Admin Complaint - Gerald888

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Admin Complaint - Gerald888

Post by Tranquil » 28 Mar 2018, 18:39

Your Byond Key: Tranquilmemes

Your Character Name: Jonathan Ali

Their Byond key: Gerald888

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 5-10 minutes ago, 3:30 PM, west coast time

Which Staff Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:
3. Determine the seriousness of the issue
a. This is very important because the seriousness should match the punishment. For example: using light netspeak (emoji’s and such) is not a bannable offense for first time offenders; however, killing a marine for an insufficient reasons is.

5. Determine the punishment.
a. Determine the bare minimum punishment. There's no reason to jump straight to a ban, especially if the incident didn't cause a major disruption to the game. Try to use warnings, and if you do need to ban don't be excessive. Most bans should not be above 12 hours.

Description of the incident:
MPs were tasing some random marine, so I decided to make a jape, simple locker room humor, about how in the old days we would "fuck the insubordinates in the ass", referencing hazing rituals practiced in Soviet Russia, and eastern bloc countries, before the fall of the Soviet Union. Immediately after I get PMed by this lad, "Gerald888", with a message simply saying "We'd fuck who?", and I respond to complete the sentence. He says this sentence was somehow ERP, and i ask him how a sentence can be seen as erotic role playing, despite me making no attempts at erotic role playing. He also states that this is 18+ conversation, in the ban. I tell him that in this game you mow down aliens, as you get torn to pieces and dragged to a hive made out of resin, as an alien pops out of you, as you try to shoot yourself with a pistol hidden in your boots. He then proceeds to give me a 24 hour ban for this, and stating I argued with the admins. I believe this person over exaggerated his powers, and was simply looking for something to ban, ignoring the people who were referencing blatant OOC things next to me, such as "Google". Maybe picking me out since I just joined the server, and didn't have a recognizable static name or reputation.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
I don't have the logs, because I'm not the person to save everything that happens to me, but the other admins probably have all the logs.

How you would punish the accused:
Reeducation on how to be a proper moderator.

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Re: Admin Complaint - Gerald888

Post by Casany » 28 Mar 2018, 19:38

Just gonna post the full rule here so you can read it.

No Erotic Role Play (ERP), No Erotric Content, and no 18+ sexual content - ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY! ERP, or Erotic Roleplay, is defined as roleplay that has a strong erotic element intended to elicit a sexual response from the receiver(s). It may involve two or more people or be done in front of spectators. This includes reading stories about ERP but not participating directly (WGW), or posting links to adult websites and images. Both consensual and non-consensual ERP will be met with a PERMABAN. This is not to be confused with distasteful but acceptable marine bravado such as "/me scratches his crotch" or "/me pinches [player]'s nipple." However, these actions can be handled IC as Neglect of Duty or Sexual Assault per Marine Law. Bottom line: If you're not sure if it's ERP or not, or you don't want to be permabanned, just don't do it.

Basically ERP isnt always erotic roleplay, but anything sexual or 18+. And the remark you made could be considered just that
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

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Re: Admin Complaint - Gerald888

Post by Tranquil » 28 Mar 2018, 19:43

Casany wrote:
28 Mar 2018, 19:38
ERP, or Erotic Roleplay, is defined as roleplay that has a strong erotic element intended to elicit a sexual response from the receiver(s).
I wasn't planning to bend over the insubordinate, I was simply making a joke. simply bravado, as stated in the rule.

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Re: Admin Complaint - Gerald888

Post by Adralimas » 28 Mar 2018, 19:54

PM's between staff and player.
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Re: Admin Complaint - Gerald888

Post by Gerald888 » 28 Mar 2018, 20:18

So I'm just gonna comment on this now, The proof is there that I was going to give you a warning but you continued to argue with me about it. Talking about F*cking someone in the *ss isn't just bravado, You could have had a warning for minor ERP/18+ but now we are here. We have minors in this community that don't need to be involved in such lewd conversations, Yes I understand this is online but we aren't a website with lewd photos.

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Re: Admin Complaint - Gerald888

Post by Tranquil » 28 Mar 2018, 20:24

Has Colonial Marines reached a point where you can’t swear anymore? It’s like i’m playing runescape back in 2007. A sentence with the word f**k in it is considered erotic roleplay.

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Re: Admin Complaint - Gerald888

Post by slc97 » 28 Mar 2018, 20:28

There are a couple lines of logs that got left out including you discussing gay sex. Needless to say, you blatantly broke the 18+ comment rule. Worst things Gerald did was be too lenient with the ban and say it was the ERP rule instead of the 18+ rule.

You are allowed to curse in CM, but you are not allowed to use 18+ sexual content like you pretty blatantly did. Report is resolved and your ban will be increased to 3 days for a false report.
