Player name you use the most: Jason 'Punk' Crowmel
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
But of course.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
I do yes.
Battlefield Executions is the primary and last effort method of disciplination/Threat remover tool at the disposal of the Commander of USS Almayer, granted by the HC of the USCM forces. This tool was granted to the CO to repel/Remove any threats to the OP, that can be harmful or that can be a danger to the crew and others.
Often a tool of disciplinary action, yes, but the primary use is to assert and make sure The Operation goes smoothly as possible, without any issues whatsoever. Only the CO is granted this and he can use at anyone at any time, given that he makes an announcement post-BE of the reason. But this can be questioned by the MPs via a fax to HC.
My comment/Opinion:
This is a very powerful tool that a whitelist possess. Thing is, it can be abused and can ruin rounds for players. Even though 95% of the players that get BEd are for a legitimate reason, there's a lot of controversy around it. My opinion on it is that it has it's used to make sure the OP doesn't just become can I put it... hellhole.So, it's of my understanding that the ability to BE is an "evil needed" to maintain balance in our chaotic server.
How I gonna use it on my rounds:
This seems "cliché" but I will abstain from using my BE tool willy-nilly. Just because I can, doesn't mean I have to. It's of my understanding that the BE should be used as the Supreme court of my country: As the last instance. The last judgment. The end of all.
Therefore, I will only use of BEs that are in the direst of the situations.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
But of course, As CMP Main, I know the CO is not above the law and if he's to be arrested, he is supposed to accept it. I will not get over the Marine law/Nor bend it for my own amusement. I will leave that to the MPs. Nor I will try to "BE" MPs for trying to arrest me, which is something that seems to happen from time to time.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
As the Commander of the 7th Falling Falcons, USS Almayer as popularly called, my Job as the Commander is to make sure the Operation goes smoothly, the round goes well and players have fun. Being a font of enjoyment and quality RP for the marines, which is something that surely lacks on some of the whitelisted ones.
It appears Commanders have lost more of this RP essence, and I intend to bring it back to a more shiny way, in a sense.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
I have several ways to handle it, here I will post the "gauge meter" that I have in mind of how I will handle all the issues*
-Green level: I will take with the person in question for being insubordinate. I will give a chance to explain himself and, regardless of the reason, I will give a warning for it and tell to carry on.
-Blue level: He's being an annoyance/nuisance for the Command and will be told to tone it down, as long as well contacting the MPs to give a light disciplinary action (ie. clearing Almayer, organizing req equipment, organizing squad prep rooms etc).
-Red level: The player in question is starting to show some endangerment for the OP itself, probably causing the death of other marines in process. I will tell MPs to take a Harsh action on then. (IE. Brig)
-Delta Level: It's a literal threat to the mission/Severely insubordinate to the point of killing people equivalent to an entire squad/Is endangering other players gameplay. This type of people are the ones that will receive the Final Instance of punishment.
*There might be instances where this code will be overridden or escalate way faster than normally would (IE. going from Blue level to Delta level because the SO started killing people on the prep room)
Why should you be whitelisted?
Being a Player in this community for over a year now, I have been enjoying myself for the time. The game is really fun and intriguing, and I wanna contribute to give more dynamism for the rounds. I feel I am confident enough to take more responsibility in the rounds and try to do something that makes everyone have fun, attempting to strive away from metas and just try new and innovative things. Might not always work, but damned I will be if I don't try.
I will go a more tactician type of CO with a more Military-esque type of attitude. Relaying commands in a more promptly way, making the information run through the chain of command. As CO, I will give the directories for the XO and SOs, as well as squads, and instruct then from there. But giving the Control of the OP for the XOs to do whatever they want with the instructions I gave, only getting in to change something or do more of a big maneuver.
I will rarely go ground side, as CO, you don't charge with your men, you order then to charge while giving moral support. This is what I gonna do, amp my marines with morale boosts messages and any other ways to make sure marines stay motived.
And before anyone that had me under XO tells here, I won't "deny" attachments for Privates, this is one of my XO gimmicks. as CO, I will do a change of such gimmick, as I do with any rank I play. I change my playstyle for any rank I play, and CO won't be different. If you take me as CO, you will see different things as seeing me as XO.
Overall, I thank you for anyone that review this app, be it a positive or negative, I accept all feedback