code, so you could shoot people with it and no one could see whodunnit in the game logs, so wearing a mask and doing that was a good strategy.